The Free School of the New Message
Entering the New World Reality
July - August 2018
Welcome to the two-month session of The Free School where we enter into The New World Reality and our preparation, both inner and outer, for life in a radically changing world. In this session, we will be focusing on The Great Waves of Change book along with the wisdom and experience of the Messenger and the teachers of the New Message, Patricia Summers and Reed Summers. Beyond the primary and secondary revelations of each month, you are invited to go even deeper and explore other chapters in the Great Waves book, even reading the entire book during these two months, and to begin a deep evaluation of your life with this book as a guide.
This is our opportunity to make a serious inquiry into all aspects of our lives in order to prepare for a rapidly changing Great Waves world and the reality of Contact with extraterrestrial life that is now underway. The urgency of our times is truly a “wakeup call” to stop wasting our lives and begin to take the critical next steps that we may have been avoiding in order to get into position to take up our greater service to the human family.
This new session is also an opportunity to further strengthen our relationship with Knowledge, the critical navigational guide that we will need to rely upon increasingly as we face the growing challenges and uncertain times ahead. Our survival and the preservation of our freedom in this New World Reality mandates that we prioritize this essential preparation now and not procrastinate until the 11th hour when it will be much more of a challenge, or in many cases, too late.
“The New Message is telling you what is coming. It is warning you. It is preparing you. But it is still up to you to respond, to be responsible—to be able to respond and to learn how to follow, step by step, the things that you must do, with courage and determination.”
July 2018
“This is your time. This is why you have come. These are the great events of your time. This is the great threshold that humanity is facing, for you must now prepare for a future that will be unlike the past. Life will not go on as you have known it, uninterrupted. Humanity will not simply find other sources of energy or some magic solution to maintain the privileges of the few."
MONTH ONE | July 2018
- Primary Revelation: The Great Waves of Change | CH. 1 | The Great Waves of Change
- Secondary Revelation: The Great Waves and Your Life | CH. 2 | The Great Waves of Change
- Read and engage with the Primary and Secondary Revelations
- Begin The Deep Evaluation
- Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World
- Create: A Mapping Methodology | Deep Study of the Revelations.
- Great Waves of Change Practices
Study the Revelation:
Read the Primary Revelation for Month One, The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 1 from The Great Waves of Change book. Again, explore reading this revelation in a visioning state of mind, where you are able to step back in your experience and see and feel the message of this revelation in its greater application to your life and to the world around you.
Engage with the Revelation:
In reading The Great Waves of Change (or the Secondary Revelation for this month, The Great Waves and Your Life) was there a specific passage, practice or directive that spoke to you most powerfully and that you feel you must stay with or even begin to practice in your life at this time? If so, begin to engage with this on a daily basis. See where this takes you. Bring your experience of this engagement with the New Message to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
In addition, in the ‘Great Waves of Change Practices‘ section of the Appendix in the back of The Great Waves of Change book, there are a number of practices for you to consider applying. See if any of these practices speaks to you and can be applied in your life at this time.
Also consider engaging with the revelation by “mapping” the revelation in a way that works for you and your studenthood. This is an important approach to gaining access to the richness and depth of each revelation. See the Mapping Methodology tab in this Study Plan for more details.
Share and Discuss:
Join students from around the world each Saturday in The Free School Campfire Chat as we share our experience and application of the teachings in this School Session and to discuss the following questions.
- What does the New World Reality mean for you? How do you view this new reality?
- How do you see the reality of Contact and the Great Waves of change affecting the world now and in the near future?
- How could they affect your life, both now and in the future?
- From the session Study Plan: In reading the Primary or Secondary Revelations for this month, was there a specific passage, practice or directive that spoke to you most powerfully and that you feel you must stay with or begin to put into practice in your life? If so, please share your experience of implementing this in your daily life.
- If you have had the opportunity to engage with the ‘Practices’ listed in the ‘Great Waves of Change Practices’ section of the Appendix in the back of The Great Waves of Change book, which practice(s) did you feel inclined to engage with? E.g., Evaluating discomfort, Recognizing the signs, etc.
