A Prayer from the Messenger: Be a Part of this Miracle

The Messenger offers a prayer on the Closing Night of the 2018 Steps Vigil, June 14, 2018.

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My prayer tonight is to give thanks that this gift of Steps to Knowledge has been given to us—a great miracle in my life—the years it took to prepare to receive it, the commitment that it required of me and all that would follow in the Revelation. I want you to feel how important it is that you are amongst the first to receive this gift from Heaven and to feel that it was given to you for a purpose, that you have a purpose with it. It’s part of your preparation, a critical part, extraordinary part.

The Vigil, we honor this gift of grace and preparation. But it’s important to honor ourselves for receiving it and taking it on, accepting this challenge and having the determination to continue forward. For we’re not merely preparing to gain insights or new ideas, but to have a new life and to give a greater gift that we’re meant to give, each one of us, to a world in need.

What is the miracle? The miracle is Steps to Knowledge. What is the other miracle? That people can receive and prepare in Steps to Knowledge. These are the miracles that matter for you, for everyone and for our future.

Therefore, I give thanks to each one of you. I give thanks for those who sent you, those who made it possible for you to find the Sacred Rendezvous, faces that you won’t remember here on Earth, but who will welcome you when you leave, there to receive you.

Be a part of this miracle. Go deeper. Realize this is about your life. Remember it. Take it into the world with you. Practice its practices. Follow its directives. Practice its restraint. Practice listening, watching, taking care of yourself and being present to others—so much for you to do to replace all the things you have done that have given you very little if anything.

My prayer is that you will feel this calling and its responsibility not as a weight but as a gift, as a pressure, yes, but as a pressure that gives you strength and the will to continue.

And I pray for those who are looking for this Revelation now, that they may find it through you and others like you, through the efforts of The Society to bridge this out into the world.

I pray that we will continue, for if we will continue we will succeed.

May the presence of Knowledge be in us and with us and may we practice this Presence each day. 

Nasi Novare Coram

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