Decoding ET Psychology and Manipulation | Staying on the Side of Humanity

Watch Marshall Vian Summers and Reed Summers speak on October 13, 2023.
Full Session Transcript
Marshall: The only thing that will stop nations from fighting each other is realizing we have a common competitor or adversary setting up establishments here on Earth.
Reed: Contact has massive implications for every man, woman and child alive in the world today. And we’re going to get into some of that together.
Marshall: Over these 40 years I have given this a large part of my focus without any preconceived notions. I was trying not to make this a good thing or a bad thing, just what is it, what does it mean, why is it happening and what we need to do about it. This is going to require human response at some point. My work is founded upon this awareness and this preparation that I think is critical for us facing this new reality. Reed: I thought to start, though, it would be important to talk about the nature of Contact itself: who is in our world, why they’re in our world and what their activities are. Marshall: Well, our visitors represent a non-military force, basically resource explorers. They’re in our world for a purpose. And they’ve been here in an active sense probably for the last 70 or 80 years, particularly since the advent of World War II and nuclear development, nuclear weapons. They remain hidden. They do not disclose who they are, why they’re here, the nature of their activities or their overall purpose in being here. But clearly, they’re playing a kind of long game in being here, okay? They’re not just here to make something happen in the moment. They’re here to build a presence and an influence over humanity that’s very subtle but very powerful. And they’re doing this without the use of force. We’re now facing a hidden presence that’s very powerful, very subtle in its dealings, but having a lot of impact on the people that it engages directly, a lot of impact on our military installations, even our nuclear launch facilities. So they’re definitely interested in controlling power in the world. And people, of course, want to look at this as a hopeful thing: “Well, they have incredible technology. They might be able to help us. We need that. They might be able to show us how to live in peace. We’re not living in peace. We don’t know how to live in peace. Maybe they can lead us to kind of a higher level of existence in the universe, being that they’re obviously advanced, at least technologically.” But being advanced technologically has nothing to do with advanced spirituality, or higher motives or ethics. In times before, the Earth, being a vast, just incredible hot house of life in a universe of barren worlds, so there were lots of attempts to come here, collect samples from Earth—even at a long, very long period of time to establish some kind of foothold in the world. But the world we live in poses a real challenge to visitors, particularly if they live in space or live in sterile environments for much of their existence. Their primary interest is in the world itself. This is a very important point. They are not here for us. We’d like to think they are, we hope they are. They are not here for us. They’re here for the world. This world is so valuable. If you can understand they’re here for the world, that changes the whole picture because many people assume they’re here for us; therefore, it’s about our development and our well-being and our happiness and our safety and our elevation, to elevate the race. If they’re here for the world, none of that matters. I want to make this really important point because this gives you an opportunity to discern who they are in a whole different way. And you know, behavior demonstrates intent. We have been able to catalog their behavior for 80 years—how they operate on Earth, how they respond to human reactions, how they respond to human beings, how they use human beings. Marshall: We are only a part of that purpose and that agenda. The primary thing is the world itself, the value of this world and what it contains. They want to understand us to the extent that they can influence us. It’s all about influence. They need us to do what they want us to do. This is not about our freedom. This is not about becoming an elevated race in the universe. We’re unruly, destructive tribes degrading a planet that’s desired by others. Reed: So this is the native analogy on Earth, which is when colonial powers discovered tribal societies in the Americas or in East Asia, and those societies were sitting on top of resources desired by resource hungry powers. Reed: So stepping back then…so Contact is occurring in a way that it wasn’t in more ancient times or over 80 years ago. So we’re making Contact with a different kind of extraterrestrial force with a different kind of agenda. And the arrival of this force was triggered by the advent of nuclear weapons, the degradation of our environment, the great world wars which threaten the very planet that they’re seeking, and us as a viable workforce. And so this is, in a sense, first Contact with a colonizing force. And would you say that colonization is really their aim? I have received a set of briefings called The Allies of Humanity Briefings, as you mentioned. They provide us in very simple terms a clear understanding of who is here, why they’re here, what they’re doing and how we should respond to their presence. Reed: This is a summary of the Allies of Humanity position on what they call the Intervention, which is a visitation into our world by commercial forces who are exploring this planet for its resources and seeking to basically lay claim to it and to us. And so here we onscreen have these four activities. And I’ll just read through these. So the first is: Influencing