Understanding Fear and the Secret Room

Watch Marshall speak post-Broadcast on Night 17 of the Steps Vigil, Jun 11, 2018.
Full Broadcast
2018 Steps Vigil
Great Coordination
Sacred Rendezvous
The Great Coordination is not really about realization and understanding and things like this. It’s really about movement; not that everyone has to move immediately, but there is movement that’s indicated. And when you finally land where you need to be, that’s probably where you’re going to be, for the most part.
When someone doesn’t make their Sacred Rendezvous, it has repercussions all the way down the line for everyone else that was going to be involved in that Rendezvous. It’s a setback. And you have no control over it. And you may not even know who the person is who didn’t make it, who was heading your way but then got taken out by something, or sidelined by something.
So the Great Coordination is not a sure thing, but it is consequential. It is consequential. That’s why I said the other night about you practice for those who sent you. You practice for those people in the world who helped you get to where you are. And you practice for those whom you will meet in the future. And that’s a small part of the rendezvous. So, our practice is really consequential, not just for us, but for others.
So failure is an option, unfortunately, until it isn’t—if you ever arrive at that place where it isn’t.
And when you feel that you do have a calling you must be very careful about who you engage with and what you do. It’s very important—how you start a relationship, for example, and with whom, for what purpose. So you have to be very careful with your mind and your life and your engagements; and be very mindful of your longings, particularly your deep longings, for they can betray you.
People who have gone a real distance and show great promise, this is usually what takes them out. We call it “The Secret Room,” the part of them that they’ve never really explored, but still has great sway over them. And they can succumb to it. It’s secret because they want to keep it even secret from themselves.
This is the responsibility you carry becoming a man or woman of Knowledge. This is a big responsibility. It’s not a casual thing at all.
There are no neutral relationships. All pursuits have consequences, so…and if you take too much time in your preparation, you could miss your rendezvous.
So you want to know yourself pretty well, like the scientist working on a project—strength, weaknesses, longings, strong fears. Strong fears are usually associated with longings; that’s interesting.
Fear, interestingly… I’ll say a few words about fear, something I’ve been really focusing on lately and really trying to make sure I understand this. It was actually revealed to me writing the Arranon Epic—you’re going to have a chance to read some of that hopefully soon—that fear falls into two categories. When it boils down: there’s giving up what you have—fear of giving up what you have, which is advantages and pleasures and affluence, all the way down to giving up your life, right? So it starts with little things, gets to be bigger things—giving up your sanity, giving up your primary relationships, giving up all that—whatever you have. So the more you have, really, the more fearful you are as a person because you have more to fear to give up or lose.
The second category is bigger, and that’s the fear of not getting what you want. And that’s a really big category because we’re not even aware of the things we still want. Some of that’s lurking down there in unexplored regions of your mind. But you start with what you’re aware of.
And this is a process to lay out the first category: giving up what you have, beginning with easy obvious fears, getting down to the ever-greater ones. And then the second part of that is to catalog your fear of not getting what you want or fear of not having the things you still want, but don’t have.
Everything so far, in terms of fear, seems to fall into one of those two categories.
I mean, it’s really important because even many of our notions about love are completely fear-based. We exhibit them and express them and emphasize them because we’re really afraid of what might happen if we don’t; or that we will lose things like respect and appreciation and we’ll cease to be desirable to other people or so many behaviors that are associated with this.
I think the other thing that’s very revealing is what you do and why you do it; what you avoid and why you avoid it; what you accept and what you don’t accept and why you won’t accept it. These all give evidence to…I mean, fear rules the world. It should not be underestimated in your life and the impact upon you from your environment and your own internal fear.
It’s one of the reasons I was sent out in the wilderness, to deal with some of that fear.
So this is the thing you become aware of as you go along. It’s not something you find out everything about it all at once. That’s not going to happen. But observing yourself objectively, taking note or writing down the things that you see—that’s gathering evidence. It’s just really important—and being very objective about it, as objective as you can, like you were studying somebody else.
But it’s you.
so grateful to be able to revisit this teaching. Will be looking more closely at this :” be very mindful of your longings, particularly your deep longings, for they can betray you…People who have gone a real distance and show great promise, this is usually what takes them out.”… also: …”and if you take too much time in your preparation, you could miss your rendezvous.” Oh the powerful consequences not only for ourselves…
Thank you Marshall.
