What Will End War? | Revelation Broadcast Event

Watch Marshall Vian Summers and Reed Summers speak Live from Kyiv, Ukraine, July 9, 2023.
What Will End War?
Revelation Broadcast Events
Full Session Transcript
Well hello, and welcome. My name is Reed Summers and I’m here with my father, Marshall Vian Summers. And we are broadcasting to you live from Kyiv, Ukraine. And we’re super excited to be able to do this and to share an important message with you from the New Message from God, which is an original Revelation from the Creator of all life that Marshall has spent over 40 years receiving and bringing forward.
And today we’re going to be talking about what will end war, which is extremely important to be talking about given the conflict underway in Ukraine and the city in which we now stand, a city of over 3 million people that finds itself at the epicenter of one of the largest and most devastating violent conflicts we’ve experienced in many decades. So, a very important topic. And after Marshall and I share some thoughts, we’re going to listen to an original message from the New Message from God titled, What Will End War? And this revelation was given in Jerusalem some years ago, and I think its relevance is only growing. So. And after we listen to that, Marshall and I will continue to share some thoughts with you on what can end war in our world. So Marshall and I and our small team here are in Europe right now to bring forward a message that calls for unity among the world’s nations, religions, and also seek to bring forward an understanding that we stand in a larger universe of intelligent life, and that we are in the process of making contact with that universe and that that contact will change everything about everything in our societies, countries, economies, religions. And in fact, the present day conflict in Ukraine, it’s very important to understand the presence of this Greater Community or this universe of intelligent life in our world in order to comprehend the nature of this conflict and where it’s going and how and who might be fueling it, so… In our time in Ukraine here we’ve met some wonderful people who are going through a tremendously difficult experience. It’s a very strange place to be at the moment—a city of many contrasts and contradictions. Beautiful city. I can sense the freedom-loving nature of the people here as the streets are in full swing and people are out trying to live their lives. All the while, air raid sirens have gone off even in the last couple of days of our being here. And so the war is very close at hand and the weight of that, you can see on people’s faces. The people we’ve spoken to have talked about struggling with a depression and anxiety that’s very difficult to manage. So this war is a very real experience for the many millions of people here and we’ve been able to share that with them. So we’re very grateful to have had that experience and to actually share the burden of that in just, you know, a small way with the people of Ukraine. So the message we’re going to share with you today is a message about what will end war broadly speaking, not specifically this war, but war in general, because the human species seems to have a predisposition toward armed conflict with one another. And there are certain things that are giving rise to this very deeply within us as individuals, but also at a societal level. So what we’re here to share with you today is a perspective and understanding that might help to understand what gives rise to war, what creates it, what fuels it, what sustains it and ultimately, what might bring it to a, not a final conclusion, but of a much more minimal expression in the human experience so that war is not this perpetual engine that seems to drive the world as it is right now. And before we listen to this longer teaching on what will end war, I’d just like to see what Marshall would like to share—if there’s any keys to understanding this—that he’d like to give us. Marshall: Well, I think there are three keys to our ability to be of service in the world regarding these circumstances. There are three things to understand. First of all, we have to get a sense of what is happening in the world as a physical place, and the world is changing physically. Its climate is changing the world. And when the climate changes, everything changes and will continue to change. So we’re seeing dramatic demonstrations of that in recent years. It’s impacting many people around the world. In fact, it’s probably affecting almost everyone in some way—economically, personally, through health difficulties and so forth. And the second is that we are in a process of facing an Intervention from the universe around us, an uninvited presence who has been weaving itself into our world in the background in a very secretive manner for the last 50 or 60 years. And this presence actually represents a great challenge to humanity and a challenge that’s very dangerous for humanity. It is not here at our bidding. It is not here to serve our needs or fulfill our spiritual desires or to meet our preferences, certainly. But it alone offers us an opportunity to unite as nothing else could possibly encourage us to unite. I mean, it’s the one thing that speaks to everyone because we all are in the same boat regarding this presence here. And it has the