The Free School of the New Message
Entering the New World
July - October 2019
PART 1: Entering a New World Reality
July - August 2019
Whether you consider yourself to be religious, spiritual, atheist or simply undecided about the nature and reality of God, there is nonetheless a Divine Presence within you, which in the New Message is called Knowledge. It is by discovering this Knowledge and building a bridge to it that you create the foundation for a new life of purpose, relationship and contribution in the future. In this session of The Free School, you will have an opportunity to explore the New World and the realities of a changing climate, declining resources and contact with intelligent life in the universe.
This session in the School is dedicated to help you prepare for this New World Reality through your studenthood in Knowledge and your application of the New Message teachings. If you feel a deeper need and calling to prepare your life and mind for the great change underway in the world and for the new realities emerging in the future, then this session on Entering the New World can hold great value and promise for you.
Over the months of July and August we will be studying the newest Book of Revelation, The New World: The Future of Humanity, published July 1, 2019, with all chapters released free online to the world by the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers. In each of these two months, we will study the chapters of this new Book of Revelation, as well as engage in our practice as students of Steps to Knowledge.
Together with your practice in the book Steps to Knowledge, you have the opportunity now to undertake the vital inner and outer work that is necessary in your life; which will slowly, day by day, build a functional bridge to Knowledge and prepare your mind, body and outer affairs for life in a world that will be so unlike the world of the past.
We invite you to bring the results of your study and practice to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat, where you will have a chance to engage with other students around the world; sharing the insights, opportunities and challenges that arise, and identifying the keys to preparing for life in a New World—as a man or woman of Knowledge.
It will be truly inspiring for each of us to witness this movement in each other and to be undertaking it ourselves, together and with Marshall himself, in this rare learning environment in the world.
“This is a time of great shock and dismay, but it is also a time of great clarification, a time when your true calling will emerge from the world, for you cannot call yourself. Your gifts are meant to be given in certain places, to certain people, and this is rarely reflected in people’s goals and aspirations. As the world grows more dark, more problematic, more unstable, more disconcerting, the calling will be stronger, more powerful, more engaging for those who can respond. – Entering the New World
PART 2: Preparing for Contact with Intelligent Life in the Universe
September - October 2019
On September 15, 2019, The Allies of Humanity: Book Four will be released by Marshall Vian Summers (print, ebook and free online.) During these two months, you will have the opportunity to study the fourth set of Briefings from the Allies and explore what this message means for you, for others and for the world.
The Allies of Humanity are a group of individuals from several different worlds who came to the vicinity of the Earth to observe the Extraterrestrial Intervention in our world, to report on its activities and to extend their wisdom about life in our local region of space and what humanity must do to prepare for the reality of contact.
Each of the six Briefings in Book Four will be the focus of a dedicated online Free School Campfire Chat, held each Saturday at 9 am Mountain USA time.
“It is important for you to understand also that the Allies of Humanity have a debt to pay, for they were served by an expedition in an earlier time that helped to free them from the grip of intervention, opening the way for them to establish their freedom and autonomy in the universe. They now have an opportunity to repay this debt by providing a similar service to humanity, as you yourselves face intervention and all of the dangers and misfortune it can bring.
– Who Are the Allies of Humanity?
JULY 2019
“The world is changing. You must change with it. You must move with it. You must watch it. Like a ship captain at sea, you must watch the weather and the waves. You must look at the barometer. You must adjust your sails accordingly. You cannot sit back idly and believe that everything will work out fine, for that is only a hope that masks fear and uncertainty. And fear and uncertainty will sink the ship."
Core Study: The New World | Volume 1, Book 7
Revelations to be studied:
Entering the New World | CH 1 | Discuss
The Great Warning | CH 2 | Discuss
The Global Emergency | CH 3 | Discuss
The Plight of Humanity | CH 4 | Discuss
The Race to Save Human Civilization | CH 5 | Discuss
Standing at the Precipice | CH 6 | Discuss
Facing Planetary Instability | CH 7 | Discuss
The Battleground | CH 8 | Discuss
On July 1, 2019, the book The New World: The Future of Humanity was released by the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers.