certain individuals in positions of power and authority in government, commerce and religion to cooperate with the Intervention through the promise of greater wealth, power and technology. We’re going to get into this. We’re going to get into this promise of wealth, power and technology because it’s not just for the leaders, it’s also for us, the citizens. The allure is very powerful. Second: Creating hidden establishments in the world from which the Intervention can exert its influence in the mental environment, seeking to make people everywhere open and compliant to its will through a “Pacification Program.” Third: Manipulating our religious values and spiritual impulses in order to gain human allegiance to their cause. And lastly: Taking people against their will and often without their awareness to support an interbreeding program designed to create a hybrid race and a new leadership that is bonded to the “visitors.” This complete picture of colonization is a difficult pill to swallow for people. Marshall: It is a very difficult pill. And, you know, it is difficult, not because it’s such a disappointment to what we would think would be the opportunity…we’re opportunists. Especially in countries that have never been invaded, they seem to be much more opportunistic in the way they look at this. When you talk to people in countries that have been colonized—and we’ve been to many of those countries—you’ll often get a very different response. People say, “Oh well, they’re here to take over.” Because that is when there’s intervention from—even in this case—more advanced societies on Earth, what’s the outcome? They take over. They may take over violently. They may take over subtly. They may offer many incentives. They may seduce you. They may conquer you. But basically, they’re here to take over. But in the United States and perhaps Europe—well, Europe has been intervened in quite a bit—but we always think of opportunity. And for some people if there’s no opportunity, “I don’t even want to go there. Don’t tell me this is a threat.” We don’t know how to deal with this kind of presence. It’s a very powerful mental presence and a very powerful physical presence. I mean, if they can make us think differently without impacting us even physically, that’s powerful. That’s power in the mental environment. Can you make people accept you by sheer associations—the association with high technology, high intelligence? People associate then that they had high spirituality. So people make these associations. And you can win people over very easily by doing that, particularly if they lose confidence in their own countries, their own leaders, their own institutions, the norms of life—which is happening today. Now people have a vacuum of confidence. Where are they going to place that confidence? Well, the Intervention supports this process of disengaging with your culture, your history, what is most native about you as a human being, if that’s possible. It’s very possible in certain cultures that are now going through a lot of disassociation. Reed: I know a big argument—I’ve heard it, I don’t know how many times—is that, if they wanted the world they would have taken it already, right? If they wanted to destroy us and just make this their planet, they would have destroyed us and taken it over already. Humanity is part of the resource. The global commercial structures, the communication structures we have are part of what they want. And so they’re not going to destroy what they want. They’re playing a long game, you know, as we’ve talked about before, to slowly and subtly infiltrate and through this program of hybridization, weave themselves into the fabric of humanity in such a way that we won’t even know that they’re here, possibly. Marshall: That’s right, this polarity between they’re here to be our friends or they’re here to attack us. That’s very illogical, by the way, because it discounts all the possibilities in between. The fact that they want to preserve the value of the world…they’re non-military. They’re not going to come here and take it by force. That would destroy the value of the world and might destroy us as a workforce. They’re playing a long game because they’re greatly outnumbered. Their numbers are small. And we control the ground. They may have dominance in the air, the skies. We control the ground, okay? It’s all allurement, you see. This is power in the universe. The power of the universe is not blowing up planets and overtaking people and crushing them. It’s winning over access to planets or any kind of resource in the universe through guile, through persuasion, through power in this mental environment. So I think it’s very important to see that they are not thinking like us. They are not brutish. They are not impatient. They know what they want. They see how they can achieve it, possibly, if we are acquiescent. The question is if we are acquiescent. If we are not acquiescent, then they cannot achieve those goals. Reed: I think what you’re advocating is to look at the universe as an extension of nature. So there are competing forms of life, competing for territory in space, resources in a universe of barren worlds, as you say, and that is competition for the ability to live, the ability to be preeminent in an environment. And so we’re experiencing nature, right? And up there in the universe is everything—the good, the bad, the ugly—but it’s not all the good, either. It’s not all enlightened worlds that have transcended war and they’re at peace and they’re going to bring it to us. That’s illogical—an illogical first assumption to make and probably a very dangerous one as the natives being discovered. Marshall: We are the natives being discovered. And if we but look at the history of intervention in our world over