Bringing Your Life Into Balance | Revelation Broadcast Event

Bringing Your Life Into Balance
Revelation Broadcast Events
Full Session Transcript
My name is Reed Summers. I’m here to share with you the newest revelation of the New Message from God. So tonight we’re going to be listening and reading the newest revelation of the New Message, which is titled Bringing Your Life into Balance, the newest revelation of the New Message.
The New Message from God, for those who are just finding it, is an original Revelation from the Creator of all life given over a 40-year period through my father Marshall Vian Summers. And there have been over 800 communications as a part of this New Message from God. And tonight, we’ll be listening and reading one of those, one of those over 800, and we’ll be the first to do so. This revelation we’ll be listening to is definitely a deep dive on the need for balance in our lives and the reasons—some of the reasons—why it is so elusive in our lives, and also the preparatory work that comes really before we attempt to balance our affairs, which is to focus on building and strengthening our foundation in life and also becoming more aware of our environment. The environment around us is always changing whatever center point we would be balancing around. And so as the environment changes, so the fulcrum point in our life may change, and we need to be adjusting to that, as well. So there’s a lot of very good wisdom here on how we can balance our lives and how we can begin to build our foundation, which is really our platform for being in the world at the level of health, relationships, work, even our spiritual development; and then allowing that stability to, in a sense, do the balancing for us in some ways; instead of trying to balance whatever pieces are on the table at the moment, allowing our foundation to be strengthened, allowing new things to come into our lives and then rebalancing that, and doing that over time. So tonight, we’re going to first listen to the revelation. And if you have any experiences, comments, questions you’d like to share with me, please feel free to do so in the chat on whatever platform you’re watching. And I will be happy to take some of those comments and questions after we listen. And take out your pen and pencil. There’s a lot in this revelation about how we can experience increased balance, internally and externally, especially as we face a world that is going through major change right now at an environmental level, at a social level, political level, economic level. Those four things, those four areas of human life that the New Message has long been talking about, we are now seeing huge change in all of those four arenas. And it’s really, it’s changing the experience of what it’s like to be alive in the world. And so I do feel we need a new reference point to bring our attention back to, what we are referring back to; as we get unstable, what do we get stable with or according to? We need new wisdom. We need new tools. We need a new pathway to find and maintain that balance over time. And that is one of the reasons that the New Message from God is in the world, is to give us that. So thank you for being one of the first to find it and to be the first to receive this revelation from Marshall that we’ll be hearing tonight. So with that, let’s listen to the revelation. [The revelation plays.] So this was the revelation Bringing your Life into Balance, received by Marshall Vian Summers in a state of revelation and being released to you and to all people for the first time—so definitely something to re-listen to, to reread and to share with others if you feel moved to do that. There’s a number of things that struck me about this revelation, and I’ll share a few of those things with you now. I do want to open it up for questions and comments, as well. So if you’d like to share something with me, please post that in the comments and that’ll make its way to me and I’d be happy to answer a few questions toward the end here. I was really impacted by how this revelation—and really the New Message as a whole—offers us a way to change how we see ourselves in the world, to really change our view of ourselves as human beings. Instead of seeing us as someone just going along with the flow of life, kind of like a leaf on the river or a piece of driftwood on the ocean, the New Message is suggesting that we think of ourselves, look at ourselves like a vehicle to bring something greater into the world. And a vehicle is complex. It must be maintained, if possible. It must be understood and at times rebuilt or retooled. So then the New Message gives us the tools to do that. But I think for many, their frame of reference is kind of inimical or not workable with the very nature of why they’re in the world and what they’re here to do, to see themselves as simply a member of society or religion or to see themselves as this amazing being who just needs to just pursue dreams and express whatever is in their passion or in their bliss or their joy—live for the moment. These ways of seeing ourselves are not conducive to finding and maintaining balance, to building our foundation for being in the world and to enabling something greater to express itself through us, utilizing that foundation. So I appreciate how the New Message gives us these analogies of the captain of the ship with all the rigging and the rudder and the crew and the cargo and the