In the first month of this session, we will be studying the first eight chapters of this new Book of Revelation. Focus your study on these chapters of the book, reading and listening to those revelations that interest you and speak to the needs in your life and in the world at this time.
Revelations to be studied:
Entering the New World | CH 1 | Discuss
The Great Warning | CH 2 | Discuss
The Global Emergency | CH 3 | Discuss
The Plight of Humanity | CH 4 | Discuss
The Race to Save Human Civilization | CH 5 | Discuss
Standing at the Precipice | CH 6 | Discuss
Facing Planetary Instability | CH 7 | Discuss
The Battleground | CH 8 | Discuss
Keep a Study Journal as you go, highlighting the most important passages of this book and noting any specific practices, directives and questions that you would like to engage with during this month.
Also, in your study this month, consider doing a Deep Reading of a single revelation. Bring your experience of this deep reading to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat, whether done alone, out in the world or in nature.
What do you need to be working on as a student of Knowledge?
During this month, identify a specific teaching, passage, directive or aspect of your studenthood or your Four Pillars that you feel is important for you now to make progress as a man or woman of Knowledge. This could take shape around:
- A passage or directive from one of the revelations that stood out for you;
- A specific practice mentioned in a revelation or one that has come to mind for you;
- Directives or statements of “must” from the revelations;
- A specific project or set of tasks in one of your Pillars that you would initiate or take further both within and beyond this month’s practice.
This is an opportunity to have a fresh engagement with the New Message according to the specific need in your life at this time relative to the present and future world revealed in the New Message. See what stands out to you in The New World book or in any other books of the New Message, and begin to make this a dedicated practice, and/or focused area of change in your daily life.
Bring the results of this dynamic engagement with the New Message to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
Begin ‘The Deep Evaluation:’
A core aspect of preparing for the New World and for a life of higher purpose, in general, is to engage in one of the Great Practices of the New Message called The Deep Evaluation. This is an ongoing and deep inquiry into the major aspects of your life: your relationships, work, circumstances, thinking and emotions and how these elements of your life are either supporting you or hindering you, propelling you forward or holding you back from responding to the calling of your life at this time and the need to prepare for the future. This evaluation is fundamentally about relationship — how you are in relationship with the different aspects of your life and experience.
Take the opportunity during this session to begin The Deep Evaluation of your life. Begin with the following passage from The Deep Evaluation as your guide. Go further into the full revelation to gain a deeper insight and direction as your inquiry continues. Attend the weekly Free School Campfire Chat to share your experience of this practice with other students.
The following is just one passage from The Deep Evaluation calling us to this accounting. There are many more questions and perspectives posed in this revelation.
“The great evaluation begins with taking stock of where you are now—how you spend your time, your energy, your focus and your interests.
Where is your life being given away?
What is it being focused upon?
Where is it being assigned?
You only have so much energy in the day, so much time in the day, so much space within your mind to consider things.
Where is that all going now?
What are you doing?
Who are you with?
What are your priorities?
Where are you gaining energy in your life, and where are you losing it?
And to whom are you losing it, and to what are you losing it?
Where do you feel certain, and where do you feel uncertain?
What relationships are you in now that give you a sense of certainty and direction?
And which relationships cloud that certainty or obstruct it completely?
– The Deep Evaluation | Ch. 5 | The Great Waves of Change
Explore the revelation The Deep Evaluation further for new insights and direction in undertaking this evaluation of your life. Begin to realize what this Deep Evaluation is bringing up for you, specifically within the Four Pillars of your life:
- The Pillar of Relationships
- The Pillar of Work
- The Pillar of Health (physical, mental and emotional)
- The Pillar of Spiritual Development
Continue to share your experience of this practice with other students on the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
Consider the ‘Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World’:
Read the Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World and consider which one of these recommendations speaks to you at this time and which one would be something you feel you must begin to move with.