the past few centuries of more powerful, more advanced societies overtaking native societies for resources. The game is resources, okay? Planetary exploration is for resources. You don’t spend 80 years investing in a planet because you’re so fascinated with them you just want to be here. We have to get over this notion that we are that important in the universe. We are damaging a world valued by others. And they’re going to assume if we can’t manage it ourselves, we shouldn’t manage it. It’s not we should be annihilated, but we shouldn’t manage it. And so we have competition now. The Intervention is competition. They are enemies in the sense that they’re here to take what we have and we’ll lose our freedom in the process, most assuredly. One of the problems that we have with understanding contact is we don’t know what life is like beyond our borders. We project fanciful notions or we project terrible, horrible notions or we project Star Wars notions or Star Trek notions, which is fanciful but has nothing to do with reality. What I’m presenting is kind of a preparation for the realities of life in the universe. And we’re being confronted with this reality because we’re facing Intervention. It’s not a visitation. We didn’t invite them here. They’re not declaring who they are. They’re not asking permission to be here. They’re just establishing themselves here and we had nothing to say about it. That’s the Intervention. If you call it something else, you’re dreaming; you’re in fantasy about what this is. But the benefit to us is the only thing that’s going to stop war in this world is getting prepared for the Greater Community. We will stop fighting each other if we know we have to protect ourselves from the universe itself. That’s a good thing. Nothing else I don’t think is going to do it. We’re not going to agree on resources; we’re going to compete for resources. We’re not going to agree on religion; we compete over religion. But if we’re all facing a common hazard from the universe itself, that can actually redeem us and enable us to outgrow our history, our tendency towards war and conflict—not because it’s a moral thing to do necessarily, but because it’s survival to do that. We’re not going to make it if we’re a warring group of tribes here on a planet that’s desired by others. If we don’t grow up in the universe, we’re going to lose our freedom and we’re going to lose our world, okay? That’s a fact. You know, what we’re doing, the way we live, the way we compete with each other, the way we outstrip the world of resources is a definite path to failure and it’s a definite invitation for Intervention, which is exactly why it’s happening now. Intervention was not happening 100 years ago. It’s happening now. Why? We built an infrastructure they can use. We’ve built trade. We’ve built commerce. We’ve built everything. We built it for ourselves, but much of it they can use for themselves with us as a workforce. Reed: So it seems we’ve crossed a hidden, like a tipping point without knowing it, and that precipitated a new kind of visitor in our world and a whole new set of activities which are very dark when you look into them. I’d like to put up on screen the four areas of life that we’re going to be talking about: How is contact impacting people physically? How is it impacting them mentally, emotionally and spiritually? I think it’s worth starting with the physical, practical one first because the truth is ET forces are taking people against their will and exposing them to terrible experiments, violating their personal sovereignty—the sovereignty of their body—and in some cases not returning them at all or in good health…so, a massive physical impact on an unknown number of people in the world—could be millions who are being impacted by the Intervention in this way. Marshall: It paints a picture of people who have really been violated. Their freedom has really been stripped—part of their freedom—because now they could be taken at any time under any circumstances and face anything that their abductors want to do to them. And so the psychological damage of that, the trauma of that, the fear and uncertainty around that is something that’s unimaginable. Abductees from around the world who have been able to recover their memory—their memory is blocked out or shielded; it’s part of their experience of their abduction—are delivering the same kind of story of capture, of being exposed to certain kinds of common things. This is a level of violation that once you can face it is thoroughly, it’s very disgusting. And you wonder how a higher order intelligence would do something like this. Well, are we dealing with higher order intelligence? Because remember, technological skill and advancement does not denote anything regarding ethical development, spiritual development or compassion. In fact, these forces seem to be very lacking in compassion and feeling as being described by the people they take. So this is a worldwide event now going on. Reed: Yeah, they may have eclipsed the need for war and found some sort of functional peace, but it could be the peace of a prison. And you know, many reports about how they’re internally organized, these extraterrestrial forces, it looks quite prison-like. Looks like a hive mentality. A major area of how the Intervention is influencing people is in what your work calls the mental environment, which is an environment of thought parallel to the physical. And so in this environment, thoughts, emotions are forces just like wind and rain and water and all of this in the physical, and they have a real impact on people. But they’re very difficult to quantify, to measure. I don’t think there’s any scientific instrument we have that can. But the Intervention is extremely adept at neurological influence over