destination and everything to be managed. And I appreciate the New Message calling us back to this self-management and to self-leadership. But the self-leader, or the leader within, is Knowledge. And yet, that leader empowers other leaders below it, the leader of, you know, being competent in our personal affairs, being someone who regards money and health and career in ways that are healthy and balanced. So there’s leadership in many levels, but there is a core leader of this vessel. And the New Message teaches us that that’s Knowledge. So I appreciate this refresh for how we see ourselves in the world. And with this comes this key teaching in this revelation that everything starts with building a foundation. And on top of that foundation, life can take place, both the good and the not so good, the predictable and the unpredictable. And the stronger our foundation, the more we can hold and the more we can withstand from underneath us as the world itself changes under our feet. And I think this is really important. I’d like to share a few passages with you on this. People are encouraged to pursue their dreams, to follow whatever they want that fascinates them or that they think will make them wealthy or successful. They are not taught a wise approach to life. They are not taught about the meaning of their social and financial environment. They are not connected to the natural forces of the world. So they launch themselves obsessively on their pursuit of love, or their pursuit of wealth, and they do not know how to balance their lives. And I’m sure you do, too, we all know what this is like to be encouraged to follow dreams, passions—many of which came from culture itself. So even as culture encourages us to follow our dreams, it doesn’t encourage us to consider where those dreams came from, which of them are authentic, how to achieve or pursue them in a balanced way that will lead to health and success, not just in one arena but in multiple arenas. And so people are encouraged to kind of leap in life. And so people leap, and they experience significant personal failure in their ventures and their relationships, and successes as well. And there are certainly many people who launch a very successful and important career for example. And yet along the way, they’re not taught or encouraged to build the other aspects of life that will lead to the long-term success of that maybe career that they built, for example—and so very weak relationships or very weak health. Working in a science institution, I see that all the time all around me, actually, which is what the New Message calls a one-Pillar person. And the Pillars in the New Message are a really important part of this. And I’d like to share this passage which reminds you of what these Pillars are: To be in a position to experience balance on an ongoing basis, you must be building the Four Pillars of your life—the Pillar of Relationships, the Pillar of Work and Providership, the Pillar of Health and the Pillar of Spiritual Development. Like the four legs of a table, the Four Pillars of your life uphold your life. And if these Pillars are built sufficiently, giving you stability, then you can assume greater tasks. You can experience a greater purpose. You can achieve greater things. So the New Message encourages us to focus on foundation first, on that foundation to be building these Four Pillars: Health, Relationships, Work and Spiritual Development; and then trusting and knowing that strong Pillars working together will in effect do the balancing for us in some cases, and will enable us to rebalance when we lose our balance. And it’s kind of interesting as I was thinking of this, this balancing of our life. You know, the New Message talks about avoiding obsession and addiction. Well, those are pretty much impossible if you’re going to build all Four Pillars. They’re very possible if you’re going to build one Pillar, to be a one Pillar person or a two Pillar person. But to build all Four Pillars, it restricts us from becoming fixated and obsessed and to build a disorder in our life in some way, one way or another. And so in a sense, that’s automatic balance simply by us focusing not on balance but on building the foundation with these Four Pillars. And then the rebalancing effect of the Four Pillars is in the sense of resilience. So when the world shakes us or when there’s a major crisis in one of our relationships or our career, that the other parts of our life are there to support us, to anchor us. So I appreciate this balancing and rebalancing that four strong Pillars can do for us. And yet with that, it’s really important to be connected to the environment. And that’s what this revelation was pointing us to, is that the environment itself is changing. And so the very ground under our feet is shifting. So before you just pour concrete, build a foundation and, you know, put up four pylons, it’s important to understand that the land itself is shifting and maybe you shouldn’t build here, or maybe the ocean will be heading this way in a decade or two. So understanding and coming to terms with the changing world around us, adjusting where we choose to build and then how we build our lives, this is really the core work of preparing to be a successful person with a contribution to give in the world, as guided by the spiritual Intelligence within us. And how different that is, right, how different than many are taught. I rarely