Activity Feed (2021-12-28) Forums Free School of the New Message Campfire Chat Transcripts Campfire Chat Transcript March 8, 2025

  • Campfire Chat Transcript March 8, 2025

    Posted by Jeffrey Adler on March 8, 2025 at 10:35 am

    carolacoffey **Hello and welcome to all preparing for another important gathering and disussion of the teaching [Building Strength and Resilience](**
    riyadh_b Hello Carol, Thank you for hosting the chat today.
    peterbegic Hello Carol and Rijadh and all…
    somphetvilayseng Hello Carol hello Rijadh Peter
    carolacoffey Hello Riyadh and Peter. Welcome!
    mohammednhossain_77266 “Hi Carol! It’s always good to see you. Always grateful for your dedicated service to us and the world.
    Hi Riyadh, Peter, & Somphet.”
    somphetvilayseng Hi Mohammed
    carolacoffey Greetings Mohammed and Somphet!
    khadija0610 Hello Carol and everyone
    carolacoffey Welcome, Khadija!
    francois.pellicaan Hello everyone
    justinkohn_34228 Hello all- nnc
    marta_bartres Welcome everyone
    levycarneiro Hi all!
    debbie.rabotnick_95326 Good morning everyone
    marta_bartres Thanks for hosting today
    carolacoffey “**While others are gathering, please take a moment to be with Marshall’s wisdom teachings from the Studenthood Chat on February 22, 2025:**

    — **Things socially, politically, and economically are going to get messy as we go forth.** Hold fast to “the center line” within yourself and do what you can on the outside to prepare. It is not the end of the world, but many things we are used to may come to an end. This always happens at times of great historical change. Think of what your grandparents had to go through with two World Wars, a worldwide 1918 Pandemic, and a Great Depression. We are not used to change like this, but it will make us stronger and wiser if we are prepared.

    — **“You must now be very cautious.** Caution is different from fear. Fear is a kind of blind reaction, a kind of paralyzing experience. But caution is observant. It is objective. It is inquiring. You are looking to see what you must see. You are taking great care with your actions and your thoughts and your decisions. That is being cautious.”

    — **We are blessed to be given signs from the future.** This is meant to save us and give us the possibility of providing greater service to the world. Much of living wisely is discerning the movement of life and preparing for what is coming. That is why we have a large brain. But will we use it appropriately?

    — **Know the trends and trend lines.** Small things change often but bigger trends are more long-lasting. Ask yourself, “Is where I live sustainable going forward?””
    damianferrario_76314 Thank you
    carolacoffey “**Here for your review is today’s discussion question:**

    — What impacted you in reading the
    teaching [Building Strength and Resilience](

    **We will begin the Chat discussion after the Hour when this question is posted again.**”
    nomisao_64070 “Thank you for hosting today Carol,
    and hello everyone present”
    meribeth_wi_us Greetings, all, and thanks, @Carol!
    tuukka_57496 Hi all
    bruceincapecod Hello everyone! 🙂
    heathermackenzie_31289 Hello everyone and thank you Carol!
    carolacoffey It is a pleasure to host.
    chigozie102 Greetings everyone here.
    chigozie102 Thank you very much Carol for hosting.
    thomasjfn “Hello everyone.

    Thank you for Hosting Carol. I appreciate your great practice.

