Entering the New World | September – October 2022

The Free School of the New Message

Entering the New World

September - October 2022

Welcome to the two-month session on Entering the New World. This School Session is part of an ongoing preparation for the Great Waves of World Change: the converging social, political and environmental changes occurring in the world.

Humanity is now entering a New World Reality. At this time, a global pandemic, droughts, wildfires, flooding and other environmental events are sweeping across the world. Yet these are just the first of many Great Waves to come in this century. The future before us will be unlike the past in so many ways, and there is no going back. This is the threshold that is facing everyone in the world. We are blessed to be forewarned of this by the New Message and to be given a great body of teachings to prepare us.

In this two-month session, we invite you to step into a larger dimension of your life where your greater purpose in being here can be discovered and expressed amidst these changing circumstances.

The shock of the future is with you now. The wise see before events occur and prepare accordingly. They do not wait to be overtaken in the last moment. They see the signs of the world. They determine the change in the weather, in the atmosphere, in the movement of things and in the response of not only people, but of the creatures of nature. They are watching.” – The Shock of the Future



September | Month One: The Shock of the Future, CH12 from The New World, received April 30, 2011 | DISCUSS

October | Month Two: Adapting to Great Change, from the forthcoming Volume 2 book Preparing for the Great Waves of Change, received May 22, 2008 | DISCUSS


Read and study the Core Revelation for the current month.

Keep a Study Journal as you go, and consider doing a Deep Study of each month’s Core Revelation, highlighting the most important passages and noting any specific perspectives, directives or questions that you would like to focus on further during the month.

Consider spending time with the Core Revelation for the month while out and about in the world in order to help see the oncoming realities that this revelation speaks of. 

Bring your experience of this Deep Study—whether done alone, out in the world or in nature—to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.


September | Month One:

Read the Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World and see if there is a recommendation that stands out to you that you feel you must stay with and begin to practice or apply directly in your life at this time. Pick one or more guidelines and begin to practice these. Bring your experience of engaging with this to the weekly Free School Campfire Chat.

This is an opportunity to have a deeper engagement with the New Message according to the unique needs of your learning and development at this time. Together with your Steps to Knowledge Practice, engaging in your studenthood in this dynamic way is what constitutes part of the core work of preparing to live in a New World Reality.

October | Month Two:

You stand at the next decade—a decade of tumultuous change, a decade of evolution, evolutionary change, not just personal change, not just political change—evolutionary change… This next decade will be very decisive. It will not be completely decisive, but it will be very decisive.” – The Great Turning Point for Humanity

Long-Range, Four-Pillar Evaluation for the Decade to Come:

Do an evaluation of your Four Pillars over the next month of this Entering the New World Free School Session. Look at the decade we are now in and assess each Pillar. Where are you weak? What changes do you need to undertake? How can you build greater resilience in order to face the ongoing changes that are occurring in life around you? Evaluate your Pillars in the context of the next decade.


Signs from the World:

What are the signs that you are seeing from the world around you (if you are seeing them), and what are they revealing to you? Pay attention to your experience. Keep an ongoing log of signs or impressions from the world that strike you regarding the present and/or the future. Make this a Watchtower practice that you can maintain in the background over time.



Share the Core Revelation for the month with others, whether in person or online, during this month of study and contemplation of the New World Reality.

Consider participating in the  Advocates of the New Message Group on the Worldwide Community Website for inspiration.

Visit the Advocacy Chatroom to participate in an ongoing conversation about wisdom, creative ideas and approaches to sharing the New Message out in the world.


Join the Worldwide Community of students as we gather at the Free School Campfire Chat most every Saturday, at 9am MT, to discuss a selected topic from the current session of The Free School of the New Message.

Find your local time here.


MONTH ONE | September:

Saturday, September 3rd:

  1. What comes up for you in reading The Shock of the Future and in thinking about the Great Waves of Change that are beginning to manifest now?
  2. (Optional) Have you experienced a feeling of shock, dismay or overwhelm in considering the Great Waves? If so, what prompted this and what was this like for you?
  3. (Optional) What constructive strategies have you found to help you deal with these emotions and feelings?

Saturday, September 10th:

With preparation, there is no shock. There is only confirmation. Even that which is shocking will not overwhelm you. It will surprise and dismay you perhaps in the moment, but you will not be overtaken by it. You will not be paralyzed by it, frozen in fear without any idea of what to do.” – The Shock of the Future

— Has a sense of foreknowing or recognition regarding the oncoming Great Waves prompted you already to institute changes in your life or affairs?

Saturday, September 17th:

It is a time to look and to see and to keep looking and watching, discerning the horizon, discerning the changing circumstances of life around you, discerning the change that is occurring in people’s lives—unanticipated change, overwhelming change, beyond the normal parameters of life.” – The Shock of the Future

— In recent times, how have you seen the demeanor or behavior of people around you change? What do you feel this indicates? If what you are experiencing and observing in people continues, where do you see this could go in the future?

Saturday, September 24th:

It will be a shock to so many people. Many people will not be able to respond. They have not built the strength in their lives to face a new world. They will be vulnerable, they will be threatened.” – Entering the New World

— What does it mean for you to build strength in your life to face this New World Reality that is before us? How can you become functionally stronger in the world?


MONTH TWO | October:

Saturday, October 1st:

— What came up for you in reading Adapting to Great Change? In what ways have you adapted your life to this New World Reality so far?

Saturday, October 8th:

What will this look like for you, who now must concern yourself with preparing for a future that will be so unlike the past? Think first that you must reduce your consumption of resources by at least fifty percent, particularly if you live in a wealthy nation or an affluent lifestyle. If you are very rich, you will have to reduce your consumption even more.” – Adapting to Great Change

— How could you reduce your level of consumption? How could you begin to live on less?

Saturday, October 15th:

For some people, this will require a great rethinking of their ideas and beliefs and position. Others will rail against God for letting them down, for not providing for them, and there will be a great loss of faith. Others will strike out against their neighbors, their governments…thinking it is all a matter of politics and economics, failing to see that they have violated their fundamental relationship with the world and with nature itself.” – Adapting to Great Change

— Given what you know about yourself, how would you likely respond emotionally and practically if things get very difficult? 

Saturday, October 22th:

THE ENCAMPMENT: No Free School Campfire Chat.

Saturday, October 29th:

Knowledge will teach you how to navigate the changing world. But first it must free you from the burden of your current conditions, mostly your mental and emotional conditions, which weigh upon you more heavily than almost anything else. You must free your mind so the power of your mind can be used purposefully.” – Being Centered in a Crashing World

— What steps do you see to take in addressing your current mental and emotional condition and working with your mind in an increasingly unstable world?


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