The Free School of the New Message


July - August 2017

Welcome to the two-month session of The Free School where we will begin to move beyond the personal to focus on the much larger arena of humanity’s destiny and the great threshold that we are now facing: emergence into the Greater Community and contact with intelligent life in the universe.

The curriculum here begins a fundamental education, as currently humanity has little awareness of what is going on beyond our borders in the Greater Community. We need to learn about what we are heading into in order to properly prepare for it. It is critical that we educate ourselves at this time as everything is at stake here: our planet and the preservation of human sovereignty and freedom.

This education seeks to dispel the huge and dangerous misconceptions that we propagate, such as belief that humanity lives in isolation. We will examine our past experiences and common beliefs and assumptions about the Greater Community, for our ignorance is our disability now, and we are at a critical point in our evolution – a point of no return.

This session will also speak to what the benefits of this threshold are for humanity – that this great dilemma and challenge from the universe, which is greater than anything we have ever had to face before, is actually the one thing that can unite a divided humanity.

“It is to educate humanity about the reality and the spirituality of the Greater Community that represents one of the primary purposes for the New Message that has been sent into the world from the Creator of all life. For only God knows what is really happening in the Greater Community and how humanity must prepare itself, even for the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world and that are upon you now.” - Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community


If humanity is to become a free and self-determined race in the universe, which represents your greater destiny, you must not lose your self-sufficiency within this larger environment.”


The Messenger is attempting to build an environment of insight, wisdom and determination. All who participate together with him in the processes and practices found below in this two-month Study Plan are helping to build an environment of concentration with the Messenger, The Society and the Worldwide Community of the New Message.

It is up to you to determine how deeply you intend to go with the Study Plan. The deeper you go, the greater the benefit derived. In order to stay connected to this session on Contact with Intelligent Life in the Universe, we recommend that you review the Study Plan several times a week, if possible.

As you more deeply engage with the New Message Revelation, you begin to realize that your study is not only about you and your life. It is directing your awareness to the greater needs of others and of the whole world. Allow your study to go beyond the confines of your own life and interests and turn your attention to the needs of the larger world and the reality of the Greater Community, and to the overarching intention of the New Message from God.

Interact real time with the Worldwide Community of students each Saturday in The Free School Campfire Chat. Please come prepared by reading the Campfire Chat questions for each month in the Study Plan.

Overview of Study & Practices:

Basic Study

  • Read the core revelation(s) for each month.
  • Discuss questions for each month at the Campfire Chat.

Further Study



This education about the Greater Community is essential, for you must have a sense of what you are preparing for, and you must begin to realize your own responsibilities here on Earth.” 

Your Allies are here to provide wisdom and guidance and the perspective that humanity will need to comprehend the neighborhood of space into which you are emerging and what your advantages and disadvantages are.”


Study the Core Revelation:

Take time to read the revelation: Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community, from the forthcoming book: The Greater Community (Volume One, Book 4).

Discuss Questions at the Campfire Chat:

To best answer the following questions, we recommend that you first do a ‘Deep Reading’ of the revelation for this month using the Deep Study Methodology you have created for yourself.

  1. What stood out for you in reading Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community?
  2. How is the teaching on contact with intelligent life presented here different or similar to what you may have thought or believed before?
  3. How is the teaching on contact with intelligent life presented here different from what many people interested in life in the universe and spirituality assume to be true?
  4. What questions came up for you in reading this teaching?
  5. How deeply into the New Message teachings have you gone regarding the Greater Community?
  6. If you have worked with the Deep Study Methodology, what kinds of results have you experienced?
  7. Where, when and how did your interest in contact with intelligent life begin and how did it develop? Recall those experiences in your life that gave rise to this interest and need to understand the reality of contact.
  8. How would you speak of this particular teaching in sharing it with others who seem interested?
  9. From the Session Further Study section of this Study Plan, have you had the opportunity to read and re-read aloud the Declaration of Human Sovereignty to yourself? If so, what was this experience like for you?
  10. From the Session Further Study section of this Study Plan, have you taken the opportunity to map/plot or lay out for yourself and further consider your experience and realizations about the Greater Community?




Study the Core Revelations:

Take time to read the revelations: Who Are the Allies of Humanity? and

Humanity’s Destiny in the Greater Community from the forthcoming book The Greater Community | Volume One, Book 4.

