Ending Violence Within | Revelation Broadcast Event

Watch Reed Summers speak during the Broadcast, Feb 13, 2023.

Ending Violence Within
Revelation Broadcast Events

Well hello. Welcome. Thank you for joining me. My name is Reed Summers and I’m here to share with you the newest revelation received by Marshall Vian Summers and being released from a larger body of work called the New Message from God

For those who are just joining us for the first time and are new to the New Message, I’ll give a little introduction, help get you oriented, and then we’re going to be listening to a revelation entitled Ending War Within [Ending Violence Within], which has been selected by Marshall as the next revelation to be released. 

The New Message is an original communication from the Creator of all life given over a 35-year period through my father, Marshall Vian Summers. Each revelation of the New Message was transmitted by an Angelic Presence through his voice, recorded, transcribed and is now being made available to the world. There are over 9,000 pages of this Revelation—so it is enormous—and it talks on nearly every aspect of life and nearly every challenge facing our world.

And tonight we’re going to talk about the challenge of violence and where violence comes from and what fuels it, what gives it a platform and what enables it to influence others as well. 

Tonight you’re going to be hearing the Voice of the Angelic Presence as it spoke to Marshall. And again, this is one of over 800 Angelic encounters he has had that have been recorded in their original spoken audio and are being now made available by him to the world. 

This Voice is somewhat interesting. It’s not his voice. If you were to meet him or if you’ve seen him speak before, it’s not his personal voice. It is the Voice—as it describes itself—of a larger Angelic Assembly speaking as One through him. 

And again, this is part of a larger intention to transmit into the world a communication from a Higher Power to reach people of all religions and of no religion, to reach them at the level of what the New Message calls Knowledge, the spiritual Mind within each of us. 

And this Knowledge, which you could say is God or our God connection, is what comes alive in the Presence of this communication. And it is this Knowledge that is meant to guide us in this life to finding our people, our place, our purpose, our contribution to a world in need. 

And this revelation on ending violence is just one of many teachings of Wisdom to help guide us and orient us in our own lives, and to work out the very complex thing of being a human being in a world undergoing tremendous change and upheaval at this time. 

After we listen and read the revelation tonight, I’ll have a little bit of time to share some of my personal reflections and also some time to take questions from you. So if you’d like to ask me a question about this revelation or the whole New Message or a question about Marshall, feel free to do so in the chat or comment section where you’re watching live right now.

I also want to invite you to a special opportunity to discuss the revelation we’re about to hear with other people this Saturday at 9am Mountain Time at newmessage.org/chat. You have the opportunity to share your experience of this revelation and hear others do the same. And we can talk about some of its major message points, some of the key actions it gives us to take in sorting out what is within us that could be potentially violent or that could fuel violence in others, or just even add to the chorus of voices out there. And how can we manage that? How can we be functional and constructive with those energies within us that could potentially be violent? So it could be a very interesting conversation, so I hope you can join me. 

This topic of violence has been up for me in a big way. I look out on the world quite often, see what’s going on all the continents of the world, if I’m able. And the world is currently awash in violence—violent acts, violent communication and even organized violence in the form of conflict between whole countries or between tribes or small groups within countries. There are a lot of conflicts underway in the world. 

And there’s a lot of societal violence, as well, kind of underneath the surface in the form of the gun violence we see in this country—United States—the police brutality which we’re also seeing unfold pretty dramatically, war, outright land war in Eastern Europe, conflicts over resources in Africa, conflicts over drugs and other gang activities in North and South America. There’s just a lot going on right now that is inherently violent, physically. 

And then if you open up the aperture even further, you take in the communication that is inherently violent. It’s inherently divisive. It’s disparaging or contemptuous towards other groups—political groups, for example. And right there, that kind of captures the divisive political environment in which many countries find themselves right now. So there are a lot of violent acts and communications in the world. 

What the revelation we’re going to hear tonight invites us to do is to consider the real origin of those acts and those communications as something that arises from a state of mind and being within the individual. And so that’s why we’re invited to consider ending violence within ourselves. Because whatever’s within us, if it’s there and if it’s not, you know, managed or at least wisely applied, it’s going to find expression inevitably. 

