The Sacred Rendezvous

Watch the Messenger speak during the 2019 Messenger’s Vigil, January 27, 2019.
This evening I’m going to call you to a higher order of relationships because having a calling in life is not merely an urge or a prompting. Within the realm of the New Message, it evokes a higher level of engagement in life. And engagement in life is all about relationships. In fact, the New Message describes everything in terms of relationship.
Everything we engage with or depend upon is a relationship at different levels and different levels of importance. For a calling to be fulfilled will require a higher level of relationships. And this is what I invite you to experience and to consider for yourself to see if you’re ready for relationships at this level. While it is easy to say you want real relationship in your life, it is harder to determine if you’re really ready for that, for what that commitment would require, what it would ask of you, how it might change your life and priorities and so forth. The Great Coordination has brought you to the New Message from God, a Great Coordination that moves beyond what we can see and touch and feel, the work of God in a chaotic universe, bringing direction and purpose—not only order, but direction, purpose and movement to all who live within this physical reality. The universe is like two realities functioning at the same time. One is expanding, follows laws of physics, geology, biology, but is very random and chaotic. So do not look upon the world as a highly ordered place. This is not where Divine Order exists. It was set in motion by the Creator, but it’s all running itself now, which means anything can happen to anyone at any time. And that is why we’ve been imbued with the deeper Intelligence to enable us to safely traverse this uncertain and changing environment, a greater Intelligence than supersedes our intellect than what we have learned from being in the world. The Great Coordination also sets the context for establishing the real relationships that would be most important in your life, relationships with people and activities, purpose, mission and destiny—really big words, big relationships. So it’s a step up out of what we usually think of as relationships with each other or even relationship with ourselves, which is usually considered on very personal terms. This is something that is innate and has destiny and purpose beyond what we create, beyond what we understand even, but which affects us entirely. So you, who I am assuming have not been satisfied by the mundane world or by the mundane activities in human society, something else has stirred you and has moved you, even from childhood. A greater sensitivity, a greater awareness, even a greater suffering for the pain you see around you, even as a child. The price of awareness is to be aware of this suffering because to feel and to know is to feel all things, not only what is preferred. But this greater sensitivity that I think you all have, or you probably would not be here, is going to make all the difference in your life if you can understand it and recognize it is for a greater purpose, a purpose for which you were designed, uniquely. Without knowing this purpose, you could not know yourself or your design or your designer. So tonight I’d like to present to you, within this Sacred Rendezvous that we have together this evening and throughout this Vigil, these relationships that I speak of. And first of all, I would like to tell you what I mean by the sacred. And we have a slide for that I believe. What do I mean by the sacred? The word sacred is used for many things of course. I’m going to read this to you. These are two verses from the teaching called The Sacred, which will be part of a future book called The Pure Religion. What is sacred cannot be touched. It cannot be named. It can’t be held within your hands. It is not a place. It is not a building. It is not an object. For what is sacred is what is permanent. If you can know what is sacred, you can experience it anywhere. It will be with you everywhere. It can speak to you anywhere. It can move you, the deeper movement of your life, anywhere. Think about that for a moment. Our Rendezvous, though it appears to be an event, is sacred because it serves what is permanent. It is where the permanent touches the temporary, for what is permanent within us touches what is temporary within us. What is innate touches that which has been acquired through our experience of being in the world. Any place or situation that is meant for this purpose and is exercised for this purpose has a sacred quality to it because of what it serves. The Angelic Assembly has called you here. However it has reached you—through a thought, a feeling, an image, a feeling of personal revelation, a crisis, an illness—whatever put you in the position to experience this, this has called you here. The Great Coordination serves the permanent. And the Great Coordination, which is the movement of those who serve the Divine in the universe, has also called you here. And Knowledge within you has brought you here. So this is no accident that you’re here. I’m not sure what that means to you yet within your own heart and experience, or what you will feel in the days and weeks and months to follow our Rendezvous, but I want you to know these things because it brings great significance to your participation and to your deeper experience. This brings you to a threshold of the greater arena of relationships that the New Message is bringing you to and calling you to. It is this threshold that the New Message reveals and encourages for all who can read it and respond. There are four relationships here that are fundamental. First is your relationship with Knowledge. What is Knowledge? What is Knowledge but this movement of redemption working within you? God put it