- Preparing for the Future | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Preparing for the Reality of Contact with the Greater Community | A Teaching from Marshall Vian Summers
- The Still Mind | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Religion and Politics | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Adapting to a Changing World | A Teaching from Marshall Vian Summers
- Who Can You Trust? | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Facing A World In Decline | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Being Centered in a Crashing World | Live Teaching
- When it is Time to Take a Stand | The Difference Between War and a Fight
- The Condition of the World | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Bringing Balance and Security to the World | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Building a Healthy Relationship with the Mind | A Teaching from Marshall Vian Summers
- Understanding The Journey You Have Taken | Building A Healthy Relationship With The Mind
- Preparing For The Greater Community | Strengthening Our Overall Foundation In Life
- Preparing For The Greater Community Live Broadcast
- The Dangers of ET Contact – Know Who is Here and Why
- The Still Mind
- Achieving Peace
- Adapting to a Changing World
- Decoding ET Psychology and Manipulation | Staying on the Side of Humanity
- The Importance of the Individual
- What Will End War? | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The New Way Forward for Humanity | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The New Way Forward for Humanity
- What Will Change the World | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What Will Change the World
- Experiencing Your Higher Purpose | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Experiencing Your Higher Purpose
- Listening for Knowledge
- Technology, ET Persuasion and the Way Out
- The Still Mind | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Going Beneath the Surface of the Mind | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Going Beneath the Surface of the Mind
- Food, Water, and Energy | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Food, Water and Energy
- Solving Problems
- Discernment
- Ending Violence Within | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Self Confidence | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Self Confidence
- The Four Pillars of Life
- Understanding Money, Wealth, and Power | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Understanding Money, Wealth and Power
- Feeling and Doing What’s Essential
- The Meaning Of Christmas
- The Great Waves Prophecy
- The Holy Days
- The Illumination | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Illumination
- Relationships of Destiny | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Relationships of Destiny
- The Time of Revelation
- Experiencing God | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The New God Experience
- Experiencing God
- Bringing Your Life Into Balance | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Bringing Your Life Into Balance
- Enlightenment | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Enlightenment
- Climate Change tool and My list of signs of the Great Waves of Change
- Facing Great Change in the World | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Facing Great Change in the World
- Freedom | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Freedom
- Dealing With Anger and Frustration | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What God Wills for You | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What God Wills for You
- Dealing With Anger and Frustration
- The Reformation | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Reformation
- God’s Plan For The World
- God’s Plan For The World | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Freedom From Addiction and Obsession | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Freedom from Addiction and Obsession
- The Deeper Intelligence Within You
- The Deeper Intelligence Within You | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Power, Responsibility and “Doing the Work”
- Freedom from Manipulation | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Marriage and Higher Purpose | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Marriage and Higher Purpose
- A Message from Marshall on the Impoverished and Oppressed
- Raising Children | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Raising Children
- What Really Matters?
- What Really Matters | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Calling
- The World Must Receive God’s New Message
- God Is Moving Humanity in a New Direction
- God’s New Message for the World
- The Assembly
- Living at a Time of Revelation
- The Battleground | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What Will End War? | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Possibility for a New Life
- The World Is Calling for Inner-Directed People
- Functioning in the World with Knowledge
- A True Purpose in the World
- Do Not Use Teachings as a ‘Blank Check’
- The Shared Pursuit of Destiny
- Bringing Practice into Every Aspect of Life
- Practical Wisdom and Undefined Mystery
- A New Education for a New Reality
- The Great Change Needed
- The Importance of the Environment for Our Freedom
- New Practice and Real Change
- Hopeful Quote from The Allies of Humanity
- Answering Basic Questions about The New Message from God
- Who are we, the Responders?
- Part of the Story of Marshall Vian Summers
- Guided to Freedom: Responding to the Mystery Within
- Restoring the World | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Restoring the World
- Ending Violence Within
- The New World Prophecy | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Great Turning Point for Humanity – The Decade Ahead | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Living in a Changing Environment
- Adapt, Improvise, and Survive: A Call to Action
- Recognition in Relationships-test
- The Blessing
- The Initiation
- The Seal of the Prophets
- God Has Spoken Again
- The Engagement
- The Recitation
- The Proclamation
- The Art of Seeing
- Joy and Gratitude
- What Is Creation?
- The Separation
- The Origin
- The Soul
- What Creates Evil?
- The Redemption
- God, Knowledge, and the Angelic Presence
- God’s Plan Is To Save Everyone
- How God Speaks to the World
- Comprehending God
- The Heart of God
- The New God Experience
- The Essential Role of ‘Human Spiritual Consciousness’ in the Survival of Our Human Culture & Sovereignty
- Why Our Human Belief in Spiritual Knowledge is Essential
- The Allies of Humanity’s Message
- The Messenger’s Closing Prayer
- Building a Personal Plan
- Steps to Knowledge – a Lifelong Commitment
- MVS Closing Words & Blessing
- Coming Back to Your Studenthood
- Bringing Our Studenthood into the World
- Being a Bridge Between Two Realities
- The Mystery of Steps to Knowledge
- Recommendations for the Study of Steps
- MVS Full Teaching | 2021 Steps Vigil, Night 4
- The Messenger’s Closing Prayer
- The Power of Practice
- How Steps to Knowledge Came To Be
- The Deeper Knowledge Within You
- Honoring the Power Prayer
- Your Relationship with the Greater Community
- The Turning Point
- Facing the Pandemic and the Great Waves of Change
- Understanding the Intervention
- Effects of the Pacification Program
- The Problem of Human Denial
- Discernment in Relationships
- A Deeper Honesty Is Called For in a Changing World
- MVS Full Teaching | Your Relationship with the Mission of the Message and the Messenger
- MVS Full Teaching | The Arrival of a New Message from God
- MVS Full Teaching | Your Relationship with the Messenger
- Marshall’s Full Teaching | Four Realities that are Reshaping Our Inner Lives and Our World
- Making the Mind a Window, Not a Wall
- How God Will Save Us as Individuals
- The Importance of Every Step
- MVS Full Teaching | Your Relationship with the New Message
- MVS Full Teaching | The Great Turning Point for Humanity
- The Great Turning Point for Humanity | Revelation Broadcast Event
- MVS Full Teaching | The Great Turning Point for Humanity
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Going Forward
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Our Work Together
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Working with the Mind
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | How We Will Succeed
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Service in the World
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Preparing for the Greater Community
- 2020 Summit | Marshall Vian Summers | The Great Coordination
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | The Purpose and Direction of the WWC
- MVS Full Teaching | Understanding the Worldwide Community
- test
- The Ship – Revelation Release Gathering
- The Coming Financial Storms | Revelation Broadcast Event
- MVS Full Teaching | The Coming Financial Storms
- Pets and the Mental Environment
- Walking With the Messenger
- Crossing the Line to an Inspired and Determined Life
- What Heaven is Looking For
- 2020 Steps Vigil, Full Messenger Teaching | Closing Broadcast
- When to Exert or Relinquish Authority
- 2020 Steps Vigil Full Messenger Teaching | Night 6
- Moving Through a Turning Point
- MVS Full Teaching | 2020 Steps Vigil, Night 6
- In stillness, all things can be known
- A Full Teaching from the Messenger | Night 5, 2020 Steps Vigil
- How to Keep Moving as a Student of Knowledge
- Undergoing a Revolution Within Yourself
- How to View the World
- Understanding What is Behind Your Reactions
- What Takes You to Knowledge?
- 2020 Steps Vigil, Full Messenger Teaching | Night 4
- The Problem With Problems
- Losing Energy | The Effect of Inertia
- Recognizing Our Problems
- Are You Gaining or Losing Energy?
- Prayer: Let Us Accept Our Humble But Significant Role
- 2020 Steps Vigil Full Teaching from the Messenger | Night 3
- Overcoming Resistance to Practice
- Meeting the Invitation of Hourly Practice
- A Full Teaching from the Messenger | Night 2, 2020 Steps Vigil
- How to Approach Practice in Steps to Knowledge
- What Will You Practice?
- What Takes You to Knowledge?
- Thinking Big: The 3 Levels of Steps to Knowledge
- Proving Yourself to Those Who Sent You
- Receiving Steps to Knowledge – Doing What You Know You Need to Do
- The Messenger’s Training for the Flood of Revelation
- Building new skills: An opportunity for all of us
- 7 Key Skills You Will Need in a World Facing Great Change
- Finding Your Life’s Direction
- Practicing Functional Spirituality
- 7 Skills to Build Your Foundation
- Essential Preparation for the New World Reality
- Tableside Update from the Summers
- God and Aliens | UFO Garage Interview
- The First Book
- Test
- We are so Connected Prayer
- Work and Service in a Changing World
- The Way Out of a Hopeless Dilemma
- Building Stability Amidst World Change
- Aligning with the Knowing Mind
- The Story of My Father
- Doing the “Relationships Work”
- Welcome to the new Community Site!
- Orientation to the New Worldwide Community Site
- Patricia Summers Reflects: Society Anniversary 2020
- Understanding Legitimate and Illegitimate Fear
- “Stillness cultivates the mind to receive”
- Living at a Time of High Consequence
- Escaping Fear
- Living with the Burden of Wisdom
- Spiritual Community
- Who Are the Allies of Humanity?
- Entering the Greater Community
- Stages of Development
- Getting with Yourself and the Opportunity of Isolation
- Trust
- Tableside Broadcast from The Summers – March 2, 2020
- Self-Doubt
- Marriage
- Facing the Greater Community
- Relationships and Higher Purpose Conclusion
- Completing Relationships
- A Blessing for the First Responders
- Learning to Take Humble, Simple Steps Prayer
- Maintaining Relationships
- Your Future Life: Where You Are Now and Where You Are Going
- How to Move Toward Your Purpose and Destiny
- Keeping Knowledge Alive in the World
- Thoughts on Dependence, Independence and Interdependence
- Humanity is at a Great Turning Point
- Afterglow: Receiving ‘The Great Turning Point for Humanity’
- Establishing Relationships
- The Pillar of Work
- Intelligence
- The Decade Ahead
- Marshall Vian Summers receives a new revelation on December 31 2019
- The Gift
- A Greater Solution for the Problems in Religion
- The Pure Religion: The Pathway to God
- The Redeemer
- The Miracle
- Sin, Error and Redemption
- Heaven and Hell
- Religious Violence
- Religious Fundamentalism
- God’s New Message for the World’s Religions
- The Purpose of Religion
- God’s Ancient Covenant with Humanity
- The Sacred
- The Great Faith
- Becoming an ‘Ally of Humanity’
- Your Relationship with Your Spiritual Family
- The Pure Religion
- Higher Powers
- 2019 State of the Mission
- Serving Others
- Your Relationship with the Unknown
- The Importance of Honesty for Students of Knowledge
- Your Relationship with Knowledge
- The Problem of Evil and the Forces of Dissonance
- The Allies of Humanity | Book Four
- The Allies of Humanity | Book Three
- The Allies of Humanity | Book Two
- The Allies of Humanity | Book One
- Becoming Wise
- Fear and Fearlessness
- Visitors’ Perceptions of Humanity
- A New Message from the Allies of Humanity Interview
- Aliens Present in Our World: Do We Need Government Disclosure?