power to unite us or the power to undermine us in time, over time. It’s operating to set itself in a position to present itself as the saviors of humanity as humanity declines to a point where we find it difficult to govern our world or to make any semblance of order, which is very possible within the decades to come. So this is the big world event, the two big world events that we’re facing now, all of us, whether we acknowledge it or not. Reality is happening, whether we think it is or not. This is the big waves of reality that are striking upon our shores. And the third thing, which is very important…now this gets into our spiritual nature and actually our purpose and meaning in the world, which was designed for us before we came here, and it has to do with how we’re going to navigate the difficult times ahead and how we’re going to respond to these two great events in our midst—a changing world environment, a changing planetary experience and our emergence into a universe full of intelligent life. An emergence is occurring, not from our ventures into space, but from visitation and Intervention here in the world that’s happening right now. So within us we have a deeper strength and a deeper power that represents an eternal aspect of ourselves, which in our presentation and in the teaching itself we refer to as Knowledge—Knowledge referring to our ability to know things profoundly that our intellect cannot recognize or cannot come to understand. So we have a greater level of intelligence within us which would be very key in our ability to recognize and respond to the great forces of change that are underway in the world today. Reed: Thank you, Marshall. You know before we continue, I think it’s worth just pausing at the phrase what will end war? Some might find that to be very idealistic to even think that that’s possible. It might sound like some platform for, I don’t know, some political persuasion or social program. And I think it’s really important to stop and just acknowledge that your message is not an ideology. It’s not a spiritual idealism or a set of shoulds, what the world should do. It’s really something else built upon a recognition of necessity, as you call it. Marshall: That’s right. And when I speak of Knowledge, I’m speaking at what resides at the heart of all the world’s religions, which is: This is how we’re connected to our Source. This is how we find our true direction in life. This is how we enter into a life of service in the world, which will fulfill us as nothing else can. So we’re talking about something very real physically. It’s happening all around us with increasing intensity, but also something that lives within us as the most important aspect of ourselves, which we’re going to need to recognize and connect with if we’re to navigate the difficult times ahead. Reed: Well with that, let’s listen and watch this message from a Divine Source titled What Will End War? And then after that, Marshall and I will share some further conversation on this. If you’d like to share your comment or experience, please do so in the chat platform wherever you’re watching live, and we’ll take a look at that as well. And so with that let’s listen to What Will End War?, being broadcast to you from right here in Kyiv, Ukraine. [The revelation plays.] Reed: So this was the revelation titled What Will End War? from the New Message from God. Thank you for being here to listen to that. I’m sure you all heard the long intermission in the middle of it. Those were actually church bells that played spontaneously when this was recorded in Jerusalem. Those were not air raid sirens, as some of you might have thought they were. But that is kind of what it sounds like out here actually. And it’s very disruptive to life and, I’m sure, causes a lot of stress for people. You know, before Marshall and I begin to talk about this teaching we just heard, I just want to acknowledge, you know, in our time here we’ve been walking around Kyiv and going through the countryside and going to certain places where atrocities were committed during this conflict. And we’ve been asking ourselves, “What will end this war?” And in all honesty, we don’t have an answer to that. It’s a complex situation at this point, and so many things have been perpetrated as a part of it that what ends it is going to have to come across time and by contribution by many people and also possibly through great struggle, as well. So we don’t claim to have a solution to this exact conflict. And in some ways, our contribution might be to help prevent conflicts, or to help individuals see how they can not play a part in fueling conflicts like this. Because the individual plays a huge part, and this Revelation speaks to that. And that is one of the three keys that we’d like to share with you about what could bring an end to this ongoing ceaseless nature of war in the world. One of those is the individual and the fact that if we’re at war within ourselves, then we will express that state of mind into the world, first through our thinking, which contributes to the mental environment, then through our voice and actions which affect the physical environment. And I think you can look back through history and see how individuals were harboring a lot of anger and frustration that then spewed out into the public sphere and came together