- Have you had a chance to begin The Deep Evaluation, as described in this Study Plan, and if so, how is this going for you?
- The Deep Evaluation affords you the opportunity to consider whether the Great Waves of change may have an effect upon your career, work pillar and financial condition and their prospects for the future. Has anything come up for you in this regard?
- As you proceed with your Deep Evaluation, how do you feel about the relationship landscape of your life–family, friends, co-workers and others–and whether these relationships are helping you move forward or holding you back? Looking into the future, how do you see the New World Reality affecting your relationships?
- So far in your life, what have you done to prepare for the Great Waves of change?
- In reading the Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World, were there one or two recommendations that stood out to you, that you feel you need to consider further or put into action in your life?
August 2018
“In preparing for the Great Waves and in preparing for the Greater Community, you are preparing for your true purpose and greater mission in life. These are not merely inconveniences. These are the opportunities that you have been waiting for. For under normal circumstances, you will never find your greater purpose and mission in life. Something extraordinary must happen to call them forth from you, to create a situation where they will be needed and called for."
MONTH TWO | August 2018
- Primary Revelation: Your Purpose and Destiny in a Changing World | CH. 12 |The Great Waves of Change
- Secondary Revelation: Seeing, Knowing and Taking Action | CH. 14 |The Great Waves of Change
- Read and engage with the Primary and Secondary Revelations
- Begin The Deep Evaluation
- Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World
- Create: A Mapping Methodology | Deep Study of the Revelations.
- Great Waves of Change Practices
Study the Revelation:
Read the Primary Revelation for Month Two, Your Purpose and Destiny in a Changing World, Chapter 14 from The Great Waves of Change book. Again, explore reading this revelation in a visioning state of mind, where you are able to step back in your experience and see and feel the message of this revelation in its greater application to your life and to the world around you.
Engage with the Revelation:
In reading Your Purpose and Destiny in a Changing World (or the Secondary Revelation for this month, Seeing, Knowing and Taking Action) was there a specific passage, practice or directive that spoke to you most powerfully and that you feel you must stay with or even practice in your life at this time? If so, begin to engage with this on a daily basis. See where this takes you. Bring your experience of this engagement with the New Message to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
In addition, in the ‘Great Waves of Change Practices‘ section of the Appendix in the back of The Great Waves of Change book, there are a number of practices for you to consider applying. See if any of these practices speaks to you and can be applied in your life at this time.
Also consider engaging with the revelation by “mapping” the revelation in a way that works for you and your studenthood. This is an important approach to gaining access to the richness and depth of each revelation. See the Mapping Methodology tab in this Study Plan for more details.
Share and Discuss:
Join students from around the world each Saturday at The Free School Campfire Chat to share our experience and application of the teachings in this School Session and to discuss the following questions.
- From the session Study Plan: In reading the Primary or Secondary Revelations for this month, was there a specific passage, practice or directive that spoke to you most powerfully, and that you feel you must stay with or begin to put into practice in your life? If so, please share your experience of implementing this in your daily life.
- If you have had the opportunity to engage with any of the ‘Practices‘ located in the ‘Great Waves of Change Practices’ section of the Appendix in the back of The Great Waves of Change book, which practice(s) did you feel inclined to engage with? E.g., Evaluating discomfort, Recognizing the signs, etc.
- Have the Great Waves teachings affected the way you see normal human activities in day-to-day life?
- In what ways are the Great Waves of change connected to your sense of higher purpose?
- The Great Waves of change are creating the conditions for political instability, economic stagnation, war, famine and massive human migration around the world. Is this affecting your nation and, if so, how?
- The Great Waves teachings speak of the importance of time—using the time you have appropriately in light of the state of the world and the emergence of your higher purpose. How do you feel about how you are using your time now? Is there anything you feel you must be doing or not doing in light of the importance of this time?
- Have you had a chance to read the Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World? Are there any recommendations here that spoke to you and that you feel you could begin to move with?