This audio revelation also touch on Fear – http://www.newmessage.org/the-message/other-revelations/escaping-fear-confusion-and-hopelessness
Thank you Marshall, one of the things to recognize unknown fear, is the self-comforting ideas that one tell themselves, I’ve noticed this when observing a conversation. The fear of not getting what you hope for or the fear that something would come true, that you don’t want to become true. In my observation, I think that most fears are linked to security or feeling secure in life. When ones security is threatened even if it is a false security, that’s when people fear. For example: Ambitions, the fear of not getting what you want, but the reason why people want their ambition to work out, is because it gives them a sense of (false) security. It’s like saying if I get this or that, I’ll be happier because I’ll be able to do this or that, but it’s only a false sense of security, an imagination, because in reality life is not set in stone, it’s moving and changing all the time. Then there is the fear of losing what you have, it’s also about losing security, because most people think that everything they own makes them more secure. But a house is a house, it doesn’t change, but it’s the idea behind it that creates the feeling of security. So I feel people create their own sense of security (or insulation) and when this is threatened that’s when fear emerge. I wanted to add as well the following passage about fear from The Deep Evaluation from The Great Waves of Change “And they will live in great fear and anxiety—afraid to lose what they have and afraid of everyone and everything that they believe can take away from them their pleasures, their freedoms or their opportunities. “
Thank you Marshall.
Marshall, I have been with this teaching again recently. It is very deep and I’m actively putting into practice cataloging the two types of fears that you speak of. So much a part of knowing myself/ourselves and what is there within me. I am listening to and reading this over time to really get what you are expressing here. Thank you.
I experienced deep longing for what seemed like most of my life. Finding the New Message satisfied this longing to a great extent. However, now that I’ve been studying the NM for about 3 years, I am wondering what will keep me moving forward. I depended on the longing to keep me going, and now I struggle with an inertia that I fear is holding me back. So there’s fear of not moving or not moving fast enough with preparation. I realize my need for help with this and my sense of isolation factors in to this too. I appreciate any feedback. Thanks. Janice
Hello, companion dear to my heart. It’s really something to witness the objectivity with which you are able to view your movement–surely what I am seeing here is the work of the Angelic Ones that assist you! Can you imagine, really, a human alone being able to demonstrate such acuity?
I sense that you are touching on something here that is probably a simple and ordinary, possibly universal threshold along the way, a door that you stand outside, and the patience and dedication (and benevolent assistance) that brought you this far will serve you well as you face what you are seeing here.
I hear also a need being expressed, a sincere and honest expression of assistance and companionship being identified as desirable and necessary. I like what the New Message says about honest and sincere prayer requests–they are attended to. https://www.newmessage.org/wiki/Quotes_About_Prayer#What_is_prayer.3F
Thank you Marshall for this teaching ! Oh yes, fear fules the world and I can see how it has ruled my life…..and is ruling my life. But every step is one step more out of this fear. And yes, the option of failure is there, we should never underestimate this. Coming closer to Knowledge, the Power without fear. I can see that my fears are restraining my movement.
Thank you, Marshall. I feel like you are speaking to me. ‘Fear’ used to control/govern me so much. I realized it was one of the main barriers in my way move forward. I already give up a lot of them. But some of them silent but strong and keep ambushing me sometimes and held me back for some period. I had been helpless during that time. Now I realize I need to practice more to be stronger and watchful so that those could not attack me anymore. It is a powerful teaching, Marshall, thank you again. NNC.
Gratitude to all involved in providing teachings and discussions, both video and text, from ‘after the broadcast.’
I was struck by many things: the secret room, movement…, what can take me out…, what I hold onto and what I continue to want. Some of these things I am aware of, but what is still hidden, unacknowledged?
Thank you Marshall.
Thank you Marshall for mentioning the influence and possible consequences of the part of ourselves that we have never been willing to explore. Thank you to the video team for making these teachings available to us.
Thank you Marshall. I needed this teaching today.
“Be very mindful of your longings, particularly your deep longings, for they can betray you.” Thank you Marshall for another gem of a warning. “It is not a casual thing at all. There are no neutral relationships and all pursuits have consequences.”
