A Prayer from the Messenger to Honor the Calling and Do the Work

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during Night 3 of the Messenger’s Vigil, Jan 24, 2016.
Full Broadcast
2016 Messenger’s Vigil Archive
I really feel very honored by this tribute and recognition. And I feel honored by the recognition that the Revelation has given to me, particularly after keeping me in the dark for so many years with few reassurances, so that I could become strong enough and allegiant enough, to represent them here on Earth.
And I understand that my being here will initiate the Calling for many people and that I have to bear the responsibility for that, as well as the appreciation. And that to provide as much of the pathway as possible, so that people can succeed in this Calling, has been a major feature of the New Message, particularly in the early teachings. Yes.
So I pray that those of you who feel this Calling will honor it, but recognize that it’s just the beginning of a set of tasks for you. What was required of me was extraordinary. But nonetheless, the qualities that I had to develop are things that pertain, perhaps, to your life and circumstances.
And I pray that you will recognize that not a moment should be lost in attending to these things. Do not wait for Messages from Heaven. Do the work that Heaven is giving you right now. And as you make progress, more things will be seen and known, to understand and to do.
I pray that all I have been through and may have to deal with in the future will be sufficient to establish the Revelation in the world and to call those who can be called. And I pray that their strength will rise to meet this greatest occasion that could ever be.
Nasi Novare Coram.
Thank you Marshall.