The Messenger’s Prayer

Experience the historic video of Marshall in a state of prayer for his mission, Boulder, CO, USA, December 31, 2010.
That my prayers
May have power and efficacy
In the world and in the mental environment around me
And in the mental environment beyond my awareness.
That this power that we have
May move through me
And through others
And not be discounted
In the face of danger, doubt or uncertainty.
That this time before us
May be a Time of Reckoning
A time to realize that
We are living in a Time of Revelation
And that the world is moving
The Great Waves of Change are moving the world
Even as we sit here
It is not merely
A future possibility.
It is a current reality.
That this time may be valued
As a precious resource
Not to be wasted for anyone or anything
Not to be wasted on relationships
That have no promise or no direction.
That this time may be used
To gain a deeper recognition
Of purpose and direction
For each of us.
That the blessings
That people utter in their prayers
May have power and efficacy
May dissuade all peoples
From making the unwise and damaging choices for them.
That the world will be
The initiator of our Calling
That which calls out of us
That which we cannot yield ourselves
Upon our own.
That the world will reveal to you
Why you are here and what you must give
Beyond your ideas, your ambitions and your fear.
That this time may be a time of deep reckoning
For growing numbers of people
That they may see that their life
Is here for a purpose
And that they have the power
To impact the world
One person at a time.
That the world will teach us
What we must do
To preserve the human family
And to preserve this world as a livable place
A place with a future
And a destiny.
For the New Message
That it may speak beyond the realm of ideas
And into the deeper hearts of people.
That my words
And its words
May have this power
To evoke a deeper response
And a deeper recognition.
That the New Message
Will call to those
Who are meant to be its recipients
Its students
And its representatives.
That the New Message
Will become recognized
In the world
In time to have
Its true impact here
To yield
Its power and its grace.
That the New Message
Will be comprehended and studied
Sincerely, patiently
By growing numbers of people
So that its wisdom
May be bestowed
Upon the human family
That stands at the edge of great peril.
That the New Message may speak
To religious leaders
And to the devoted students of many traditions
So that they may see
That it is here to bless them
And to expand their understanding
And to give new impetus to
Their inner life
And their true religious impulses.
That the New Message
Will remain pure
Beyond what I can possibly control
Or recommend
And that its purity
May be recognized as a Great Gift
From the Creator of All Life.
For the People of the New Revelation
That they may recognize that
That is who and what they are
And that this time in history and this moment
Has given to them
This recognition
This blessing
And this responsibility.
That they may follow
The deeper voice
And not be a victim
To their weakness
And their fear
Their doubt
And their prejudice.
That they will recognize
That so much of the future
Is upon them
The New Message from God itself
Rests upon their dedication
Their sincerity
And their self-honesty.
That they may respond
And prepare patiently,
For the journey
Is a great one
And cannot be ascertained
At the outset.
And I would like to pray
For the Messenger
That he may have
The strength
And the courage
And the assistance
To bring this Message
Into the world
To navigate the difficulties
That will surely arise
Regarding this
That those who are called to assist him
Will respond
For he alone cannot undertake
Such a great mission.
That he will be recognized
As a simple man
And not given greater status than this
Except that he is the Messenger
And that he alone has brought
A New Message from God
Into the world,
For this is how all the Great Messages
Are revealed to humanity
And to all worlds
In the universe.
That you
Will recognize him
And value your relationship with him
And see
That it is a remarkable thing
That you could know him
In his time on earth
And that you
In the future
Will tell others
About your relationship with him
And what being with him
Meant to you
And that you will represent him
And honestly
And truthfully.
Without embellishment
And without harsh criticism.
That the Messenger
Will reach those
Who are meant to receive
The New Message
And those
Who are meant to
Assist him in this mission
That they may be called out of
Their former life and
Into a greater responsibility
And a greater relationship
And destiny.
For these things
For myself
And for the world
For the people of the world and
The People of the New Revelation.
I dedicate myself to this prayer
To following it
And serving it
And being its representative
To the best of my abilities.
The Messenger
Must have Witnesses
And the New Message
Must be witnessed
By increasing numbers of people
For this is how a New Revelation
Is brought into the world.
It is based upon the courage
And the sincerity
And the recognition
Of people
From many walks of life
Many nations
And faith traditions.
May the Voice of the New Message
And the Voice of the Messenger
And your voice as well
Be able to be
The bridge into the world
A world that is waiting to hear
A New Revelation
A world that must hear
A New Revelation.
The Power and the Presence
That has restored me
Is within you
And within those
Who are waiting
To hear from you.
For I call upon you
To be a representative
And to bear witness to
The New Message.
I call upon you
To speak
From your own experience
And to represent the Power
That has brought you
This far
And that will carry you
Further still.
May the Power and Presence
Bless us
And may we be with it
So that we may feel this Power
And this Blessing
In our lives.
The Presence of the Teachers is with us.
I am ever grateful that I come across this Prayer and be with the Power and Presence of GOD through the words of this Prayer.
May everyone who finds The New Message experience GOD’S Blessing.
Nasi Novare Coram.
Such powerful words shared with simplicity and through the Heart. May the world and people of the world hear these words as being the Messenger’s Prayer. Gratitude. It is like being with Marshall listening to this today.
May we all hear and live in the new message, the messenger be heard by the world, and all who seek Knowledge find and advance within its Wisdom. Amen.
Gratitude to the Messenger for this Prayer, available also in Italian: La Preghiera del Messaggero
Being with this prayer again today from the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers from a decade ago. Relevant to all of our lives today, and those who will come tomorrow or the next day, who are responding to the Messenger and the New Message.
Thank you so much for bringing this prayer to us that were unable to hear it, so that the power it carries continues to resonate within us. May each person who feels it’s truth add their strength and their blessings, so it’s reach may grow. May we echo The Messenger’s call, so that those you need to find it, can hear it whatever they may be. May God Bless the Messenger, and all those called to serve Him and His Message.
I am so thankful for this opportunity to listen to The Messenger. This has truly been an uplifting experience for me. I look forward for many more opportunities to partake of The New Message From God.