Discussion Questions for the Campfire Chat:

  1. What stood out for you in reading Who Are the Allies of Humanity? and Humanity’s Destiny in the Greater Community?
  2. What questions came up for you in reading these two teachings?
  3. What has been your experience of reading and studying The Allies of Humanity Briefings?
  4. How has The Allies of Humanity Briefings changed your understanding about life in the universe and the prospect of contact?
  5. How do you feel about humanity having a destiny in the Greater Community?
  6. If you have worked with the Deep Study Methodology, what kinds of results have you experienced?
  7. What mistakes do you see people making in their ideas about contact with life in the universe?
  8. What could be the future consequence of people making these kinds of mistakes?
  9. How would you present and describe either of these two teachings to others who seem interested?
  10. From the Session Further Study section of this Study Plan, take the opportunity to read and re-read aloud the Declaration of Human Sovereignty to yourself. What was that experience like for you?

What is human destiny? Human destiny is in the Greater Community. But you must survive your emergence into the Greater Community. And you must survive competition from the Greater Community if you are to be able to function there.”


Create a Deep Study Methodology to study the revelations:

New Audio! Methodology for a Deep Study Practice – Listen to Patricia Summers as she shares tips on how to engage in an advanced Deep Reading and Deep Listening Practice given to us by the Messenger.

The revelations in the New Message are a multi-level communication. You can gain access to the many layers of this communication by developing a personal methodology for deeper study. You can use the criteria listed below, or create your own criteria to explore, or “map” the contents of a specific revelation, e.g., through writing, through art, through song or another means of deeply engaging with the New Message. A methodology or tool like this may help you recognize, remember and learn more from the experience of reading the revelations and listening to the Voice of the New Message.

Capture anything that comes up for you in reading the revelation as it pertains to the criteria you want to use. Preserve these entries in some way for future reference. For example: use a journal or log dedicated to the revelations for which you have applied this methodology. This practice could help bring greater clarity and order to your studenthood.

Sample criteria for Deep Study of the revelations:

  • What must I do? / What must I not do?
  • What is the revelation asking of me?
  • What are the specific teachings presented in this revelation?
  • What are the promises or possibilities spoken of in this particular revelation?
  • What are the human tendencies spoken of here? — (what people tend to do)
  • What is the human condition — the physical, mental or emotional challenges that characterize our state and internal/external existence?
  • What problems does this revelation reveal — needs, demands, requirements, necessities, crises, difficulties?
  • What questions are asked of me in this revelation?
  • What questions does this revelation answer?
  • What are the next steps that I see I need to take?
  • What Practices does this revelation call me to engage in?
  • Terms: What are the specific words or phrases used in this revelation that I want to understand more fully? For example: “The Great Coordination.”
  • What really matters and what does not matter (priorities, timing, imperatives, the ‘musts’)?
  • Does this revelation have special personal meaning for me?
  • What might it mean for the Messenger to present this revelation to the world?
  • What is the one thing I must do in light of what this revelation is saying to me?

Read and share the Declaration of Human Sovereignty:

Printable pdf of the English Declaration of Human Sovereignty

Declaration of Human Sovereignty in other languages

  • Read the Declaration of Human Sovereignty aloud to yourself or to others. Hear yourself making this declaration and see what this feels like to you.
  • Post the Declaration of Human Sovereignty in a public place if you can and observe the results of sharing it with the public. If online, what are the comments or discussion, and how do people respond to this document initially?

Discuss with others the reality of contact with intelligent life:

  • Consider any opportunity you may have during The Free School Session, whether in spontaneous conversation or by seeking out interactive environments online, to engage with others regarding the Greater Community.
  • Keep a brief record of these encounters and consider sharing what happened, what you experienced or what you realized from these interactions during one of our weekly Saturday School Chats.

Begin a Life Map regarding your experience of the Greater Community:

As the Messenger has often said:

To really know where you are, you have to know where you’ve been.”

Consider and recall where, when and how your interest in contact with intelligent life began and how it developed? Recall those experiences in your life that gave rise to this interest and the need to understand the reality of contact, and map this out chronologically in writing, as a timeline or in whatever fashion you would like.

Table of Contents


Join The Messenger, The Society and students from the Worldwide Community every Saturday in an Online Chat for a focused discussion on this Free School Session.

Join other students from around the world, as part of the LIVE Broadcast, to do your own Steps to Knowledge practice with others in real time. Steps to Knowledge is a foundational practice of the New Message from God.

SATURDAY, August 1 | LIVE Broadcast
Join the Messenger, Patricia Summers & Reed Summers in a Revelation Release Broadcast (details forthcoming).


Check the Events page for more information on opportunities to gather with the Messenger, The Society and students from around the world.