Preparing for the Future | A New Message Teaching Released Live

Watch Mathieu Goldstein Introduce The Newest Teaching Released Live From January 4th, 2025.
Hello everyone, and welcome to this new revelation release broadcast. My name is Mathieu Goldstein. I’m from France.
So today we will listen to a teaching which is released for the first time. It is entitled Preparing for the Future. This teaching has been received by Marshall Vian Summers in 2007 in Boulder, Colorado, and it will be part of a book soon to be released, Preparing for the Great Waves of Change; compiles teachings focused on humanity’s emergence, humanity’s future—sorry—and how to prepare for it at the individual and [unclear] level. So this teaching, just a bit of background first, this teaching is not the text produced in a traditional way when one is assembling ideas on the subject, formulating them in writing. We say from this teaching that it has been received. It is the fruit of Marshall’s unique relationship with a group of invisible teachers. We call them the Unseen Ones, among other names. We call them Angels. And under certain circumstances, these Teachers gather around Marshall, who has the ability and the training to receive them. And then they speak through him a message, a teaching. And this 42-minute teaching you’re about to hear is the result of such a process. It has been audio recorded, and so what you are hearing is the original Voice of the Unseen ones speaking to Marshall. So this is a teaching focused on our perception and our response to the greater picture that is forming for humanity and which constitutes the context for our individual lives, a future that will be different from [unclear] experiences of life to a great degree, a future for which we need a preparation. So this is a recurring theme in the New Message. Although our mind may struggle in assessing properly this future—the events, the characteristics, the changes to expect —and of course this teaching draws our attention to a deeper response within us, a response many of us are actually already experiencing deep down, deeper than the level of our thoughts of our mind. So the teaching speaks about this feeling of concern and anxiety that we can experience while being in the world and that can actually originate from a place of knowing within us that is intimately connected with the world and its events. The teaching encourages us to learn to listen to the messages this part of us is sending us, messages to orient us or, and help us navigate the world, what to pay attention to, where to look, what to do next. And for this inner guidance to become strong and reliable, we need to learn to develop this connection, to clarify it, to become available for it, to learn to follow it. And then acknowledging and accepting these feelings, we can start looking ahead and take whatever next step we can discern to prepare for the future. The teaching explains how a fundament anxiety begins to build inside us when we try to ignore this guidance from the deeper part, may try to dissipate anxiety through avoidance [unclear], various ways to shut down its signal. But since it is connected to reality, it will not fade and our attempt to escape its messages will more likely result in further disconnection from reality itself. So preparation is needed. Anxiety is merely a signal to warn us of a gap existing between where we are and where we need to be. So now we are going to listen to this teaching, Preparing for the Future. And after that we can gather and discuss on our Discord chat if you wish to. [The revelation plays.] Now I invite you to share your experience of this teaching in our Discord chat. The link is in the video description, I believe. Thank you, see you there.