And add to that the stress and the strain of the enormous environmental and political challenges facing the world right now, the climate events that are taking place, there’s just a lot of stress. And stress reduces our ability to manage and, in a sense, executively manage what’s happening in our mind and emotions. And it also turns up the urgency of what we’re feeling, you know, whatever that might be. And so all of that is culminating in an increasingly, you could say, violent world, or potentially in the future especially.

So I think this is really an important thing to consider, which is: 

Where does violence emerge from within the individual? What is that state of mind and body? And what can be done about that on the inside? 

And here I feel the New Message is an enormous gift because the New Message is about establishing, or re-establishing, a sense of inner connection to our spiritual reality, which is inherently not violent, never violent, cannot be violent. And so the closer we are to that, the less violent we will inevitably be; but also building greater resilience into how our mind and emotions function and how we express those—greater balance in our behaviors and activities in life and greater protection in what the New Message calls the mental environment—so, greater protection for the mind from those negative influences and forces that want us to be violent, that want us fundamentally to react from a very aggressive place, and to channel that reaction for a specific purpose. And so this is what the New Message is all about. 

So to begin, I’d like to share several passages from this revelation with you that again call us right back to the center of ourselves as a true starting point to understand violence and what can be done about it. 

If your mind is turbulent, if it is restless, if it is agitated, if it is filled with anxiety and resentment, then it is a well for many things, including violence. 

Perhaps you can conjure up the image of a well and how the well collects water. It collects whatever is in the environment and in the soil around it. And our minds are quite like that. You know, they’re not an airtight or watertight container; they take in; they absorb from the environment. And our physical environment is increasingly challenging. 

But the mental environment of the world has dramatically changed—you could say completely changed, in fact—after two and a half years of a global pandemic and all of the enormous social and mental challenges that have arisen from that.

And so our mind is like a well and it takes in what is there, what is present in the environment. And yet there’s also what the well contains itself, the standing water in the well. And so the New Message is, as always, an invitation to go into the well of our experience to see what’s already there and then to look at how our environment is adding to that well and is changing the mixture of what’s inside so that hopefully there’s clean water in there for someone to be fed or nourished by, hopefully right?, that our presence in the world can lead to a positive experience for those around us. 

At the same time, I think it’s really important in this revelation that you’ll be hearing to understand the relationship between peace and change. And the revelation makes a big statement about this. We all want peace. We all want what peace can give us certainly, which is the ability to pursue our goals and our dreams. 

But we also are not inherently destructive beings. I don’t believe that we as human beings are inherently out to kill, maim, take, you know, plunder. We’re just simply living in a state of internal separation from the deeper part of us that is peaceful by nature. And as a result of that disconnect, we live in a state of moderate to extreme fear, and that fear leads us to do things we otherwise wouldn’t do

So I think we are inherently desirous of peace, and there are ways that peace can be achieved and pursued. And there are many good causes in the world doing that, many people engaged in that work. But we live at a time—for better or worse—when there is enormous change going on in our environment. And when change in the environment collides with people who even might be peace loving or peace seeking, it produces a different result in their experience. And in a sense, those people have to manage or direct themselves differently in that environment. 

So I’d like to share these three passages with you. And you’ll be hearing more about this as well. And here’s the simple statement.

People demand peace, but they are not peaceful.

If you really believe in peace, then you must address the potential of conflict and the reality of violence within yourself.

You cannot demand peace of other people, peaceful behavior or peaceful attitudes, if you yourself cannot demonstrate this in your relationship with others, in your relationship with yourself and in your relationship with your nation and your government and the world at large.

And here I think it’s important just to maybe stop and pause and acknowledge for a moment within yourself that there is conflict and tension in your experience. There are irresolutions, maybe deeper resentments or grudges, and that with enough duress and the loss of stability in your life, those could turn into aggressive or even violent acts or communications. I think it’s important to acknowledge that, that violent people are not just out there and we’re not those people. We are very much like those people. We are very much like them as well. We just may be enjoying different circumstances or different support network that yields a different result in our life expression. But it’s in us as well, that potential. 

And so let’s listen to this revelation and take this in. And if possible, take an honest stance in your own life and in your experience and just see and acknowledge what is there that could become violent if circumstances were to change, or if you were to become more stressed in your life as a result of maybe your work or family or health situation changing. How could what is in your experience erupt into something different than you experience it today? And perhaps this revelation can give a sense of direction regarding what matters most in managing what’s really there and not letting it overcome you or overtake your self-expression. So I think this Message that we’re about to hear has something for all of us in that way. 