into a movement, and a movement elected a certain party to power, and a party was overtaken by a certain set of individuals. And it just foments from there. But the individual is at the grassroots of that. So I’d like to start off with the first of these three keys that this teaching brought forward about What Will End War? And I know Marshall needs some water. Sorry, we’re all getting over a little bit of a respiratory challenge here. So I’d like to share with you a passage. This is a passage from the teaching we just heard. If you cannot see the problem, you will not see the solution. If you cannot face the gravity of your times, then you will not bring this real seriousness to the situation that is required. And you will not have the motivation to forge a new understanding and a new approach. Reed: Let’s put the quote back up on screen. [pause] We’re going to take a brief intermission right now. We have a health challenge arising so we’ll be back in five minutes. If we can [have] Kelvin put up the video to play, we’ll be right back with you. Reed: Okay, thank you for sticking with us. That was a required necessary break for some uncontrollable coughing. So it turns out that after Covid, the average cold can be quite the virulent bug. So thank you again for being with us here. So we were going through the three things that this teaching that we all heard brought forward as keys to what will end war. And the first is really this factor of necessity. It’s not an idealism that will end war or an ideology that will end war. It’s everyone responding to the sheer necessity of survival… Marshall: That’s right. Reed: …in a world condition that is getting dramatically worse. Marshall: And necessity, if it’s strong enough, can override our other tendencies to compete with each other or to distrust each other. We become now collaborative. We need each other. So the specter of war, the path of warfare, will only decline the human family, to exhaust the world’s resources and put us into a state of permanent decline. And when that happens, our ability to deal with the foreign presence—the alien presence in the world today—will be so greatly diminished that we’ll just succumb to their presence here, which would not be a good thing. Reed: Now that’s if war just continues as it does. Marshall: That’s right. Reed: Not to say It will continue as it does. Marshall: Well, in a world of diminishing resources and increasing population, the risk will escalate and the tensions will escalate. The tensions for land, for food, for water—everything—will escalate. So this is why we’re in a situation that makes war more favorable. But war under these circumstances, war is actually far worse than its consequences. And wars become wars of desperation then, which are much more terrible and consequential. So, I think our situation, our circumstances in the world, our facing Intervention are the things that require us—that’s the necessity—they require us to cooperate. If we do not, we will fail. We will fail these challenges. And that is why no one wants to be driven by necessity. But in this case, necessity is actually a thing that could save us. And I think it enables people to rise above their petty issues, their grievances, their unforgiveness to do what is really needed and essential in the moment. And that is why it’s like a house on fire. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you believe in or what you think of the person next to you, you’ve all got to pitch in just to put that fire out and go save people from it. So necessity here is the mother of invention. And it is an incredible power and force within us if we can learn to accept it and realize that it’s here to protect us and to guide us under very uncertain circumstances. Reed: Yeah. I think the house on [fire] analogy is really apt because, you know, until you recognize that the whole house is on fire and that you’re in it, you just won’t respond at the level necessary. And the teaching we heard made a big point about this saying that to see the solution, you have to assess the nature and the scope of the problem. Marshall: That’s right. Reed: And so, if the problem is political or relates to the neighboring country or some ancient historical grievance, the solution in your own mind will not match the nature of reality. And so, do you feel then that the world is a house on fire? Marshall: I think the world is a growing house on fire, and I think it is affecting with every passing day more people. The fact of the cost of living, the stress of living, the difficulty of finding work, competition for everything and food, water and energy, which are the essential elements of our ability to live in this world, are all being threatened from different fronts in different ways. Even the war here in Ukraine is threatening food production, is threatening energy production, is threatening so many things and has huge downstream effects. So, we’re really at a point now where we cannot afford war. It’s way too costly. It’s way too damaging. It tends to plant seeds for future conflict to emerge and arise. So this is not just a good idea or a hopeful thing. This is really what is going to enable us to survive and navigate the Great Waves of change that are upon us and will grow ever more intense as we go forward. So it’s a real wake-up call