other forms of life. This is one of their weapons. This is the weapon that means they don’t need any weapons. Their pervasive influence in the mental environment is something that every person wakes up, experiences and goes to bed and sleeps within without knowing it. And it’s not to say that everything is created by the Intervention, all mental disturbance. But it’s real and it’s powerful and it comes in both a targeted and an ambient form. So I’d like to share a couple of passages from some of your other works. This first one talks about the establishment of installations that can project this influence in the mental environment. The first bases were established in the oceans and shallow waters away from the presence of human military forces—in the Arctic regions and in areas where there is no military establishment. Bases underground, which are far more difficult to establish, have been built in mountain regions. Transmitters have been established in mountain regions, which have cities at their base—transmitters to affect the mental environment and pacify the public. This represents one of the efforts of the Intervention. It’s just important to understand that there is a force in the world that possesses the technological and psychological abilities to introduce thoughts and emotions and impulses into the human psyche, broadly and at an individual level, but also to turn up the volume on our own internal dissonance. You know, it’s almost like the static on that radio station. They can just turn the volume up on that and just drown out the more intelligent voices within our own experience. Massive world issues are not being dealt with intelligently. People don’t have the psychological bandwidth for it. And there is a force in the world that wants to make sure that that continues because that serves their ends. Marshall: That serves their ends. This brings up a really important part of my teaching because much of my teaching is spiritual teaching and it’s anchored in the idea that we have a deeper Intelligence within us, an innate Intelligence, a permanent Intelligence—not an intelligence that we have developed from childhood and through world exposure and education—that has the ability and is immune from this kind of influence. The part of us that’s our personality, that’s our thoughts and beliefs and our activities and how we’re in time and we’re fully engaged here, that’s the part of us that can be dominated by many forces, even other human forces. But there’s a deeper part of us that cannot be influenced, cannot be subjected to influence. And this is very important because the more you become anchored there, the more you become immune to forces in the mental environment. I mean, we live in a sea of influence in the world in the mental environment and in the physical environment. So these things affect us subtly and often in profound ways, very demonstratively. So they’re just using what we have and they’re turning up the dial on certain things which they’re skillful at. Reed: I do want to go back, though, to what you talked about regarding this—the spiritual mind—because people might say, “Okay. Wow. So you’re going to protect yourself from this psychic influence in the mental environment using a spiritual solution?” But I think what you’re getting at is that this spiritual mind is actually a part of our complete intelligence, and we’re living in like the top 2%. We’re buzzing around on the surface of life as we do, as we have to with family, careers and things like that, and that’s fine. But the problem is that at that 2% depth, we can easily be influenced. It’s like the influence penetrates that easily. But if you go down multiple levels in your own intelligence to this spiritual Intelligence that really represents a whole aspect of who you are, not only can you start to see, not only does it start to calm your mind and your mental agitation, but it actually provides what you could call a complete barrier to mental intrusion. Marshall: To get centered in yourself is critically important. In fact, without that, you’re not going to prepare for living in the universe. This is what gives you power, certainty and clarity in life. It’s not just because we’re facing Intervention. This is at the core of what spirituality really is. It’s not just having a big faith, belief and hoping to be saved one day. It’s about what you are grounded in within yourself that enables you to be strong, determined and able to handle the kinds of flak and difficulties that life presents. So this is about how to be in the world as much as it is about how to prepare for the universe. The universe is a powerful mental environment, okay? The mental environment is used a great deal by forces competing with each other. If you can control someone’s response, if you control someone’s motives by understanding their nature and how to plug into that part of their nature, you can affect how they behave in response to you. It’s almost like a battle at a different level. It’s not really a battle; it’s more competition for power. Reed: Another thing I’d like to bring out and that is, I think, affecting all of us—and again, difficult to quantify and identify exactly how—but I think the ET presence is distorting many, many aspects of social, cultural and political life in the world. Marshall: Well, a good example of that are the very popular conspiracy theorists and theories that are going global now. And I mean, some conspiracy is important to reveal—its innate corruption and governance. But a lot of it is a kind of process of disengaging you from authority figures, from leadership, from human life. And so now you become a person who’s kind of shrinking because you can’t deal with the world because it’s so controlled and manipulated by a handful of uber