A Calling to the Worldwide Community of Students

Hear Marshall speak during a LIVE Broadcast in Boulder, Colorado, October 23, 2017.

Marshall: I welcome this opportunity to enter into a sacred rendezvous with you, something that was destined to happen, something that has real purpose and meaning, even greater than we can understand for ourselves personally.

It is what our souls yearn for. Beyond all the things of this world, beyond all the advantages we may seek, beyond all the protections we may require, there is something deep within us that must be responded to or else fulfillment and true happiness will not be achieved here.

So I welcome all of you, then, to come, to receive, to give and to participate in something greater than any of us—greater than our understanding, greater than our reasons for being here, greater than our fears and doubts. This is the Sacred Rendezvous, brought into being through a Greater Coordination that has brought you to the New Message.

While you may have personal needs and interests and requirements that the New Message is speaking to directly—and that is an essential beginning for everyone, for God’s first purpose is to unburden us so that we may be prepared to give something greater to our lives and to the world around us—your being here has greater dimensions, as well, as do you have greater dimensions within yourself, regions yet unexplored, unexperienced and unrealized.

Come, then, to learn how to serve and what is really within you to give, beyond what you think of even today. And know that that which will be asked of you over time, by Heaven itself, is something that you’re naturally ordained to give. It will require work. Its emergence will in no way be effortless or without problems and difficulties. But it is within this environment that we come to know ourselves in ways that we could not otherwise.

So I would like to read today from the Secrets of Heaven, a book that I encourage everyone to have. This is Secret 91.

“Development in the individual is always the ability to participate in relationship. If you will think of your own advancement in this way, you will recognize your true path. There have been many who have been turned away because they have failed to see this. Though their practices gave them great insight, they were not able to join the Greater Community, for they had not developed this ability.

So this wonderful work that our team, our international team, is providing for us—it’s a fabulous environment for us to engage—is an opportunity to work our way out of Separation by building true relationship, which is the only real means of doing this. Personal enlightenment without this will not undo the knots that tie us to this reality alone.

Let us, then, go forward together. Let us be determined. Let us be kind to ourselves and each other. Let us learn from each other’s wisdom and our errors, our problems and our limitations. Let us be gracious as we approach this, but let us be strong with our intention. For if this, indeed, is what you have come to find, then you will not find it anywhere else. And this is your great opportunity in life. Feel this and the blessing will be with you and known to you and will carry you through all difficulties and exigencies.

I pray that each of us, then, may receive this, understand this and learn to walk this road—a road that has been made for us, a road that we were naturally equipped to walk, a road that is our heart’s desire and our soul’s delight to discover and to experience.

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  1. Revisiting this today. Thank you Marshall for calling to those who are meant to find this, study this and make a contribution in service to this world in some way.

    Marshall says: “I pray that each of us, then, may receive this, understand this and learn to walk this road—a road that has been made for us, a road that we were naturally equipped to walk, a road that is our heart’s desire and our soul’s delight to discover and to experience.”

    May this be so.

  2. Thank you Janice for having the courage to share what must have been difficult and yet you went ahead to post what you felt to be “a deep inadequacy for which I have no resolution”. Perhaps it was Knowledge you followed at the moment of whether to post or not. I know it has taken me a long long long time to overcome my fears to speak out about the ET Intervention and the New Message. This is something that I am still working on. Being alone and isolated we feel it must be a personal failure or flaw but it may be the absolute truth of our living in separation. I don’t know. Perhaps there is only Knowledge and not Knowledge. You do or not. Follow Knowledge or follow what is not. Thank you for that share here with us…its power is rippling across all our consciousness and its strength honors all of us (from Step I am honored when others are strong).

  3. Thank you, Marshall, for your beautiful Blessing. Deep gratitude to all who have helped to create this remarkable environment for us … and to everyone who is participating within it.

  4. Thank you Tonia and Shane for beautifully expressing that which I also feel inside. It can be quite a conflict within sometimes, wanting to share but being afraid of not finding the right words to express what I am feeling. So here I am with a first post to this wonderfully supportive and understanding community.

  5. Thank You Marshall , this really speaks to me . I am so grateful for this community site where we can all come together and participate in learning The New Message.