hear this emphasis out there. So with that, I’d like to share kind of a practice with you that I gleaned from this revelation. So we’ll take a few minutes to be with this, and we can then share comments or experiences about it. And again, then I’ll also turn to your questions as well. So I’m going to share this passage with you. This is from the beginning of this revelation where it says: Balance is really just a range of experience. It is not one fine point that you achieve and then you are able to maintain… So instead of being focused on having a ton of money or a great house or a beautiful partner or a super successful career—all defined points, circumstantial, meaning they’re outside you and they relate to circumstance—balance is a range of experience. So it’s kind of a functional range. You can be on the left side of it or the right side of it and you’re balanced within that range. And then you veer too far this way or too far that way, you leave balance. So I’d like you to feel within yourself, what does this range of experience, what is this like for you? What is that range of experience where you feel balance? So take a few moments. Look back through your life where you have felt balanced and see if you can describe to yourself or articulate in words what this range of experience is. How does it feel? Maybe how it looks like, some of the downstream effects of it. I’ll put this quote back onscreen for you. Okay, so you may have found that either easy to do—to articulate what that range of experience is like—or difficult. And if you found it difficult, I’m not surprised because as an experience versus a defined set of points, circumstantial points in our lives, it comes and goes. We can associate it with certain things, certain activities. We maybe feel physically healthy or we can hold a conversation well or all of these things. But really what stands behind that is something else. And so I think we have a range of experiences of this range of experience. And the key thing here, though, is that instead of trying to match yourself to a certain specific desirable state of being or to check boxes in life to say, Oh yeah, I’ve done this–I’ve done this–I’ve done this–I’m balanced–right?–I have money–I have a good career, you can have all those things and feel absolutely out of control. And so it’s really to refer back to experience. It’s to say how am I doing? how am I feeling? and not to use outer circumstances to try to convince yourself that you’re doing better than you are, or that you’re in a worse position than you’re in. So balance is an experience and I encourage you to find what that range of experience is, where you feel functional in life and things feel in order for you. And it may not be the same as for someone else. So again, it’s to actually have the experience of how you’re feeling versus to compare or to assess yourself to a set of defined goals in life, and then to learn how to function within that range and what causes you to leave that range of balanced experience. Maybe food and drink and other things, activities, stimulation cause you to depart that functional range. And so maybe that’s where you start to focus on making some adjustments, to bring the experience of balance back, instead of just the circumstantial arrangements of balance. So, and this is something the New Message encourages us to do all the time, which is the practice of self-awareness. It’s really to check back in versus to check out. And checking out is kind of checking into someone else’s thing. It’s checking out of yourself and into someone else’s hotel, so to speak. We want to check back into the real home that we’re meant to be living within. And the New Message has many, many practices for checking back in with oneself to do: a Four Pillar review, to engage in inner listening, breathing, invocation. All of these practices are in the New Message. And as the world becomes very unstable and as forces of dissonance move and try to influence people in many different ways, we’re going to feel all of that. And if we’re not checked in and we’re checked out, it’s going to affect us dramatically. And so this is the time I feel to begin to rebuild the set of practices for checking back in and staying checked in, as well. And this experience of balance, as elusive as it is, one thing to take home is that you don’t have to look balanced or feel balanced today or tomorrow. Build your foundation. Focus on the structural integrity of your life because that is what will balance you and rebalance you later on. And that’s very doable work. I mean, start with your health. Where better place to start? Or if there’s a career move, focus on it. Or if there’s a relationship that’s neglected, give something to it. These are very actionable avenues in life and they don’t require us to look a certain way or to come out, you know, successful and with flags, and fireworks in the sky. It’s like they’re just simple steps to take and yet they do have dramatic effects downstream. And I think so often, like in that first passage, we’re encouraged to throw all our money and all our hope and all our effort at the other end of the rainbow, you know, to hope that if we just throw it all there, we’ll hit the jackpot. And really the work is to be done here. It’s right at our feet—steps to take. And that’s why the central book of the New Message pathway is Steps to Knowledge, its steps. And so this is the New Message