Entering the Mystery of Your Life

Watch Marshall Vian Summers during the Broadcast of Night 18 of the 2019 Steps Vigil, June 12, 2019.
Marshall: I would like to read two of the Secrets from the Secrets of Heaven. This is secret 178 and 179, which reflects what you just read to us, Mark, but in a different way.
“Have faith that your heart knows the way to his Home, for without interference, it will simply travel its natural and inevitable course back to its Home, back to its true relationships, yet seemingly forward, far forward to beyond all that you have experienced thus far.
And the secret which follows:
“Inner Knowledge, true purpose the presence of the Teachers—all sound an inner calling that must grow in strength and scope as it is attended to and utilized, recognized and applied. All that is in contradiction to this at some point will be recognized and relinquished as unwanted, as merely hindering the natural return of the heart.
I think of this and I think that we’re being saved from the inside out, but also journeying from the outside in to see if we have a sacred rendezvous within ourselves, not to be met once, but many times to enable us to travel a different kind of journey in this return.
But this return is not merely a way out of the life we’ve known. It is a journey to give something special to the world that has been placed within us by those who sent us, not the gift that we would think of or that we think we have perhaps, not just our talents or skills—something else we carry like a secret cargo that we ourselves cannot open, but which will be opened by those who are meant to receive it.
We cannot open the secret ourselves. It must be opened being in the world. And when it finds its true recipients, it will issue forth naturally, almost as if something has overtaken you to say something or to do something in a particular situation, and you are merely the vessel from which it pours. Can we be so simple, but yet strong, determined, living the inspired and determined life, and yet so simple as to be a vessel, not for our glory or own personal advancement, but having reached a place where a sacred rendezvous is happening within us and then begins to happen beyond us with others?
There are those looking for the Revelation. And they will not find it through me, at least not initially, but they might find it through you. You will say something or give something that they will not be able to forget because it’s destiny, you see. It’s not just preference or convincing someone of something. If the Revelation is your destiny, you will not find what you’re looking for anywhere else. Its destiny is very specific. It’s not whatever you want, or whatever could happen or might happen.
So let us, then, allow Knowledge to free us, give us strength, purpose, clarity, strength and direction . Let it take us where we must go. Let us become free enough to be of service in this way, to follow the natural course of our own hearts, unimpeded by the past, by our fears and preferences.
Then Knowledge as a mystery, which has been a mystery along, becomes the mystery of who you are, not just an individual, but an extension of a Greater Reality at work in the world under the most difficult circumstances. And the circumstances being difficult is not an impediment to things of this nature, not for those who can give and for those who can receive.
Thus the blessing seeks to work through us, for us, but beyond us. We have to follow it without knowing where it’s going, but gaining strength all the while to know how to travel to be in the world with this kind of strength and determination, to be able to carry Knowledge, looking like everyone else, having no glory or special recognition, but working behind the scenes to share the gifts of Revelation, which were put to you and given to you before you came.
We know our minds, but not our hearts through the mystery that lives within us.
This book, Secrets of Heaven, speaks of these things. And it says at the back cover at the top it says, “Enter the mystery of your life,” not the manifestation only, but the mystery. For you are an eternal being living in a temporary life and a temporary world. And you have been sent here for a purpose, which you did not invent, but you are naturally designed to receive and to carry to that time when it could be rendered where it must be rendered, in that uncertain and unpredictable time which is before you.
May the blessing be with us and with you, with all those who will find the path through their own personal revelation, perhaps through you meeting you or responding to something you gave somewhere out in the world somewhere, your testimony, perhaps, or your pointing the way.
We’re all participating in a much bigger event.
Nasi Novare Coram
Marshall the Messenger…reminding us to Enter the Mystery of our Life (Secrets of Heaven shared). So needed when “the world is too much with us” (Wordsworth poem)
It is simply wonderful. [[“So let us, then, allow Knowledge to free us, give us strength, purpose, clarity, strength, and direction. Let it take us where we must go. Let us become free enough to be of service in this way, to follow the natural course of our own hearts, unimpeded by the past, by our fears and preferences.”]] Amen. Thank you, dear MVS.