- If you are engaging in The Deep Evaluation, how has this process been going for you? What has come up? What opportunities, insights or obstacles have arisen?
- Do you feel that the Great Waves of change are connected to humanity’s emergence into the Greater Community? If so, how are they interconnected?
- What next steps could you take, in sharing the reality of the Great Waves and the Greater Community with others? In what ways could you help reach others now with this critical awareness and teachings from the New Message and the Messenger?
Further Study
Begin the Deep Evaluation:
A core aspect of preparing for the New World and for a life of higher purpose, in general, is to engage in a practice that the New Message refers to as The Deep Evaluation. This is an ongoing and deep inquiry into the major aspects of your life: your relationships, work, circumstances, thinking and emotions, and how these elements of your life are either supporting you or hindering you, propelling you forward or holding you back from responding to the calling of your life at this time. This evaluation is fundamentally about relationships—how you regard and interact with the different areas of your life and experience.
Take the opportunity during this session to begin a Deep Evaluation of your life. Begin with the following passage from The Deep Evaluation as your guide. Go further into the full revelation to gain a deeper insight and direction as your inquiry continues. Attend the weekly Free School Campfire Chat to share your experience of this practice with other students.
The following is just one passage from The Deep Evaluation, calling us to this accounting. There are many more questions and perspectives, posed in this revelation.
"The great evaluation begins with taking stock of where you are now—how you spend your time, your energy, your focus and your interests.
Where is your life being given away?
What is it being focused upon?
Where is it being assigned?
You only have so much energy in the day, so much time in the day, so much space within your mind to consider things. Where is that all going now?
What are you doing?
Who are you with?
What are your priorities?
Where are you gaining energy in your life, and where are you losing it?
And to whom are you losing it, and to what are you losing it?
Where do you feel certainty, and where do you feel uncertain?
What relationships are you in now that give you a sense of certainty and direction?
And which relationships cloud that certainty or obstruct it completely?"
Explore the Revelation The Deep Evaluation further for new insights and direction in undertaking this practice. You will continue the Deep Evaluation that you began now in Month One, into Month Two. Begin to coalesce what this Deep Evaluation is bringing up for you, specifically within the Four Pillars of your life:
- The Pillar of Relationships
- The Pillar of Work
- The Pillar of Health (physical, mental and emotional)
- The Pillar of Spiritual Development
Continue to share your experience of this practice with other students on the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.
Consider the ‘Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World’:
Read the Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World, and consider which of these recommendations speaks to you at this time and which is something you feel you must begin to move with.
“Therefore, you stand at the precipice. Will you choose to remain ignorant and will you fight and struggle when your ignorance and your denial fail you finally? Or will you choose the path of courage and wisdom to prepare and to allow God’s great gift of Knowledge to guide you and to direct you?"
Table of Contents
Free School Campfire Chat
Join The Messenger, The Society and students from the Worldwide Community every Saturday for a focused discussion on the current session.
Tuesday World Meditation
Join other students from around the world, either in person in the Sanctuary in Boulder, Colorado, or as part of the LIVE Broadcast to do your own Steps to Knowledge practice in a group setting. Steps to Knowledge is a foundational practice of the New Message from God.
Carol posted an update in the group
4 days agoLearning News and Updates 4 days ago
Four-Pillars Practice | The Way of Knowledge | March & April 2025
As part of learning The Way of Knowledge for this session, you are invited to engage in a Four-Pillars Review Practice.
— From Great Waves of Change Practices in the book The Great Waves of Change:
Take some quiet time each week to review the Four Pillars of your life, remembering…
Carol posted an update in the group
a week agoLearning News and Updates a week ago
REMINDER: Studenthood Chat
Saturday, March 8, 2025
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Mountain Time USA
Hello everyone,
You are invited to join a discussion of the New Message teaching Building Strength and Resilience with Marshall Vian Summers, Patricia Summers, and students worldwide on Discord’s Studenthood Chat channel: Saturday, March 8th, at 9:00 AM US…
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