approach to life, which is to be grounded and centered and in possession increasingly of our vehicle—our body, our mind and our presence in the world—that is meant to bring something greater into life here as guided by a Higher Power. And the work is ours to do and the reward is ours to reap as the reward passes through us. And it’s a New Message way of being in the world. And I think that’s greatly needed. So here we have another revelation from the New Message giving us another angle on that. So I’d like to share a few of your comments and questions here. Shane says: Yes, thank you Shane. That is a very interesting aspect of the New Message, that it is interactive and responsive to us. So it’s not just a bunch of books on a shelf or a bunch of musts and shoulds in thousands of pages of text. It is representative—the text of the New Message—and what you just read and heard tonight is representative of a living, moving Will in the universe. That’s where it came from and quite recently—not a thousand years ago. And so the text is a reference point back. It’s almost like a mirror and light hits the mirror and then bounces off to another destination or source, depending on which side you’re on. And so the Source that is communicating this is hitting that mirror of the Message and bouncing right into the heart of us. And so it is interactive. We are interacting with a Higher Power through our participation with this Message and it is responding to us. And so there is a very deeply experiential aspect to this. And that’s why the New Message time and time again, it does not ensnare us in a dogma or a lineage of community and all that that community has expressed and done that you should now do. No. It hands us our original life, like our original ticket to this world, puts it right back in our hands, saying: And so I’m so grateful for that. It is pure empowerment. It is not just the empowerment to go be willful and divisive and chaotic. It’s the empowerment to go back to the very state of mind and being that we had before we came here into the world and that wanted to come into this world. I mean, that is the ultimate empowerment—to be that kind of self. And that’s kind of a segue here into this question from John, which is: I appreciate this question because the New Message is one path and not the only. And it is one expression of this Higher Power, and certainly not the only. When you think of a universe of life here, we are in one little, tiny world; and this is one New Message from God at one time in human history. And so it’s absolutely possible for people around the world in any tradition or even in no religious tradition to build their Pillar of Spirituality. It does center upon, fundamentally, this spiritual Intelligence called Knowledge within us, which is our true Self, our true identity. And so for someone out there, I might recommend the following, which is to begin to slow down your life. Slow down in your activities, pursuits and make an opening. Make space, like a clearing in the forest, where light can penetrate. And as you do that, start with the easy stuff, the low-hanging fruit, which is body and mind. Because living in this world, disconnected from the deeper spiritual mind within us, Knowledge, we get very unhealthy. And so beginning to work there is often a wonderful ladder to stepping higher and higher and working on greater states of health and integration. So whenever I’m dysregulated and not myself, I try to start with the body and with the mind. And there’s wonderful practices and health approaches that you can take up there. I think that’s important to start there because those are aspects of you. You are not just a spiritual being, you are a human being as well. And if the human is unhealthy, the spiritual cannot enter and cannot communicate and move that unhealthy being—not very well. And so, I think your first step would be to start there, and not to try to escape that self for a higher self, a godly self, a God connection, a connection to a prophet or a messenger. Because in essence, that’s an act of self-denial, you know? We are this whole package—the human and the non-human, or the spiritual I could say. And so, from that healthier position you can begin to spend more time being with the spiritual side of who you are, which is Knowledge. And there are practices—meditation being the perfect one, really—to begin to do that. And as you do that, you find you want to do it more. And so, you need a pathway to continue to re-engage with that spiritual mind. And yet the New Message says that the pathway cannot be of your making because this state of mind, which is disconnected from Knowledge most of the time, cannot control the process of coming back into touch with Knowledge. It’s actually the other way around. Knowledge is what leads us back to Knowledge, not the personal mind that is not Knowledge. And so, find a pathway. There certainly is a pathway in the New Message, certainly given for these times and for many people in the world. But there are other pathways that are out there. The key is that it re-engages you with Knowledge and does not put other proxies in between you and that knowing Mind, whether that’s a teacher, a guide, a healer, a leader, a church authority or what have you. It has to be a direct line of connection and communication. And it has to sustain you in that and not, as is so often, replace that with some sort of fake copy in