Practice in Steps to Knowledge – The Book of Inner Knowing:
If you are currently studying Steps to Knowledge, continue this study as the foundation of your studenthood. If you are not studying Steps, consider if this is a time for you to begin.
Visioning Practice:
Transport yourself 10 years into the future, into the year 2030. From that future vantage point, look back at your life now and see what you did and did not do and if there is anything you neglected to do that you really needed to. Is there anything you are doing or not doing today that could become a future regret for you?
Consider the following questions during this month and put together a plan for what you want to work on daily or weekly in order to continue preparing yourself for the New World Reality.
Join students from around the world each Saturday at the Free School Campfire Chat to share your experience and application of the teachings in this Free School session and to discuss the following questions.
Saturday, July 6:
- What does the New World Reality mean for you? How do you view this new reality?
- How do you see the reality of Contact and the Great Waves of change affecting the world now and in the near future?
Saturday, July 13:
- How could the reality of Contact and the Great Waves of change affect your life, both now and in the future?
- How do you feel the New Message can directly address the real world challenges emerging at this time and help people directly who are facing them?
Saturday, July 20:
- In reading the chapters for July in The New World, was there a specific passage, practice or “must” that spoke to you and that you want to stay with or begin to put into practice in your life? If so, please share your experience of implementing this in your daily life.
- In reading the Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World, was there one or two recommendations that stood out to you that you feel you need to consider further or put into action in your life?
Saturday, July 27:
- The Deep Evaluation affords you the opportunity to consider whether the Great Waves of change may have an effect upon your career, work pillar and financial condition and the prospects for these in the future. Has anything come up for you in this regard?
- Visioning Practice: Transport yourself 10 years into the future, into the year 2030. From that future vantage point, look back at your life now and see what you did and did not do and if there is anything you neglected to do that you really needed to. Is there anything you are doing or not doing today that could become a future regret for you?
“You change the world by changing your life. You begin with your life. You do not just demonstrate for others. You change your life. You learn how to live differently. And if you are wise, you are guided by Knowledge, for God has already answered your questions and your needs. It is all contained within Knowledge. Only Knowledge will know how to navigate the difficult and uncertain waters ahead."
Core Study: The New World | Volume 1, Book 7
Revelations to be studied:
Building Global Security | CH 9 | Discuss
Preventing Collapse and the Wars of Desperation | CH 10 | Discuss
The Great Transition | CH 11 | Discuss
The Shock of the Future | CH 12 | Discuss
Being Centered in a Crashing World | CH 13 | Discuss
Resilience | CH 14 | Discuss
The Vision | CH 15 | Discuss
The Future of Humanity | CH 16 | Discuss
In the second month of this session, we will continue studying The New World: The Future of Humanity by reading and listening to the remaining revelations. Explore the following revelations and again, see which teachings on the New World Reality are most important for you to study at this time:
Building Global Security | CH 9 | Discuss
Preventing Collapse and the Wars of Desperation | CH 10 | Discuss
The Great Transition | CH 11 | Discuss
The Shock of the Future | CH 12 | Discuss
Being Centered in a Crashing World | CH 13 | Discuss
Resilience | CH 14 | Discuss
The Vision | CH 15 | Discuss
The Future of Humanity | CH 16 | Discuss
Read and listen to these revelations, once again working with your Study Journal as you go and highlighting the most important and salient passages of this book for you.
Also in your study this month, consider doing a Deep Reading of a single revelation. Bring your experience of this Deep Reading, whether done alone, out in the world or in nature, to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
What do you need to be working on as a student of Knowledge?
During this month, identify a specific teaching, passage, directive or aspect of your studenthood or your Four Pillars that you feel is important for you now to make progress as a man or woman of Knowledge. This could take shape around:
- A passage or directive from one of the revelations that stood out for you;
- A specific practice mentioned in a revelation or one that has come to mind for you;
- Directives or statements of “must” from the revelations;
- A specific project or set of tasks in one of your Pillars that you would initiate or take further, both within and beyond this month’s practice.
