2020 Summit | Marshall Vian Summers | The Great Coordination

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during Day 6 of the Summit, Nov 8, 2020.

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Zoom Chat Transcript
Session Transcript
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Zoom Chat Transcript

00:31:41	The Sanctuary of God's New Message:	Welcome everyone.
00:35:36	Jim B.:	audio going in and out
00:35:50	Alexander Floberg:	yes, it dessapeared, but back on now
00:36:07	Lorenc N:	yes something going on
00:36:08	Becky Wilson:	audio is very quiet
00:36:32	Virpi:	audio just fine here
00:40:18	Jim B.:	My God what a powerful passage and plan God has in motion.
00:41:40	Alexander Floberg:	Wow, amazing..
00:42:46	Mike Slack:	So even in the mental environment communication from the AA is completely impervious to outside forces.
00:48:23	Kristina -Boulder:	Thank you for this clarification, Marshall.
00:51:51	Maureen Murphy:	Wow! And we found it. We are part of this untold significance. Let us be grateful and honor that privilege.
00:51:53	reed:	“The ancient preparation in the restoration of individuals...”
00:52:18	Mathieu Goldstein:	“a miracle of untold significance…”
00:52:32	Mohammed - Pennsylvania:	So STK has given to our world and other worlds too?
00:52:50	Mike Slack:	"It is a miracle of untold significance that you have such a preparation now."
00:52:53	Jim B.:	Yes Mohammed. 
00:53:05	Maureen Murphy:	Yes, Mohammed.
00:54:34	Alexander Floberg:	Thank you Marshall
00:54:55	darlene:	From what I have understood is this is the first time Steps has been given to a whole world. In the past it’s been given to individuals with promise. (Reed correct me if I’m wrong.)
00:55:08	Levy Carneiro:	Thanks, MVS
00:55:13	Paul/USA/2010:	yes somehow your body receives it differently when you read it aloud.
00:55:36	Andrew Garrett:	I thought of the book The Giver...
00:55:51	Jim B.:	Yes Dar. our world from my understanding is the 1st
00:55:58	Owen Mylotte:	I think it's been said that it's rare but not unprecedented.
00:56:01	Ben de la Fontaine:	Good book Andrew
00:56:21	Chuang, Gretchen:	Thank you Darlene. I remember reading that somewhere in the revelations.
00:56:49	Mike Slack:	Dar, Jim, Reed, that is AMAZING!!!!
00:56:58	Maureen Murphy:	Just the first time given to the whole world in our world or the first time given to a whole world in the universe? I’d day the former?
00:57:24	Sanya:	In concert, does this mean all at the same time on other worlds too?
00:57:35	Kurijn:	Sobering…
00:58:35	Maureen Murphy:	I have to stop reading sometimes and just weep because the words are so impactful.
00:58:39	Chuang, Gretchen:	I seem to remember reading it was the first time to a whole world, a whole world of literal people. But don't quote me... someone please confirm..
00:58:43	Diane Scobee:	Ou world, a tiny grain of sand on a beach….Wow
00:58:48	Mohammed - Pennsylvania:	So the greater network of the Wise is still in physical dymension but also part of the Higher Powers?
00:59:35	Owen Mylotte:	The beach analogy always really strikes me deeply.
00:59:44	Mike Slack:	Recently NASA counted every star in the Andromeda galaxy... 1 Trillion stars/solar systems!
00:59:49	Jeffrey Adler:	“…bundles of galaxies…”
01:00:01	Maureen Murphy:	Yes, a beach as far as the eye can see.
01:00:26	Jim B.:	It is my understanding that because of the freedom that exists here our world is the 1st world to be given to a whole world and not just individuals hidden in their worlds.
01:01:24	Levy Carneiro:	I don’t think so, Jim. It’s not the 1st time, although it’s rare.
01:01:57	Jim B.:	Yes Levy I should say among the 1st...
01:03:40	Mike Slack:	From the far side of the Galaxy or Universe... I want 2 b sure I heard that correctly?
01:04:46	Jim B.:	Wow Marshall!
01:04:53	Maureen Murphy:	The New Message states that to understand what God is doing in our world, we must understand what God is doing in the entire universe. This is now being revealed for the first time through a New Message from God.
01:04:57	Sanya:	loosing some audio now..