there. Whether you are religious or not doesn’t matter. Whether you are faithful doesn’t matter. God put it there to make sure that your Redemption could take place. This is your primary relationship. What is the most important relationship in your life? It’s your relationship with this Knowledge. To live more than a haphazard life, full of mistakes and regret, missed opportunities and tragic involvements, you need this core relationship. This is at the center of the New Message. This is how God can move your life, working from the inside out. This is what conscience means, a deep conscience, innate within you. This is what your spirituality is. It’s a force. It’s a reality. It’s not like your personal mind that chatters to you all day long or has to be equivocal or debate things or choose things. Knowledge knows where you need to go and is moving you in that direction. You went far afield from your real trajectory, but it’s like a centerline you come back to. And every time you wander, it can bring you back to that central line. Knowledge. Your second relationship, because you are here with me, is your relationship with the New Message itself. This is a relationship. So how you view this relationship is really important and will determine the kind of experience you may have or not have. The laws regarding relationship can function at many levels. If you come to your relationship with the New Message to use it as a resource for yourself, it’s like coming to a person to use them as a resource for yourself, which you might do with someone that you hire or someone that is providing a service to you. But regarding your core relationships, I think you would agree that to consider a person merely a resource for yourself would not be appropriate or respectful of them, or even honest within yourself. That would be misusing someone. So I encourage you not to come to the New Message to seek it as a resource for yourself. Certainly, it will help you beyond what you can now imagine. But if you’ve come to take from it only, then we do not have an honest relationship yet, a real authentic relationship. Yes, it will help you, but it will not reveal its secrets to you. You will not see them, even though they are there for you. The New Message is the larger context for your self-realization and your preparation for living in a new world reality, for living in a Greater Community of intelligent life and for dealing with the great upheaval that is coming to the world, which you will experience, most of you. Very important. It is a resource, but it’s also the thing that is going to bring you to the ability to build a new life that can be lived and sustained under very difficult circumstances. The third relationship is your relationship with me. I’m glad you have a relationship with me and I welcome that. But again, I want your relationship to be honest and not merely self-serving. A relationship, ultimately, in reality, is about what we can do together. Any relationship is about what you can do together. Having fantasies about one another or dreams or warm, fuzzy feelings is not really a relationship. And what makes love between two people deep is that you’ve done a lot together. You’ve been through a lot together and you are still in harmony with each other. That’s deep love, old love. It can live in the world and not be crushed by it. Your relationship with me could be pivotal in your life, depending on how you regard it and how much you participate within it. I make that easy on my part because I know what I’m doing; I know where I’m going. My life has a clean and powerful direction. And people around me will begin to feel their own powerful direction as well, in their own time and their own way. The fourth relationship is a relationship with the Mission of the New Message as it goes out into the world. Here it is not merely a teaching for your own advancement or self-realization. It actually is the great service to humanity as it faces things it has never had to face before: a world in decline and a universe full of intelligent life. It is an entirely new threshold. And very few people in the world see or know what is coming. It is the larger context for your greater service in the world. You do not have to invent your service. It is already built in the blueprint within you. You just have to be in proximity to where that blueprint can become activated and the relationships that exist there can be recognized. Isn’t that a great relief, that you don’t have to figure out what you are really here to do? It is a relief because it’s a hopeless attempt to do it on your own. But there are signs and clues in your life that will teach you how to follow a real direction. These four relationships represent what is permanent in your life, where that which is permanent, which represents your Source and your Ancient Home and all who are connected to it, are attempting to engage with you as an individual living in this one little world in a universe of countless worlds and races of beings. Pretty intelligent. This is where the permanent is being activated within you, which you have brought with you, which was there before you came into this world and will be there after you leave, the part of you that you have forgotten, overtaken; it’s been overwhelmed by your experience of being in the world. You’re calling, then, within the context of the New Message, brings you into these bigger arenas of relationship. And you need to recognize this for your calling to really be realized and to make sense because your calling is the most important event of your life. If that does not happen, then what you’re seeking in your heart will not be fulfilled—rich or poor, in any nation or set of circumstances. Yet these core relationships that I speak of right now are a question mark because they have not really been fully engaged with