the mind, some dogma or some set of beliefs and aspirations and ideals. And then that starts to take up residence in the mind. And then the mind is thinking Knowledge, but it’s not making contact with Knowledge. And there are many examples of where that can go out in the world, where it starts in a very authentic place and then it becomes really about something else. So, a pathway that can continue to engage with Knowledge. And at the same time, I think it’s important that there’s some process of undoing as well at that time—so undoing the things that were built in your life in a state of disconnect internally, whether that’s relationships, careers, financial commitments. It doesn’t mean leave everything, certainly. It’s just a process of assessing what is a responsibility and what is not, authentically for you? and beginning to unburden and free up some energy in your life to be able to give in this new direction. Because Knowledge is a whole life redirection. It’s not just a redirection of a few specific desirable aspects where we just kind of have an old life but look spiritual. It is a whole life shift. And that takes energy. It takes time. It takes freedom. And those are a very big part of the early journey to making contact with Knowledge and to building that Pillar of Spirituality. So, thank you for that question. This is from Ilhun. Yes, that’s very interesting. Thank you, Ilhun. And I want to call out that word, assertively. You know, so much of how we approach life—and I speak from personal experience—is to assert our will upon the matter. And we dig a deeper dilemma for ourselves and we try to control the process. And the truth is, life controls the process. But we have to manage ourselves along the way. And there is some special balance—and I can’t say I have found it—and I’m sure it needs to constantly be found because life is always changing. The land under our feet is always changing. The fulcrum point is always moving. But this sweet and elusive mixture of openness and control—you know: acceptance and willpower, agreeability, disagreeability—there is some sort of sweet spot in between those poles. And when it comes to balance, I think that that is something to be discovered over time. How open are you to be? How much are you just meant to move with something? And then…Or how much are you meant to control something in your life? Because both are needed at different times and a mixture of both probably all the time. But you’re right, Ilhun, I mean as the world changes faster and faster, any attempt we have to create the perfect anything is just going to get blown out, blown away. And so what do you do? Well, you work on your foundation. You work beneath the winds. You work in the ground itself underneath you. And then you find ways to recenter yourself in a state of mind that is less affected by those winds, which is a state of mind connected to Knowledge. And coming back to that constantly, constantly, constantly is such a thing. Not easy, but very important. So with that, thank you so much for being here. Apologies for our technical difficulties at the beginning. I have a few things to share with you—resources and things you can go read next in the New Message. Available now are these two books [The Journey to a New Life, Living The Way of Knowledge] of the New Message, and more books on the horizon as well. So all of these revelations are up free online for everybody to read. Tonight’s revelation is available at You can read all the revelations and books of the New Message that are available at And I invite you to come gather for the next three releases of never before heard or read revelations. We have: Experiencing God, Relationships of Destiny, and The Illumination. And wow, does that not show so very well the breadth of the New Message? Last two weeks ago was, Enlightenment. Tonight, Bringing Balance to Your Life, and two weeks from now, Experiencing God. And so, we’re touching on different like almost like small building blocks of something very big, and it’s almost difficult to see the whole because each block is important and you want to be with it, but there’s so much more. So all the more reason to be here. So thank you all. And we’ll see you again in two weeks’ time for the next release of a new revelation from the New Message from God. Take care everybody.
The Mystery and the Greater Coordination is just amazing—a living Message that is interactive and responsive to your life and the life we are living. It is so incredible, I am very grateful for this.
Here you go, kiddo. It’s your ticket. It’s your life. Respond. Respond to the movement within you and to the movement of this Knowledge presence around you.
How can people who have not found the New Message effectively build their Pillar of Spirituality?
The moment I think I have some level of balance in the Four Pillars of my life, I’m amazed at what happens that breaks that thinking. So I realize it’s necessary to give up thinking assertively. Life is always changing and will continue to change. So balance seems to be something to be constantly managed.
I was a little surprised to hear here how broad each pillar on it own can be experienced. It is like the pillars must be overlapping in experience in reality. When these pillars are fully developed it might be like stepping in another dimension when we have a seat at this table, putting our feet between its interwoven pillars ( : Thanks again : )