Experiencing Your Higher Purpose | Revelation Broadcast Event

Watch Reed Summers speak during the Broadcast, May 15, 2023.
Experiencing Your Higher Purpose
Revelation Broadcast Events
Full Session Transcript
Well hello, and welcome. Thank you for joining me. My name is Reed Summers and I’m here to share with you the newest revelation of the New Message from God. For those just joining, the New Message is an original communication from the Creator of all life, given through my father, Marshall Vian Summers, over a 40-year period across over 800 Angelic encounters, one of which I will be sharing with you for the first time ever in the world tonight.
The revelation I’ll be sharing with you is titled Experiencing Your Higher Purpose, and it is one of the many, many revelations in the New Message that talks about the key reality of individuals around the world discovering the fact that they have a higher purpose in life, in making contact with their deeper spiritual nature, which really alone can reveal what that higher purpose is and take them on the Journey of many steps to fulfilling it. So this topic of a higher purpose is central to the New Message, and it’s central to the solution for our world as it faces unbelievable challenges environmentally and socially, politically. People around the world, all people really in the world have an intrinsic relationship to something out there in the world that has their name on it—a purpose that is meant for them. And their nature and design are all about that. And yet if we’re preoccupied, if we’re overtaken by our social conditioning or our obligations in life or the manipulation and control of society, politics, religion, family, whatever, then we’re not going to be able to sense into that nature and design and contribute that gift that we have to give to that need out there in the world. So this is really what it’s all about. To begin I’d like to share a passage with you from this revelation that we’ll be listening to. This revelation again is titled Experiencing Your Higher Purpose: God has sent a New Message into the world to prepare humanity for the Great Waves of change and to prepare humanity for the challenges and the opportunities of engaging with intelligent life in the universe. These are the two greatest events in human history, and you are here to be a part of this in a very unique and special way. Perhaps these two great events are beyond your awareness. Perhaps you have never concerned yourself with them. But they will change the world you live in, and they are connected to why you are here. As you’ll hear in the revelation tonight, this really is one of its key messages, is that we cannot understand ourselves without understanding the context in which we live, which our deeper nature is intrinsically connected to and responding to already within us. So by getting out into the world, seeing what’s happening in this world and allowing the movement of life to trigger the movement of life within us, there really is no other activating power that has that to get us moving in the right direction towards our higher purpose. So this revelation really does call us out into the environment around us and asks us to become involved purposefully out there. And yet this revelation really is about experiencing your higher purpose, as the title suggests, which is really a different state of mind than understanding your higher purpose or planning for your higher purpose or preparing your outer life for a higher purpose. So I invite you right now to settle into that state of mind which is more experiential, which is to basically make space. Maybe put aside the concerns of the day. Put things in the far corner of your mental room, just a pile of things over there—whatever’s in your experience—so that something can arise naturally for you in listening to this revelation, so that you actually can, maybe even tonight, experience your higher purpose or perhaps just a little bit of it or a sense or a glimpse of what it might be in the future. And with that, I’d like to ask you all a question, and I’d like you to think about this question while we’re together. And after the broadcast—I’m sorry—after the revelation, I’m going to ask this question again and see what comes up. And if you’d like to share in the chat on whatever platform you’re viewing, please do so. This is a passage again from tonight’s revelation: You have a greater responsibility in being in the world. You have a greater need. There is a current that is consistent, that gives meaning and direction to your existence here. It is this that represents the deeper current of your life. So my question to you is: How have you experienced this deeper current in your life? Either in your past or in the present. And if there’s something you can share from that please, please do so, and I’ll read some of that after we listen to the revelation. So with that, let’s listen to Experiencing Your Higher Purpose, an original revelation from the New Message being broadcast for the first time. [The revelation plays.] This was the revelation Experiencing Your Higher Purpose, received by Marshall Vian Summers, and is one of over 800 Angelic encounters that represent the body of work which is the New Message from God. I want to tap in to see what you might have shared regarding this question I posed earlier which I’ll put back on screen here for you: How have you experienced this deeper current in your life? I think it’s really important to reference those times when something really was moving us purposefully, that was a moment when we acknowledge the spiritual mind within us was moving in parallel and in close proximity, so that when we get out of that proximity we know what it feels like to step back in and what might bring us back in. Carol said: “Regarding disappointment and disillusionment. Dream job, dream home, dream relationship. I remember being let down by these things as the first spark of ignition.” And then another one said: “A very strong aspect of my experience of this higher purpose is an irrefutable must being compelled to respond once the internal switch is turned on.” Yes, I’d like to share with you four keys that I picked out from this revelation. Actually, I didn’t really pick them out, it gave them in sequence as four specific ways that we can experience our higher purpose. But I took them to be these four keys; so I’d like to share them with you now. There are several things that will contribute to the emergence of a greater purpose in your life: The first is disappointment and disillusionment with your desires and pursuits and the desires and pursuits of other people… You feel this and you experience this within yourself. And it brings you back to reconsider your life and your obligations to others. The other thing that is supporting the emergence of your higher purpose in life are the changing circumstances of the world, particularly that arena in which you are destined to make a contribution. As it changes, as those circumstances change, it throws a hidden switch within you. All of a sudden your life is moving because it has a destiny and the destiny is beyond your control. And then third: The third thing that will support the emergence of a greater purpose in your life is the arrival of certain relationships. These relationships are really not about recreation, hobbies, or personal enjoyments. They are really of a deeper nature. They speak to something deeper within you. The fourth thing that will initiate the emergence of a greater purpose in your