Experiencing Your Greater Self

Reed Summers speaks on experiencing our greater aspect of self, on January 24, 2018 at the Opening Broadcast of the 2018 Messenger’s Vigil.

Deep within each of us there is this reality that responds to a Greater Reality from beyond the world. So that is what is moving in us: a force from beyond the world—unending, compassionate. And no wonder it hasn’t let us just kind of live a happy, a happy life off the hook. It hasn’t let us just live a life for ourselves and pursue what society and culture says to pursue. It hasn’t let go of us. And maybe that’s been a struggle: hard to accept, hard to live with. But at the deeper level of who we are, that struggle? It’s okay. This is what matters: our life beyond this life.

And so we may think this is so uncompromising, so difficult, so mysterious, so hard. But the deeper part of us I don’t think feels that way. It knew it would be like this. It knew it would be a challenge. It knew this world would be going through its greatest period of tumultuous change, perhaps in history. Our deeper nature is wired for this. It is ready. It is not upset. It is not disturbed. In fact, this is perfect for its expression, for its greatest gift to be given.This is the time. This is the context for that gift. And of course it’s hard. We knew that.

And the New Message is giving us these openings to have a remembrance of how we saw the world from beyond the world; what the world looked like from the other side before we came; how it will look to us once we leave. It’s constantly opening that door saying, “Look through this door. Look at your life from the perspective of those who watch over you even now, that Angelic Presence that watches over all life in the world. Look from this vantage point.”

So what has been such a struggle—life in this world, for example—can be seen from a different perspective, from a different self, so…

So, here we stand at the cusp, or in the middle, of a great journey, the journey, really the one thing to be done in this life, which is to wake up, to realize that who you are is not your body or your mind; and to have a deeper sense of who you are arise naturally within you; and to take the journey of many steps; and bringing the thinking, surface separate part of you into contact—even marriage—with the deeper part of you, to allow that deeper part of you to express itself.

So that’s the mysterious process underway. And it calls for movement. It calls for self-acceptance. It calls for us to be kind on ourselves—seriously very kind—because this is a great challenge for a human being. And it’s not going to be graceful. But it’s so purposeful. And what alternative is there? To go back asleep, you know, in the world and recommit to all the appearances of wealth and pleasure and power and possessions and all the stuff that basically dominates the thinking of most people? You know, as the New Message would say, to rejoin the chain gang, those who are slavishly walking down the side of the highway of life; just mindlessly meeting the needs of their culture, their society, the needs of those around them, their fantasies and ambitions and all the things of the mind that are just unquestioned—just conditioned in our years growing up in the world. Do you really want to join that line of people walking down the highway of life who can’t determine where they’re going, who don’t know where they’re going, who are working and efforting slavishly for things that may not really matter? I find that to be a completely unacceptable option. There is no option. Failure’s not an option—you’ve heard that before. Yeah, you heard that by those on that Space Shuttle, traveling God only knows how many tens of thousands of miles an hour on their way somewhere on a mission.

And I think when you open up the books of the New Message and begin your study, you start to realize that, “I am here on a mission. I didn’t just wash up here. And now I just, I’m gonna, you know, you know rejoin consciousness and become enlightened and just kind of depart this very uncomfortable place.” You know, it’s like as soon as you realize you came you want to leave.

Well, you came because you chose to come; because this world needed people of a greater spiritual depth—lineage—to give to this world at this time. So we chose to come. And now we’re waking up to the mission for which we came. We came to do certain things with certain people.

And so I say to myself, “Failure is not an option.” And I think of that mission. What other option really is there?

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  1. Since I’ve been called and have taken on this preparation, I have come to realize that I truly am a part of something Greater. It hasn’t been easy sometimes, especially when passing through a threshold, but so worth it! There is no way I could go back , only forward on this journey. As you say, Reed, we have chosen to come into the world as this time.

  2. I love the chain gang analogy. If I’m being honest I tried to return back to my “regular” life after engaging with the New Message and its contents, this was a year ago or so. At that time I thought its weight was too much for me, I did not feel up to the task. That time spent trying to run away from the NMG was miserable, trying to maintain the same unhealthy life with a new awareness was like knowing there was a thorn in my shoe during a hike but refusing to take it out. I broke out of this spell only recently about three months ago or so and I am glad I did. I have rededicated myself to the STK and cannot see myself doing anything but seeing it through no matter how I feel about my abilities or lack thereof.

  3. Interesting to watch the conflict with the ego and the self, the ego is not used to this challenge to its supremacy and certainly does not like the silence of meditation.

    1. The ‘door’ offers a contrast between your mind and Knowledge, with the door there is a Presence. It feels distinct. Look through the door, can you feel where you came from before you came into the world. Here is your origin, you have not left it. Actually you can feel your origin while in the world. Here we are. So those are the relationships we brought with us in this physical world.

  4. Thank you Reed, I was only thinking earlier today that there is no going back. As I pondered the great mission we are undertaking, the reason I am here and have found the NMG, the immensity of the task before us, I realised this was what I signed up for, this is the reason I am here, and now I must fulfil what I came to do. This is an inspirational message, right on the day I needed it most. Thank you again Reed for your wisdom and insight.

    1. You’re welcome Hillary, glad this touched a note of inspiration for you, we all need that reminder and remembrance periodically – “this was what I signed up for, this is the reason I am here, and now I must fulfil what I came to do.“