is what it is. And you have to get out of your self-preoccupied life, your petty interests, your petty needs and begin to see, “Wow, I’m in a changing world and how am I going to function here? And I can’t be at war with other people if I can function here, and how are they going to function here?” Because it’s going to be a collaborative effort for humanity to surmount the challenges that are coming over the horizon. Reed: All right. So this was the first thing we wanted to bring before you all was an individual and collective confrontation with reality and a recognition of necessity. And if that can happen in enough people, something different may come through us collectively and individually. So the second major key is recognizing a common threat, recognizing a threat from beyond our world in the form of extraterrestrial intervention, which may be new to some of you watching, but is something the New Message talks a lot about. Basically, we’re emerging into a larger universe of intelligent life. We’ve been discovered by other forms of life. And they are in our world not to help and assist us, even though they may say so, but they’ve made the journey here really for their own self-interests. And it’s the resources of the world and the planet itself that they want. And so with that kind of adversary, you know, in our space, that changes everything. Marshall: It absolutely does. I mean, I don’t think anything can unite humanity except a common challenge—a common threat, if you will—that we all face equally. No nation is going to prosper in the face of this. No individual is going to benefit. And so when you can begin to face this and have the courage to face this and to realize that many people are falling under the persuasion of this Intervention to believe that it’s here to rescue us or save us from ourselves, that they will bring peace and happiness to us, which has not been demonstrated at all in the 60 to 70 years of their presence here. In fact, they have destroyed people’s lives. They’ve taken people’s lives. They’ve acted like real adversaries in our midst working behind the scenes to gain power and to entrench themselves in the world because they’re not really a military force. This is not like the Star Wars. Forget about Star Wars. They understand how to gain access to a world without the use of force, which is the power of persuasion, the power of seduction and mental powers—much more powerful than physical powers. And they need the physical environment not to be destroyed, not for our sake but for their sake. And the other thing is they can’t live in our world. They can’t breathe our atmosphere and they can’t face the biological hazard of living in a world with billions of microorganisms because they probably live in space and they are very vulnerable to these forces. So they need us to work for them. They need us to be their workers. They may promise us everything under Heaven and Earth, but what they’re really sowing the seeds they are sowing here is to rob us of our sovereignty and freedom in this world. And I know a lot of people don’t want to hear that. They want to think this is a good thing because, having lost faith and confidence perhaps in human leaders and leadership, they look to the heavens; they look to the skies; they look to space for salvation. But we are the native peoples of the new world. And we know what happened to the native peoples of the world in the time of great European expansion and colonization. So nature has taught us this. This is the lesson of life and we should not ignore it. We should be very cautious in how we approach this and very careful to discern what it might mean for us because mistakes made here will have huge consequences in the future. Reed: Yeah. I’d like to share a passage from the teaching we just heard: You now face competition from beyond the world. There are competing forces seeking advantage here… they care not for the value of humanity and freedom is unknown to them. To them this world, and even humanity itself, are only resources to be used and exploited…as long as humanity remains weak and divided in conflict with itself, it will be powerless in the universe and extremely vulnerable to Intervention—Intervention such as already occurring now. You must think now of the well-being of the whole world, the security of the whole world. For humanity is not alone in the universe, and there are others who are watching and waiting and planning. You know, the E.T. presence is not just itself a threat in terms of its intentions for the world. It’s also an actor in the conflicts that we see already underway between ourselves. So this last statement that they’re watching, waiting and planning hints to the fact that they will use any human conflict that we offer up to them as a way to play both sides to escalate the conflict, to embroil third parties and even beyond that, and really subsume humanity in these intractable wars, these wars that never stop and end up weakening society and nations around the world. So it’s not just a threat directly. It’s an indirect threat by a force that might want to engage with one country instead of another, or trade technology to a dominant country so that it can dominate a weaker one. So it’s really important, we feel, to see the Intervention and the fact that it is a common threat. And