  6. Hearing this brings me face to face with my own sense of isolation which I have struggled to unburden from for many years. I am even now hesitant to share this for it feels like a deep inadequacy for which I have no resolution. I witness other students sharing themselves apparently so freely, and I long to feel this sense of safe connection. I make excuses that it is my lack of computer skills that holds me back, but I recognize that there’s more to it than that. I may not send this because it seems too personal and self-involved to broadcast in this way. However, I am coming to the conclusion that as my CT step for yesterday stated, “I must have courage to choose my freedom.” Protecting my surface self isn’t worth the price I’m paying. So I am choosing to focus on the truth within me rather than the familiarity and seemingly apparent strength of fear. I don’t know where this will lead, but I am willing myself to “step out, step away, and move forward.”
    Nasi Novare Coram.

    1. Thank you, Janice, for your strong and powerful statement. I felt your words resonating with my own inner insecurety, but you know what? You and I and the others are the ones who make it happen in here on this website, because we take that step, no matter how small it is, we take it. You take it, I take it, he, she and they take it and open themselves to this place to make it happen. We fear to stay behind and we fear to show ourselves in here, but the next step after that is the road ahead of us and we make it together. We make future together.

    2. Thank you for sharing, I resonate with what you are saying. Often after sharing I feel exposed and vulnerable, and wait nervously for some kind of verification. I find that it is very hard to put words to my experience. But recently I have become sick of of being stuck in a prison that I have constructed for me myself. I make mistakes and that’s ok. And the world needs our freedom because it needs our love.

        1. And often that validation never comes. So I sit with it, check my motivation/intention and self correct if required. And I have conversations with myself like this one and give my self some love. When I feel like a castaway I am my own Wilson (if you know what I mean.) I am wondering how this relates to what Marshall has said about how (fragmented?) parts of yourself can be taught to talk to each other?

          1. So many reasons for relationship with others, alone I will go crazy. And that is why I am venturing out from my illusionary and exclusionary safe house because I need & yearn relationship. I can not give to myself. Without others I will not get up this mountain…. I am learning to join

    3. Hi Janice, I am pleased to run into your comment here now because my CT Step tomorrow is exactly that one. I can feel it coming, and was reading the Freedom chapter in wisdom, then was drawn to read what you wrote here.
      Today, CT 45 says- “it is saying ‘No’ to your own bondage and ‘yes’ to your freedom.”
      It is a process that requires our attention over time, to keep asking tough questions and getting out of the way of ourselves to walk toward that safe connection you spoke of, facing the fear of losing something along the way. It may be something we needed and wanted to lose for so long anyway.

    4. hi Janice! How interesting that I just happened to read your comment here today and almost immediately afterwards another student drew my attention to the new blog you participate in. You certainly seem to have found the answer and are stepping out, stepping away, and moving forward. I love how you express yourself in the blog.

  7. May we all experience greater and more frequent glimpses of the Great Coordination in action here in this new sacred space that can span the globe. How fortunate we all are to share this new platform for the New Message and the Worldwide Community of students!

  8. This is truly a part of a Greater Coordination at work. Thank you dear Marshall for this blessing and wisdom which can become a part of our daily lives; in our thoughts and in our actions it can be demonstrated. When I listened to it live and we were all together my mind at times was else where. To listen to it again and to read it on paper over and over brings to me more clarity to what it is we are a part of. Blessings to you all for making this possible. Nasi Novare Coram

  9. This is so beautiful I must hear it again and again, directly from the Messenger, such a high fidelity, up close, one on one with precious Marshall. Thank you web and Society teams and supporters for making this possible to be shared in this way, and for those in the room for capturing this so that I can receive it now,, into my heart and life where Iit must be applied and grow.

  10. “This is the Sacred Rendezvous, brought into being through a Greater
    Coordination that has brought you to the New Message.”

    The Messenger’s beautiful blessing of the new home of the Worldwide Community is indeed a sacred call from him. Can we hear this call? Can we really hear it?

    Can we feel the Sacred Rendezvous and the Great Coordination that is part of this extraordinary environment?

    One thing that stood out for me as I watched the first students, and then more and more students, register for the Site throughout the long weekend and into this first week, was feeling the new connections now being formed between students, remembering the great connections of the web team working together to build this new environment, the connections of all those who helped in supporting the team, our connection to the Messenger and his family, and then feeling all these connections being part of a much greater connection, the Great Coordination. This experience lead me to seek out and re-experience the words of the revelation that speaks to this Coordination, which I found in Patricia’s Afterglow account of the Messenger receiving the revelation The Great Coordination.

    It teaches that this Coordination is not just something happening out there beyond us. It teaches that the Great Coordination actually lives within us:

    Also is the video and transcript of the Messenger’s Afterglow recording in the first moments after receiving this revelation: