Facing Humanity’s Greatest Challenge

Marshall Vian Summers speaks on January 25, 2018, during the 2018 Messenger’s Vigil.

And we know from our experience that the greatest demonstration of people’s spirit and will is at times of calamity, or called to a service to rescue others. A great, terrible event happens in some part of the world, and rescue crews are sent from nations everywhere. Money is sent. Food is sent. This is where humanity shines. This is the frontline of life, and it’s also the frontline of our spirituality. Otherwise, people retire to some kind of spiritual suburbia and only want to be happy and think of themselves. There’s no life there. There’s no inspiration there.

So now life has brought us to this great threshold. How will we respond? People with a Greater Community history were sent into the world, people that I call Greater Community people—a Greater Community person perhaps like you—to help support humanity through this tremendous challenge. And with this tremendous challenge, a tremendous upgrade to human power and unity in the world. There’s nothing that’s going to unite humanity but some greater dilemma, challenge that threatens everyone, everywhere. The rich have no benefit here. Everyone is in the same boat. No nation will prevail if Intervention is successful.

So, many people will run away and hide or deny this. They’re waiting for Jesus to come back. Or they’re going to enlighten themselves in the pathway of Hinduism or Buddhism. Or they’re going to become politically engaged. They cannot face this greater thing. But you must.

If this strikes you in ways you can hardly understand, then you’re connected to this. Even the people who reject this are connected to this. But they want to deal with it on their terms, through their science or rationality or their process of reasoning. But life is not about that. Human reason is magnificent in its areas of application, but beyond those areas it is quite hopeless.

You need a different kind of intelligence now. It’s innate within you. And that is what our Vigil is really about is this deeper Intelligence within you, which isn’t there just to make you happy and comfortable, but to engage you in life in a way that really fulfills you, inspires you, gives you strength, gives you certainty, gets you out of self-degradation and self-conflict. It gets you out of a meandering, haphazard life. It engages you where you really are meant to be engaged. You may pray to God for anything, any advantage. But God has put Knowledge within you to guide you. You really cannot ask for more than that. It’s enough, if you can respond to this.

So I think the world needs to have this Greater Community awareness—awareness, education, preparation—or the world can be overtaken without firing a shot with the powers of persuasion and manipulation. Some people become hopeless immediately. Without hope they become hopeless. They go from exuberant and anticipatory to hopeless, like they fell out of a ten-story building. It’s a middle ground.

Hope is weak without Knowledge. And hopelessness is defeat before the challenge even arrives. We cannot be defeated. This is not about capitulation. The Intervention in the world seeks to weaken us. If we can’t be seduced, it will weaken us. It will discourage us, even though it’s made up of pathetically small numbers of individuals. And it’s a vast sea of humanity who doesn’t realize the power that it has, strength that it has, if it is united. Now it has a reason to unite beyond national advantage or benefits of trade or anything that we can think of. It’s the survival of human civilization. It’s the survival of human freedom, sovereignty in this world. Big stakes. Big.

So part of our message to you is: What is big within you is connected to what is big beyond you. You may give your life to little things, but what is big within you is connected to the bigger picture for which you have come. And when you can begin to have the courage—not easy—but have the courage to face this and consider this and stay with it, already you begin to turn a corner within yourself, a corner from weakness to strength, from hopelessness to a deeper certainty and conviction.

I’m the Messenger sent into the world to be a vehicle to bring this great Teaching to humanity. And you know, for the Messengers before me, it always looked hopeless. Anything important to do always looks hopeless. But our strength comes not from hope alone but from a deeper conviction: “Okay, it’s hopeless, but we’ll do it anyway.”

Humanity is a sleeping giant, but its power cannot be used if it is still asleep. If it engages in constant conflict with itself, which the Intervention in the world will promote, it cannot turn its eyes to the universe. We have our backs to the universe. Undefended are our borders. Unrecognized are our borders. Unsupported are our borders. We have rights in this universe, but we do not even realize what they are.

We know what has happened to the native peoples of the world facing exploration from beyond. This is a lesson of life. It is a lesson of intervention. We are now the native peoples of the whole world facing exploration and intervention. Let us not be foolish. Let us not be seduced. Let us not acquiesce.

The Power of Knowledge within you will hold fast. Even when you feel weak, even when you don’t know what to do, it will set you on a direction. It knows where you need to go. It knows who you need to meet. It knows what you need to do in life, but it must take you there. You must go without explanations. You must go because in your heart you know you must go. That is what Heaven is looking for within you. Can you follow something without understanding it or having explanations because that’s what will move your life?