01:05:08	Maureen Murphy:	The Lord of the universe realizes that this is the first time that a Revelation is being given into a world community, a global community with global commerce and communication. This is the first time that humanity will be able to hear the Voice of Revelation, a Voice such as that which spoke to the Jesus, the Buddha and the Muhammad.
01:05:25	Levy Carneiro:	Great clarification, “The Allies are not representing their own worlds, they are representing the Great Coordination”
01:05:36	The Sanctuary of God's New Message:	@Sanya, it must be on your end. How is the audio for everyone else?
01:05:46	Owen Mylotte:	It's good over here
01:05:51	Rudy Diaz:	Audio is really good here
01:05:56	Jim B.:	audio good hear kelvin
01:05:57	Mike Slack:	Maureen, you are a jewel!
01:05:58	Carol Coffey:	In and out at times.
01:06:02	Ed - USA, SoCal:	My audio's fine.
01:06:02	Shawn Mathieson:	Sound is fine here.
01:06:11	martin- Australia:	Fine here 
01:06:15	Jim B.:	Thanks Maureen!
01:06:15	Lin Zhu:	AOH4 fifth briefing -The Great Coordination; sixth briefing-The Networks of the Wise.
01:06:18	Diane Scobee:	My audio ok
01:06:38	Kristina:	The Steps to Knowledge, older then human civilization, it is. It comes from beyond the world. It has been practiced in many places in secrecy, in worlds where is no freedom. It is being given to the whole world now, which is a rare event in the history of your local universe. You have no idea how rare this really is....-The Pilgrimage
01:06:39	The Sanctuary of God's New Message:	@Sanya, it might be good, to plug in thought Ethernet if you are on Wifi. Wired into your house internet Router.
01:06:43	Mohammed - Pennsylvania:	audo fine
01:06:45	Jim B.:	Great Chapter Thanks Lin!
01:06:53	Maureen Murphy:	For the first time, a New Revelation is being given to a literate world, to a world of planetary communications, planetary commerce and for some people even planetary awareness.
01:07:20	Chuang, Gretchen:	That's it. Thank you Maureen.
01:07:21	Mike Slack:	Thank you Kristina!
01:07:29	Jim B.:	Thank you Kristina. 
01:08:36	Levy Carneiro:	Maureen, I think this passage is about the first time a revelation for our planet is given for the whole planet as opposed to local regions.
01:08:37	Mohammed - Pennsylvania:	Great, thank you Darlene, Kristina.
01:09:12	Mike Slack:	I think we understand STK being given to an entire world is EXTREMELY rare.
01:09:44	The Sanctuary of God's New Message:	Limited by circumstances….., circumstances we can change, thank you Marshall.
01:10:14	Mohammed - Pennsylvania:	Wow! Marshall, you just answered of thousand questions during Muhammad's era.
01:11:29	Patricia Summers:	The New Message and Marshall have opened a portal, probably unknown until this time, a portal into a greater Reality, yet this glimpse provides something for the us, the worldwide community, to consider together, as we come to realize what is being asked for. The calling going out to the worldwide community is a request to realize a tiny aspect of this Great Coordination…The Source of the NM called Marshall to live inside the stream of this level of relationship…it’s the only way he could have received the New Message…Hear him now…
01:11:29	Mohammed - Pennsylvania:	I'm so fulfilled especially why Muhammad has to be a political leader and head of a country?
01:13:14	Jim B.:	Wow Patricia!! Thank you for this! Powerful...so powerful your words are.
01:13:36	Mohammed - Pennsylvania:	Thank you, Patricia!
01:14:06	Jim B.:	"Mana" from Heaven!" Have not heard that term in quite a while!
01:15:03	Diane Scobee:	Thank you Patricia..
01:15:23	hyoyoung kim-South korea :	Thank you Marshall and Patricia
01:16:13	Mohammed - Pennsylvania:	As NM suggests I need to read "The Great Coordination" multiple times to understand fully.
01:16:40	Tyyne Andrews:	Nasi Novare Coram
01:16:42	Jim B.:	So GRAEFUL to you Marshall for your Teaching tonight! Wow...all I can say is Wow! Nasi Novare Coram
01:16:44	Mike Slack:	Nasi Novare Coram
01:16:47	j9 Butler:	NNC
01:16:47	hyeonam:	NNC
01:16:48	Patricia Summers:	Thank you all, as we go on now…together….
01:16:49	Samantha West:	Thank you Marshall...
01:16:50	Mathieu Goldstein:	Nasi Novare Coram
01:16:50	hyoyoung kim-South korea :	Beautiful