this may start to reframe how countries look at each other—how Russians view Ukrainians, how Ukrainians view Russians. I mean, if we have a common threat and it’s non-human, that means the differences between us are negligible. And, you know, our ancient history of tribalism and, you know, nations rising and falling, I mean, it’s valuable and important as a lesson but it’s not the fact of our common existence now. We are human beings and we are facing competition by non-human beings for our world of origin. And so the reframing of nearly every human conflict in light of that is very powerful and could be very healing, as well. So this could…so often in life, how do you step beyond a personal dilemma, something that’s in your way keeping you from moving forward? Expand your frame of view, you know, see a bigger picture in which you are functioning. And there’s a liberating power to that. And so it is also for the world in this way. I’d like to ask you before we move on, Marshall, how could an extraterrestrial threat unite us actually—like actually enable countries to put down weapons like we’re seeing? Marshall: Well, I mean, as long as we fight each other, we’re weak and divided and easily manipulated by other powers who use mental persuasion above physical threat to really influence us to our own disillusion. So this is how a small weak force—I mean, the alien presence is very small actually; has very advanced technology; has no evidence of weaponry—but how it could influence us to oppose each other just to prey upon our own tendencies in this way to weaken us to the point where we would turn to them hoping that will save us from ourselves or save the world, which will become ever more depleted and difficult should we continue on our current path. So, we’re entering a bigger arena of life now. The universe is not a human universe; we’re insignificant within it. But we live on a beautiful world that is valued by others. And worlds such as Earth are probably very rare in a universe of barren planets. So, we’ve been watched for a long time, certainly. And the time of Intervention has come because we’ve created an infrastructure that they could possibly use for themselves, which wasn’t the case 50 or 100 years ago. And we’ve also created global communications here that they could also utilize, perhaps. So the time of this…and we’re also at the advent of nuclear…we have nuclear power; we have nuclear weapons. So we could destroy the value of the world, and we’ve already demonstrated our ability to do that. And there’s a risk of doing that even in the current situations we face today. So, this is the time of Intervention and we have to see that. If we can’t face that, then we’re blind; we don’t want to look. We have to at least consider it as a real fundamental possibility. If we’re being intervened beyond our own boundaries by forces who are operating without our permission, violating all areas of space, everything about our lives, people’s personal lives, taking people against their will and things like this, my God, we’ve got a dark force in our midst. And when you start to wake up to that, it changes how you look at the way nations interact, and why the worst thing we could do is be opposing and fighting each other—the worst thing—at a time of intervention. So it’s a big sea change in how you see yourself in the world, and you see that people are just blindly going into conflict with each other. And this is a real danger. This is our own tendencies overwhelming us and actually undermining our ability to have a future in this world because we will waste the remaining resources of the world in conflict. So conflict is the worst thing that can happen. But to the Intervention, it’s an opportunity to prove that we’re helpless to each other and only they can save us. At some point, they will present themselves with a message like that—which is very likely. Meanwhile, they’re flying in our skies. Millions of people are seeing evidence of their presence. Tens of thousands—maybe more—are being taken against their will to be experimented upon. I mean, this is a very bad thing happening in the world. But you have to have a lot of courage to face these things because they’re pretty disturbing. But we are the native peoples of the world. And if we don’t respond collectively to the force that’s in our world, we are going to be in serious trouble. They have no control over the world. They just have control over the minds of growing numbers of people. So they are the weak force, but we’re so weak ourselves they appear overwhelming to us. But they are not overwhelming. They cannot take us by force because they do not have that kind of force. Only through persuasion, only through seduction can they gain a dominant role in this world. And that we have the power to resist. And the deeper Knowledge within us will never succumb to these kinds of persuasions. It’s far too wise, far too deep to be persuaded by something like this. So let us not be in love with technology. Let us not think that any technological race is spiritually advanced because there’s nothing in life that ever supports that kind of notion. So we have to grow up and we have to become the real citizens of this world and the real stewards of this world. If we destroy it, others will come to take it. And the risk of that happening