yet. You may be at the beginning, but the maturity of being in a relationship is like the maturity of being in any relationship. You could be in a honeymoon phase with any of these four things, but real relationship is what you can do together and what you will do together. And that’s a maturing kind of process. A real marriage is built over years and decades. It’s not something that you think you have in the moment. So the question marks: Will you respond to these relationships? Will you accept the challenge of these relationships? Any of these relationships is going to change your life in ways that you may want or might not want. Happiness is not the goal of life. It is service. I’ll give you that secret. Those who seek happiness only are easily persuaded and easily corrupted. They will avoid or neglect the signs of the world and the signs of their own soul in order to achieve their goals. So will you allow your life to change for these relationships? Obviously getting married to someone changes your life. Getting married and having a family changes your life very fundamentally, very obviously. But so will these relationships. Are you ready to begin to make a way in your life for these relationships? And lastly, do these relationships represent your destiny? Now you don’t have an answer yet. You have a feeling. You have an encouragement. You may also have a hesitation, naturally, of course. What I am presenting to you here is going to change your life. And we both want that and fear that. Of course. I understand. You know, people want everyone else to change but not them, right? So you’ve not gone far enough to be able to fully answer these questions and that is certain. That should be understood. You can only be certain of the next step. Knowledge will take you to the next step. When you’re entering new territory, unknown territory you’ve never been in before, you want the certainty of the next step. You can take the next step. You cannot run up this mountain, but you can take the next step. And if you don’t take the next step, you don’t get up the mountain. No bargaining. No Deal. This is just how it is. I understand these things and I feel very compassionate about it. So I want you to understand, I’m not holding you here. I’m giving you the power to see, know, and take action in your life. The people who are going to help me with this Revelation are going to be people who are inner-directed and responsible for their experience. I’m not going to carry them up the mountain. There’s no elevator. There’s no helicopter. You make the journey or you do not make the journey. It’s very simple. But the steps are important; the steps you take are important. Some are easy. Some will be difficult. Some are wonderful. Some will make you stop and wonder if you can go forward. But those are more thresholds down the road—nothing huge at the beginning. And for many of you, you already are preparing yourself for these things anyway by the fact that you’re bringing yourself into the clear, to be unencumbered, to be ready, to be open. You’ve been working in this direction for some time. I would not say these things to someone who just walked off the street. But you, within yourself and life and how it is, has brought you here. So for you to enter this larger arena of life, you have to be able to hold yourself there and learn how to do that. And learn how to recognize and overcome those forces within you and around you that would discourage and will discourage and dissuade you, which would be very difficult, maybe impossible to do, if the power of Knowledge was not within you. Do not underestimate the influence of the world; it’s very considerable. So I speak with a degree of urgency because of the times in which we are living and the times that are coming, what is revealed through the Revelation and what has been revealed to me personally, which I will not speak of here. It is a time of urgency. And the urgency will help you to escape ambivalence, which is not a good place to be within yourself. If you feel the urgency, and many of you do, that will help you. It will frighten you. You may feel overwhelmed, but it actually is part of what is calling you forth. That’s why people don’t pay attention because they don’t want to be called forth. So you are free to hold yourself back. You’re free to step back. You are free to pause and to consider, and I want you to consider. This is not like jumping off a cliff, but it is moving in a new direction. Or perhaps I should say it is moving in the next stage of the direction you are already moving. But it will begin to change how you look at yourself, other people and the world. And change is good, but sometimes upsetting and confusing. Here you cannot insist upon having answers. You will have to learn to live with questions, questions you cannot answer and should not answer. It’s very important. Here you have to be able to give up the reins of control, not completely of course, but enough to allow yourself to move into a new realm of experience. And I encourage this because you don’t want to stay where you are. I and those who have come to assist me, are on a mission. We function in a mission-based environment, which is different from the general environments around us. And the nature of our relationship is different from the nature of relationships around us because we are moved and committed to share a great Mission together, a Mission not of our own making—something that comes from the permanent, from the sacred, from God. But it’s different being a recipient only to becoming part of a force that’s providing. In fact, the next great stage of your studenthood is to become a provider at some time, in some way, because you can only do so much for yourself, right? You can only change so much about yourself. But what really changes you is you step into a different