So, I invite you here now to listen and to read this revelation. You’re the first to do so beyond Marshall and his close circle. This revelation is titled Ending Violence Within. So with that, let’s listen and read now.

[The revelation plays.]

This was the revelation Ending Violence Within, received by Marshall Vian Summers in a state of revelation—one of over 800 Angelic encounters. And again, so much wisdom for us to take in and a perspective from the other side—you know, from the Angelic side—on the kind of experience that we’re having here. It’s a lot here to take in, and I encourage you to go back and read and listen to this revelation again. 

I’ll share a few thoughts and I’ll have a little bit of time for questions if there are any, and then we can continue the conversation this Saturday when we’re going to have a special live chat discussion about this revelation; and Marshall will be there with us. 

You know, as I heard this revelation, I was humbled—as the New Message has humbled me many, many times—in that you think kind of that you’re beyond certain things or that certainly you’re not the kind of person who could ever be violent, for example, or you have an idea of self about being a nice person or a supportive person or a giver. But the truth is there’s other things going on inside of you, inside of me. We are very complex beings, and we’re not even discrete beings in and of ourselves, you know, like a self-contained unit. We flow in and out of the environment and the environment flows in and out of us. Like fish floating in the sea, we’re taking in that ocean water all the time and putting it out again. 

And so it’s humbling because you realize that you are a container for what the world is and what is happening here on this human plane of existence. You’re not just a higher being with a higher purpose with good aspirations. You have poor aspirations, too. And sometimes you stumble upon them, like you trip. It’s like the stone right under your foot and you go face flat on the trail, and you get up and you realize you’re walking on a trail. 

And as increasingly I have these experiences myself, I come back to the plain truth that the New Message presents, which is in the end it’s all about reconnecting to the spiritual reality within you, what it calls Knowledge. Because that spiritual reality does not have any vulnerability to the influences of the world. It is completely integral to itself on a higher level or a higher plane of existence. And no matter what happens in this life or in this world or how bad it gets, Knowledge, or the spiritual reality within us, is not affected. 

Moreover, it is interconnected to the spiritual reality within many, many other sentient beings, not just in this world, but in the larger universe of life. It is connected to a matrix of relationship that extends even beyond the physical manifest reality itself. So it’s part of a big thing, a big picture. And we can tap into that within ourselves as we become students of Knowledge. 

And I increasingly come back to that. You know, yes, I could work on myself. I could try to be a better person or I could try to paper over the flaws and the things that I don’t want to see, but they’re there; and the truth is the environment can call them out. You know, just like our genetics tend to express in different environments—they call that epigenetics—there’s epiself-expression going on from parts of us that we wouldn’t want to see.

And so what the New Message calls us to do is to not attack ourselves, wage war on our weaknesses or, as it says in this revelation, focus upon what might be an evil force in our experience or in our past, but rather to make those things unnecessary. Why? Because we’re gaining vitality and connection and movement in life from the other side of life, from the spiritual aspect of our being. And in that sense, in that way it weakens the parts of us that are more risky, dangerous, possibly evil, and we simply benefit by proximity to this other Higher Power that is in us—innately in us. And that starts to manifest through our self-expression, through our perception of life and we don’t have to wage war upon this human side of us that is so full of the ocean’s water and is always taking it in with every breath.

And here, I saw it in this revelation; I’ll share this with you. It said, while so much needs to happen in the world, while there must be great unity—human unity—and cooperation and great work must be done,

…at the core you must have a foundation in Knowledge and be grounded in Knowledge.

And interestingly in this revelation, it kind of calls out something that is very common in our society here in the West: this persona or archetype of the rugged individualist, the person who through sheer willpower will make so what must be so. And this revelation quite thoroughly blows that up. It says, essentially, in a changing environment like this one, you can have all the will in the world you want but the world’s more powerful than you and your will. But it’s not more powerful than Knowledge and the will of Knowledge. And so, in a sense, which will will you ally with? Which higher power will you side with? Will it be the force of Separation and division and self-interest in this world or will it be the Higher Power that really represents why you’re even in the world and what you carry within you?

But at the core, it must be Knowledge. And I know that’s a difficult thing to possibly accept—face—seeing how many real world problems there are, but I’m increasingly finding myself going there. 