Some weeks ago I wrote in my notebook that Aile spoke to me of longing. However, I recognise that I must be wary of this longing as it is also one of the main reasons that I could give up!
Thank you Marshall. This journey, this new life ask a lot of courage, determination, honesty and objectivity towards ourself in the first place. I am glad it is going step by step only aware of the near future. So we have time to built capacity because I feel we need that.
Wow! Everything you have said in this 9 minute span struck me deeply Marshall! Fear is what rules the world indeed is so true. I have been feeling these fears particularly with my health pillar. And I am afraid of not making my sacred rendezvous for a few reasons. So much to this and the specifics that need to be met…almost feels impossible yet I know it to be possible because of what I/We carry within us and why we have come. Thank you Marshall!
Thank you Marshall for this wisdom, I am looking forward to utilizing it and really looking at my fears, strengths, longings..with the attitude of an objective observer. I know that this exercise will benefit me, and hopefully move me to greater understandings and perspectives about myself, and others. Nasi Novare Coram,
Dear Marshall,
Thank you for giving us this marvelous gift. I have a couple of questions that anyone who wishes to may respond.
If the sacred rendezvous is missed, and all the people meant to be part of it wander off incomplete, what happens to the lives of those who did not get to complete their initial sacred rendezvous? Is there no hope for redemption for them? Will they be given more opportunities, at least to come to a place of peace, through perhaps working in the world with others, to keep Knowledge alive, or to strengthen it in the world? I ask this on behalf of myself and those of us fortunate to have found or have been found by the New Message, even later in life.
Hi Carolyn. I can’t remember now which Revelation I was reading not so long ago, but I remember something about service and giving in any way possible can help in our Redemption when we can’t meet the people we’re supposed to.
Thank you Edgar.
Hello Carolyn, thanks for bringing this up. I have found in my practice that our preparation is a part of our purpose here at this time. Step 134 talks about this-“Do not live by definitions. Live by experience and understanding.” And Step 136 clearly says “My Purpose Is To Reclaim My Knowledge And To Allow It To Express Itself In The World. “It is an opportunity for preparation, for all true answers to all questions are some form of preparation. It is this preparation that you require and not answers alone.” I am finding as I go deeper within and participate with my practice and with Knowledge the relationship grows out of the experiences I have in being truly honest with myself. Participation comes before understanding always. I always need and must remember this in going forward up the mountain. It is in our participation with our practice, participation with Knowledge and with each other and with God and the Great Coordination I feel through experience I am becoming stronger and more balanced in life. In doing these things and being truly honest with myself is where the power of Knowledge arises within and without. Hope this helps. Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you Jim. I felt the need to consider how what may have been a missed sacred rendezvous, affected specific others in my life, and I can see now that by bringing this forward, the answers are given (within). In contrast I can recall another such rendezvous that was impossible to miss. And another we are all so blessed not to have missed.
But now that I am here in this chat-space with you (all) having this discussion, I realize that this is probably one of those things that cannot be known except under very rare circumstances. At least this is what my life has shown me so far..its like a blessing and a burden to one’s heart to bear a love or caring for other perhaps more reckless ones. This is not a romantic love, but a feeling of common, perhaps eternal resonance being part of the experience.
Which connects to the ‘deep longing’ also mentioned. When the rendezvous is missed, it sets up a deep longing. This can get a person into trouble, because these impulses are very powerful, and can cause trouble if not dealt with in as wholesome a way as possible. Again just speaking from the slow turning of my own life…. NNC
Hi Carolyn, here is a passage from “The Sacred Rendez-vous” that may help answer your question :
“If you have failed to make your rendezvous, later in life, if you make this discovery, there is a second redemption. And that is to give to others—to share your wealth, to share your time, to share whatever you can in service to meeting the real needs of both people and of nature around you.”
Thank you Etiene. A wonderful passage.
Oh, wow … this is such a sobering and powerful Teaching! It has really struck me. I need to be with it, and will revisit it, also. Thank you, Marshall!
Thank you Marshall for this most important understanding. I take this wisdom you’ve provided as a consideration and action to be practiced regularly throughout my life and studenthood.
powerful teaching. Thank you Marshall. the “Secret Room” part is what struck me that night that needs to be with and to explore.