Day 10: Across the Continent to Santiago, Chile

Reed Summers
Today we have a big journey from the Atlantic side of South America and over the Andes mountains to the Pacific side of the continent. First, we have a three hour drive from Peruibe to Sao Paulo and then a four hour flight to Santiago, followed by a 45-minute drive through rush-hour traffic in the Chilean capital. We are all tired and a bit travel/event worn but are “in the glow” of what we accomplished here in Brazil and the experience we’ve had together.
- We were able to see three locations in the country, two urban and one rural. We were able to get a real sense of the place and the people here, whether driving through the Favelas, eating dinner with the locals, or biking across the city.
- Marshall delivered two presentations with approximately 700 people present, and further Question and Answer sessions with about 35 people who wanted to hear more. I was able to stream this on Facebook Live with about nine thousand views, and also record it in high-quality to be published on YouTube. These videos will be excellent introductions and presentations to reach Portuguese speakers for years to come.
- We met many people at the table and passed out 300+ Steps to Knowledge, 300+ Allies 12-Point Summary, 300+ Declarations of Human Sovereignty, and numerous books and revelations in Portuguese. We also stocked Levy with 50 or more books to be given to the right people in the future, as the months go on.
- We spent time with a handful of people who were deeply moved by the Allies and what Marshall presented. Some said they were struck by Marshall and how different he and his message were from everything else happening at the event.
- We had valuable time together with Levy, looking at the future growth of the New Message in Brazil, and setting forth some next steps for the year ahead.
This morning we got up early, finished our packing and then stepped onto the beach for one last look at the crashing waves, the clear sky and the green mountains plunging into the sea. One more day to rest here would have been good. But the mission takes us onward, and we’ll find rest on the other side.
Nasi Novare Coram
“But the mission takes us onward, and we’ll find rest on the other side” Those words ring deep into my soul. So the Messenger continues his work and I must too. Thank for sharing his journey with us…with all your help you are helping us stay connected with the Messenger’s mission. NNC
Thank you Reed for these updates! What a journey it must be. Jesus came to my mind as I watch and read what you have shared through your experience. Marshall, you, Patricia, Rudy and Levy all giving a new message and information to others in the world that is deeply connected to why we are all here and what it is we must begin to prepare for to do. Blessings to you all for making this journey and serving others in the world. It truly is a blessing for us all to witness and be a part of. Nasi Novare Coram
So good to see, thank you for keeping us updated, Reed. So inspiring to see the financial support students are giving on the Campaign page, Levy translating during the conference in Brazil, Marshall’s time with a small group after. I send the greatest intention that you are all surrounded and protected by Grace and the love of God. May you clear away the layers of confusion and ambivalence and may those who are destined to meet the messenger meet him, hear about him from others there.
Thank you Marshall, Reed, and Patricia, Levy and all who has accompanied you on this journey of bringing the Revelation to the World. I pray for your safety and for the Message to reach as many people possible. I work to provide visual evidence of the New Message for the awareness of those who can see. Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you, Reed, for the updates.
Thank you. Nasi Novare Coram.