Humanity needs a Greater Community awareness now. Who will bring it to them? How will they find it? It is a magnificent gift. How can people find it? I and those who work with me are doing everything we can to bring it to the world, but it’s a big world. Not everyone has to be reached but enough people have to be reached. The Intervention could be stopped if human will was expressed out into the universe. The New Message will explain this because otherwise we would never assume that to be true.

We think force is what moves things. But if another intelligence can make you not want to resist, they’ve won you over without the use of force. It can weaken you by strengthening your weakness by taking you astray following peace or wealth or spiritual fulfillment—whatever will seduce you.

But the real spirituality within us cannot be seduced. It will never fall for such things. This is the power and the grace that God has given you to use at this time. And this is the time. Every day now is important. Every year now is important. Every person who has a Greater Community heritage within them is important, but they must see clearly. There’s too much seduction in the world. There’s too much manipulation in the world. It is so easy to fall prey to these things—too much human weakness.

And already the feeling of the world has changed. The mental environment of the world has changed because there are foreign presences here changing that environment. Perhaps you can feel this. Things don’t feel the same as they did when you were a child maybe. Something invisible in the atmosphere has changed. The world doesn’t feel the same now. It’s not just about political movements or economic changes. It’s something else much more pervasive.

We have a stranger in our house changing that environment and not everyone’s going to feel it or know it or even accept it. But those who do must become strong, must become prepared, not by themselves, because no one can prepare themselves for this. This is why there’s a New Message from God, not just about personal fulfillment or bliss or happiness. If that is your only goal in life, you open yourself to all forms of seduction and persuasion.

It’s something much greater: the protection of everything you value in this world, protection of whatever freedom has been established in this world, protection of all forms of human spirituality, protection of human sovereignty and determination. This is how big this is. God’s not going to speak again for anything except something extremely urgent. This is extremely urgent. And necessity is upon us and within us. You can feel it.

I can only point you to the Revelation that will speak of all these things beyond what I can say to answer your many questions, which will surely arise; which will strengthen you, give you courage, determination; acknowledging the fear and uncertainty that exists, yes, but to show you where your certainty really resides and how to find it, to take the Steps to that deeper Knowledge within you. This is how God will give you strength and courage. It’s an invisible gift that serves us even when we don’t want it. Brilliant.

Part of understanding who you are in the world today is part of a greater context within the world today: great environmental change that is coming, the Great waves of change, our encounter with the universe of intelligent life, the growing urgency for human cooperation, the cessation of conflict. These are the big things and they’re all interrelated. Let yourself, then, be impacted by this. It is unsettling. You will not feel certain within it at the outset, but it is necessary. It will take you away from little, hopeless things and engage you with important, deeper things. That is where your new sense of worthiness and well-being will emerge.

I pray for this in you and in the world. I’m here for this. This is not about me. This is about everyone. I pray this power and this feeling will begin to emerge in you.

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  1. Thank you Marshall for these words and perspective. I remember when you said these, and while it all was striking, these particular words really resonated with me:

    “We have a stranger in our house changing that environment and not everyone’s going to feel it or know it or even accept it. But those who do must become strong, must become prepared, not by themselves, because no one can prepare themselves for this.”…”It’s something much greater: the protection of everything you value in this world, protection of whatever freedom has been established in this world, protection of all forms of human spirituality, protection of human sovereignty and determination. This is how big this is.”

    When I considered these words and what they really meant to me, it struck deeply, and I could feel something moving behind them that wants to respond in a more complete and meaningful way. Not just a “gut reaction”, but a desire and determination to prepare to respond in a way that I’m not fully familiar with.

    I feel that a large part of that preparation is in Steps to Knowledge and continuing studenthood. Unlocking what is actually within me that is of the Greater Community, knows it and has been in it, and knows how to approach and engage with it. Even while still a human here on earth, to actually engage with it in a way that opens perception and context, generates sight and strength, and the correct level of caution and respect for what it really is.

    To respond to this intruder, in this house, will take a focus and strength that can only come from Knowledge within each of us. To respond in a more unified and purposeful way as human beings, will not just take a great challenge…which this is, but also the wisdom, humility, determination, and coordination that comes from this deeper divine mind. This is the real challenge, as I see it. Getting with Knowledge at a functional level is critical to our success now against the current intruder, and hopefully our repeated successes in the future as we engage with, and contend with Greater Community intrusions, that surely will not stop for some time.

  2. Thank you Marshall. I have had a little experience of human unity here in New Zealand recently, where over 80% of the country where working towards one goal. It has been an amazing experience and you could feel the strength and determination of a people with shared purpose. It is not over and things may still come undone. The forces of dissonance are disruptive. They seek to separate what must be joined, and they seek to join what must be separated. And they are very active. But I feel I have had a small taste of what humanity can do if we all work together. May it be so. Nasi Novare Coram