- Forgiveness
- Greater Community Visitations
- Who Are the ‘Allies of Humanity?’ Interview
- Greater Community Realities
- The Allies of Humanity Book Four and Freedom
- Courage
- Briefing 6 The Networks of the Wise
- Briefing 5 The Great Coordination
- Briefing 4 Higher Powers
- Briefing 3 Freedom in the Universe
- Briefing 2 The Importance of Restraint
- Briefing 1 Who We Are and What We Represent
- New Message on Life in the Universe
- The Pillar of Health
- Relationships and Higher Purpose
- A Teaching by Marshall Vian Summers | Full Broadcast
- What Will End War?
- The Future of Humanity
- Resilience
- The Great Transition
- Preventing Collapse and the Wars of Desperation
- Building Global Security
- The Battleground
- Standing at the Precipice
- The Plight of Humanity
- Rebellion, Revolution and War
- Day 17: North to Bogota
- Day 16: Meetings with the Messenger
- Day 14: North to Bolivia
- Day 13: To Valparaiso
- Pride
- Day 10: Across the Continent to Santiago, Chile
- Day 9: The Messenger’s last day in Brazil
- End of Conference Q & A, Santos, Brazil
- The Reality of UFOs, Contact and the Alien Agenda | Full Conference Talk
- The Reality of UFOs, Contact and the Alien Agenda, Conference Talk
- Day 7: South down the coast of Brazil
- Day 5: Visions of the Great Waves of Change
- Day 4: An early morning walk in the cities of the world
- Day 3: Building Capacity to Face the Great Waves of Change
- Living the Reality of the New Message
- The Messenger Journeys to South America
- The Pillar of Relationships
- Who We Are is Communication
- Your Mind is Like Your Child
- Day 7: South down the coast of Brazil
- Facing Planetary Instability
- Being Centered in a Crashing World
- The Shock of the Future
- The Race to Save Human Civilization
- The Global Emergency
- The Great Warning
- Entering the New World
- Being Present in the World
- Living the Inspired and Determined Life
- When Knowledge moves you to do something
- Knowledge and the Greater Community
- Entering the Mystery of Your Life
- Knowledge and the New World Reality
- The Great Alliance
- Remembering your Ancient Home
- How Knowledge Works: Asking for Answers and Guidance
- Freedom from the Inner Crisis
- Understanding How Knowledge Works with Us
- The Process of Clarifying the Mind
- Knowledge and the Three Stages of Life
- How to Face Difficult Decisions
- Disappointment and the Path to Redemption
- Unconditional Giving
- Letting the Mystery Guide Us Further
- Knowing Your Journey – Wisdom Training
- The Bridge
- Knowledge and The Limits of Belief
- Who You Are Is Not Your Mind
- Living in Separation
- The Greater Power within You
- Marshall Vian Summers Speaks on Knowledge: The Spiritual Mind Within All of Us
- A Blessing from the Messenger
- A Journey to a New Life | Nine Recommendations
- Marshall Vian Summers Speaks on the Journey to a New Life
- Update from the Messenger and His Family
- Your Relationship to the Mission of Message and the Messenger
- The Sacred Rendezvous
- Activating the Knowledge, Wisdom and Power within You
- What the Messenger Needs You to Know
- What is the New Message from God?
- A Pivotal Year for Humanity and the New Message
- Relationships, Romance and the Need for Connection
- New Year’s Teaching for 2019
- New Year’s Eve Prayer 2018
- The Great Coordination: Following the Invisible Light
- Humanity’s Emergence into a Greater Community of Intelligent Life
- Before the Moment of Awakening
- What to do after Spiritual Awakening
- Wakeup Call for the Human Race | Reed Summers Interview with Howard Hughes
- Anniversary of Receiving ‘Protecting the Message and the Messenger’
- Jesus is not the Only Way to God: A Big Error in Religion
- Alien Contact and New World Reality
- Understanding Relationships and the Deeper Truth of Who You Are
- The Greater Process of Movement | Parliament of the World’s Religions
- Afterglow: Receiving ‘The Pilgrimage’
- Prayer for the Holy Days
- Take the Journey of the Power of Spirit
- The Story Behind the first book of the Allies of Humanity
- The Pilgrimage
- Encampment Volunteer Session
- Guided Breathing Meditation
- 2018 Encampment | The Bigger Picture
- How the New Reality Connects to You | 2018 Encampment Broadcast
- The New World Reality 2018 Encampment Broadcast
- Entering the New World Reality
- Recommendations for Preparing for a New World Reality
- Wanting Versus Seeing
- 2018 Encampment | The Purpose of the Encampment
- 2018 Encampment | The Messenger’s Opening Remarks
- The Messenger brings a “New Reality”
- Encampment 2018 Broadcasts
- The Story of ‘Living the Way of Knowledge’
- The Messenger Speaks | Feeling the Stirring of Great World Changes
- Marshall Vian Summers on What Unites Us
- All Those Who Serve and Give
- What Unites Us
- Keys to Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Life
- The Messenger Speaks | Seeing Reality: A Prayer from the Messenger
- The Messenger Speaks | The World is Preparing to Fail
- Being a Greater Community Person
- Finding Determination and Courage
- Reed Summers’ CILU Radio Interview | The Reality of Alien Contact
- How to Experience Deeper Meditations
- The Three Words Practice
- The Intention and Determination Practice
- The Mysterious Journey
- Reed Summers’ Paranormal Now Interview | An Alien Story
- The Messenger Speaks | The Importance of Finding Your People, Place and Purpose
- Reed Summers Introduces the Tuesday World Meditation
- Reed Summers’ Reality of Alien Contact Interview | Part 1 of 2
- Reed Summers’ Reality of Alien Contact Interview | Part 2 of 2
- A Prayer from the Messenger: Be a Part of this Miracle
- Experiencing the Greater Reality
- Practicing the Presence: Expanded Listening
- There is No Neutral Choice
- The Significance of Sharing the New Message with Others
- Understanding Fear and the Secret Room
- Doing What You Need To Be Doing
- Spiritual Practice: Stillness is Being Present
- Practicing Stillness and Learning to Be Present
- The Future of the New Revelation
- The Messenger and the Divine Calculation
- The Importance of your Spiritual Development | Open Floor
- Reflections on Steps
- Staying in the Process of Preparation
- Studenthood and Service
- When You Are Not Where You Need To Be
- Maintaining a List of Questions for Knowledge
- The Separation, The Crisis and a Greater Forgiveness
- What Living at a Time of Revelation Looks Like
- The Process of Inner Development
- In the Time of the Messenger
- Thoughts on Practicing the Presence
- Step 191 and The Greater Reality
- The Messenger Brings a Whole New Reality
- Where Knowledge Lives Within You
- Why I Am Here
- The New Message Empowers Us to Save Ourselves
- The Messenger Speaks | Practicing the Presence: Experiencing the Space Between Things
- The Messenger Speaks | Go Beyond Belief to Experience the Presence of God
- The Mystery of Steps to Knowledge
- Why We Have Come to the World
- The New Message is My Life
- How to Study the New Message
- Message of Gratitude
- Marshall Vian Summers Interview with Mysterious Radio
- Are You Feeling a Spiritual Calling in Your Life?
- Reed Summers’ David Pakman Interview
- Important Update to the Worldwide Community
- Reed Summers’ Beyond Reality Radio Interview
- Reed Summers’ Veritas Radio Interview – Part 2
- Reed Summers’ Veritas Radio Interview – Part 1
- Reed Summers’ Alfred Webre Exopolitics Interview
- Reed Summers’ Mysterious Radio Interview: The Alien Agenda
- Reed Summers’ Interview on The Moore Show
- Reed Summers’ Talk Radio UK Interview
- Reed Summers’ Why is This True Radio Interview
- Reed Summers’ Parabnormal Radio Interview
- Our Relationship with God
- The Mission of the Messenger: Relationships of Destiny
- The Journey Begins After the Great Awakening
- What Leads to Personal Spiritual Awakening?
- The Turning Point On Awakening
- The Awakening Experience: Knowing Your Purpose In Life
- Re-engaging With the Truth of Who You Are
- The Will of God in the World
- Are you Spiritual But Not Religious?
- Three Ways God Communicates in the World
- Spiritual Experience: Rediscover the Essence
- Facing Humanity’s Greatest Challenge
- Protecting Human Freedom and Sovereignty
- ET Contact and Human Destiny
- Experiencing Your Greater Self
- The Way of Knowledge: What It Is and What It Is Not
- The Spiritual Journey: A Shift and Awakening to a Greater Experience of Life
- Discovering the Mind Beneath the Mind—Awakening to Your Higher Self
- What is Spiritual Awakening? How Do You Know if it is Happening to You?
- The Experience of Self-Realization
- 14 Truths about Spiritual Awakening
- Experiencing the Spiritual Awakening: Where to Begin?
- UFO Disclosure: Allies | Jimmy Church Interview
- Staying connected to our deeper experience
- The Messenger in Great Churches
- Errors in Understanding the “Great Coordination”
- The Messenger Speaks | Religion Without Conscience
- Those Moments When We Can Gather
- Communication to the Worldwide Community
- The Angelic Assembly
- 2017 Update on the Financial Foundation of the New Message
- Beginning the Freedom Journey
- The Messenger Speaks | Beginning the Freedom Journey
- A Calling to the Worldwide Community of Students
- Marshall in Kuala Lumpur, 2012
- No One Can Reveal to You the Intention for Your Existence
- The Truth About Conspiracies
- The Great Waves Prophecy and the Alien Intervention
- The Sea Level Prophecy
- The Threshold of Contact | 2017 Solar Eclipse
- Afterglow: Receiving “Suffering”
- The Mind, Religion and Belief
- Contact with Intelligent Life in the Universe
- Afterglow: Receiving “What Really Matters”
- The Messenger Receives “What Really Matters”
- A Blessing and Gratitude for the Gifts of Service
- The Messenger Speaks | Freedom from Self-Obsession
- Steps to Knowledge: Alignment with the Deeper Mind
- How Knowledge Communicates to You
- The Messenger Speaks | Who the Messenger is Looking For
- Steps to Knowledge and its Greater Community Lineage
- Spiritual Practice: The Gift and the Problem of Practice
- Our Lives are More Important Than We Realize
- The Power of Knowledge
- A Prayer: Follow This Invisible Light Within Me
- Service | Meeting the Need of the Situation
- The Greater Coordination: Understanding Comes Later
- Seeding Humanity’s Freedom with the Great Coordination
- The Messenger on Entering the New World
- Building Strength and Resilience
- The Opportunity of the Greater Community
- Journey of the Messenger | Wisdom for Studenthood
- Who I am, Why I am Here and Our Opportunity to Share This Together
- What is the difference between the Soul and Knowledge?