rich people, and “we have no choice”. This is Intervention. Intervention is controlling that kind of narrative. That serves their purpose. Reed: It’s almost like a psychological corralling. It’s like, you know when you corral an animal into a tighter and tighter pen and it just doesn’t know how to get out of that, out of those boundary lines. And you see people corral themselves frequently, basically saying, “Well, I just can’t trust anything in the mainstream.” And it’s like, well some things in the mainstream are trustworthy, but you can’t trust anything in the mainstream. You have effectively corralled yourself. And I am curious as to what force initiated that process. Marshall: Now we have an actor in our midst who’s going to really take advantage of this for their own purposes. The more lost you are, the more easily you’re going to turn to some other power. You’re going to turn to some other power, to someone or something to believe in. You need something to believe in. People need something. I don’t care what they tell you. They may say, “I don’t believe in anything.” No, they do. You’ve got to believe in something. So once you’ve been divorced, forced into being divorced from people, places and things that are the norm, now you’re going to associate with something else. Reed: This is one of the Intervention’s strategies, which is you basically debase native social, political and even psychological norms and institutions, such that a native person wouldn’t want to associate to them. But now they’re hunting, they’re looking for something to associate to. Marshall: Right, they have a need to associate. Reed: It’s natural. We are social creatures. Marshall: And this happened in colonial times, too, where the native peoples would be discouraged from following their medicine man or following their leader because these leaders were corrupt or they were violent. “And now we’re going to offer you new technology. We’re going to give you new things to do. You can have new experiences.” Promise, promise, promise, right? They’re playing the long game. They’re not trying to win us all over in the next five or ten years. In fact, they’re waiting till we become so broken down that they can appear to us and say, “We’re here to save you, and we can do it.” And at that point, people will believe because they have no other option. Reed: So part of our message here for folks listening is: If you’re on the ET bandwagon, the pro-ET bandwagon, please consider getting off. Don’t get on if you’re not on. And stay on humanity’s side in all of this. And don’t fall off the cliff of hopelessness regarding humanity and human potential. Marshall: This is a time for people to really open their eyes to much bigger things that are much more important than the things they have been concerned with or preoccupied with. The well-being of the surface of this world for habitability: critical importance. The cessation of war: critical importance. And we have to deal with the alien presence in the world today. If we don’t, it will erode us away over time. It will take advantage of every failure we have to strengthen itself here. It will do it without the use of force. It will do it without proclaiming itself. It will do it sort of behind the scenes enough that most people won’t even think about it. Reed: One thing we talk a lot about is developing what we call a Greater Community perspective. So instead of being within the world and trying to have a perspective on what we are in the universe, where we’re going, is to have a vantage point from beyond the world looking down upon it. Marshall: Well, I think that’s very important. You know, otherwise we’re just tribal people trying to survive in a world that seems to be failing—failing us and we’re failing it. A Greater Community perspective sees us in an evolutionary progress that’s meant to take us into life in the universe. That’s our destiny. Meaningful contact is important. We’re just not ready for it. What we’re having now is destructive contact which is here to take advantage of us. But our goal here is to prepare us to be people who begin to think like we’re living in a Greater Community, rather than just in one nation or one world. And we have to start to think about dynamics of that and what it could mean for organizing humanity and actually rescuing us from our own tendencies of being really destructive with ourselves, with each other and with our environment. We have to also protect this world because it is of value to others. Certain other races and powerful forces look at our world with envy and desire. We need to be a force of opposition to that. You’ve got to know when you’re facing an adversary, and that is an adversary. You can’t make it anything else. It is what it is and the whole, all humanity is facing this adversarial presence. It’s not here to destroy us, but to use us. You have to oppose certain things in life; you’re going to have to. One-on-one with people—maybe on larger scales in society, maybe between nations—you’re going to have to oppose certain things as well as promote certain things. We have to get our house in order, and that’s going to be a very tall order. And many people are not committed to that. So we have, we’re here in this world—every one of us—to make a difference, to do something beneficial to others, not because it’s the thing we love to do, but it’s the thing that we feel we can do and feel this is coming from Knowledge within us, we’re really motivated to do in service to others. It’s all about service in the world. Reed: What stands out here to me, Marshall, is the importance of having a working conclusion about who is in the world, about the nature of this contact that’s occurring, and to get out of the confusion and the what-ifs and the gray zone of good