A Solstice Holy Days Blessing

Watch the Messenger give a blessing during winter solstice, Dec 21, 2011.
With that, I would like to Bless the freedom-loving peoples of the world in every faith tradition, for all religions are pathways to freedom, inner freedom and outer freedom.
I bless those who love freedom more than security. I bless those who have never had security and need it.
I bless those who stand in the way of people’s freedoms, so that their hearts may be opened and turned, for they too need liberation.
I bless the religious of the world who love freedom more than belief.
And I bless those who hold the Light of God in their hearts, though they have nothing of this world.
And I bless the poorest of the poor that they may reach the richest of the rich, for only they can open their hearts.
God sets us in motion to open each other’s hearts, to allow The Revelation to come within.
May the Great Presence that has sent me here and that has called you to be here, be your comfort and your challenge. May it demand of you great things beyond what you think you’re capable of, so that you may find your strength and know the greater life that is yours to claim.
May that Presence bless us and may we take the steps to abide with it. Speak now the words from The Greater Community of life in the universe: Nasi Novare Coram, to honor the Spirit of God in all sentient life.
Let us be holy in the Holy Days, and be compassionate towards everything around us that cannot respond. OK.