This is an opportunity to have a fresh engagement with the New Message according to the specific need in your life at this time relative to the present and future world revealed in the New Message. See what stands out to you in The New World book or in any other books of the New Message, and begin to make this a dedicated practice, and/or focused area of change in your daily life.
Bring the results of this dynamic engagement with the New Message to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
Begin The Deep Evaluation:
A core aspect of preparing for The New World and for a life of higher purpose, in general, is to engage in one of the Great Practices of the New Message called The Deep Evaluation. This is an ongoing and deep inquiry into the major aspects of your life: your relationships, work, circumstances, thinking and emotions and how these elements of your life are either supporting you or hindering you, propelling you forward or holding you back from responding to the calling of your life at this time and the need to prepare for the future. This evaluation is fundamentally about relationship — how you are in relationship with the different aspects of your life and experience.
Take the opportunity during this session to begin The Deep Evaluation of your life. Begin with the following passage from The Deep Evaluation as your guide. Go further into the full revelation to gain a deeper insight and direction as your inquiry continues. Attend the weekly Free School Campfire Chat to share your experience of this practice with other students.
The following is just one passage from The Deep Evaluation calling us to this accounting. There are many more questions and perspectives posed in this revelation.
“The great evaluation begins with taking stock of where you are now—how you spend your time, your energy, your focus and your interests.
Where is your life being given away?
What is it being focused upon?
Where is it being assigned?
You only have so much energy in the day, so much time in the day, so much space within your mind to consider things.
Where is that all going now?
What are you doing?
Who are you with?
What are your priorities?
Where are you gaining energy in your life, and where are you losing it?
And to whom are you losing it, and to what are you losing it?
Where do you feel certain, and where do you feel uncertain?
What relationships are you in now that give you a sense of certainty and direction?
And which relationships cloud that certainty or obstruct it completely?
– The Deep Evaluation | Ch. 5 | The Great Waves of Change
Explore the revelation The Deep Evaluation further for new insights and direction in undertaking this evaluation of your life. Begin to realize what this Deep Evaluation is bringing up for you, specifically within the Four Pillars of your life:
- The Pillar of Relationships
- The Pillar of Work
- The Pillar of Health (physical, mental and emotional)
- The Pillar of Spiritual Development
Continue to share your experience of this practice with other students on the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
Consider the ‘Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World’:
Read the Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World and consider which of these recommendations speaks to you at this time and which is something you feel you must begin to move with.
Practice in Steps to Knowledge – The Book of Inner Knowing:
If you are currently studying Steps to Knowledge, continue this study as the foundation of your studenthood. If you are not studying Steps, consider if this is a time for you to begin.
Visioning Practice
Transport yourself 10 years into the future, into the year 2030. From that future vantage point, look back at your life now and see what you did and did not do and if there is anything you neglected to do that you really needed to. Is there anything you are doing or not doing today that could become a future regret for you?
Continue exploring the following questions, and gather to discuss these questions with students from around the world on the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
August 3:
- In reading the chapters for August in The New World, was there a specific passage, practice or directive that spoke to you and that you want to stay with or begin to put into practice in your life? If so, please share your experience of implementing this in your daily life.
- Is there a specific project or set of tasks in one of your Pillars that you feel you need to initiate or take further at this time? What is coming up for you in the Pillars of your life?
August 10:
- Have The New World teachings affected the way you see normal human activities on a day-to-day basis?
- The Great Waves of change are creating the conditions for political instability, economic stagnation, war, famine and massive human migration around the world. Is this affecting you, your community or your nation now? If so, how?
August 17:
Live Broadcast Teaching with the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers | 9 am MT (replaces the Free School Campfire Chat).