- May We Become a Conduit for Grace
- Afterglow: Receiving “The New God Experience”
- The Revelation of “The New God Experience” Part 1
- Bringing the Gift of Revelation into the World
- The Messenger Speaks | Where Jesus Came From
- The Messenger Speaks | To Know What God Is Doing in this World
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Great Coordination”
- 2017 State of the Mission Broadcast
- The Messenger Receives “The Great Coordination”
- Marshall Speaks on God’s Intention for the World and Your Life
- The Messenger Speaks | Do Not Teach Children Religion
- Out of the Cave of Revelation
- Those Who Come to Assist Me in my Mission
- How to Gain Freedom from Self-Obsession
- The Messenger Speaks | Beginning the Freedom Journey
- The Messenger Speaks | God Is Beyond Belief
- The Messenger Speaks | Grace
- The One God Book Release | Full Broadcast
- The One God Revelation
- The One God Book Release
- The Messenger Speaks | I Bring Knowledge and Wisdom from the Universe
- The Messenger Speaks | The Great Promise
- The Courage to Prepare
- A Blessing of Steps to Knowledge
- Special prayer for the tragedy in Orlando, Florida
- The Messenger on Perseverance
- A Calling to Persevere
- Meeting the Challenge of Thresholds
- The Return to Divine Relationship
- The Importance of Humility
- The Virtue of Humility
- Experiencing the Greater Certainty of Knowledge in Your Life
- Three Stages of Engaging with Knowledge
- The Three Stages of Knowledge
- Feeling the Mystery Moving in Your Life
- You Gain Access to Knowledge Through Experience Excerpt
- Deepening Your Spiritual Practice
- Practice Will Move Your Life
- The Origins of Steps to Knowledge
- Steps to Knowledge | The Messenger’s Preparation to Receive
- The Story of Steps to Knowledge
- The Gift of Steps to Knowledge
- The Messenger Speaks | Finding God Beyond Religion
- Who are you really? The Mystery of Your Life and Existence
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Remembrance”
- The Messenger Speaks | The Bridge to Greater Intelligence
- I Call Upon You
- The Revelation Brings a Calling
- The Messenger Speaks | I Am In the World For You
- The Messenger Speaks | The Precipice
- A Prayer from the Messenger to Honor the Calling and Do the Work
- The Bigger Picture: Bringing Grace and Power to a Struggling Humanity
- Building the Foundation for a Greater Life
- The Fortress of Belief
- The Messenger Speaks | The Fortress of Belief
- The Process of Revelation— Revealing the Book “God Has Spoken Again”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Greater Intelligence”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Courage”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Great Alliance”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Determination”
- The Determination
- Claiming our Freedom to Serve
- The Messenger Shares a Prayer About Freedom and Contribution
- The Power of Revelation
- Becoming a Man or Woman of Knowledge
- Being Connected Through the Greater Coordination
- A Time of Vigil: The Power and Potency When We’re Together
- The Deeper Power of Steps to Knowledge
- The Feeling of Running Out of Time
- A Prayer: Let us Practice Forbearance
- What is Steps to Knowledge and how should you study it?
- Knowledge: Preparing You for Purpose in Life
- The Keys to Spiritual Advancement
- The Recognition of Knowledge
- The Return to True Relationship
- Our Minds Are Not Just Our Private Property
- Hear The Voice Speaking Directly to You
- The Messenger Speaks | The Jungle
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Great Warning”
- Be Who You Really Are
- Marshall Vian Summers on The Ladders from Heaven
- Marshall Vian Summers on The Calling and the Blessing
- The Power of Revelation: Expanding Our Regard for the World and Ourselves
- The Messenger Speaks | A Prayer at the Western Wall
- The Allies of Humanity Vice News Interview
- Afterglow: Receiving “Resilience”
- 2014 Encampment | The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message
- Living at a Time of Revelation
- Afterglow: Receiving “Religious Fundamentalism”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Poverty”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Grace”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Messenger’s Calling”
- A New Message of Hope
- Seeing, Knowing and Taking Action
- Your Purpose and Destiny in a Changing World
- Where Will You Place Your Faith?
- The Danger of Isolation
- The Great Waves of Change
- The Deep Evaluation
- The Freedom to Move with Knowledge
- Preparing Your Family
- Relationships and the Great Waves
- Escaping the Past
- The Great Waves and Your Life
- Afterglow: Receiving “Muhammad and the New Message from God”
- The Great Waves and the Hidden Reality of Contact
- The Enemies of Humanity
- The Messenger Speaks | The Essence of Religion
- The Messenger Speaks | The True Calling
- Re-engage With What is True Within You
- The Messenger Speaks | My Life is a Calling
- The Messenger Speaks | There Is a Greater Goodness in the World
- The Messenger Speaks | Who Will Walk With Me?
- The Messenger Speaks | God Has Never Left You
- The Messenger Speaks | My Mission on Earth
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Temple”
- The Messenger Speaks | A Global Message from God’s Messenger
- The Deep Experience of God | Video Collage
- We Must Restore Our Earthly Home
- We Must Restore Our Earthly Home
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Journey of the Messenger”
- Into the Greater Reality of Your Life | A Prayer from The Messenger
- Receive This Gift from God
- The Mystery that Brought You to God’s New Message
- Prayer for the New Revelation
- The Messenger Speaks | A Great Turning Point for the Human Family
- The Blessing of Your Life
- The Vision
- Newstalk Ireland Interview with Marshall Vian Summers
- As the Sun Rose over Tehran | Part Two
- The Messenger Receives “The Veil of the Messenger”
- Your True Self and Greater Purpose
- A Truly New Revelation
- The Allies of Humanity Book 3
- 2012 Birthday Talk by Marshall Vian Summers
- Birthday Celebration for God’s Messenger 2012
- The Messenger Speaks | A New Chapter in the Human Experience
- A New Chapter in the Human Experience
- A Revelation Seeking Its Relationship With The World
- A Solstice Holy Days Blessing
- Witnessing the Revelation
- My Father
- Project Camelot Interview by Kerry Cassidy
- God’s Messenger and the Students of Steps to Knowledge
- Prayer for the Freedom-Loving People of the World
- Preparing for the Greater Community
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Voice of Revelation”
- The Messenger’s Prayer
- When did first contact with the Allies occur?
- The Great Waves Prophecy
- The Great Waves Prophecy
- The Importance of the Greater Community
- The Watchtower
- Self-Reliance
- Faith, Work and Higher Purpose
- Simplicity
- The Coming Financial Storms
- Freedom From Manipulation
- Navigating the Difficult Times Ahead
- The First Commitment
- A Deeper Recognition in Relationships
- Resisting the Intervention
- Healing Relationships
- The New Revelation
- New Message for Young People
- Introduction to ‘What Will End War’
- Interdependence
- Adapting to Great Change
- The Deeper Current of Your Life
- The Spiritual Families and the Plan of God
- Sex and Sexuality
- The New Message on Freedom
- How many books are there going to be?
- Humanity’s Destiny in the Greater Community
- How to Achieve Wisdom in Life?
- Protecting the World
- Taking the Steps to Knowledge
- The Messenger Speaks | Being a Greater Community Person
- Beginning the Preparation
- Relationships, Destiny and Calling
- Developing Greater Honesty
- Developing Certainty, Strength and Wisdom
- Going Beyond the Limits of Human Religion and Belief
- Developing Clarity and Discernment
- Gaining Strength and Influence in the Mental Environment
- Finding Knowledge
- Greater Community Intelligence and the Mental Environment
- Essential Truths About the Greater Community
- The Greater Community Presence in the World
- Resources, Trade and Competition in the Greater Community
- What is the Greater Community?
- Human Responses to the Greater Community
- Developing a Greater Community Perspective and Understanding
- The Great Challenge Awaiting Humanity
- The Meaning of Spiritual Development in the Greater Community
- Exercising Your Authority
- Concentration
- Work
- Faith and Fear
- Using Power for Good
- Escaping Suffering
- Inner Listening
- Higher Education
- World Evolution
- Spiritual Truths
- Preparing for the Future
- Freedom
- Greater Community
- Perseverance
- The New World Prophecy
- What is Knowledge?
- Illness and Healing
- How to Live
- Harmful Influences
- The Mission of the Messenger
- Avoiding Disaster
- The Great Turning Point for Humanity
- How Will You Know What to Do?
- Facing a World in Decline
- The Guardians
- Protecting the Message and the Messenger
- Dealing with Resistance and Hostility
- Witnessing the Revelation
- Supporting God’s New Revelation
- Bringing the New Message to the World
- The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message
- Being a Student of the New Message
- Being a Person of the New Message
- Recognizing the Message and the Messenger
- Approaching the New Message
- The Upheaval
- The Ship
- Achievement
- Mastery
- Perception
- Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community
- Honesty
- Honesty
Alphabetical (A-Z)
- “Stillness cultivates the mind to receive”
- 14 Truths about Spiritual Awakening
- 2012 Birthday Talk by Marshall Vian Summers
- 2014 Encampment | The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message
- 2017 State of the Mission Broadcast
- 2017 Update on the Financial Foundation of the New Message
- 2018 Encampment | The Bigger Picture
- 2018 Encampment | The Messenger’s Opening Remarks
- 2018 Encampment | The Purpose of the Encampment
- 2019 State of the Mission
- 2020 Steps Vigil Full Messenger Teaching | Night 6
- 2020 Steps Vigil Full Teaching from the Messenger | Night 3
- 2020 Steps Vigil, Full Messenger Teaching | Closing Broadcast
- 2020 Steps Vigil, Full Messenger Teaching | Night 4
- 2020 Summit | Marshall Vian Summers | The Great Coordination
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Going Forward
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | How We Will Succeed
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Our Work Together
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Preparing for the Greater Community
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Service in the World
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | The Purpose and Direction of the WWC
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Working with the Mind
- 7 Key Skills You Will Need in a World Facing Great Change
- 7 Skills to Build Your Foundation
- A Truly New Revelation
- The Holy Days
- A Blessing and Gratitude for the Gifts of Service
- A Blessing for the First Responders
- A Blessing from the Messenger
- A Blessing of Steps to Knowledge
- A Calling to Persevere
- A Calling to the Worldwide Community of Students
- A Deeper Honesty Is Called For in a Changing World
- A Deeper Recognition in Relationships
- A Full Teaching from the Messenger | Night 2, 2020 Steps Vigil
- A Full Teaching from the Messenger | Night 5, 2020 Steps Vigil
- A Greater Solution for the Problems in Religion
- A Journey to a New Life | Nine Recommendations
- A Message from Marshall on the Impoverished and Oppressed
- A New Chapter in the Human Experience
- A New Education for a New Reality
- A New Message from the Allies of Humanity Interview
- A New Message of Hope
- A Pivotal Year for Humanity and the New Message
- A Prayer from the Messenger to Honor the Calling and Do the Work
- A Prayer from the Messenger: Be a Part of this Miracle
- A Prayer: Follow This Invisible Light Within Me
- A Prayer: Let us Practice Forbearance
- A Revelation Seeking Its Relationship With The World
- A Solstice Holy Days Blessing
- A Teaching by Marshall Vian Summers | Full Broadcast
- A Time of Vigil: The Power and Potency When We’re Together
- A True Purpose in the World
- Achievement
- Achieving Peace
- Activating the Knowledge, Wisdom and Power within You
- Adapt, Improvise, and Survive: A Call to Action
- Adapting to a Changing World
- Adapting to a Changing World | A Teaching from Marshall Vian Summers
- Adapting to Great Change
- Afterglow: Receiving “Courage”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Grace”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Muhammad and the New Message from God”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Poverty”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Religious Fundamentalism”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Resilience”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Suffering”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Determination”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Great Alliance”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Great Coordination”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Great Warning”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Greater Intelligence”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Journey of the Messenger”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Messenger’s Calling”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The New God Experience”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Remembrance”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Temple”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Voice of Revelation”
- Afterglow: Receiving “What Really Matters”
- Afterglow: Receiving ‘The Great Turning Point for Humanity’
- Afterglow: Receiving ‘The Pilgrimage’
- Alien Contact and New World Reality
- Aliens Present in Our World: Do We Need Government Disclosure?
- Aligning with the Knowing Mind
- All Those Who Serve and Give
- Anniversary of Receiving ‘Protecting the Message and the Messenger’
- Answering Basic Questions about The New Message from God
- Approaching the New Message
- Are You Feeling a Spiritual Calling in Your Life?
- Are You Gaining or Losing Energy?
- Are you Spiritual But Not Religious?
