2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Our Work Together

Watch the Messenger speak during Day 15 of the Summit, Nov 21, 2020.
Session Transcript
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Session Transcript
Marshall: The New Message says some pretty revolutionary things about relationships. One of the things it says about relationships is that a relationship is not only based on recognition or initial responding, but on what you can do together. And it talks about relationship with Knowledge. Knowledge isn’t just a resource that you go to to get answers, like a crystal ball. It’s what you can do together. Knowledge is waiting for you to participate in what you’re meant to do together. You may be waiting for answers, but it’s really waiting for you to be ready to say: What must I do?
We have a relationship with the world that often spiritually minded people want to avoid or go away from. But really, the world will call out of you many things that you are to give and made to find your gift in many ways, just as Great Waves of change and our emergence in the Greater Community are defining what the New Message is meant to do in the world. So we have a relationship with the world.
And when you read the very important teachings in Relationships and Higher Purpose, the book, it talks about the different levels of relationship and how when you see things at the level of relationship or as relationships, things become much clearer.
So your relationship with me and your relationship with each other isn’t just based on recognition or having a wonderful moment together. It’s really based on what you can do together. And now we’re in the arena of Revelation where what you can do together really has to be based upon Knowledge more than any kind of personal intent or objectives. So we have sort of the ultimate platform together to experience relationship at this higher level of service and coordination.
So just remember, Knowledge is here to bring you into the world, not out of the world. You were sent to the world with a purpose that’s a blueprint that lives within you beyond the realm and the reach of your intellect, waiting for you to come to terms with your life sufficiently that you will want to know what this is, and you will seek it earnestly and humbly, with determination and real need.
So welcome to the fast lane where your life is bigger than you thought it was, faster than you thought you might want it to be and yet, and more consequential and more purposeful than you had thought of before. Because without this, we’ll all seek to be safe, comfortable and to have our desires satiated. And that does nothing for who we are or who sent us into the world or what we’re really here to do.
So the blessing is with us. Let us now be with the blessing and what it intends for us.
I’m not asking you to be anything other than who you are. I’m only asking you to be who you are—really who you are—true to yourself, to your deeper nature, to your deeper feelings, to your deeper sense of meaning and value. That’s what I need from you. It’s what I call for. But to get there is like going through a jungle of desires and plans and regrets and history and beliefs and associations. But there’s a way out of that jungle. It’s not a highway. It’s stepping stones through the jungle.
So to receive the New Message, to begin to receive a process of really liberating you from things that don’t really belong in your life and perhaps never have, and the sorting out that that requires and coming to terms with that within yourself is a step-by-step gradual process. That’s why Steps to Knowledge has a lot of steps and why you do it more than once. Because the process of coming to terms with Knowledge within yourself requires many steps and persistence on your part.
And truly as I’ve said before, if this is your destiny, then take the journey towards your destiny. You won’t know necessarily it is your destiny unless you reach a point where you realize, “Wow, I don’t think I could find what I really need anywhere else.” Because truly, we do not create our own pathway back to God or a pathway to higher purpose. That’s what we think about living in Separation. That’s not how this works.
Each of you has been given a pathway and a sacred rendezvous and a higher association to find and to discover in the world using your mind, using your senses, using your experience; and the growing sense of honesty and frustration within yourself that can make this discovery possible.
So there’s no patchwork spirituality here where you just choose whatever you like from many different pathways to construct a pathway that seems to fit for you, but it only fits for your personality; it has nothing to do with who you are. God has now sent a new ladder down from Heaven to add to the ladders that have been sent down.
You need to choose one of these ladders because on your own, you will not find a way back. Only God knows the way to God. Only Knowledge knows what your higher purpose is and how you are to discover it, who you are to meet, what you are to do.
The greater decisions in your life are already built into you to relieve you from the endless attempt to resolve them on your own. Who am I? Why am I here? There is no answer. There is only a journey to take. You have to get up this mountain to see clearly the mountain you’re on and your former life below and where you need to go and what you need to see and do.
There is no answer to those questions except the journey to take. “So keep walking,” as Patricia said. You are meant to live an inspired and determined life, which is not the kind of life you’ve lived in the past—not really. You’ll know the difference, truly, when you can get high enough up this mountain to really see, to really know and to really feel. Good. Glad you’re here. You made it this far. That’s really something.
You are not alone. Even in this world, you are not alone. People you see here are probably able to comprehend what’s been stirring within you for a long time, whereas perhaps many of the people, or most people you’re with now or have been with recently, could not understand that.
So we become points of light for each other. And we’re spread out in the whole world because we need to be spread out in the whole world so the New Message could plant seeds throughout the whole world. It can be very lonely, isolating.
However, your relationship with Knowledge is your focus. And that life will bring into you certain people with whom you create a greater association. How different this is from knowing a lot of people who don’t know you, and who you don’t know. It’s only an appearance of relationship; nothing real has happened yet.
Thank you Marshall.
Thank you Marshall. When I watch you speak – you, not The Assembly – it reminds me that you have part of the Revelation within you. I need to watch more of your videos. Very inspiring, very moving.
Thank you for your kindness. The relationship I have with you leads me to other relationships I never knew I had.
Thank you my dear Messenger for your words.
“So we become points of light for each other. And we’re spread out in the whole world because we need to be spread out in the whole world so the New Message could plant seeds throughout the whole world. It can be very lonely, isolating.”
The warmth of the light we are producing ourselves may offsets the isolation and loneliness which may accompany us in our freedom-journey.
How true that is what you say about relationships. How shallow and superficial most of the human relationships have become. It is through a shared purpose that great relationships and associations can be established and a real recognition of the other and understanding of ourselves can be realized. And as a result, we can eventually see who we really are and why we have come and what we are supposed to do here.
In deep gratitude and love.
Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you Marshall.
“*Each of you has been given a pathway and a sacred rendezvous and a higher association to find and to discover in the world using your mind, using your senses, using your experience; and the growing sense of honesty and frustration within yourself that can make this discovery possible.*”
Does the increase in honesty go hand in hand with the feeling of frustration? Does frustration belong to the path of the student of Knowledge, who is already on the way by doing the Steps to Knowledge?
I don’t quite understand this part.
Thank you.