Open Zoom Chat

Session Transcript

Marshall: Welcome everyone. I’m glad you could join me for this time to be with the Great Coordination. This is going to represent a reality that is beyond our comprehension, but something that is highly relevant to who we are and what we’re attempting to do together in the Worldwide Community. 

I’d like to invite you as we go through this to really not deal with it at the level of ideas, not to deal with it intellectually or concepts, but more as an experience, more as a portal into a larger reality that can be felt, perhaps visualized in some simple way—something that strikes you at a deeper level. This is not information to speculate about or to conceptualize. It’s really a gift of giving us a glimpse into a larger universe in a larger spiritual reality that the New Message refers to in many different ways.

I’m going to speak about, also, how the Worldwide Community could have the potential to play a part in this Great Coordination, the Great Coordination being the bigger picture behind everything that we’re attempting to do here.

Aspects of this greater reality have been revealed to me over time, not completely because that’s not possible. The human mind cannot grasp something this big. I don’t think any mind in the universe can grab something this big, not living in physical reality at least. But it has given me a larger scope of things, a larger feel of things, that the New Message from God itself is a portal into a larger reality within ourselves, the well of Knowledge within us waiting to be explored, and also the larger reality that we’re emerging into as we stand at the threshold of space.

The Greater Coordination really is not as relevant to our affairs here on Earth only. Its importance comes into play as we begin to consider our emergence into a universe full of intelligent life as a physical reality and the spiritual reality that exists within it and beyond it at an entirely different level.

So I invite you to join me in going through this together, not to think about it, but just to be open to it. See what it evokes within you. What kind of feeling does it have for you? [audio dropout] … answers really. It’s a time to be with the Revelation as it gives something bigger to us so that we may have a sense of the importance of what we’re doing here together, the importance of our studenthood and the greater dimensions of God’s reality in this world and beyond.

The revelation The Great Coordination was revealed on October 26, 2016. It can be read on the New Message site, website, under “All Revelations”, and it can be listened to there as well. It will be part of a future volume, yet to be determined, within a book probably called The Higher Powers. We’ll see.

I’d like to do the first slide, please:

For the first time in history, God is throwing open the doors to life in the universe and to God’s greater Work in the universe. For to understand what God is doing in this world, you must understand what God is doing in the whole universe.”

The Heart of God

So the Great Coordination represents the spiritual work of God in the universe. We could call that a Greater Community Way of Knowledge. In the earlier teachings, the whole teaching was called The Greater Community Way of Knowledge. But that became part of something much bigger when the New Message from God was introduced right around the year 2000.

So the New Message from God is bringing us The Greater Community Way of Knowledge and a whole lot more. This gives us an opportunity to experience that we are citizens of a larger reality. We are engaged with a larger universe, a larger spiritual dimension within ourselves and beyond, and so forth.

Through these slides, I want to give you a glimpse of the Great Coordination and what it teaches, and the sense you might have in hearing it and seeing it. These are all quotes from The Great Coordination which I have selected. Each one of them represents a portal into a greater physical and spiritual universe. So take a moment and allow yourself to be quiet. Take a moment of stillness together to just be present in seeing and hearing what I’m about to read to you. Next slide, please.