Also, I want to call out this good passage here. I think we can tend to think that it’s on us to do all of this—again that rugged individualist perhaps? You know, we’ve got to make all this happen. And then others may believe that you just need to trust in God—in a Higher Power—and let it happen. Really, the New Message is right in the middle of that. It really is not giving over your power nor is it taking all the power. It’s really a marriage of two powers or two forces: a marriage of your personal self and your personal reality and your Higher Reality.

The revelation says:

It will take the strength of your will, your personality, your physical strength, your personal determination, with the power of Knowledge to break the chains that chain you to the wall, that keep your mind in a state of constant aggravation, that breaks addiction and obsession.

Lastly, just a few thoughts on the question of what to do in light of all this. How do you break through this force field that encircles you—this force field of everything from expectations in family and religion and society, the pathology that you’ve developed over time, the irresolutions, missed opportunities and everything else that’s floating around inside of us? How do you break through that and go somewhere in life and change your experience and change your personal reality?

Well, the New Message teaches that it really is about taking a journey of many steps. And every step you take, every decisive action you make, every decision that you make real, reclaims to you some of your personal power so you become more personally powerful in your life. But it also resets the order of authority within you so that you’re not the ultimate power in your life because to be that—to play God in your life—is to do so from really a throne of fear and anxiety and you will be taking in the influences of the world and acting them out, and thus the world will be God in your life. 

It’s not that. It’s really to find a right order within yourself where you have personal power, you have personal will—very important—and capabilities to make things happen, but you’re working in concert with a Higher Power within you and under its guidance.

And so as you take this journey of many steps, every step you take brings back to you a little bit of that lost power. And it also sends a little bit of that possessed power that belongs really beyond you, it gives it back to the knowing side of you and restores that relationship again.

And at one point in this Revelation, it talks about people falling asleep by the side of the road and building mansions on the lower slopes. And I live in Colorado and I see a lot of that. I see a lot of mansions on low slopes and a lot of trying to be happy with possessions and stimulation and constant acquisition. And I see it around me, also the dissatisfaction and, oh gosh, the deep unhappiness that arises from stopping on the side of the road and trying to be happy with material possession. 

And so at the latter part of that passage it says that, “Everyone has a mountain to climb to find their real gifts, their real contribution to a world in need.” And so I would say, one way to break through is to take a decisive step in something you need to do and that you’ve known you’ve needed to do in some aspect of your life, and then garner the reward from doing that: the self-confidence, the self-appreciation, the sense of ability that might have been lost. 

You know, reclaim yourself in bits, in the bits and the pieces where you lost yourself. And as the world becomes more challenging and as the forces swirl around you, you will have more to work with and a much more solid platform to be in the world. 

A practice that might be helpful that this revelation brought out that actually really struck me, and I don’t think I’ve heard this much elsewhere, it’s this practice of backtracking, of actually not just plotting a course of steps and, you know, going somewhere new, but actually in a sense, analyzing the steps you have taken and understanding what happened in each of those steps—what was the outcome?; what drove you or what held you in the action that you took?—and to see where along the way you may have lost aspects of yourself that you now need to recover. And this is an interesting practice of actually, you could say, reverse analyzing your life to know where you stand today, but also to understand the key points where you could regain parts of your lost nature, of your lost power. And so this practice of backtracking is something I’m going to be thinking about.

And it connects into the practice called The Deep Evaluation. There’s a whole revelation on that topic in the New Message. And that’s been discussed a lot, which is to really evaluate all the aspects of where your energy goes—what influences you and what informs your decision making—taking like a full stock of your life, and then seeing what needs to be let go of and what needs to be changed specifically. 

But backtracking is something kind of more specific, more analytical, and very doable as well. I mean, you are the expert in the life experience you’ve had, you know? Nobody can do backtracking for you like you can. 

So, there’s probably a lot to be gained there as long as you can marshal the courage to see what actually happened and why it actually happened and how that might have altered your life path. Difficult. I mean, very difficult actually to go back and to really honestly appraise a failed relationship experience or a major missed opportunity earlier in your life. But to do so also then reveals in the present what could reawaken that whole lost part of you or that neglected aspect of your nature that needs to come forward. So backtracking—you might want to bookmark that. 

So with that, I’ll see if there’s any questions. Thank you for being here and for hearing this revelation. Here’s a question from Threads of the Soul: 

The latter part of the Revelation really spoke to what I’m facing: the tension between getting back on track, deconstructing the old life and also needing to take firm steps in a real direction.