arena of life that calls forth from you things that you cannot call from yourself. It’s just a beautiful…it’s a beautiful thing. I can only offer you this gift. It is up to you to see how it strikes you and is striking you. The purpose of the New Message is to engage people with their greater purpose for being here, which is not what they think it is. It is not what everyone else is doing. You don’t need a master or a guru for this, but you do need a preparation. You need a Messenger and you need a Message for this—maybe not for other things, but for this. I’d like to say a few things about the mission-based environment. I’m going to be really focusing on this tomorrow evening in the final evening of our Vigil together: the Mission. The mission-based environment has arisen around me. I just didn’t invent it. It just became a reality beginning with my wife and a few other significant people who are still with me today and that became the mission environment. It’s divine order. Or divine disorder, I should say. It requires certain things. It requires readiness, which means you’re ready to participate, not just to understand. Understanding happens in the outer courtyard of the temple. Revelation happens on the inside of the temple—in this temple. You have to be humble, but also powerful. There’s no contradiction there if you can understand it. You have to be resilient, which means you can take the longer journey with many shifts and changes. You have to pay attention to yourself and what you’re doing. You have to be connected with Knowledge and you have to be dedicated. The people who are going to help me, directly, in bringing the New Message to the world are going to have to deal with their experience. They are going to have to come to terms within themselves. I’m not charming them or winning them over or promising glorious things for them. This is not easy. And it will be like a second job, if you grow into it, on top of what you’re doing now, which gives you very little time to be at odds with yourself or other people, or to wander aimlessly, being distracted by other things. The New Message says: “God saves you by giving you important things to do, not of your own making.” It is not: “God help me do what I want to do.” No. God will help you undo what you want to do by giving you something important to do. You’re free to hold yourself back; you are free to pause. But the Mission must go forward. It does not pause. I do not pause. Those who guide me do not pause. When you respond, you can go too fast or too slow until you find the pace that you can sustain, that keeps you healthy because you’ll always feel like you need to do more than you can do. It’s just unavoidable. I feel it. You’ll feel it. You have to be stable. That’s why your Pillars are important. It’s not really just to give you a better life, which it will. It’s to free you to be able to do something more significant in your life that is destined for you. It’s not only destined for you, it’s already inside of you. But to do this, you have to have a stable foundation. Your life cannot be falling apart beneath you. Your work life cannot be falling apart or in disarray. Your health. Your relationships. That’ll take all your time and energy to deal with those things if they keep occurring. Certainly, they may occur through the course of your life, but if that’s your overall condition, you’re not ready for this. You may be destined to it, but you’re not ready for it. These four relationships: Knowledge, the Message, the Messenger and the Mission. These will create a greater coordination within you between your body, your mind, your Knowledge and your spirit. Right now, those things are likely out of order. But in this context, the body serves the mind and the mind serves spirit, not the other way around—very clear. But this is a very different way of being in the world. This is a different way of experiencing yourself. It is through these relationships that you will know who to be within the world and how to be with them. The more your life is moving and going where it needs to go, the easier it is to understand any kind of attraction or any kind of association with another person. But you have to be moving to do this. If you’re not moving, then it’s all based on appearances and feelings and transitory things that really don’t mean anything in the end, no matter how hard you try. So I’d like to speak about something else now that I think is very important for me to establish, since I have you all here and those of you who are watching from afar. It’s my opportunity to establish my relationship with you and how to be in a relationship with me because everything that can be done is done through relationships. Even if you’re the brilliant inventor, everything that’s coming to you comes from the Mystery. You’re just carrying out something that’s been revealed to you, which is important. So a few things I want to be very clear about: I’m the Messenger to the world. I am not your personal teacher or guide. I cannot look after you, specifically, and watch over you carefully. There’s some other forces that do that you cannot see. But I cannot be the Messenger for the world and be focused on a few people only. I want you to understand I’m not the intermediary between you and Knowledge or between you and God, okay? You do not worship God through me. You do not come to me to find out what you know. I want to keep you in the driver’s seat as much as possible. God’ll sit in the back seat telling you where to drive, but you have to drive. You’ve got to run this bus called your life. I want you to know that Knowledge is the Redeemer. And service in the world, guided by Knowledge, is how God is going to save you. Because to do that will reunite you with yourself, with your Source and with the truth of your life, which you did not invent for