Experiencing the Spiritual Awakening: Where to Begin?

Watch Reed Summers speak before the 2018 Messenger’s Vigil, January 20, 2018

Full Broadcast

This inexplicable experience of knowing, of being compelled to go here not there; to engage with this person, not those people. And I’m sure you felt that, that impulse or directive or sense of must, or must not, that you just can’t account for it to others. You can’t explain yourself. It’s not in your conditioning to do that. You wouldn’t do that maybe even as, you know, you. It’s something you feel compelled to do. And we’ve all had moments in our life when that has come upon us. But the opportunity now is to engage with it ongoing, because it’s trying to get you somewhere. You hold a gift that is to be given into the world with certain people at a certain time and in a certain way. And that gift in all likelihood has not yet been discovered. You are not living that life yet. You are not living the life you know you need to live. And that’s where we are.

And so this, maybe random appearance of a greater vision or a sense of calm or assurance or connectedness that we’ve felt throughout our life, this now begins a journey for us, where we engage with that. We follow that inner guidance that we hold which in the New Message is called Knowledge, the reality of Knowledge the spiritual mind within us and beneath the thinking mind.

So even as we think and want and avoid and embrace and so forth, there’s a deeper knowing that’s pushing us, trying to get us somewhere, so that this gift can come out of us in our life, serve the world that needs that gift. And so part of the answer beyond education and learning up here [points to head] is the journey of following this mysterious impulse, this mysterious directive and going where it takes you. And it’s not easy. And you’re gonna need companions. And thankfully there are a lot of people he’s gathered through the, with the New Message, who are undertaking that journey.

But the journey is everything. You know, the New Message says that we have so many questions and we want so many answers to those questions about our life in the world. But what is an answer but a form of preparation, a journey to take, an answer, a sentence, an idea? What is an idea going to do for us? We have thousands of ideas and we’re still lost. Humanity has thousands of ideas and we still can’t address the most obvious challenges facing us. It’s because this Knowledge is too dormant within us. It’s suppressed. We are out of touch with that deeper current pushing, pushing up and through all of us as individuals and as a world. And so, this is what needs to happen. This is the world awakening.

It is the awakening of Knowledge, the spiritual presence within all people so that that Knowledge can emerge and communicate and give as it would give to meet the thousands and tens of thousands of needs all around the world. And so this process of awakening is underway. And if you are someone who has felt that stirring, that sense of call, calling to get somewhere, to meet someone, there was something important about your life that you just couldn’t quite let go of, even if you tried; if you’re one of those people, then you are a forerunner for this race. You are someone in whom Knowledge is moving trying to get up and out and through you.

And now we have a means of preparation, which is really the, the last part of the answer we want to talk about: a preparation that you can undertake to bring the thinking mind, where you live today, in greater concert with the knowing mind: the marriage of two minds. And this preparation in the New Message from God is laid forth in a book called Steps to Knowledge, which is a daily practice in which the mind is given tools to engage with the knowing mind in which we can feel Knowledge moving in our daily life and listen for it, sense it, make an opening within ourselves for this Knowledge to emerge. This is really the preparation. And the preparation and the journey that we must each take is truthfully the answer to the dilemma that we’ve long-lived.

So what was only a fleeting sense of presence or mystery before, now it becomes like the beating heart of your life. This is what you’re about. This is actually what’s happening even as you go to work, even as you do all that you need to do in life. It’s not so much what you do in the day; it’s what the day is for. It’s that your days are now dedicated to something that will really serve everything through you.

So this preparation in the way of Knowledge is being given into the world now. It’s come through my father, Marshall Vian Summers. And it’s his gift to all people who feel the stir and who know that the times are not like the past, and they can feel tremendous change coming to the world. They can feel that the earth is perhaps connected to a larger association of life and that that is beginning to be known in the world today. People who have that sense of stirring, the level of awareness, the level of greater need for meaning and purpose and direction; people who feel that stirring need to pick up the steps and begin the Steps to Knowledge, if it’s right for them.

So this is really the opportunity now going forward is to engage with Knowledge. Take the Steps to Knowledge. Meet others who are doing the same and meet this man, Marshall Vian Summers, who has lived a remarkable, inexplicable life receiving a vast communication from the Divine for the human family, which speaks precisely to the need that we have been living within for so many years, that we’ve been unable to name or to give a voice to, that need which we’ve tried to fulfill through all manner of stimulation, identity, hobbies, travel—all the things that we do as human beings. Some of it is just us being humans, of course. But some of it is seeking. We’re seeking home, a home experience within ourselves. We’re seeking our real relationships in the world.

And I see that seeking everywhere as I go to work. And as I see people roll in with a brand new car. You know, it’s like, wow, that’s a gigantic car. And is it really the car you wanted, you know? Or is it something else? And I do feel that beneath so many things that we seek in life, there’s something deeper that we think is there in it. We think we will feel that sense of empowerment or reprieve or connectedness with others—community—we think it’s there. But it’s actually not in that. It’s over here. You access it through Knowledge within you. Knowledge guides you mysteriously to that appropriate community, to that place or sense of reprieve.

And so, this is the call is: Come to Knowledge. Receive the New Message. Read this Message. Hear this Message. And learn about the new realities that are becoming manifest in the world today.

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