and bad, and maybe it’s both, and see, “Oh my gosh, this is first contact with an aggressive other form of life.” And there is a response, an opposition that’s needed in response to that. Marshall: That’s right. And the stronger that opposition, the harder it is for this presence to achieve their goals of gaining control of the world without the use of force through human acquiescence or human depression. Reed: So with a working conclusion—not to say it’s never going to change; I think everyone needs to keep updating their conclusions based on life and what’s evolving in front of them—we can start to talk about individual response. Individual response. So what would the person do? And I think there’s a couple areas of action, but one I’d like to put out first and foremost because I like to start with both the obvious and the essential, is: I think people really have to get their lives in order. Like you said, life is life. Nature is nature. This Intervention is an event of nature happening in our midst. It’s a mental environment event, but there are other mental environment events happening. So our response to those would be the same as to the Intervention itself. And so I mean, to get our health in order, our affairs, our work, our providership, our family life—whatever it is that’s undermining us. And, you know, a lot of people do suffer with a pretty weak foundation in life. So they might rush to this as some sort of escape from worldly concerns, some adventure in consciousness that they can get absorbed into, full of fascinating mysteries and possibilities. And I think it’s time to let that fog dissipate off the land. It needs to get clear now. And if it’s going to get clear, it’s going to reveal action to take. But action requires strength. And I think building personal strength is a huge first step for people. Marshall: It’s an opportunity for us to get engaged with the larger movement of things while we are building strength in our own affairs, what we call the Four Pillars of our life: our relationships, our work, our health and our spiritual development. Like the four legs of a table, these are upholding our life. And our life is only as strong or balanced as the weakest of those pillars. Life itself is forcing us now to become aware, awake and to become responsive—responsible, able to respond—to some bigger things that are happening in our world that may have our name on it. We’re not all responding to the same thing, certainly. But there are certain things that will speak to us very powerfully, not just once, not just occasionally, but on an ongoing basis. And the more you begin to connect with this power of Knowledge within yourself, the more potent this becomes within you and you’re able to really see things much more clearly. And things that persuaded you or discouraged you before don’t have that power over you anymore. You become powerful. Reed: What you’re really advocating is it’s back to the fundamentals of being alive in the world. It’s like, what kind of a life form are you? Are you stable, productive? Are are you in control of your own mind? Are you in control of the influences that are coming into your space? Are you able, strong enough to provide for other life forms—meaning friends, family, those around you? Like, it comes back to the fundamentals of being a living being in the universe, making contact with other living beings in the universe. Marshall: This is what redeems people to be really connected in that way to yourself, to your own needs, being responsible. And it’s all tall order. I mean, if you’re way behind in your life, it’s going to take a lot of energy for you to get things straight and start moving again. But it’s for this purpose so you can be in the world in a bigger way. We have to take care of business here, but you know, everybody plays a part. Nobody’s going to achieve this on their own. You play a part, you feel better about your life. You move in a true direction, you feel like you’re going somewhere. This is innate. You don’t have an answer for everything. Of course not. You don’t know if it’s all going to turn out. No. You don’t know if the world’s going to be far better because of what you gave, but it’ll be somewhat better. And that’s enough.
Reed: So here you’re talking about the history of ufology, research into alien abduction, animal mutilation—all of the phenomena associated with Contact.
Marshall: That’s right. They have a big investment in being here because the world is so valuable. It’s not we are so valuable. We’ve been broadcasting all of our violence, all of our degradation, all of our weaknesses out into space for over a hundred years. I mean to any discreet observer, they’ve been studying us for a long time. And it must not be a very good picture to them. We must look very chaotic. We’re violent, we’re unpredictable, we’re emotional, which may be very strange to them.
Reed: And if there’s any one consistent kind of finding in all of this research regarding human/alien interaction, it seems to be that studying us is one of their primary activities. They have been analyzing every aspect of human physiology, psychology, culture, religion—everything.
Marshall: And that’s a very important analogy. But there’s a difference here. We are actually degrading the value of this world: its soils, its air, its water. We’re actually destroying the world. And we have the risk of destroying it even more through nuclear weapons and the kind of confrontations that are even going on in the world today.
Marshall: Yes. Why would they spend 80 years investing themselves in building a presence here if it wasn’t for some kind of goal like that? I mean, if they were just visitors, they’d just visit and that would be it. But they’re implanting themselves in our world out of our view.