- As the Sun Rose over Tehran | Part Two
- Avoiding Disaster
- Be Who You Really Are
- Becoming a Man or Woman of Knowledge
- Becoming an ‘Ally of Humanity’
- Becoming Wise
- Before the Moment of Awakening
- Beginning the Freedom Journey
- Beginning the Preparation
- Being a Bridge Between Two Realities
- Being a Greater Community Person
- Being a Person of the New Message
- Being a Student of the New Message
- Being Centered in a Crashing World
- Being Centered in a Crashing World | Live Teaching
- Being Connected Through the Greater Coordination
- Being Present in the World
- Birthday Celebration for God’s Messenger 2012
- Briefing 1 Who We Are and What We Represent
- Briefing 2 The Importance of Restraint
- Briefing 3 Freedom in the Universe
- Briefing 4 Higher Powers
- Briefing 5 The Great Coordination
- Briefing 6 The Networks of the Wise
- Bringing Balance and Security to the World | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Bringing Our Studenthood into the World
- Bringing Practice into Every Aspect of Life
- Bringing the Gift of Revelation into the World
- Bringing the New Message to the World
- Bringing Your Life Into Balance
- Bringing Your Life Into Balance | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Building a Healthy Relationship with the Mind | A Teaching from Marshall Vian Summers
- Building a Personal Plan
- Building Global Security
- Building new skills: An opportunity for all of us
- Building Stability Amidst World Change
- Building Strength and Resilience
- Building the Foundation for a Greater Life
- Claiming our Freedom to Serve
- Climate Change tool and My list of signs of the Great Waves of Change
- Coming Back to Your Studenthood
- Communication to the Worldwide Community
- Completing Relationships
- Comprehending God
- Concentration
- Contact with Intelligent Life in the Universe
- Courage
- Crossing the Line to an Inspired and Determined Life
- Day 10: Across the Continent to Santiago, Chile
- Day 13: To Valparaiso
- Day 14: North to Bolivia
- Day 16: Meetings with the Messenger
- Day 17: North to Bogota
- Day 3: Building Capacity to Face the Great Waves of Change
- Day 4: An early morning walk in the cities of the world
- Day 5: Visions of the Great Waves of Change
- Day 7: South down the coast of Brazil
- Day 7: South down the coast of Brazil
- Day 9: The Messenger’s last day in Brazil
- Dealing With Anger and Frustration
- Dealing With Anger and Frustration | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Dealing with Resistance and Hostility
- Decoding ET Psychology and Manipulation | Staying on the Side of Humanity
- Deepening Your Spiritual Practice
- Developing a Greater Community Perspective and Understanding
- Developing Certainty, Strength and Wisdom
- Developing Clarity and Discernment
- Developing Greater Honesty
- Disappointment and the Path to Redemption
- Discernment
- Discernment in Relationships
- Discovering the Mind Beneath the Mind—Awakening to Your Higher Self
- Do Not Use Teachings as a ‘Blank Check’
- Doing the “Relationships Work”
- Doing What You Need To Be Doing
- Effects of the Pacification Program
- Encampment 2018 Broadcasts
- Encampment Volunteer Session
- End of Conference Q & A, Santos, Brazil
- Ending Violence Within
- Ending Violence Within | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Enlightenment
- Enlightenment | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Entering the Greater Community
- Entering the Mystery of Your Life
- Entering the New World
- Entering the New World Reality
- Errors in Understanding the “Great Coordination”
- Escaping Fear
- Escaping Suffering
- Escaping the Past
- Essential Preparation for the New World Reality
- Essential Truths About the Greater Community
- Establishing Relationships
- ET Contact and Human Destiny
- Exercising Your Authority
- Experiencing God
- Experiencing God | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Experiencing the Greater Certainty of Knowledge in Your Life
- Experiencing the Greater Reality
- Experiencing the Spiritual Awakening: Where to Begin?
- Experiencing Your Greater Self
- Experiencing Your Higher Purpose
- Experiencing Your Higher Purpose | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Facing a World in Decline
- Facing A World In Decline | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Facing Great Change in the World
- Facing Great Change in the World | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Facing Humanity’s Greatest Challenge
- Facing Planetary Instability
- Facing the Greater Community
- Facing the Pandemic and the Great Waves of Change
- Faith and Fear
- Faith, Work and Higher Purpose
- Fear and Fearlessness
- Feeling and Doing What’s Essential
- Feeling the Mystery Moving in Your Life
- Finding Determination and Courage
- Finding Knowledge
- Finding Your Life’s Direction
- Food, Water and Energy
- Food, Water, and Energy | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Forgiveness
- Freedom
- Freedom
- Freedom from Addiction and Obsession
- Freedom From Addiction and Obsession | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Freedom From Manipulation
- Freedom from Manipulation | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Freedom from the Inner Crisis
- Freedom | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Functioning in the World with Knowledge
- Gaining Strength and Influence in the Mental Environment
- Getting with Yourself and the Opportunity of Isolation
- God and Aliens | UFO Garage Interview
- God Has Spoken Again
- God Is Moving Humanity in a New Direction
- God’s Ancient Covenant with Humanity
- God’s Messenger and the Students of Steps to Knowledge
- God’s New Message for the World
- God’s New Message for the World’s Religions
- God’s Plan For The World
- God’s Plan For The World | Revelation Broadcast Event
- God’s Plan Is To Save Everyone
- God, Knowledge, and the Angelic Presence
- Going Beneath the Surface of the Mind
- Going Beneath the Surface of the Mind | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Going Beyond the Limits of Human Religion and Belief
- Greater Community
- Greater Community Intelligence and the Mental Environment
- Greater Community Realities
- Greater Community Visitations
- Guided Breathing Meditation
- Guided to Freedom: Responding to the Mystery Within
- Harmful Influences
- Healing Relationships
- Hear The Voice Speaking Directly to You
- Heaven and Hell
- Higher Education
- Higher Powers
- Honesty
- Honesty
- Honoring the Power Prayer
- Hopeful Quote from The Allies of Humanity
- How God Speaks to the World
- How God Will Save Us as Individuals
- How Knowledge Communicates to You
- How Knowledge Works: Asking for Answers and Guidance
- How many books are there going to be?
- How Steps to Knowledge Came To Be
- How the New Reality Connects to You | 2018 Encampment Broadcast
- How to Achieve Wisdom in Life?
- How to Approach Practice in Steps to Knowledge
- How to Experience Deeper Meditations
- How to Face Difficult Decisions
- How to Gain Freedom from Self-Obsession
- How to Keep Moving as a Student of Knowledge
- How to Live
- How to Move Toward Your Purpose and Destiny
- How to Study the New Message
- How to View the World
- How Will You Know What to Do?
- Human Responses to the Greater Community
- Humanity is at a Great Turning Point
- Humanity’s Destiny in the Greater Community
- Humanity’s Emergence into a Greater Community of Intelligent Life
- Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community
- I Call Upon You
- Illness and Healing
- Important Update to the Worldwide Community
- In stillness, all things can be known
- In the Time of the Messenger
- Inner Listening
- Intelligence
- Interdependence
- Into the Greater Reality of Your Life | A Prayer from The Messenger
- Introduction to ‘What Will End War’
- Jesus is not the Only Way to God: A Big Error in Religion
- Journey of the Messenger | Wisdom for Studenthood
- Joy and Gratitude
- Keeping Knowledge Alive in the World
- Keys to Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Life
- Knowing Your Journey – Wisdom Training
- Knowledge and the Greater Community
- Knowledge and The Limits of Belief
- Knowledge and the New World Reality
- Knowledge and the Three Stages of Life
- Knowledge: Preparing You for Purpose in Life
- Learning to Take Humble, Simple Steps Prayer
- Letting the Mystery Guide Us Further
- Listening for Knowledge
- Living at a Time of High Consequence
- Living at a Time of Revelation
- Living at a Time of Revelation
- Living in a Changing Environment
- Living in Separation
- Living the Inspired and Determined Life
- Living the Reality of the New Message
- Living with the Burden of Wisdom
- Losing Energy | The Effect of Inertia
- Maintaining a List of Questions for Knowledge
- Maintaining Relationships
- Making the Mind a Window, Not a Wall
- Marriage
- Marriage and Higher Purpose
- Marriage and Higher Purpose | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Marshall in Kuala Lumpur, 2012
- Marshall Speaks on God’s Intention for the World and Your Life
- Marshall Vian Summers Interview with Mysterious Radio
- Marshall Vian Summers on The Calling and the Blessing
- Marshall Vian Summers on The Ladders from Heaven
- Marshall Vian Summers on What Unites Us
- Marshall Vian Summers receives a new revelation on December 31 2019
- Marshall Vian Summers Speaks on Knowledge: The Spiritual Mind Within All of Us
- Marshall Vian Summers Speaks on the Journey to a New Life
- Marshall’s Full Teaching | Four Realities that are Reshaping Our Inner Lives and Our World
- Mastery
- May We Become a Conduit for Grace
- Meeting the Challenge of Thresholds
- Meeting the Invitation of Hourly Practice
- Message of Gratitude
- Moving Through a Turning Point
- MVS Closing Words & Blessing
- MVS Full Teaching | 2020 Steps Vigil, Night 6
- MVS Full Teaching | 2021 Steps Vigil, Night 4
- MVS Full Teaching | The Arrival of a New Message from God
- MVS Full Teaching | The Coming Financial Storms
- MVS Full Teaching | The Great Turning Point for Humanity
- MVS Full Teaching | The Great Turning Point for Humanity
- MVS Full Teaching | Understanding the Worldwide Community
- MVS Full Teaching | Your Relationship with the Messenger
- MVS Full Teaching | Your Relationship with the Mission of the Message and the Messenger
- MVS Full Teaching | Your Relationship with the New Message
- My Father
- Navigating the Difficult Times Ahead
- New Message for Young People
- New Message on Life in the Universe
- New Practice and Real Change
- New Year’s Eve Prayer 2018
- New Year’s Teaching for 2019
- Newstalk Ireland Interview with Marshall Vian Summers
- No One Can Reveal to You the Intention for Your Existence
- Orientation to the New Worldwide Community Site
- Our Lives are More Important Than We Realize
- Our Minds Are Not Just Our Private Property
- Our Relationship with God
- Out of the Cave of Revelation
- Overcoming Resistance to Practice
- Part of the Story of Marshall Vian Summers
- Patricia Summers Reflects: Society Anniversary 2020
- Perception
- Perseverance
- Pets and the Mental Environment
- Power, Responsibility and “Doing the Work”
- Practical Wisdom and Undefined Mystery
- Practice Will Move Your Life
- Practicing Functional Spirituality
- Practicing Stillness and Learning to Be Present
- Practicing the Presence: Expanded Listening
- Prayer for the Freedom-Loving People of the World
- Prayer for the Holy Days
- Prayer for the New Revelation
- Prayer: Let Us Accept Our Humble But Significant Role
- Preparing for the Future
- Preparing for the Future | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Preparing for the Greater Community
- Preparing For The Greater Community Live Broadcast
- Preparing For The Greater Community | Strengthening Our Overall Foundation In Life
- Preparing for the Reality of Contact with the Greater Community | A Teaching from Marshall Vian Summers
- Preparing Your Family
- Preventing Collapse and the Wars of Desperation
- Pride
- Project Camelot Interview by Kerry Cassidy
- Protecting Human Freedom and Sovereignty
- Protecting the Message and the Messenger
- Protecting the World
- Proving Yourself to Those Who Sent You
- Raising Children
- Raising Children | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Re-engage With What is True Within You
- Re-engaging With the Truth of Who You Are
- Rebellion, Revolution and War
- Receive This Gift from God
- Receiving Steps to Knowledge – Doing What You Know You Need to Do
- Recognition in Relationships-test
- Recognizing Our Problems
- Recognizing the Message and the Messenger
- Recommendations for Preparing for a New World Reality
- Recommendations for the Study of Steps
- Reed Summers Introduces the Tuesday World Meditation
- Reed Summers’ Alfred Webre Exopolitics Interview
- Reed Summers’ Beyond Reality Radio Interview
- Reed Summers’ CILU Radio Interview | The Reality of Alien Contact
- Reed Summers’ David Pakman Interview
- Reed Summers’ Interview on The Moore Show
- Reed Summers’ Mysterious Radio Interview: The Alien Agenda