has brought these forces here today. They’re playing a long game. They’re going to wait and see how far we go into our decline. And that will be their great opportunity. So this is a very big thing that’s happening and it’s happening behind the scenes. Reed: This is what the New Message calls the Greater Darkness. So we have a house on fire. We have a greater darkness in the world and a threat… Marshall: That’s right. Reed: …from beyond our world. And I’m sure maybe you all can feel it’s slightly overwhelming, you know? It’s a lot to take that in and imagine even doing something or contributing to a way forward through it. But that is why the New Message is here. It is, as you just phrased it, it is giving us the strength. It is giving us the courage, the strength to resist the Intervention and to make a contribution in a challenging environment like this. And that brings us really to the third key, which is a transformation of the internal state within the individual. So we have a house on fire. We have a threat from beyond. But where are the people, you know? Where are the individuals in the world who have this strength, who have a contribution to make—where are they? And this is really where it comes down to the spiritual presence within each of us as not only a protective force protecting us from becoming partisans in conflict, combatants in war and losing our own sense of internal self and identity to a group identity, which can easily be manipulated. So, it’s protective, but it’s also guiding us to make a specific contribution. So I’d like to share a passage with you on this. This is again from What Will End War? It is not enough to say that people want peace…For if people are at war within themselves, they will express this in the world, and they will add to conflict that exists between peoples. If people are committed to fulfilling their desires, it will place them in conflict with others whose desires are competing with theirs. And if people want more than they really need, then they will be taking from others whose needs are going unmet. This is a moral and an ethical issue for each individual. [text as published] And so without the spiritual Presence within us, we live a life of internal discord where we are driven by fear. We are in pursuit of our logical self-interests above those of others. And so it puts us naturally in conflict with others as we take more than we need and try to secure something which really can’t be secured in terms of our own personal security to that degree. So what the spiritual Presence can do to this is really cause something of a sea change within people. Marshall: Oh, and very much so. And, you know, Knowledge is the center of your strength, your integrity. And it holds for you your greater purpose in the world, which is not what you personally want to do or hope you could do. It’s what you were sent into the world to do. And I believe that everyone in the world today was sent into the world to be in the world in these very difficult, challenging circumstances that the revelation speaks of and that we’re talking about today. So that’s your higher purpose. There’s no higher purpose of just fulfilling yourself to make yourself happy or to enrich yourself. I mean, there’s nothing there. That’s an empty promise, for sure. So this is the calling. This could call you into a greater service in life, into a greater strength. Because your real strength, your real courage is going to come from Knowledge. Knowledge is not some sweet thing that lives within you. It is a powerful force that can direct your life and save you from other calamities that you would not see, from errors that you would make—from life-changing errors that you would make—and hold you back from doing things that are self-destructive or harmful to others. So this is God’s gift to us. God is not going to intervene and save anybody. God has put the power of salvation within us. But it’s not just to make us holy. It’s actually to guide us in a difficult world so that we can be of service here in the world. Because in the end it’s all about what you serve and why you serve, and where that’s coming from within you. That’s what restores the individual. That’s what restores you to yourself. That’s what regenerates integrity and purpose and meaning and gratitude. So real Love—the New Message also talks about the great Love—the great Love comes with all of these things. You just don’t have great Love because you just want love. It’s really a demonstration that your life is of greater importance and value in the world and is needed in the world in a specific way that Knowledge holds for you. And so when you begin to take the Steps to Knowledge and re-engage your personal mind with the deeper mind within you, you begin to have a greater sense of peace, purpose and direction and strength, and are not easily seduced by the world or by any force in the world, whether it be human or otherwise. So this is the power that we have within us—it’s untapped—that very few people really know about very deeply. It’s inherent within us. God’s already saved humanity. God’s put Knowledge in everyone. We just have to find it and experience it, and see what it means in terms of bringing our life into order, bringing balance and simplicity to our life so that we can have an opportunity to serve this