August 24:
- As you proceed with your Deep Evaluation, how do you feel about the relationship landscape of your life–family, friends, co-workers and others–and whether these relationships are helping you move forward or holding you back? Looking into the future, how do you see the New World Reality affecting your relationships?
- The New World teachings speak of the importance of time—using the time you have appropriately, in light of the state of the world and the emergence of your higher purpose. How do you feel about how you are using your time now? Is there anything you feel you must be doing or not doing in light of the importance of this time?
August 31:
- How are the Great Waves of change directly connected to humanity’s emergence into the Greater Community? Where are they connected, and where are they not connected?
- What next steps could you take in sharing the reality of The New World book and larger teaching with others? In what ways could you help reach others now with this critical awareness, teaching and Book of Revelation?
Core Study:
Who Are the Allies of Humanity? | CH5 | The Greater Community
The Allies of Humanity Book 4: Freedom in the Universe
Who We Are and What We Represent | First Briefing
The Importance of Restraint | Second Briefing
Freedom in the Universe | Third Briefing
Higher Powers | Fourth Briefing
The Great Coordination | Fifth Briefing
The Networks of the Wise | Sixth Briefing
Additional Study and Resources:
Guidelines for Preparing for the Greater Community
The Essential Truths about the Greater Community | CH3 | Preparing for the Greater Community
The Great Challenge Awaiting Humanity | CH7 | Preparing for the Greater Community
Human Responses to the Greater Community | CH13 | Preparing for the Greater Community
Other Declaration Resources:
The Declaration of Human Sovereignty | English printable pdf
The Declaration of Human Sovereignty | Other language Declarations
Weeks 1 – 2: Study ‘Who Are the Allies of Humanity?’:
Read and/or listen to Who Are the Allies of Humanity? from The Greater Community.
Write down anything in your Study Journal that you feel is important for your understanding about the Allies – their identity, their purpose and the larger mission they are a part of.
Bring these insights to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
Weeks 3 – 8: Study The Allies of Humanity Book Four:
Once available, read The Allies of Humanity Book Four. As you read these Briefings, note any statements or truths that feel important for you to stay with and explore them further. Bring forward anything that has impacted you from the Briefings to share on the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
Each of the six Chat sessions will be dedicated to an individual Briefing, as follows:
Who We Are and What We Represent | First Briefing
The Importance of Restraint | Second Briefing
Freedom in the Universe | Third Briefing
Higher Powers | Fourth Briefing
The Great Coordination | Fifth Briefing
The Networks of the Wise | Sixth Briefing
The Allies speak about the issues of freedom and restraint within the larger universe around us, as humanity undergoes its emergence into a complex environment of non-human intelligence. The Allies offer counsel, correction and caution and speak of the cost of freedom, and that this is not assured for any emerging race. This is a critical message for our world at this time.
Further Practice & Study:
Apply the Preparation for the Greater Community:
Read and/or listen to the Guidelines for Preparing for the Greater Community. See if any of these practices speak to you. Is there something you feel you must stay with, consider more deeply to begin to apply in your life? If so, begin to engage with this and see where this takes you. Bring your experience of engaging with this to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
Share The Allies of Humanity Book Four Briefings:
The publication of The Allies of Humanity Book Four represents a higher level of the Allies message and a major opportunity to share all the books of the Allies Briefings with others.
Consider where you might share the Briefings in The Allies of Humanity Book Four, online or in person. How can you help extend these Briefings further into the world?
The Briefings are a message for the world, from those few races who support humanity’s freedom and successful emergence into the Greater Community. This message is meant for the wider world, and together we can work to bring it to many others who are meant to receive it.
Read and share the ‘Declaration of Human Sovereignty’:
Read the Declaration of Human Sovereignty aloud to yourself or to others. Hear yourself making this Declaration and see what this feels like to you.
Post the Declaration of Human Sovereignty in a public place, if you can, and observe the results of sharing it with the public. If online, what are the comments or discussion, and how do people respond to this document initially?