- Reed Summers’ Parabnormal Radio Interview
- Reed Summers’ Paranormal Now Interview | An Alien Story
- Reed Summers’ Reality of Alien Contact Interview | Part 1 of 2
- Reed Summers’ Reality of Alien Contact Interview | Part 2 of 2
- Reed Summers’ Talk Radio UK Interview
- Reed Summers’ Veritas Radio Interview – Part 1
- Reed Summers’ Veritas Radio Interview – Part 2
- Reed Summers’ Why is This True Radio Interview
- Reflections on Steps
- Relationships and Higher Purpose
- Relationships and Higher Purpose Conclusion
- Relationships and the Great Waves
- Relationships of Destiny
- Relationships of Destiny | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Relationships, Destiny and Calling
- Relationships, Romance and the Need for Connection
- Religion and Politics | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Religious Fundamentalism
- Religious Violence
- Remembering your Ancient Home
- Resilience
- Resisting the Intervention
- Resources, Trade and Competition in the Greater Community
- Restoring the World
- Restoring the World | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Seeding Humanity’s Freedom with the Great Coordination
- Seeing, Knowing and Taking Action
- Self Confidence
- Self Confidence | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Self-Doubt
- Self-Reliance
- Service | Meeting the Need of the Situation
- Serving Others
- Sex and Sexuality
- Simplicity
- Sin, Error and Redemption
- Solving Problems
- Special prayer for the tragedy in Orlando, Florida
- Spiritual Community
- Spiritual Experience: Rediscover the Essence
- Spiritual Practice: Stillness is Being Present
- Spiritual Practice: The Gift and the Problem of Practice
- Spiritual Truths
- Stages of Development
- Standing at the Precipice
- Staying connected to our deeper experience
- Staying in the Process of Preparation
- Step 191 and The Greater Reality
- Steps to Knowledge – a Lifelong Commitment
- Steps to Knowledge and its Greater Community Lineage
- Steps to Knowledge | The Messenger’s Preparation to Receive
- Steps to Knowledge: Alignment with the Deeper Mind
- Studenthood and Service
- Supporting God’s New Revelation
- Tableside Broadcast from The Summers – March 2, 2020
- Tableside Update from the Summers
- Take the Journey of the Power of Spirit
- Taking the Steps to Knowledge
- Technology, ET Persuasion and the Way Out
- test
- Test
- The Allies of Humanity Book 3
- The Allies of Humanity Book Four and Freedom
- The Allies of Humanity Vice News Interview
- The Allies of Humanity | Book Four
- The Allies of Humanity | Book One
- The Allies of Humanity | Book Three
- The Allies of Humanity | Book Two
- The Allies of Humanity’s Message
- The Angelic Assembly
- The Art of Seeing
- The Assembly
- The Awakening Experience: Knowing Your Purpose In Life
- The Battleground
- The Battleground | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Bigger Picture: Bringing Grace and Power to a Struggling Humanity
- The Blessing
- The Blessing of Your Life
- The Bridge
- The Calling
- The Coming Financial Storms
- The Coming Financial Storms | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Condition of the World | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- The Courage to Prepare
- The Danger of Isolation
- The Dangers of ET Contact – Know Who is Here and Why
- The Decade Ahead
- The Deep Evaluation
- The Deep Experience of God | Video Collage
- The Deeper Current of Your Life
- The Deeper Intelligence Within You
- The Deeper Intelligence Within You | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Deeper Knowledge Within You
- The Deeper Power of Steps to Knowledge
- The Determination
- The Enemies of Humanity
- The Engagement
- The Essential Role of ‘Human Spiritual Consciousness’ in the Survival of Our Human Culture & Sovereignty
- The Experience of Self-Realization
- The Feeling of Running Out of Time
- The First Book
- The First Commitment
- The Fortress of Belief
- The Four Pillars of Life
- The Freedom to Move with Knowledge
- The Future of Humanity
- The Future of the New Revelation
- The Gift
- The Gift of Steps to Knowledge
- The Global Emergency
- The Great Alliance
- The Great Challenge Awaiting Humanity
- The Great Change Needed
- The Great Coordination: Following the Invisible Light
- The Great Faith
- The Great Transition
- The Great Turning Point for Humanity
- The Great Turning Point for Humanity – The Decade Ahead | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Great Turning Point for Humanity | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Great Warning
- The Great Waves and the Hidden Reality of Contact
- The Great Waves and Your Life
- The Great Waves of Change
- The Great Waves Prophecy
- The Great Waves Prophecy
- The Great Waves Prophecy
- The Great Waves Prophecy and the Alien Intervention
- The Greater Community Presence in the World
- The Greater Coordination: Understanding Comes Later
- The Greater Power within You
- The Greater Process of Movement | Parliament of the World’s Religions
- The Guardians
- The Heart of God
- The Illumination
- The Illumination | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Importance of Every Step
- The Importance of Honesty for Students of Knowledge
- The Importance of Humility
- The Importance of the Environment for Our Freedom
- The Importance of the Greater Community
- The Importance of the Individual
- The Importance of your Spiritual Development | Open Floor
- The Initiation
- The Intention and Determination Practice
- The Journey Begins After the Great Awakening
- The Keys to Spiritual Advancement
- The Meaning Of Christmas
- The Meaning of Spiritual Development in the Greater Community
- The Messenger and the Divine Calculation
- The Messenger brings a “New Reality”
- The Messenger Brings a Whole New Reality
- The Messenger in Great Churches
- The Messenger Journeys to South America
- The Messenger on Entering the New World
- The Messenger on Perseverance
- The Messenger Receives “The Great Coordination”
- The Messenger Receives “The Veil of the Messenger”
- The Messenger Receives “What Really Matters”
- The Messenger Shares a Prayer About Freedom and Contribution
- The Messenger Speaks | A Global Message from God’s Messenger
- The Messenger Speaks | A Great Turning Point for the Human Family
- The Messenger Speaks | A New Chapter in the Human Experience
- The Messenger Speaks | A Prayer at the Western Wall
- The Messenger Speaks | Beginning the Freedom Journey
- The Messenger Speaks | Beginning the Freedom Journey
- The Messenger Speaks | Being a Greater Community Person
- The Messenger Speaks | Do Not Teach Children Religion
- The Messenger Speaks | Feeling the Stirring of Great World Changes
- The Messenger Speaks | Finding God Beyond Religion
- The Messenger Speaks | Freedom from Self-Obsession
- The Messenger Speaks | Go Beyond Belief to Experience the Presence of God
- The Messenger Speaks | God Has Never Left You
- The Messenger Speaks | God Is Beyond Belief
- The Messenger Speaks | Grace
- The Messenger Speaks | I Am In the World For You
- The Messenger Speaks | I Bring Knowledge and Wisdom from the Universe
- The Messenger Speaks | My Life is a Calling
- The Messenger Speaks | My Mission on Earth
- The Messenger Speaks | Practicing the Presence: Experiencing the Space Between Things
- The Messenger Speaks | Religion Without Conscience
- The Messenger Speaks | Seeing Reality: A Prayer from the Messenger
- The Messenger Speaks | The Bridge to Greater Intelligence
- The Messenger Speaks | The Essence of Religion
- The Messenger Speaks | The Fortress of Belief
- The Messenger Speaks | The Great Promise
- The Messenger Speaks | The Importance of Finding Your People, Place and Purpose
- The Messenger Speaks | The Jungle
- The Messenger Speaks | The Precipice
- The Messenger Speaks | The True Calling
- The Messenger Speaks | The World is Preparing to Fail
- The Messenger Speaks | There Is a Greater Goodness in the World
- The Messenger Speaks | To Know What God Is Doing in this World
- The Messenger Speaks | Where Jesus Came From
- The Messenger Speaks | Who the Messenger is Looking For
- The Messenger Speaks | Who Will Walk With Me?
- The Messenger’s Closing Prayer
- The Messenger’s Closing Prayer
- The Messenger’s Prayer
- The Messenger’s Training for the Flood of Revelation
- The Mind, Religion and Belief
- The Miracle
- The Mission of the Messenger
- The Mission of the Messenger: Relationships of Destiny
- The Mysterious Journey
- The Mystery of Steps to Knowledge
- The Mystery of Steps to Knowledge
- The Mystery that Brought You to God’s New Message
- The New God Experience
- The New God Experience
- The New Message Empowers Us to Save Ourselves
- The New Message is My Life
- The New Message on Freedom
- The New Revelation
- The New Way Forward for Humanity
- The New Way Forward for Humanity | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The New World Prophecy
- The New World Prophecy | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The New World Reality 2018 Encampment Broadcast
- The One God Book Release
- The One God Book Release | Full Broadcast
- The One God Revelation
- The Opportunity of the Greater Community
- The Origin
- The Origins of Steps to Knowledge
- The Pilgrimage
- The Pillar of Health
- The Pillar of Relationships
- The Pillar of Work
- The Plight of Humanity
- The Possibility for a New Life
- The Power of Knowledge
- The Power of Practice
- The Power of Revelation
- The Power of Revelation: Expanding Our Regard for the World and Ourselves
- The Problem of Evil and the Forces of Dissonance
- The Problem of Human Denial
- The Problem With Problems
- The Process of Clarifying the Mind
- The Process of Inner Development
- The Process of Revelation— Revealing the Book “God Has Spoken Again”
- The Proclamation
- The Pure Religion
- The Pure Religion: The Pathway to God
- The Purpose of Religion
- The Race to Save Human Civilization
- The Reality of UFOs, Contact and the Alien Agenda | Full Conference Talk
- The Reality of UFOs, Contact and the Alien Agenda, Conference Talk
- The Recitation
- The Recognition of Knowledge
- The Redeemer
- The Redemption
- The Reformation
- The Reformation | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Return to Divine Relationship
- The Return to True Relationship
- The Revelation Brings a Calling
- The Revelation of “The New God Experience” Part 1
- The Sacred
- The Sacred Rendezvous
- The Sea Level Prophecy
- The Seal of the Prophets
- The Separation
- The Separation, The Crisis and a Greater Forgiveness
- The Shared Pursuit of Destiny
- The Ship
- The Ship – Revelation Release Gathering
- The Shock of the Future
- The Significance of Sharing the New Message with Others
- The Soul
- The Spiritual Families and the Plan of God
- The Spiritual Journey: A Shift and Awakening to a Greater Experience of Life
- The Still Mind
- The Still Mind | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- The Still Mind | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Story Behind the first book of the Allies of Humanity
- The Story of ‘Living the Way of Knowledge’
- The Story of My Father
- The Story of Steps to Knowledge
- The Three Stages of Knowledge
- The Three Words Practice
- The Threshold of Contact | 2017 Solar Eclipse
- The Time of Revelation
- The Truth About Conspiracies
- The Turning Point
- The Turning Point On Awakening
- The Upheaval
- The Virtue of Humility
- The Vision
- The Watchtower
- The Way of Knowledge: What It Is and What It Is Not
- The Way Out of a Hopeless Dilemma
- The Will of God in the World
- The World Is Calling for Inner-Directed People
- The World Must Receive God’s New Message
- The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message
- There is No Neutral Choice
- Thinking Big: The 3 Levels of Steps to Knowledge
- Those Moments When We Can Gather
- Those Who Come to Assist Me in my Mission
- Thoughts on Dependence, Independence and Interdependence
- Thoughts on Practicing the Presence
- Three Stages of Engaging with Knowledge
- Three Ways God Communicates in the World
- Trust
- UFO Disclosure: Allies | Jimmy Church Interview
- Unconditional Giving
- Undergoing a Revolution Within Yourself
- Understanding Fear and the Secret Room
- Understanding How Knowledge Works with Us
- Understanding Legitimate and Illegitimate Fear
- Understanding Money, Wealth and Power
- Understanding Money, Wealth, and Power | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Understanding Relationships and the Deeper Truth of Who You Are
- Understanding the Intervention
- Understanding The Journey You Have Taken | Building A Healthy Relationship With The Mind
- Understanding What is Behind Your Reactions
- Update from the Messenger and His Family
- Using Power for Good
- Visitors’ Perceptions of Humanity
- Wakeup Call for the Human Race | Reed Summers Interview with Howard Hughes
- Walking With the Messenger
- Wanting Versus Seeing
- We are so Connected Prayer
- We Must Restore Our Earthly Home
- We Must Restore Our Earthly Home
- Welcome to the new Community Site!