It [the Great Coordination] was created by God. It is overseen by the Higher Powers. It is carried out through the Networks of the Wise and all of their many assistants and supporters, in ways that are so great, so varied and so manifest, you could not account for it all. Even within your local environment, even within your town or city, you could not account for all of the work of the Great Coordination. You cannot yet even account for it within yourself, for you are just beginning that journey.”

The Great Coordination

Just take a moment to be with this. So when They speak of Higher Powers here, They’re talking about the Angelic Assembly, not just in this world but in all worlds where intelligent life has either originated and continues to exist or what worlds that have been colonized by intelligent life. 

So the Higher Powers represents a vast network beyond anyone’s comprehension within this galaxy and other galaxies. 

The Networks of the Wise are all those on the ground who receive guidance and counsel from the Higher Powers, and through their own networks can communicate with each other, even in different worlds, through the Higher Powers, and can learn of others in different worlds that are part of that Network through the Higher Powers, beyond any kind of physical, mechanical or electronic devices. It cannot be tracked can. It cannot be intercepted or interfered with.

I personally have had a lot of experience with this kind of communication. So within my own experience I can certainly relate to its power and potency. And even for me it was emphasized this cannot be traced or tracked or interfered with by any mechanical electronic or other kind of device, even in the psychic realm, which makes the Revelation entirely authentic and uncorrupted.

Networks of the Wise and all of their many assistants and supporters—throughout the universe, these networks are very hidden. It’s rare that they can ever speak publicly because freedom is so rare in the universe, and clearly they’re following a Greater Power than whatever political or military power might preside over them in their native worlds.

And since they may never meet each other personally, these Networks have to be established through other higher means, certainly beyond our reckoning. Next slide, please.

It is a perfect Plan, but it must function in a changing and unpredictable reality, ever adapting itself to changing circumstances, unexpected events, for the Wise in any world cannot foresee everything nor understand the meaning of all things.”

The Great Coordination

So it’s also telling us here that no one living in physical reality can have a perfect or complete understanding of all things, and sometimes the complete understanding of anything that’s great or complex. But if you walk around this quote, you will be able to see things in here which will give you greater insight if you just look and listen and don’t be bound to having answers. This is not about having answers. Next slide, please.

The Great Coordination, which extends far beyond this world, far beyond this galaxy and to other galaxies, reaches all the way down inside of you to the most sacred and essential part of you. You are already wired into this great assistance, you see.”

The Great Coordination

So you may feel lost, but you’re not really lost. There’s a tether on you that you cannot see. Again, this is a walk around, be with, make no conclusions give no answers. Next slide, please.

Do not think the Angelic Presence stands by you at all times, for this is hardly the case. For God has put Knowledge within you to guide you. It is part of the Greater Coordination.”

The Great Coordination

So clearly what it is saying here is the Angelic Presence does not guide you; Knowledge guides you. The Angelic Presence may, or send one of their messengers to send a message into your mind in rare situations, but that’s not what really guides you. So never think your Teachers are always there with you. They have many to look after.

This also infers another entity from the invisible realm should be guiding you, maybe sending a message to you here and there, rarely, but not guiding you. We got to be really clear about that, or you open yourself up to all kinds of intrusion. Next slide, please. 

Do not think the Greater Coordination is running everything, for there is much chaos in the world. There is much danger and misery in the world. There is much destruction being carried out in the world because so many people live without this Knowledge. And so many people follow them. This is the great network of the foolish, the ignorant and the destructive.”

The Great Coordination

So not everything happens for a purpose. There’s no Divine order to everything. You’re living in a chaotic world. What is not chaotic is Knowledge and the Great Coordination. If you can come to terms with this, you’ll be able to approach Knowledge with much greater intention. Next slide.