Other Declaration Resources:
The Declaration of Human Sovereignty | English printable pdf
The Declaration of Human Sovereignty | Other language Declarations
Discuss the Reality of Contact with Intelligent Life in the Universe with Others:
Consider any opportunity you may have during this Free School Session, whether in spontaneous conversation or by seeking out interactive environments online, to engage with others regarding the Greater Community.
Keep a brief record of these encounters and consider sharing what happened, what you experienced or what you realized from these interactions during one of our weekly Saturday Free School Campfire Chats.
Begin a Life Map Regarding your Experience of the Greater Community:
As the Messenger has often said:
“To really know where you are, you have to know where you’ve been.
Consider and recall where, when and how your interest in contact with intelligent life began and how it developed. Recall those experiences in your life that gave rise to this interest and the need to understand the reality of contact, and map this out in a life map, chronologically in writing, as a timeline or in whatever fashion you would like.
Continue exploring the following questions, and gather to discuss these questions with students from around the world on the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
August 3:
- In reading the chapters for August in The New World, was there a specific passage, practice or directive that spoke to you and that you want to stay with or begin to put into practice in your life? If so, please share your experience of implementing this in your daily life.
- Is there a specific project or set of tasks in one of your Pillars that you feel you need to initiate or take further at this time? What is coming up for you in the Pillars of your life?
August 10:
- Have The New World teachings affected the way you see normal human activities on a day-to-day basis?
- The Great Waves of change are creating the conditions for political instability, economic stagnation, war, famine and massive human migration around the world. Is this affecting you, your community or your nation now? If so, how?
August 17:
Live Broadcast Teaching with the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers | 9 am MT (replaces the Free School Campfire Chat).
August 24:
- As you proceed with your Deep Evaluation, how do you feel about the relationship landscape of your life–family, friends, co-workers and others–and whether these relationships are helping you move forward or holding you back? Looking into the future, how do you see the New World Reality affecting your relationships?
- The New World teachings speak of the importance of time—using the time you have appropriately, in light of the state of the world and the emergence of your higher purpose. How do you feel about how you are using your time now? Is there anything you feel you must be doing or not doing in light of the importance of this time?
August 31:
- How are the Great Waves of change directly connected to humanity’s emergence into the Greater Community? Where are they connected, and where are they not connected?
- What next steps could you take in sharing the reality of The New World book and larger teaching with others? In what ways could you help reach others now with this critical awareness, teaching and Book of Revelation?
Steps to Knowledge Vigil
Join The Messenger, Patricia Summers and Reed Summers for LIVE broadcasts during the Steps to Knowledge Vigil.
Due to current circumstances in the world, broadcasts for this Vigil will be hosted online only on May 26th and 27th; June 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th and 14th at 7:00 PM MT.
See the New Message Steps to Knowledge Event Page for more information.
Free School Campfire Chat
Join The Messenger, The Society and students from the Worldwide Community every Saturday for a focused discussion on this Free School Session.
Tuesday World Meditation
Join other students from around the world, as part of the LIVE Broadcast, to do your own Steps to Knowledge practice with others in real time. Steps to Knowledge is a foundational practice of the New Message from God.
Carol posted an update in the group
4 days agoLearning News and Updates 4 days ago
Four-Pillars Practice | The Way of Knowledge | March & April 2025
As part of learning The Way of Knowledge for this session, you are invited to engage in a Four-Pillars Review Practice.
— From Great Waves of Change Practices in the book The Great Waves of Change:
Take some quiet time each week to review the Four Pillars of your life, remembering…
Carol posted an update in the group
a week agoLearning News and Updates a week ago
REMINDER: Studenthood Chat
Saturday, March 8, 2025
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Mountain Time USA
Hello everyone,
You are invited to join a discussion of the New Message teaching Building Strength and Resilience with Marshall Vian Summers, Patricia Summers, and students worldwide on Discord’s Studenthood Chat channel: Saturday, March 8th, at 9:00 AM US…
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