yourself. The New Message makes this very clear. I am your Messenger, however, bringing the Message to you, and in my remaining time, to provide as much clarity, clarification, correction, when needed, so the journey becomes clearer for you. You don’t wander off course or find yourself lost somewhere along the way. It’s a wild world out there. Unpredictable. I represent the Angelic Assembly and Their Mission here on Earth. I am part of their Assembly with you. But I will not be here forever, and I want to leave you with as much strength, clarity and determination as I can do to assist you, to clarify your pathway. You’ve learned so much in the world that doesn’t work, so the way out of the jungle is not some grand highway; it’s a little footpath through the underbrush. I have teachings from my life and the things that have been revealed to me that I will also share with you, that are appropriate to share with you, though I will not reveal my training because it is not appropriate to you or you would perhaps think you would have to do something like that, which could take you off course. But the Wisdom from my training I will share with you, when appropriate. I’m here to call you to the greater Intelligence that lives within you, the Intelligence of Knowledge. Be you religious or not religious, be you of any faith tradition or no faith tradition, God has put Knowledge within you. Knowledge is what God has created in you—the permanent, living inside the temporary. You may try everything you can think of how to know what Knowledge knows, but Knowledge reveals itself to you when it wills and when it considers you ready to receive or earnest in your appeal. So you will have to be very patient. Patience. Oh, if I could learn patience, my God. So I’m leading you in this Mission and hopefully will be the inspiration for it going forward. I will leave as much of my writings and what I’ve learned as I can. I’m also bound to prepare the Revelation so it has my approval, to authenticate it so it is not redone and remade by others. I have been well guided in this matter. So I call upon each of you who are going to participate, who are going to enter this larger arena of relationships, to walk this with The Society for the New Message. They are the keepers of the true Revelation. These are people who have given their lives to preserving this and making it available to you, people you don’t even know have brought this to you. And you will bring it to people who don’t know you. So I ask you to walk with me in service to the Revelation if you are able and ready to do that. This is where your studenthood enters its second great phase, for there is only so much you can do for yourself. There’s no perfection here, only service and participation. May the Presence be with us, strengthen us, remind us, and push us. Nasi Novare Coram
The Angelic Assembly serves the permanent.
Your words Marshall, hearing them one year later, after an attempted coup on the U.S.Capital have provided peace and courage to my broken heart. I will always walk with you, The Messenger of God to the World. I am honored
Marshall and every single one,
It is fulfillment to have known that we came here to locate something that we came here to locate, grow it and give it to the world. Those of us that did, get to have the rarest of experience. If we were to ask before we came here, “What may I do that would be the most meaningful and powerful life possible?”, I can not imagine one other than the one that we share. What a life indeed. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. (Pun intended)
Thank you all for continuing together. My life would have remained to the end, a big question mark without you.
“I am part of their Assembly with you.” A very curious statement for me.
While I couldn’t attend in person, this Messenger’s Vigil is another powerful event, other students have said the same thing too. I wonder if students resonate more as they progress on the path to Knowledge, or because our Worldwide Community is getting stronger in Knowledge, probably both.
Regarding this teaching, when Marshall said that there were 4 relationships, I thought: relationship with God/Knowledge, relationship with my worldly self, relationship with others… So it was quite a surprise to hear that 3 out of 4 relationships are directly connected to the New Message. But then it makes sense: we were sent here for a greater purpose, and we are living at a time of Revelation, so it’s to be expected that our purpose are related to the New Message, directly or indirectly.
So thank you Marshall for the clarification. It’s an important reminder that we shouldn’t keep focusing on our personal lives and personal selves, but at a certain point, we need to focus on what brought us here. Doing something important makes you realize that it doesn’t matter if that person said/did something hurtful to you in the past. Freedom indeed!
Thank you Hanh! I had same question about the 4 relationships. What about relationship with others? It reminds me of what MVS said that Relationships and Higher Purpose is an advanced teaching, and most of people are not ready for it yet. For a New Message student, it is building the foundation and establishing the relationship with Knowledge, the Message, the Messenger, and the Mission first, that we are able to become to see and understand the relationships with others, to know who to be with and how to be with. just a little sharing from my own understanding. To me this is a deep question to live with…
Thank you for the clarification Lin, that was very helpful. It all makes sense now: our relationship to God and Knowledge is our most primary relationship, relationships with others come later. We had it all reversed.
There is so much to learn, so I really appreciate when other students share their wisdom, knowledge and experiences.