2018 Encampment | The Bigger Picture

Recorded on October 15, 2018 from the Encampment of the New Message from God.

Patricia: It’s important for us to, if we can together, zoom out a little bit, sort of, perhaps, zoom out—make an effort to send the sign to the Source of the New Message, the Angelic Community, that we’re here. We really need to get the nature of the times. We need this. And we will take this realization back to all those micro moments of our lives. But we need this. We need this.

So this Encampment is actually part of a larger process. This is a very big process. I mentioned it last night. This process is almost riding up over Marshall’s head and shoulders, extending itself out into the world. We have an opportunity to actually provide strength…you know what I mean, to provide strength.

Marshall was sent here to initiate a larger process. You know when the New Message uses a word like redemption, it’s hard to…you know, it’s almost like a religious term from yesteryear. Redemption. We have this long human history behind us that’s very weighty. And this New Message has come to assist us towards living a new history. Part of that history is the history of survival. Why? Because we have a contribution to make as a race.

So this is large, a larger context. Like, why did the New Message come now, I mean? And it came in such a torrent, right, because the window…why was the window so narrow? And also realities were building within the world and around the world. And yet a certain level of activation had to be resonant within the human population, the human race. And there’s been a growing level of what we might refer to as an activation, an activation. And a number of things historically have contributed to that.

So we’re here now. Marshall was sent here, just now, into these times to receive this Revelation now. We are the first to respond.

We know now, both through our own experience and through what we can see and what we hear coming back from the human experience that big things are underway.

Reed: There is a larger process underway in the world, a process of calling and awakening and of planetary challenge. And the calling and the awakening are meant to meet that planetary challenge. But a Revelation is needed to activate that process, to get that moving in the world.

And this process is even bigger than the New Message. It’s bigger than us. It’s bigger than Marshall. It’s happening in millions already. Millions of people are already moving on the inside. Maybe they can’t feel that or know it or make sense of it. And so what this is is a part of that process underway now through the Revelation. But it’s meant to go far beyond this room to reach many millions of people ultimately.

So in this Encampment, our hope is to go to that. Our hope is to go to the one truth that stands behind all of this: 9,000 pages; 850 Angelic encounters; 52 books—behind all of it, there is one reality. And that is the process of the Creator speaking to those in Separation in this world, calling them forth to meet the needs of our planet at this time so that our world can take the next big step.

So in this Encampment, that’s where we’re going. We’re going to zoom out. We’re going to step outside of the bounds of our own lives and identities in which we live—all of us, every week, every month—and which more or less constitute our reality, personally. Our hope is to step out of that and go higher and see the larger picture so that we all can take stock of our part in that picture, and perhaps more appropriately, more expeditiously, move in life as part of a larger coordination of people. Because without the bigger picture, there’s no context. There’s no context for studenthood, for community, for mission. We wouldn’t know what we were attempting. We wouldn’t know what success would be. We wouldn’t know when to stop. We wouldn’t know when to start. So the context is really everything.

And so the focus of this Encampment is really moving forward with Marshall, with Knowledge and with the New Message into a new reality in the world. How does this happen in our own lives? How will you do this in your way? How will I do it? This is the work. This is the next step. This is the story, as Marshall said last night.

So moving forward into a new world reality, a world undergoing Great Waves of change, undergoing contact with intelligent life, moving forward with Knowledge—this presence right here that is already connected to the New World reality. It knows already. We just need to go to it, moving forward with the New Message—its teaching, its education, the awareness it brings—and moving forward with Marshall, through whom a process is being initiated, through whom a time of Revelation is coming into being.

There is a basic process of giving and receiving going on. You are all here to receive this pure reality that will be given from Marshall, from us, from the Angelic Assembly, to take that reality into your life so that it is in you; it becomes your reality. And then you go into the world to your country, to your town, to your profession, and that reality would be like a wellspring. It would be coming from you now, so that several hundred people were with Marshall when he was in the world and received the reality and they made a place for it. They actually made space for it. They took the obstacles away so that it could come in, and then ultimately, the obstacles away so that it can go out and they can communicate it authentically because it’s theirs.

So there’s a very basic process of giving and receiving going on. The New Message says before you can give, you must receive. I know I’ve received for years untold as a kid in the back of the room, passively listening, while I was, whatever, playing my video games or building pillow forts or causing havoc. I was receiving. Somehow the reality found its way in.

This is pouring into the world. This is a new reality of awareness and understanding and experience, and it speaks of an actual reality to come for the world, a literal reality in form. And that’s where we’re going; we’re moving there. We’re moving there. And there’s a very essential process underway at the level of our studenthood to prepare us to be a part of that, to take a simple part.

So we’d like to leave you with one question that we will revisit. (reads)

What does it mean to you to move forward with Knowledge, the Messenger and the New Message into a new world reality?

You could go deep into this question simply asking, What does it mean to move forward? What is moving forward? And then, what is moving forward with Knowledge?

And then, what is moving forward with the Messenger? What is moving forward with the New Message?

And then, what does it mean to move forward into a new reality, a world reality?

(Appears on screen)

“The great Revelations bring not only prophecy and clarification, inspiration and spiritual power. They really are to change the reality of the world.

[from] How to regard the Messenger

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  1. Thank you Patricia: “Living a New History” – yes, it feels like that.

    Reed, as a Dance Movement Psychotherapist, movement has a special significance to me – thank you too.