- What Creates Evil?
- What God Wills for You
- What God Wills for You | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What Heaven is Looking For
- What Is Creation?
- What is Knowledge?
- What is Spiritual Awakening? How Do You Know if it is Happening to You?
- What is Steps to Knowledge and how should you study it?
- What is the difference between the Soul and Knowledge?
- What is the Greater Community?
- What is the New Message from God?
- What Leads to Personal Spiritual Awakening?
- What Living at a Time of Revelation Looks Like
- What Really Matters | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What Really Matters?
- What Takes You to Knowledge?
- What Takes You to Knowledge?
- What the Messenger Needs You to Know
- What to do after Spiritual Awakening
- What Unites Us
- What Will Change the World
- What Will Change the World | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What Will End War?
- What Will End War? | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What Will End War? | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What Will You Practice?
- When did first contact with the Allies occur?
- When it is Time to Take a Stand | The Difference Between War and a Fight
- When Knowledge moves you to do something
- When to Exert or Relinquish Authority
- When You Are Not Where You Need To Be
- Where Knowledge Lives Within You
- Where Will You Place Your Faith?
- Who Are the ‘Allies of Humanity?’ Interview
- Who Are the Allies of Humanity?
- Who are we, the Responders?
- Who are you really? The Mystery of Your Life and Existence
- Who Can You Trust? | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Who I am, Why I am Here and Our Opportunity to Share This Together
- Who We Are is Communication
- Who You Are Is Not Your Mind
- Why I Am Here
- Why Our Human Belief in Spiritual Knowledge is Essential
- Why We Have Come to the World
- Witnessing the Revelation
- Witnessing the Revelation
- Work
- Work and Service in a Changing World
- World Evolution
- You Gain Access to Knowledge Through Experience Excerpt
- Your Future Life: Where You Are Now and Where You Are Going
- Your Mind is Like Your Child
- Your Purpose and Destiny in a Changing World
- Your Relationship to the Mission of Message and the Messenger
- Your Relationship with Knowledge
- Your Relationship with the Greater Community
- Your Relationship with the Unknown
- Your Relationship with Your Spiritual Family
- Your True Self and Greater Purpose
Alphabetical (Z-A)
- Your True Self and Greater Purpose
- Your Relationship with Your Spiritual Family
- Your Relationship with the Unknown
- Your Relationship with the Greater Community
- Your Relationship with Knowledge
- Your Relationship to the Mission of Message and the Messenger
- Your Purpose and Destiny in a Changing World
- Your Mind is Like Your Child
- Your Future Life: Where You Are Now and Where You Are Going
- You Gain Access to Knowledge Through Experience Excerpt
- World Evolution
- Work and Service in a Changing World
- Work
- Witnessing the Revelation
- Witnessing the Revelation
- Why We Have Come to the World
- Why Our Human Belief in Spiritual Knowledge is Essential
- Why I Am Here
- Who You Are Is Not Your Mind
- Who We Are is Communication
- Who I am, Why I am Here and Our Opportunity to Share This Together
- Who Can You Trust? | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Who are you really? The Mystery of Your Life and Existence
- Who are we, the Responders?
- Who Are the Allies of Humanity?
- Who Are the ‘Allies of Humanity?’ Interview
- Where Will You Place Your Faith?
- Where Knowledge Lives Within You
- When You Are Not Where You Need To Be
- When to Exert or Relinquish Authority
- When Knowledge moves you to do something
- When it is Time to Take a Stand | The Difference Between War and a Fight
- When did first contact with the Allies occur?
- What Will You Practice?
- What Will End War? | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What Will End War? | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What Will End War?
- What Will Change the World | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What Will Change the World
- What Unites Us
- What to do after Spiritual Awakening
- What the Messenger Needs You to Know
- What Takes You to Knowledge?
- What Takes You to Knowledge?
- What Really Matters?
- What Really Matters | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What Living at a Time of Revelation Looks Like
- What Leads to Personal Spiritual Awakening?
- What is the New Message from God?
- What is the Greater Community?
- What is the difference between the Soul and Knowledge?
- What is Steps to Knowledge and how should you study it?
- What is Spiritual Awakening? How Do You Know if it is Happening to You?
- What is Knowledge?
- What Is Creation?
- What Heaven is Looking For
- What God Wills for You | Revelation Broadcast Event
- What God Wills for You
- What Creates Evil?
- Welcome to the new Community Site!
- We Must Restore Our Earthly Home
- We Must Restore Our Earthly Home
- We are so Connected Prayer
- Wanting Versus Seeing
- Walking With the Messenger
- Wakeup Call for the Human Race | Reed Summers Interview with Howard Hughes
- Visitors’ Perceptions of Humanity
- Using Power for Good
- Update from the Messenger and His Family
- Understanding What is Behind Your Reactions
- Understanding The Journey You Have Taken | Building A Healthy Relationship With The Mind
- Understanding the Intervention
- Understanding Relationships and the Deeper Truth of Who You Are
- Understanding Money, Wealth, and Power | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Understanding Money, Wealth and Power
- Understanding Legitimate and Illegitimate Fear
- Understanding How Knowledge Works with Us
- Understanding Fear and the Secret Room
- Undergoing a Revolution Within Yourself
- Unconditional Giving
- UFO Disclosure: Allies | Jimmy Church Interview
- Trust
- Three Ways God Communicates in the World
- Three Stages of Engaging with Knowledge
- Thoughts on Practicing the Presence
- Thoughts on Dependence, Independence and Interdependence
- Those Who Come to Assist Me in my Mission
- Those Moments When We Can Gather
- Thinking Big: The 3 Levels of Steps to Knowledge
- There is No Neutral Choice
- The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message
- The World Must Receive God’s New Message
- The World Is Calling for Inner-Directed People
- The Will of God in the World
- The Way Out of a Hopeless Dilemma
- The Way of Knowledge: What It Is and What It Is Not
- The Watchtower
- The Vision
- The Virtue of Humility
- The Upheaval
- The Turning Point On Awakening
- The Turning Point
- The Truth About Conspiracies
- The Time of Revelation
- The Threshold of Contact | 2017 Solar Eclipse
- The Three Words Practice
- The Three Stages of Knowledge
- The Story of Steps to Knowledge
- The Story of My Father
- The Story of ‘Living the Way of Knowledge’
- The Story Behind the first book of the Allies of Humanity
- The Still Mind | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Still Mind | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- The Still Mind
- The Spiritual Journey: A Shift and Awakening to a Greater Experience of Life
- The Spiritual Families and the Plan of God
- The Soul
- The Significance of Sharing the New Message with Others
- The Shock of the Future
- The Ship – Revelation Release Gathering
- The Ship
- The Shared Pursuit of Destiny
- The Separation, The Crisis and a Greater Forgiveness
- The Separation
- The Seal of the Prophets
- The Sea Level Prophecy
- The Sacred Rendezvous
- The Sacred
- The Revelation of “The New God Experience” Part 1
- The Revelation Brings a Calling
- The Return to True Relationship
- The Return to Divine Relationship
- The Reformation | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Reformation
- The Redemption
- The Redeemer
- The Recognition of Knowledge
- The Recitation
- The Reality of UFOs, Contact and the Alien Agenda, Conference Talk
- The Reality of UFOs, Contact and the Alien Agenda | Full Conference Talk
- The Race to Save Human Civilization
- The Purpose of Religion
- The Pure Religion: The Pathway to God
- The Pure Religion
- The Proclamation
- The Process of Revelation— Revealing the Book “God Has Spoken Again”
- The Process of Inner Development
- The Process of Clarifying the Mind
- The Problem With Problems
- The Problem of Human Denial
- The Problem of Evil and the Forces of Dissonance
- The Power of Revelation: Expanding Our Regard for the World and Ourselves
- The Power of Revelation
- The Power of Practice
- The Power of Knowledge
- The Possibility for a New Life
- The Plight of Humanity
- The Pillar of Work
- The Pillar of Relationships
- The Pillar of Health
- The Pilgrimage
- The Origins of Steps to Knowledge
- The Origin
- The Opportunity of the Greater Community
- The One God Revelation
- The One God Book Release | Full Broadcast
- The One God Book Release
- The New World Reality 2018 Encampment Broadcast
- The New World Prophecy | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The New World Prophecy
- The New Way Forward for Humanity | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The New Way Forward for Humanity
- The New Revelation
- The New Message on Freedom
- The New Message is My Life
- The New Message Empowers Us to Save Ourselves
- The New God Experience
- The New God Experience
- The Mystery that Brought You to God’s New Message
- The Mystery of Steps to Knowledge
- The Mystery of Steps to Knowledge
- The Mysterious Journey
- The Mission of the Messenger: Relationships of Destiny
- The Mission of the Messenger
- The Miracle
- The Mind, Religion and Belief
- The Messenger’s Training for the Flood of Revelation
- The Messenger’s Prayer
- The Messenger’s Closing Prayer
- The Messenger’s Closing Prayer
- The Messenger Speaks | Who Will Walk With Me?
