The New Message is My Life

Marshall Vian Summers offers up a prayer during a day of medical procedures in Denver, Colorado on April 26, 2018.
The New Message is my life.
It is my reason and purpose for being here.
It is the gift I have received.
It is the challenge before me.
It is the blessing and the burden upon my shoulders and the shoulders of others who walk this sacred path with me.
My mind is free and clear because it knows its true purpose, mission and work in life.
My relationships are blessed because of the gift of Revelation.
My life is blessed. My life is challenged. My life is true and authentic because of the New Revelation.
The New Message from God is my life.
I live it every day. I honor it every day. I return to it every day.
May this gift and the blessing be a calling for others to walk this sacred path with me, for I do not walk alone.
Heaven is with me and there are many in the world with me now, and numbers are growing each day.
Because the Blessing is with me and with us – the gift of resolution and purpose, meaning and direction is with me and with us and with all those who find their true role and destiny here with me.
Thank you, Reed, for bringing this prayer from Marshall forward again for us to take in. Amongst that activity of the hospital in the background, Marshall is completely with his role and purpose. What a gift of demonstration he is for me and us all.
“The Messenger is a humble man. He has no position in the world. He has been through a preparation unlike anything you can imagine for a greater calling and a greater mission here on Earth. But he must speak to the people of Earth and reach as many as he can in his remaining years.
This is his calling to you.
This is your challenge.”
The Messenger’s Calling
Nasi Novare Coram
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What a beautiful, authentic and moving prayer. Thank you, Marshall.
Hi everyone!
I believe God hears the prayers. I am mentally I’ll, I have bipolar disorder. Please for Gods sake pray that I get unshakable mental peace.
Dear Taqi,
I have sent you a private message in response to your post. Bless you and I will say a prayer for you.
I happen to come across your message only now. How are you now Taqi?
Dearest Messenger, your words are my words and they echo in my heart. “My life is blessed. My life is challenged. My life is true and authentic because of the New Revelation.” I know there is no other life for me but the NM. Is it full of happiness? No, but it is full of purpose and direction and meaning–and happiness is sprinkled through. Though my true purpose is yet to fully unfold, I know I am in the right place and on the right path with you. This is fulfilling in itself. I am eternally grateful to be here with you at this time of great destiny for humanity. I am grateful for the honor of walking beside you and sharing the great gift of God’s New Revelation. May we reach the next million while you are still with us, venerable Teacher.
Thank you Marshall for being with us. I pray that you can stay. Nasi Novare Coram.
Thank you Marshall for showing us the way so that we can show others!
Your are the best thing that has been given to this world. May more and people discover You and the Message.
… Novare Coram
Thank you Marshall & family for staying the course and facing adversity, for so many years, in order to bring the New Message to the world.
Thank you Marshall for this prayer and for bringing the New Message to the world. I brought a canvas the last week as I had an urge to paint again, even though I didn’t know what to paint, until I saw your prayer and knew that was what it was for. It will be a guiding light and a reminder for why I am here and the importance of following and living the Way of Knowledge.
You are truly an inspiration to us all.
Dear Marshall the timing of your simple affirmation of certainty about your life’s calling inspires and empowers my journey of return.
Your way-showing has been magnificent as you have moved through so many challenges to bring this new message from God to us. Thank you.
It has made such a positive opening in my life and I have been enriched by its many gifts.
I pray that your physical vehicle be vitalised and restored so that you may continue your work if that is in the plans of Knowledge.
I only hope I can walk with you. I feel if I do not meet you in person, I cannot really say I am walking with the Messenger? I feel my life will not truly start till that point. May Heaven give you strength.
Yes @robertblack. You are walking with the messenger, following and also a leader.
Thank you @alio for the affirmation and support.
Thank you teacher. NNC
New Message saves my life and Messenger Marshall saves my life. I be hold with love. I be hold with gratitude. Love you so much and thank you. Nasi Novare Coram I am with you.
Thank you Marshall, I am so grateful to be living at this precious time. Know that I will walk this sacred path with you…
May we all, each and every one of us, be so blessed, as you are, Marshall, to know our true and unique purpose in this world. The world is awakening to this New Message from God because you have recognized– so deeply and assuredly –your gift, your challenge, your calling. You have stayed on the path and in so doing, illuminated the path for all of us. It is an immense joy to share in the unfolding of that which is your life. Thank you so very much.
Thank you Marshall for this! Yes the New Message has been your life and continues to be your life with what you are facing now and beyond when that time comes. Thanks to God, to the Angelic Assembly and to you it has become a big part of my life and will only grow more and more within me based on how much of myself I give to it. You have given your life to this and in return it has given you true life in this world. I pray that this may be true for all the others who walk with you now and live with and by Knowledge more and more as days pass by. The New Message for me is growing within, as I practice more and more. Developing the desire and the capacity to one day find the true purpose Knowledge holds for me and all the others who are walking with you. Know you are loved and this I know you do. Yet, I know now that I am loved by those who sent me and the Teachers who are with me each day and loved by you. The New Message gives true life for those who 1st seek its truth and then work to find that truth within them. This could not ever have happened if it were not for you being ever more determined in your search for the truth and finding the purpose which you have come to serve. This serves us all and the world as we serve it. There is no other gift one good give to the world and others, other than the gift you have given. Blessings to you my friend, my Teacher and Messenger. I love you for what you have received and have given to us all. Nasi Novare Coram
May I measure my life by the sincerity and depth to which I make the prayer that is my life accord with this prayer.
Thank you Marshall for all you have done and all you are doing. May I and others hear your calling and respond appropriately. Nasi Novare Coram
Reading these words brought tears to my eyes. “The New Message is my life” while I cannot yet utter these words as my own, the New Message has changed my life, it has changed my orientation, my values, my ideas and my preoccupations… I have seen how living the New Message changes you, how it brings light to all the darkness within you and flushes it to the surface, how the light within you grows stronger each day. May I walk in Marshall’s footsteps today so that one day I too can say “The New Message is my Life.” Thank you Marshall for allowing the New Message to be your Life, so that we could have the opportunity to follow your lead, to live by your example. Thank you, and everyone who has joined you, for shouldering this burden so that all of us could have the opportunity to live a life in service to Knowledge.
Living at a time of Revelation changes everything completely. Thank you so much Marshall and all who have supported this process of Revelation in your time. This resonates and moves and pushes internally for me–just like all of the Message, just like you the Messenger, and just like all those who have supported the Messenger.
There is an intensity to this. Say these words to yourself. Inherit Marshall’s burden and blessing. Share this state of being with him. Share this work with him. It will give you goosebumps. Read it and take it on.
Marshall, you have done so well. Thank you. I want to print this for my daily positioning. I love you.
Thank you, Marshall. I hope to follow your lead and live a life directed by Knowledge, inspired by the revelation.