What We are presenting here today requires a great preparation to comprehend and to experience authentically and consistently. And that is why through God’s Revelation for the world, the Steps to Knowledge have been given, the ancient preparation in the restoration of individuals and in the hope for races everywhere. It is a miracle of untold significance that you have such a preparation now.”

The Great Coordination

Just reread it carefully to yourself. Don’t try to understand. Just be with it. 

It’s extremely rare that we could be given Steps to Knowledge publicly. It’s usually kept for adepts and their students. It’s older than humanity. This is the human iteration of it made for our benefit. Next slide, please.

This is the Revelation that you have been waiting for, but you are uncertain if you are willing to take it on, to accept its challenge and its gift and its promise. This is your ambivalence, which weakens you and keeps you from clearly seeing the path you must follow and the work you must do and the decisions you must make. This is the challenge for all who can receive something of this magnitude.”

The Great Coordination

So don’t be harsh with yourself about being ambivalent. It’s the starting point for most who have the gift, been given the gift. It’s really good to read this out loud to yourself, each of these. I mean, I’m very auditory myself. So when I hear myself speaking it, it makes it more real than just reading it off a page. For some of you that might be helpful, like a recitation that you read out loud to yourself. Slide, please.

For God’s Work is not for this one world alone, but in concert with God’s Work everywhere. This one world…a tiny grain of sand on a beach as far as you can see in the physical reality. But God is aware of your world. The greater Network of the Wise and the Higher Powers are at work everywhere in ways far beyond human understanding or the understanding of any race in the universe.”

The Great Coordination

These are verses from the Great Coordination. I find it very helpful to take one and just be with it and not read it like you’re reading a magazine or a an explanation alone. It’s almost like the Secrets of Heaven in a way because it stretches your mind. It invites a different kind of a way of understanding through experience and resonance, things that are very difficult to quantify. 

And when you read this after a while when you stay with one of these, it begins to take you somewhere else, shift you into a different level of reality. It’s like when you see a photograph of multiple galaxies. They look like just bundles of light out there, but they’re actually galaxies, and your whole mind, you just…it’s incomprehensible, what you’re looking at. And it can really open you up to a deeper realm of experience. 

So a Great Coordination is working out there, too. And you start to see, “Well, I’m not really part of Marshall’s work or The Society’s work. I’m part of something much much bigger” that has been brought into this world in a form not of our creation, with wisdom beyond our understanding, but which we can—if we seek to—experience within ourselves.

It’s like when the New Message invites us to remember our Ancient Home. We can’t do that through ideas and images. There are no images of our Ancient Home. We can’t imagine it because your imagination is limited to things of this world. So it opens a door to a whole different way of experiencing something. So I’ll go on from here.

It is through the New Message from God, the Higher Powers are seeking to bring the Greater Community Way of Knowledge into the world, which represents the spiritual work of the Great Coordination both here and abroad.”

The Way of Knowledge

The Way of Knowledge, but not just the human way of Knowledge or the way of Knowledge that has been taught and supported very profoundly within our own world, but something that contains the larger panorama of life from which we have lived before and which we will encounter. It’s like taking it into a whole different platform.

This is the first time the Greater Community Way of Knowledge has been introduced to the human family by the Higher Powers. The Greater Community Way of Knowledge is contained within the New Message from God. The New Message from God is the only preparation for the greater community in the world today.” (no reference)

…because of where it comes from in the vast arena of wisdom. 

I’m not sure how to say this. Words sometimes don’t, just can’t contain a thought or a feeling, but…Through the network, you can learn wisdom from the far side of the galaxy if it’s needed by you or relevant to what you’re doing. I’m not talking about technology. I’m talking about Wisdom.

In Life in the Universe, it talks about the role of seers [chapter 7]. And I find that very, very fascinating, but…Nations employ seers to be able to see beyond what can be seen in other means, seen in the mental environment, for example, or seen through mind projection and things like this. 

But the seer who’s engaged with the Great Coordination has the Great Coordination to inform that individual, which someone who’s purely psychic does not have that engagement and must rely upon extra sensory or other kinds of perception. This is why the wise in most worlds have to work underground because they just know too much. But they don’t know everything; nor should they.