world at a time of the greatest need. Reed: Do you see a way for enough people to bring that forward through their lives to make enough of a difference? Marshall: Well, the New Message makes it very clear that not everyone will be able to do this or can do this. It’s really the strength of a growing number of people. And so I can’t tell you what percentage that is. I don’t think that’s really the essence of the matter. But to the degree to which you can follow Knowledge, you will be an inspiration to others; you’ll be a source of strength to others; you’ll be able to serve others in specific ways, depending on what your area of service really is, which you can’t figure out with your intellect. This is something bigger than that. And what’s going on in the world is bigger than your intellect. I mean, we’ve already crossed the line of living a simple, self-determined life. The world is moving. It’s changing, and humanity is declining internally and is under threat from beyond. And that’s going to require a real change within oneself to be able to recognize, accept and deal with this effectively. So this is a great challenge, but a great life comes out of a great challenge. If your life is unchallenged, you’ll never know greatness; you’ll never know yourself. So the challenges of life really can help us in this regard, no matter how daunting they may seem. And we’re just here to play our part in a larger situation. So it’s not like you have to know the outcome or be assured of the success. Success is never assured in any meaningful endeavor in life. So here we are. Here we are in Ukraine. A very pivotal event happening that’s affecting many other countries in the world, many other countries, and will have huge downstream effects. So this is the most natural calling within us, is the calling to Knowledge. Because your intellect is not designed to deal with things like that. It can only serve a greater intention within you. Because Knowledge represents the eternal part of you. It hasn’t been acquired by living in the world. It’s not an idea. It’s not a belief system. And so we’re actually bringing to humanity the most powerful elements that exist within us. The Intervention does not use Knowledge or it would not be intervening in our world. It only has technology. It has cohesion. It has purpose. But it does not have Knowledge. So we as the native peoples on the ground and still control the ground have this Knowledge. And more and more people need to gain access to it. That alone will bring the end of war because war would be seen as the most harmful thing we could do to anybody and everybody. Reed: One thing that the New Message teaches you to do is to experience when there’s been a violation to what you know. So when you’ve done something that violates what you know intrinsically to be right for you and for those around you…And so if more people can discover that sense of their own internal right and wrong, up and down, forward and backward, and be oriented internally like that, it would be very difficult to send those individuals into war because I think they would see it as a violation… Marshall: That’s right. Reed: …a violation of their own Knowledge, not just of their own self-interest, which of course can be twisted in many ways. But more individuals, you know, becoming anchored in this would be protective against many different things, right? Marshall: That’s right. Reed: …and supportive of many different solutions, as well. Marshall: So cooperation now is not just a good thing to do or the preferred thing to do. It’s actually the thing that must be done. And cooperation generates strength, resilience. And all of a sudden, you have more people who depend upon each other, interdepend upon each other, that they rely upon each other’s stability, which fortifies stability. But war begins to break that down and it makes future stabilization much more difficult, sometimes impossible. You know, one world war leads to the next world war. Or one unresolved issue between nations leads to future conflict between those nations. So… Reed: Something has to come to break that ancestral trauma. Marshall: Exactly, and the Intervention, as dire as it really is, it actually can enable humanity to unite. No one’s going to benefit if it gains any kind of ascendancy in the world. That’s how powerful, that’s the power we looked at today. When you begin to think about this, all the other things that seem troubling begin to take on less impact. I mean it’s like, “Wow, I’m seeing something much bigger now and I need to really think about this. I need to get educated about this.” And when you do that, you begin to shift gears within yourself. Otherwise, we sink within ourselves. We sink in our own frustration, unforgiveness, self-hatred—all kinds of downward forces. So this brings people up and out. Service does that. And the need is great. Reed: So life is knocking on our doors, saying, “Hello in there. Wake up. The house is on fire! There’s a greater threat and you are needed. You’re the one who’s going to put the fire out.” So these are the three perspectives we wanted to bring forward to you today. And being here in Ukraine has been a pretty powerful experience of seeing people going through what many of us may go through in the future. In a sense, they’re experiencing the kind of conflict, the