- The Messenger Speaks | Who the Messenger is Looking For
- The Messenger Speaks | Where Jesus Came From
- The Messenger Speaks | To Know What God Is Doing in this World
- The Messenger Speaks | There Is a Greater Goodness in the World
- The Messenger Speaks | The World is Preparing to Fail
- The Messenger Speaks | The True Calling
- The Messenger Speaks | The Precipice
- The Messenger Speaks | The Jungle
- The Messenger Speaks | The Importance of Finding Your People, Place and Purpose
- The Messenger Speaks | The Great Promise
- The Messenger Speaks | The Fortress of Belief
- The Messenger Speaks | The Essence of Religion
- The Messenger Speaks | The Bridge to Greater Intelligence
- The Messenger Speaks | Seeing Reality: A Prayer from the Messenger
- The Messenger Speaks | Religion Without Conscience
- The Messenger Speaks | Practicing the Presence: Experiencing the Space Between Things
- The Messenger Speaks | My Mission on Earth
- The Messenger Speaks | My Life is a Calling
- The Messenger Speaks | I Bring Knowledge and Wisdom from the Universe
- The Messenger Speaks | I Am In the World For You
- The Messenger Speaks | Grace
- The Messenger Speaks | God Is Beyond Belief
- The Messenger Speaks | God Has Never Left You
- The Messenger Speaks | Go Beyond Belief to Experience the Presence of God
- The Messenger Speaks | Freedom from Self-Obsession
- The Messenger Speaks | Finding God Beyond Religion
- The Messenger Speaks | Feeling the Stirring of Great World Changes
- The Messenger Speaks | Do Not Teach Children Religion
- The Messenger Speaks | Being a Greater Community Person
- The Messenger Speaks | Beginning the Freedom Journey
- The Messenger Speaks | Beginning the Freedom Journey
- The Messenger Speaks | A Prayer at the Western Wall
- The Messenger Speaks | A New Chapter in the Human Experience
- The Messenger Speaks | A Great Turning Point for the Human Family
- The Messenger Speaks | A Global Message from God’s Messenger
- The Messenger Shares a Prayer About Freedom and Contribution
- The Messenger Receives “What Really Matters”
- The Messenger Receives “The Veil of the Messenger”
- The Messenger Receives “The Great Coordination”
- The Messenger on Perseverance
- The Messenger on Entering the New World
- The Messenger Journeys to South America
- The Messenger in Great Churches
- The Messenger Brings a Whole New Reality
- The Messenger brings a “New Reality”
- The Messenger and the Divine Calculation
- The Meaning of Spiritual Development in the Greater Community
- The Meaning Of Christmas
- The Keys to Spiritual Advancement
- The Journey Begins After the Great Awakening
- The Intention and Determination Practice
- The Initiation
- The Importance of your Spiritual Development | Open Floor
- The Importance of the Individual
- The Importance of the Greater Community
- The Importance of the Environment for Our Freedom
- The Importance of Humility
- The Importance of Honesty for Students of Knowledge
- The Importance of Every Step
- The Illumination | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Illumination
- The Heart of God
- The Guardians
- The Greater Process of Movement | Parliament of the World’s Religions
- The Greater Power within You
- The Greater Coordination: Understanding Comes Later
- The Greater Community Presence in the World
- The Great Waves Prophecy and the Alien Intervention
- The Great Waves Prophecy
- The Great Waves Prophecy
- The Great Waves Prophecy
- The Great Waves of Change
- The Great Waves and Your Life
- The Great Waves and the Hidden Reality of Contact
- The Great Warning
- The Great Turning Point for Humanity | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Great Turning Point for Humanity – The Decade Ahead | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Great Turning Point for Humanity
- The Great Transition
- The Great Faith
- The Great Coordination: Following the Invisible Light
- The Great Change Needed
- The Great Challenge Awaiting Humanity
- The Great Alliance
- The Global Emergency
- The Gift of Steps to Knowledge
- The Gift
- The Future of the New Revelation
- The Future of Humanity
- The Freedom to Move with Knowledge
- The Four Pillars of Life
- The Fortress of Belief
- The First Commitment
- The First Book
- The Feeling of Running Out of Time
- The Experience of Self-Realization
- The Essential Role of ‘Human Spiritual Consciousness’ in the Survival of Our Human Culture & Sovereignty
- The Engagement
- The Enemies of Humanity
- The Determination
- The Deeper Power of Steps to Knowledge
- The Deeper Knowledge Within You
- The Deeper Intelligence Within You | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Deeper Intelligence Within You
- The Deeper Current of Your Life
- The Deep Experience of God | Video Collage
- The Deep Evaluation
- The Decade Ahead
- The Dangers of ET Contact – Know Who is Here and Why
- The Danger of Isolation
- The Courage to Prepare
- The Condition of the World | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- The Coming Financial Storms | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Coming Financial Storms
- The Calling
- The Bridge
- The Blessing of Your Life
- The Blessing
- The Bigger Picture: Bringing Grace and Power to a Struggling Humanity
- The Battleground | Revelation Broadcast Event
- The Battleground
- The Awakening Experience: Knowing Your Purpose In Life
- The Assembly
- The Art of Seeing
- The Angelic Assembly
- The Allies of Humanity’s Message
- The Allies of Humanity | Book Two
- The Allies of Humanity | Book Three
- The Allies of Humanity | Book One
- The Allies of Humanity | Book Four
- The Allies of Humanity Vice News Interview
- The Allies of Humanity Book Four and Freedom
- The Allies of Humanity Book 3
- test
- Test
- Technology, ET Persuasion and the Way Out
- Taking the Steps to Knowledge
- Take the Journey of the Power of Spirit
- Tableside Update from the Summers
- Tableside Broadcast from The Summers – March 2, 2020
- Supporting God’s New Revelation
- Studenthood and Service
- Steps to Knowledge: Alignment with the Deeper Mind
- Steps to Knowledge | The Messenger’s Preparation to Receive
- Steps to Knowledge and its Greater Community Lineage
- Steps to Knowledge – a Lifelong Commitment
- Step 191 and The Greater Reality
- Staying in the Process of Preparation
- Staying connected to our deeper experience
- Standing at the Precipice
- Stages of Development
- Spiritual Truths
- Spiritual Practice: The Gift and the Problem of Practice
- Spiritual Practice: Stillness is Being Present
- Spiritual Experience: Rediscover the Essence
- Spiritual Community
- Special prayer for the tragedy in Orlando, Florida
- Solving Problems
- Sin, Error and Redemption
- Simplicity
- Sex and Sexuality
- Serving Others
- Service | Meeting the Need of the Situation
- Self-Reliance
- Self-Doubt
- Self Confidence | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Self Confidence
- Seeing, Knowing and Taking Action
- Seeding Humanity’s Freedom with the Great Coordination
- Restoring the World | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Restoring the World
- Resources, Trade and Competition in the Greater Community
- Resisting the Intervention
- Resilience
- Remembering your Ancient Home
- Religious Violence
- Religious Fundamentalism
- Religion and Politics | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Relationships, Romance and the Need for Connection
- Relationships, Destiny and Calling
- Relationships of Destiny | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Relationships of Destiny
- Relationships and the Great Waves
- Relationships and Higher Purpose Conclusion
- Relationships and Higher Purpose
- Reflections on Steps
- Reed Summers’ Why is This True Radio Interview
- Reed Summers’ Veritas Radio Interview – Part 2
- Reed Summers’ Veritas Radio Interview – Part 1
- Reed Summers’ Talk Radio UK Interview
- Reed Summers’ Reality of Alien Contact Interview | Part 2 of 2
- Reed Summers’ Reality of Alien Contact Interview | Part 1 of 2
- Reed Summers’ Paranormal Now Interview | An Alien Story
- Reed Summers’ Parabnormal Radio Interview
- Reed Summers’ Mysterious Radio Interview: The Alien Agenda
- Reed Summers’ Interview on The Moore Show
- Reed Summers’ David Pakman Interview
- Reed Summers’ CILU Radio Interview | The Reality of Alien Contact
- Reed Summers’ Beyond Reality Radio Interview
- Reed Summers’ Alfred Webre Exopolitics Interview
- Reed Summers Introduces the Tuesday World Meditation
- Recommendations for the Study of Steps
- Recommendations for Preparing for a New World Reality
- Recognizing the Message and the Messenger
- Recognizing Our Problems
- Recognition in Relationships-test
- Receiving Steps to Knowledge – Doing What You Know You Need to Do
- Receive This Gift from God
- Rebellion, Revolution and War
- Re-engaging With the Truth of Who You Are
- Re-engage With What is True Within You
- Raising Children | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Raising Children
- Proving Yourself to Those Who Sent You
- Protecting the World
- Protecting the Message and the Messenger
- Protecting Human Freedom and Sovereignty
- Project Camelot Interview by Kerry Cassidy
- Pride
- Preventing Collapse and the Wars of Desperation
- Preparing Your Family
- Preparing for the Reality of Contact with the Greater Community | A Teaching from Marshall Vian Summers
- Preparing For The Greater Community | Strengthening Our Overall Foundation In Life
- Preparing For The Greater Community Live Broadcast
- Preparing for the Greater Community
- Preparing for the Future | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Preparing for the Future
- Prayer: Let Us Accept Our Humble But Significant Role
- Prayer for the New Revelation
- Prayer for the Holy Days
- Prayer for the Freedom-Loving People of the World
- Practicing the Presence: Expanded Listening
- Practicing Stillness and Learning to Be Present
- Practicing Functional Spirituality
- Practice Will Move Your Life
- Practical Wisdom and Undefined Mystery
- Power, Responsibility and “Doing the Work”
- Pets and the Mental Environment
- Perseverance
- Perception
- Patricia Summers Reflects: Society Anniversary 2020
- Part of the Story of Marshall Vian Summers
- Overcoming Resistance to Practice
- Out of the Cave of Revelation
- Our Relationship with God
- Our Minds Are Not Just Our Private Property
- Our Lives are More Important Than We Realize
- Orientation to the New Worldwide Community Site
- No One Can Reveal to You the Intention for Your Existence
- Newstalk Ireland Interview with Marshall Vian Summers
- New Year’s Teaching for 2019
- New Year’s Eve Prayer 2018
- New Practice and Real Change
- New Message on Life in the Universe
- New Message for Young People
- Navigating the Difficult Times Ahead
- My Father
- MVS Full Teaching | Your Relationship with the New Message
- MVS Full Teaching | Your Relationship with the Mission of the Message and the Messenger
- MVS Full Teaching | Your Relationship with the Messenger
- MVS Full Teaching | Understanding the Worldwide Community
- MVS Full Teaching | The Great Turning Point for Humanity
- MVS Full Teaching | The Great Turning Point for Humanity
- MVS Full Teaching | The Coming Financial Storms
- MVS Full Teaching | The Arrival of a New Message from God
- MVS Full Teaching | 2021 Steps Vigil, Night 4
- MVS Full Teaching | 2020 Steps Vigil, Night 6
- MVS Closing Words & Blessing
- Moving Through a Turning Point
- Message of Gratitude
- Meeting the Invitation of Hourly Practice
- Meeting the Challenge of Thresholds
- May We Become a Conduit for Grace
- Mastery
- Marshall’s Full Teaching | Four Realities that are Reshaping Our Inner Lives and Our World
- Marshall Vian Summers Speaks on the Journey to a New Life
- Marshall Vian Summers Speaks on Knowledge: The Spiritual Mind Within All of Us
- Marshall Vian Summers receives a new revelation on December 31 2019
- Marshall Vian Summers on What Unites Us
- Marshall Vian Summers on The Ladders from Heaven
- Marshall Vian Summers on The Calling and the Blessing
- Marshall Vian Summers Interview with Mysterious Radio
- Marshall Speaks on God’s Intention for the World and Your Life
- Marshall in Kuala Lumpur, 2012
- Marriage and Higher Purpose | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Marriage and Higher Purpose
- Marriage
- Making the Mind a Window, Not a Wall
- Maintaining Relationships
- Maintaining a List of Questions for Knowledge
- Losing Energy | The Effect of Inertia
- Living with the Burden of Wisdom
- Living the Reality of the New Message
- Living the Inspired and Determined Life
- Living in Separation
- Living in a Changing Environment
- Living at a Time of Revelation
- Living at a Time of Revelation
- Living at a Time of High Consequence
- Listening for Knowledge
- Letting the Mystery Guide Us Further
- Learning to Take Humble, Simple Steps Prayer
- Knowledge: Preparing You for Purpose in Life
- Knowledge and the Three Stages of Life
- Knowledge and the New World Reality
- Knowledge and The Limits of Belief
- Knowledge and the Greater Community
- Knowing Your Journey – Wisdom Training
- Keys to Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Life
- Keeping Knowledge Alive in the World
- Joy and Gratitude
- Journey of the Messenger | Wisdom for Studenthood
- Jesus is not the Only Way to God: A Big Error in Religion
- Introduction to ‘What Will End War’
- Into the Greater Reality of Your Life | A Prayer from The Messenger
- Interdependence
- Intelligence
- Inner Listening
- In the Time of the Messenger
- In stillness, all things can be known
- Important Update to the Worldwide Community
- Illness and Healing
- I Call Upon You
- Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community
- Humanity’s Emergence into a Greater Community of Intelligent Life
- Humanity’s Destiny in the Greater Community
- Humanity is at a Great Turning Point
- Human Responses to the Greater Community
- How Will You Know What to Do?
