2018 Encampment | The Messenger’s Opening Remarks

Recorded on October 14, 2018 from the Encampment of the New Message from God.
Marshall: The amazing thing is that each one of you has a story. And if you continue to live this story that has brought you here, it will be a story that will inspire others in the future, who are perhaps just beginning to consider the bigger direction of their life, what they’re really here to do, their dissatisfaction with their current circumstances, their need for strength and direction.
Your story…that you’re living right now. And you don’t know how far you’re into it because when you’re in it, you can’t tell. You can’t tell how far along you’re coming, how far you’ve come or how far you have to go. But it’s the story you’re living.
It’s a mysterious story and an inspiring story and at times a very confusing story. I know this story. And what’s leading you on is something very strong and powerful within you, but you may only glimpse it here and there.
So your being here is very important because a large part of success is just showing up. Just like your success in practice, showing up for practice as much as you can—showing up. If that doesn’t happen, then nothing else will. So I honor your being here.
And I’d like to now take a moment to pray for the people in the world who are facing great travail: Indonesia, Southeastern United States-Florida, Lisbon-Portugal, Somalia, and so many other things that never are shown to us in our news media—that the great waves are growing, becoming more powerful and more difficult to deal with. I pray that they will be comforted by the Presence. I pray that their hearts will be strengthened and that Knowledge within them will show them what they must do now to rebuild their lives, but also to strengthen their lives and to recognize that that which has undone their existence, that has destroyed so much, may be an opportunity for a new life for them.
For out of the ashes of destruction many great things can emerge.
I pray for this.
And I pray that each one of you will listen with your heart. Allow your questions to be there, but step away from self-doubt for this time to see what this time of Revelation, this time of engagement, can hold for you.
For this is a special moment for all of us when our Ancient Home can speak to us, guide us and give us courage and strength beyond what we can provide for ourselves.
The blessing is with us.
Welcome to the Encampment.
Nasi Novare Coram
“Listen with your heart”, “set aside self-doubt for this time.” Just what I needed to hear
Thank you, Marshall for this prayer and your never ending encouragement for others. ” I know the story !”
Revisiting <3 ~ Nasi Novare Coram ~
Thank you so much for this heartfelt, impactful message, prayer, and Calling Messenger!
“Out of the ashes of destruction, many great things can happen.”
“Set aside self doubt during this time.”