Yes, I think I get what you’re saying there, and I’ve experienced some of that myself. And I think, you know, one thing we all are always seeking to gain is clarity and understanding about what to do next in our lives. 

So, we’re scanning the internet, we’re scanning other things, even the New Message, looking for what is it? What matters? What do I need to know? What do I need to do? The thing is, that as this revelation said, if you’re asking for clarity but you’re lost, that’s a problem. And so in a sense you need to kind of get unlost, and then the clarity is in a sense automatic, right? Because you’re not lost; you’re on the path you need to be on. You know what the next step is because it’s standing there right in front of you, and then you’re not asking in this cloud of confusion for clarity. 

It’s important to get out of that cloud of confusion. And I think the New Message really advises us to take the time to understand our journey thus far and really look at the decisions we’ve made and what influenced us to make them and how that all played out in real time and in real events, and to use that as wisdom building, but also to build the conviction to actually mount the effort to get out of our present day fog because that’s a hike. I mean, if you’re stuck in a fog, it’s a hike and it’s some risk taking, as well. You got to set out in a certain direction, but how important to actually understand the path up until that fog set in upon us. 

So I think there’s a lot of value to looking at your life, to taking that contemplative time, which is not something we typically do in modern society. It’s all outward focused and forward moving. But this inward focus and this rearward looking, looking back, is really important to do. Otherwise, we are kind of flying blind and driving kind of crazy in our lives. And I see that everywhere. And I see that as part of, really, our social reality at this time. So yes, thank you for calling that out. 

I’d like to share one more passage with you here:

Knowledge will guide you in the world. It will weaken your attachments. It will undo your dilemmas slowly, but deeply. As you become closer to Knowledge, it exerts a greater influence over you, and you begin to settle down into your deeper nature.

This is where I think one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is simply access to the knowing experience. And what better way to do that but through a stillness practice? And for me, that’s been a big focus in the last, you know, recent period of my life, where during the Covid pandemic, and all of the life events and the busyness and the upset in the world, it really wiped away the ability to be still. 

And marshaling my will—and it did take some to press through that thick, very thick field of scattered mental activity—to actually find stillness again, I think was a key for me. And that has opened the ability to actually touch the other side on a daily level. And that touch, to be able to touch the spiritual reality while I’m in the world, is opening up a whole set of new possibilities and also giving me a lot of cause to move slower and be more careful.

So, I think access to Knowledge on a daily basis through stillness practice could be one of the key steps to take in 2023. Add it to your New Year’s resolutions. It could be game changing—my personal promise. I only joke. 

But the New Message makes a gigantic promise in that regard. And I think for those of us who are students, we have…we can verify that that is real, that actual contact with Knowledge does tremendous things on the inside of our lives, and it influences the decisions we’re making every day in very important ways.

So I encourage you to consider, if you haven’t yet, to begin the practice in Steps to Knowledge–the Book of Inner Knowing. It’s on my mind, as well, to do, and to let Steps to Knowledge guide you and take you through the very difficult experience of being in the world at this time on a daily level. So Steps to Knowledge is there. It’s free online, and somebody can probably share in the chat where to find it. Good. 

And so I’d like to share as we close up here a few books of the New Message, which are there—resources for you.

The Journey to a New Life, which is all about this journey up the mountain of your life. And then, Living the Way of Knowledge, which I am personally halfway through a deep reading of. And this really dives into the Four Pillars of your life and how to understand those Pillars, how they’re connected and how to maintain them over time. And then there are revelations in future books that might be of interest, as well. 

Again, I encourage you to join me and other people from around the world for a live discussion about this revelation we just heard. It’s this coming Saturday at 9am, at newmessage.org/chat. 

You can read and listen to this revelation again. It is free online as of an hour ago. So it is up there for all to read and benefit from.

All the books and currently available revelations of the New Message are on the online library. You can access that there. And then I encourage you to join me for three upcoming releases of a new revelation.

These are from the archive of the New Message, never yet released. So we have Food, Water and Energy. We have Going Beneath the Surface of the Mind. And then we have The Still Mind, which is a very special revelation with a special story, but you got to be there to hear it.

So with that, thank you for joining me. Thank you for being here to hear the revelation. And we look forward to seeing you. And we will see you at the next juncture down the road. So take care. Thank you all.

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