- How to View the World
- How to Study the New Message
- How to Move Toward Your Purpose and Destiny
- How to Live
- How to Keep Moving as a Student of Knowledge
- How to Gain Freedom from Self-Obsession
- How to Face Difficult Decisions
- How to Experience Deeper Meditations
- How to Approach Practice in Steps to Knowledge
- How to Achieve Wisdom in Life?
- How the New Reality Connects to You | 2018 Encampment Broadcast
- How Steps to Knowledge Came To Be
- How many books are there going to be?
- How Knowledge Works: Asking for Answers and Guidance
- How Knowledge Communicates to You
- How God Will Save Us as Individuals
- How God Speaks to the World
- Hopeful Quote from The Allies of Humanity
- Honoring the Power Prayer
- Honesty
- Honesty
- Higher Powers
- Higher Education
- Heaven and Hell
- Hear The Voice Speaking Directly to You
- Healing Relationships
- Harmful Influences
- Guided to Freedom: Responding to the Mystery Within
- Guided Breathing Meditation
- Greater Community Visitations
- Greater Community Realities
- Greater Community Intelligence and the Mental Environment
- Greater Community
- Going Beyond the Limits of Human Religion and Belief
- Going Beneath the Surface of the Mind | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Going Beneath the Surface of the Mind
- God, Knowledge, and the Angelic Presence
- God’s Plan Is To Save Everyone
- God’s Plan For The World | Revelation Broadcast Event
- God’s Plan For The World
- God’s New Message for the World’s Religions
- God’s New Message for the World
- God’s Messenger and the Students of Steps to Knowledge
- God’s Ancient Covenant with Humanity
- God Is Moving Humanity in a New Direction
- God Has Spoken Again
- God and Aliens | UFO Garage Interview
- Getting with Yourself and the Opportunity of Isolation
- Gaining Strength and Influence in the Mental Environment
- Functioning in the World with Knowledge
- Freedom | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Freedom from the Inner Crisis
- Freedom from Manipulation | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Freedom From Manipulation
- Freedom From Addiction and Obsession | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Freedom from Addiction and Obsession
- Freedom
- Freedom
- Forgiveness
- Food, Water, and Energy | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Food, Water and Energy
- Finding Your Life’s Direction
- Finding Knowledge
- Finding Determination and Courage
- Feeling the Mystery Moving in Your Life
- Feeling and Doing What’s Essential
- Fear and Fearlessness
- Faith, Work and Higher Purpose
- Faith and Fear
- Facing the Pandemic and the Great Waves of Change
- Facing the Greater Community
- Facing Planetary Instability
- Facing Humanity’s Greatest Challenge
- Facing Great Change in the World | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Facing Great Change in the World
- Facing A World In Decline | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Facing a World in Decline
- Experiencing Your Higher Purpose | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Experiencing Your Higher Purpose
- Experiencing Your Greater Self
- Experiencing the Spiritual Awakening: Where to Begin?
- Experiencing the Greater Reality
- Experiencing the Greater Certainty of Knowledge in Your Life
- Experiencing God | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Experiencing God
- Exercising Your Authority
- ET Contact and Human Destiny
- Establishing Relationships
- Essential Truths About the Greater Community
- Essential Preparation for the New World Reality
- Escaping the Past
- Escaping Suffering
- Escaping Fear
- Errors in Understanding the “Great Coordination”
- Entering the New World Reality
- Entering the New World
- Entering the Mystery of Your Life
- Entering the Greater Community
- Enlightenment | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Enlightenment
- Ending Violence Within | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Ending Violence Within
- End of Conference Q & A, Santos, Brazil
- Encampment Volunteer Session
- Encampment 2018 Broadcasts
- Effects of the Pacification Program
- Doing What You Need To Be Doing
- Doing the “Relationships Work”
- Do Not Use Teachings as a ‘Blank Check’
- Discovering the Mind Beneath the Mind—Awakening to Your Higher Self
- Discernment in Relationships
- Discernment
- Disappointment and the Path to Redemption
- Developing Greater Honesty
- Developing Clarity and Discernment
- Developing Certainty, Strength and Wisdom
- Developing a Greater Community Perspective and Understanding
- Deepening Your Spiritual Practice
- Decoding ET Psychology and Manipulation | Staying on the Side of Humanity
- Dealing with Resistance and Hostility
- Dealing With Anger and Frustration | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Dealing With Anger and Frustration
- Day 9: The Messenger’s last day in Brazil
- Day 7: South down the coast of Brazil
- Day 7: South down the coast of Brazil
- Day 5: Visions of the Great Waves of Change
- Day 4: An early morning walk in the cities of the world
- Day 3: Building Capacity to Face the Great Waves of Change
- Day 17: North to Bogota
- Day 16: Meetings with the Messenger
- Day 14: North to Bolivia
- Day 13: To Valparaiso
- Day 10: Across the Continent to Santiago, Chile
- Crossing the Line to an Inspired and Determined Life
- Courage
- Contact with Intelligent Life in the Universe
- Concentration
- Comprehending God
- Completing Relationships
- Communication to the Worldwide Community
- Coming Back to Your Studenthood
- Climate Change tool and My list of signs of the Great Waves of Change
- Claiming our Freedom to Serve
- Building the Foundation for a Greater Life
- Building Strength and Resilience
- Building Stability Amidst World Change
- Building new skills: An opportunity for all of us
- Building Global Security
- Building a Personal Plan
- Building a Healthy Relationship with the Mind | A Teaching from Marshall Vian Summers
- Bringing Your Life Into Balance | Revelation Broadcast Event
- Bringing Your Life Into Balance
- Bringing the New Message to the World
- Bringing the Gift of Revelation into the World
- Bringing Practice into Every Aspect of Life
- Bringing Our Studenthood into the World
- Bringing Balance and Security to the World | A New Message Teaching Released Live
- Briefing 6 The Networks of the Wise
- Briefing 5 The Great Coordination
- Briefing 4 Higher Powers
- Briefing 3 Freedom in the Universe
- Briefing 2 The Importance of Restraint
- Briefing 1 Who We Are and What We Represent
- Birthday Celebration for God’s Messenger 2012
- Being Present in the World
- Being Connected Through the Greater Coordination
- Being Centered in a Crashing World | Live Teaching
- Being Centered in a Crashing World
- Being a Student of the New Message
- Being a Person of the New Message
- Being a Greater Community Person
- Being a Bridge Between Two Realities
- Beginning the Preparation
- Beginning the Freedom Journey
- Before the Moment of Awakening
- Becoming Wise
- Becoming an ‘Ally of Humanity’
- Becoming a Man or Woman of Knowledge
- Be Who You Really Are
- Avoiding Disaster
- As the Sun Rose over Tehran | Part Two
- Are you Spiritual But Not Religious?
- Are You Gaining or Losing Energy?
- Are You Feeling a Spiritual Calling in Your Life?
- Approaching the New Message
- Answering Basic Questions about The New Message from God
- Anniversary of Receiving ‘Protecting the Message and the Messenger’
- All Those Who Serve and Give
- Aligning with the Knowing Mind
- Aliens Present in Our World: Do We Need Government Disclosure?
- Alien Contact and New World Reality
- Afterglow: Receiving ‘The Pilgrimage’
- Afterglow: Receiving ‘The Great Turning Point for Humanity’
- Afterglow: Receiving “What Really Matters”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Voice of Revelation”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Temple”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Remembrance”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The New God Experience”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Messenger’s Calling”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Journey of the Messenger”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Greater Intelligence”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Great Warning”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Great Coordination”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Great Alliance”
- Afterglow: Receiving “The Determination”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Suffering”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Resilience”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Religious Fundamentalism”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Poverty”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Muhammad and the New Message from God”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Grace”
- Afterglow: Receiving “Courage”
- Adapting to Great Change
- Adapting to a Changing World | A Teaching from Marshall Vian Summers
- Adapting to a Changing World
- Adapt, Improvise, and Survive: A Call to Action
- Activating the Knowledge, Wisdom and Power within You
- Achieving Peace
- Achievement
- A True Purpose in the World
- A Time of Vigil: The Power and Potency When We’re Together
- A Teaching by Marshall Vian Summers | Full Broadcast
- A Solstice Holy Days Blessing
- A Revelation Seeking Its Relationship With The World
- A Prayer: Let us Practice Forbearance
- A Prayer: Follow This Invisible Light Within Me
- A Prayer from the Messenger: Be a Part of this Miracle
- A Prayer from the Messenger to Honor the Calling and Do the Work
- A Pivotal Year for Humanity and the New Message
- A New Message of Hope
- A New Message from the Allies of Humanity Interview
- A New Education for a New Reality
- A New Chapter in the Human Experience
- A Message from Marshall on the Impoverished and Oppressed
- A Journey to a New Life | Nine Recommendations
- A Greater Solution for the Problems in Religion
- A Full Teaching from the Messenger | Night 5, 2020 Steps Vigil
- A Full Teaching from the Messenger | Night 2, 2020 Steps Vigil
- A Deeper Recognition in Relationships
- A Deeper Honesty Is Called For in a Changing World
- A Calling to the Worldwide Community of Students
- A Calling to Persevere
- A Blessing of Steps to Knowledge
- A Blessing from the Messenger
- A Blessing for the First Responders
- A Blessing and Gratitude for the Gifts of Service
- The Holy Days
- A Truly New Revelation
- 7 Skills to Build Your Foundation
- 7 Key Skills You Will Need in a World Facing Great Change
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Working with the Mind
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | The Purpose and Direction of the WWC
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Service in the World
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Preparing for the Greater Community
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Our Work Together
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | How We Will Succeed
- 2020 Summit | MVS Full Teaching | Going Forward
- 2020 Summit | Marshall Vian Summers | The Great Coordination
- 2020 Steps Vigil, Full Messenger Teaching | Night 4
- 2020 Steps Vigil, Full Messenger Teaching | Closing Broadcast
- 2020 Steps Vigil Full Teaching from the Messenger | Night 3
- 2020 Steps Vigil Full Messenger Teaching | Night 6
- 2019 State of the Mission
- 2018 Encampment | The Purpose of the Encampment
- 2018 Encampment | The Messenger’s Opening Remarks
- 2018 Encampment | The Bigger Picture
- 2017 Update on the Financial Foundation of the New Message
- 2017 State of the Mission Broadcast
- 2014 Encampment | The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message
- 2012 Birthday Talk by Marshall Vian Summers
- 14 Truths about Spiritual Awakening
- “Stillness cultivates the mind to receive”