A Blessing from the Messenger

The Messenger concludes the Monday Huddle Meeting with a prayer, April 22, 2019.

A great Power, Presence and Coordination has brought us here together, a mystery and a miracle in and of itself for each one of us.

Let us, then, carry this miracle, and this mystery and this coordination within ourselves.

For there will be times of inspiration and times without inspiration.

There will times of promise and times of doubt.

But let us carry our destiny with us, remembering that Knowledge never sleeps within us, even as we slumber.

Let us remember that which lives within us that cannot die, and will not fail us if we do not fail it.

Nasi Novare Coram.

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  1. No words could describe how thankful we are to receive The Messenger’s direct and live blessing. We are so grateful to be born this time to see Him and walk with Him. Oh, my dear Messenger! Of course, we will carry this union, this mystery and this coordination. We are preparing for not let fail The Knowledge. Nasi Novare Coram.

  2. Such a beautiful prayer, Marshall, that acknowledges the inspiration and lack of inspiration, the promise and the doubt – the whole of what the experience is like living in Separation and living knowing you and knowing the Revelation as well. Thank you. NNC