In my early development, I wanted to know everything about everything. And then I had some really scary experiences, which was to say, “You don’t want to go through that door. You don’t need to know about that. You can’t deal with this kind of opposition or force.” 

Another important thing for us to know is the Allies of Humanity Briefings have been brought to us by the Great Coordination. In fact, the Allies themselves are not representing their home worlds. They’re representing the Great Coordination, which they make very clear, mostly in their fourth set of Briefings, where they also talk about the Networks of the Wise, of which they are a part.

This is a puzzle; the problem is it has infinite number of pieces. But within your part of the puzzle, you can begin to assemble some of these pieces to get a clear feeling or experience of what is happening. I mean, the Allies are not our neighbors. They come from a long way away. But because they’ve shared an experience such as we’re facing now with the Intervention and were able to overcome it through their different worlds’ different experiences, it was their responsibility to share their wisdom, their painful, difficult journey with us to inform us, not just through ideas, but through experience as well. But they are a representation of the Great Coordination. And they’ve come in coordination with the New Message itself to bear witness to what the New Message has to say about life in the universe from the level of those who are living in that Greater Community.

So overall, it’s going to take something really big—a real big world initiative—to prepare humanity and to assure its freedom in the universe where freedom is rare, as we live in a world that is desired by others who seek not to destroy us, but to use us for their own purposes through clever means, invisible means, to which we’re subject and vulnerable.

So the WW [Worldwide Community of the New Message from God] teachings in the WW book have been given to bring a coordination to those who are studying the Revelation and who have been studying it at various stages of their development for those who feel close to the Message and the Messenger, for those who want to be associated with the Message and the Messenger. 

Before that or up to this moment, many of us have been moving in a sort of general direction, but dispersed. It’s like we’re all going north, but we’re not following a real pathway. We’re kind of being guided to go north. You know, we just feel “Go this way.” But we’re still not united. We’re still not coordinated. We’re still not focused together. And so the power that we have in the mental environment and the ability to bring things into the world becomes scattered and limited.

But what this requires of us is a lot of real preparation in our studenthood and Knowledge and in bringing the Revelation into bringing balance and correction in our world and our worldly lives. You’re not going to be given a real role in something like this until you’ve made real progress there. Perhaps you can help in small ways, but you’ll always be limited by your circumstances, especially those that you can change or could be changed.

So we must build this coordination to have the focus, the studenthood, the progress to carry this out into the world, which is a pretty daunting task—physically daunting task, but also daunting in terms of the kind of opposition it could engender.

I was thinking the other day how the former Messengers, with the exception of Muhammad, never took the world stage. They made a few dramatic appearances perhaps, but they never took the world stage. And Muhammad had to do that to become a political figure because it’s the only way that the Revelation at that time could be brought into his part of the world. It didn’t assure him any real allegiance, however, with the people who claimed to stand behind him. Even as he was on his deathbed, many of his followers were trying to decide how to divvy up his leadership and his newly formed nation. 

So this work we have to do with this focus will determine the kind of work we have to do in our personal lives. Instead of seeking to be happy and carefree and problem free and…we have to get our lives in order to do something important. Here the whole notion of your own personal development now has focus, rather than simply being miasmic or indulgent or kind of hopeless in its endeavors, achieving peace and enlightenment, or just trying to be happy all the time. It doesn’t work out in the world that’s calling you to play a part you and to become a contributor. It’s not The Way of Knowledge, for sure.

So it is the Great Coordination and the Source of the New Message that makes this work a higher purpose. What I say does not make this a higher purpose. I can only point to what this really is and bring you and my time with you right now into a bigger realm of experience, a bigger sense of it. And it’s the sense of it that I really want you to have more than the understanding because the understanding will always be just too limited, too human-oriented, too given to our own nature and circumstances.