life is time. In this life, you only have so much time… If your time is being wasted, or idly spent, it will wear upon you. As a deeper purpose begins to emerge in your experience, you will have a sense of the value of your time. So taken together, four keys to experiencing your higher purpose: Disappointment and disillusionment with your desires and pursuits. The changing circumstances of the world. Relationships of a deeper nature. Sensing the value of the time you have. And I’m curious, maybe you can put in the chat if one of the four of these calls out to you loudest and is most prominent in your experience right now. There’s an interesting part in the revelation where it speaks about how the world can change but not in a way that you can recognize or understand. And yet, that right there triggers a change within you without even knowing about what’s happened outside of you. And I definitely resonate with that and then feel that that’s the case. The world has changed in the last two and a half years, three years. So much is different. But do we know what exactly? Like, could I list out for you the 10 things that are different? Probably not . But at a felt level, something has also shifted in response to that and I haven’t yet caught up with that. So you know, this is why…well for myself, I spend quite a bit of time looking out on the world seeing what’s happening, sensing the changing landscape if I can and seeing how I respond to what that calls out of me. So I think that’s really important because, you know, our purpose and its emergence is in a sense on a timeline which is the world’s timeline. And so if we’re living in this tiny little life where we don’t know it’s us ourselves, our job, our family, our friends, our schedule for the week, we’re going to start to feel things that are not about any of that but we won’t be queued into what that change internally is and how to respond to it. So this connection between the inner world and the outer world—our deeper nature and the actual human world around us—is very fascinating in the New Message, very unique I think. And it’s very important in spiritual study and application to be so worldly because I think often we’re taken out of the world. We take retreat from the world. We disassociate or even demean the outer world and its many lowly expressions, for example, when really those are the expressions that need our contribution. We need to be an expresser within that landscape of the human experience. And so the New Message does not take us out of the world. It actually it takes us aside, takes us off the court to the sidelines and coaches us to get back on the court in a whole different way, play a whole different game, and to take our role on that team which is really what the New Message calls the Great Coordination—a team not just of us and the people we know. It’s a large mysterious network of people intrinsically connected who may not even know about each other, but they’re still connected and their lives are, in a sense, moving together and in concert. And all of a sudden, you know, down the road you meet them or your contributions cross paths. And there are stories in the history of our world of that happening which are pretty amazing. But this Great Coordination, this is the team and the New Message is like the coach and we are the promising player who has a role to play. And so I think just keeping in mind that you’re meant to find your court and to play that game which is the one for you to play and that all of this inner inquiry in spiritual practice and contemplation and even some of the difficult things we go through of having to re-evaluate relationships, place, work and go through all of that tumultuous change is really to, as the revelation said, to prepare us. It’s to see your life in the sense of preparing for something. I think it’s also important not to have some sort of fixed goal about while the preparation’s over and now I’m the star player. Star players never stop preparing. They never stop training. In fact, the best of them, they say, are the first in the gym and the last to leave the gym. So the preparation doesn’t end, but its gifts start to manifest of their own through us and through our interactions with people. So we’re all preparing for that magical spark of something moving through us without our controlling it. It’s not even us, in fact. It’s nothing we created. It’s not a force of personality. It’s something greater moving through us and, you know, the vehicle that is our life in this world. So this is what the New Message is all about. I’d like to leave you with several more passages from this revelation before we begin to wrap-up. And these two speak really about ultimately what carries us into this purpose and sustains us in it. Ultimately, it becomes the pull of your destiny that draws you, that brings your life together, that enables you to follow one voice within your mind instead of many voices. This is what enables you to overcome conflict and self-disassociation. Here things that are meaningful within you become stronger, and things that are meaningless begin to be discerned and to fall away. As your life begins to move towards its greater destination, the pull and the attraction of that destination will increase. Like a gravitational pull, it will become stronger. This, over time, will enable you to become single-minded. With this kind of focus, you will become more powerful, more determined and more resistant to seductions and persuasions around you, some of which captured you before and fixed your attention, but now they cannot penetrate your self-determination. This is how addictions are escaped. This is how bad habits are overcome because you have something more important to do, and you are feeling the pull of this… So may we each make contact with that thing within us and in the world which represents something more important to do. And I think that would have the power to rearrange our values, our habits, the way we use our time and energy, but we have to prepare to make contact with it and then make contact with it. So let’s prepare for that and let’s do it. So thank you all for being here and being present for the broadcast of the newest revelation of the New Message from God. I invite you to explore the New Message further. These are books of the New Message that are available currently and in the future. The Revelation you just heard is now available as of this moment at NewMessage.org/ExperiencingPurpose. And you can read all the revelations being released at the New Message Library. And I invite you to come gather again and listen to the next upcoming three revelations that will be released by Marshall from the library of the New Message. And as we go forward, Marshall is continuing to select revelations to be given now into the world, and they’re available. And so please consider who might need to see them and hear them. And I’m sure they will find their way to who they need to reach. So with that, I’ll say goodnight and thank you, and take care. And hopefully we can all continue in this experience of preparing for higher purpose and feeling higher purpose as a reality in our lives. So with that, thank you all. I’ll say good night. Bye.
Reed Great JOB! When are we going to start seeing new things from Dearest Marshall?? Seems like he may be having more health related ISSUES. I really watch YOU TUBE But would love to see Marshall at. you know don’t want to think people behind the the curtain are KEEPING him away ?????
UPDATE would be great!!