kind of societal challenges that we may experience even in the most stable parts of the world. So, and I do feel how strongly Knowledge would be a protective force for an individual here having to survive and find their way, personally, in the middle of a war. Marshall: That is actually God’s way of protecting you, is by connecting you with Knowledge, which will protect you. Because Knowledge’s first goal is to protect you, not just physically, but to protect you from giving your life away to something that has no future or that will ultimately disappoint you and lead to, you know, nothing’s fulfilling in life. So this is a big thing we’re experiencing together. And we’re sharing it with you because perhaps you’re also feeling stirred by something bigger in the world, something bigger within yourself that is making you look beyond the ordinary facets of life, the ordinary interests of life. And you have bigger questions; you need bigger answers. And somehow you feel your life is about something—it just isn’t the ordinary usual thing—and that your fulfillment will happen on a different scale, in a different way or a larger arena. And so if this is your experience, then I think what we’re sharing with you is completely relevant. And that’s very important. Reed: Thank you, Marshall. Before we close, I want to ask Marshall one more question, out of the blue. This teaching we just heard said the following: Do not think that the past is determining the future, for in truth, the future is determining the present. I want to ask you what that means to you. Marshall: Yeah, that’s an interesting…sounds illogical, doesn’t it? Because we seem, we do seem to live the effects of the past, but all of us are born with destiny, and the human family itself has destiny. It’s built into us. It was there before we were born; will be there after we leave this world. And so the world is attempting to become one community because it could only be free in the universe as a united community. It can’t be a bunch of warring tribes. It will never, ever be able to sustain itself in this larger arena of intelligent life. And so we have an inner need to become organized and united within ourselves. Humanity has that need, too. It’s in the future, it’s where we’re going that’s prompting us forward. It’s not just satisfying the moment or trying to correct the past. There is some correction in the past, and there’s some fulfillment in the moment, but we have a destiny. As a free race in the universe, which is actually very rare, we have enough freedom to be, at least be a candidate for being a free race in the universe. And that’s part of our destiny. We have a destiny in this universe. It’s not like we want to just hide out in our little world and not think about the universe. That’s where we’re going. It’s here. There’s no going back. There’s no going back in terms of our mind, our emotions, our awareness. We can only go forward because we have destiny. Destiny is where we need to get to collectively, individually. And so the future is determining the present. This is at a deeper level within us. We’re drawn towards something, not just away from something. And the flow of Knowledge within us is to lead us forward to where we really need to be in life and what we need to be doing, and to liberate us from those things within us and around us that are hindering or preventing that from happening. That’s the power of Knowledge. It’s amazing what it can do. I mean, that’s been my life, is experiencing that and serving that, and doing exactly what I’m presenting to you to empower people in this way. And the stronger Knowledge is in the world, the more humanity cannot be overtaken, cannot be persuaded, cannot be dominated. Because what we’re facing in the world is not a physical domination, it’s a mental domination. This is how advanced races interact with worlds such as ours—power of the mental environment. If you can determine people’s thinking and emotions and inclinations, you can take over the world without firing a shot. That’s something to think about. Reed: Definitely. Excellent. Well, thank you so much for being here. It’s our joy to share this with you from Kyiv. If you’d like to read What Will End War?, it is online. And we have a link up there on the screen for you where you can find the revelation, as well as all the revelations that we’re releasing from the New Message Library. And I invite you to join me and Marshall for upcoming broadcasts at newmessage.org/live. So with that, we’ll say good night. Take care. Be well. And our prayers and thoughts to the people of Ukraine, and our appreciation to all those who supported our stay and our even getting into the country. It was quite a journey, in fact, but we made it. So it’s been a very special visit. And may the heart of humanity be here be there, and be between all places, and may we all be connected in making a contribution to this house on fire. So with that, we’ll say goodnight and thank you for joining us. Marshall: Thank you.
The peace that can be forged in the future must be based upon necessity. It must be based upon a clear understanding that humanity is entering a period of grave difficulty—facing a world in decline, a world of declining resources.
I have heard this with more awarness. So happy I am a beginning Student of Rhe New Message❤️