So here will be what we can know and do together that will be the basis of any relationship we have of Higher Purpose. Probably the majority of people who receive the New Message want to utilize it as a resource to get what they want out of life or to protect themselves from harm and failure, but mostly for their own personal advantages. 

It is not appropriate for me to be engaged with these people, largely, but to spread the New Message out in the world to reach those who are authentically responding to it, even if it’s beyond their comprehension what that experience is or why it is important. These are the individuals who will be able, perhaps, given their circumstances and their intention, to be able to participate closer to the center of this. Though they will come with problems and limitations, they still have this possibility. 

I don’t choose people based upon their potential. I choose them based upon what they message to me and what they have demonstrated in life going forward. This is far too important to be based upon simply potential.

So instead of discussing this today or answering questions or getting back into the mental realm with it, I encourage you just to be with it, to read the Great Coordination perhaps very slowly—maybe one verse a night. Just be with it. This is food for the soul. This is not to jazz up your intellect. This is this is manna from Heaven right now.

You can read The Great Coordination this way. Also reading Unseen Forces in the Universe, in Life in the Universe book, is also very valuable, and again, in giving you this sense of this vast overlay of spiritual intelligence and involvement in the physical universe, beyond the vision of ordinary beings, ordinary activities and preoccupations. The Briefing in Allies Book 4 on The Networks of the Wise is very important.

But again, this is just to give you a bigger sense of what this is and why you may be here because your focus will still have to be on what you’re doing, where you’re going, what needs to be resolved, what needs to be released, what needs to be established in your own life. 

But this will enrich you if you can be with it.

So the blessing is with us more than we can fathom, more than we can receive, more than we can understand, more than we can even deal with. We can’t exhaust it. We can come to an intellectual dead end; but it’s beyond the intellect that this really begins to open up. Much of my training was in this realm to make it possible for me to do my part.

May the blessing be with us. May we be with the blessing. May we take it into our minds and our hearts. May we be with it and let it be with us. Let us make a place for this in our minds and our hearts. Let us spend time with this, not merely to understand it, but to receive it and allow it to reshape our life so that that which brought us into the world may be realized and expressed in the time we have on Earth.

Nasi Novare Coram

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  1. My deepest gratitude for this very powerful, wise and clear teaching Marshall. It touched me at my core especially as I had just read ‘Networks of the Wise’ and’ The Great Coordination’ before I came to your teaching here. It can be so hard to focus beyond what the imagination wants and enter the deepest unknown and mystery. I find a tremendous expansion with so much love and strength when I manage it even if only for a few short moments. Hearing you bring it all together here from various revelations gives such a powerful insight and overview into what we are here for and how much we are supported beyond here to hold our freedom. There are no words to easily describe the humility of this and the depth of love holding us all and encouraging humanity to succeed. Knowledge is so powerful beyond our comprehension and we are indeed blessed to have you as our precious Messenger and to walk the way of Knowledge with you. May we all unite in our endeavours through the WWC within each of our unique pathways of service to keep Knowledge alive and well in our world, to walk with you and to bring the message for all who can hear it to awaken to their own purpose and destiny on our planet. I feel especially blessed and humble to be with you at this time in humanity’s evolution into the Greater Community and to be part of the Greater Coordination that can help us navigate through such a powerful mysterious journey of progress in The Way of Knowledge. Thank you, bless you dear Marshall. Mavran Mavran Conay Mavran

  2. Thank you gracious Messenger for sharing with us the scope and the magnitude of the Great Coordination. This is so far beyond the realm of our meager intellects, but our hearts can sense this ever so humbling truth.

    Your words penetrate the deepest part of my soul, drawing me out of the surface preoccupations of my mind and back into the depth of the importance of having been called to you and this Mission. Thank you for engaging with us on this level.
    Mavran Mavran Conay Mavran

  3. Thank you Marshall for this amazing teaching! It really struck me on a deeper level and I feel it will help me to move forward, prepare and take the next step, and I guess many other students feel the same. We are truly blessed to have God’s Revelations and Messenger in our world at this very crucial time ahead. Nasi Novare Coram