    Nasi Novare Coram”
    timbeatty_33171 Hi everyone
    ilhunchung Hello everyone.
    franckl_0 Hello . Thank you for hosting the chat today. Hello ! May Ramadan fill the members of your family who practice it with his grace.
    mike_lf_cal Greetings everyone from southern California.
    insuk_52623 Hello everyone.
    franckl_0 Hello everyone!
    kristinahartley Hi everyone
    diane_scobee Hello everyone. Great to be here with you all!
    riyadh_b Nasi Novare Coram
    louiseshana “Hello everyone. Great day to meet.
    Thank you Carol for hosting”
    thomasjfn Nasi Novare Coram
    carolacoffey **It is now the Hour, everyone. Please let us take a moment in shared Stillness, settling in for our discussion today. Nasi Novare Coram.**
    khadija0610 Nasi Novare Coram
    franckl_0 Nasi Novare Coram
    damianferrario_76314 Nasi Novare Coram
    somphetvilayseng Nasi Novare Coram
    bruceincapecod Nasi Novare Coram
    marta_bartres NNC
    jeffreyadler_58302 Nasi Novare Coram
    behinjamon Nasi Novare Coram
    insuk_52623 Nasi Novare Coram
    meribeth_wi_us Nasi Novare Coram
    kristinahartley Nasi Novare Coram
    diane_scobee Hi !NNC
    unity33 Nasi Novare Coram
    peterbegic Nasi Novare Coram
    kahalaomapuana Nasi Novare Coram
    mike_lf_cal Nasi Novare Coram
    debbie.rabotnick_95326 Nasi Novare Coram
    justinkohn_34228 NNC
    marc.nmfg Nasi Novare Coram
    darlene_77520 Nasi Novare Coram
    shawn.j.m. Nasi Novare Coram
    nms_p Nasi Novare Coram
    louiseshana Nasi Novare Coram
    bigsky5 NNC
    larae13_81302 Nasi Novare Coram
    selinakhter Hello Everyone good morning!
    sbevol2 Nasi Novare Coram
    tonia0059 Nasi Novare Coram Hello everyone
    nancyalohaor_58526 Nasi Novare Coram
    behinjamon Good morning friends! This chapter was exactly what I needed as I began this morning feeling weak and directionless. In rereading this chapter I was struck by the concept of working towards something greater while leaving the definition of it open. In my psychology studies this week I’ve been looking at unconditional positive regard and I think this willingness to leave our Calling open is a sort of trust that requires unconditional positive regard
    haekyung_11300 Hello everyone. Nasi Novare Coram
    jangsun_84624 Nasi Novare Coram
    khadija0610 Thank you Franck, I also practice it and find it good for my physical and moral health.
    yannickm974 Hi everyone. Nasi Novare Coram
    carolacoffey “**Hello and welcome again, everyone.**

    **And a warm welcome and gratitude to anyone joining the Studenthood Chat for the first time. Please free to ask questions, share your reflections, and introduce yourself, if you would like.**

    **We are currently engaged in studying the Way of Knowledge for March and April 2025** with a focus on the [Journey to a New Life]( and the New Message teaching for these two months: [Building Strength and Resilience](, powerful themes that align well with the challenges and opportunities of our time.

    **For those new to the Way of Knowledge study,** this is an opportunity to engage deeply with spiritual practice, self-reflection, and inner development. Building Strength and Resilience is especially relevant, as it supports the ability to navigate an uncertain and changing world with clarity and purpose.

    **Please visit [here]( for the complete Study and Practices for this two-month session.**”
    ilme0270 Nasi Novare Coram
    kurijn Hello everyone, good to be with you all.
    jeanne_boulder_41231 good day Nasi Novare Coram
    justinkohn_34228 Quick notice: I finally heard back from The UFO con in S.F (April 4-5-6). They have graciosly agreed to donate a table space! We will be there for the weekend giving out NM/Allies info! Anyone who can make it, see you there!
    khadija0610 Hi .NNC
    carolacoffey “**Again, to help make our discussion go as smoothly as possible:**

    **Kindly avoid posting emojis, links outside the New Message, or abbreviations for New Message terms, such as GC for Greater Community, to help keep our focus on the discussion and for the sake of new students. Thank you for understanding.**”
    sbevol2 Hi everyone
    vincentpelot Hello everyone
    jwc0571 Nasi Novare Coram
    somphetvilayseng Thank you Behinjamon
    seleusnezerwe_05028 Hello everyone!
    bruceincapecod Thank you Justin!
    patriciasummers_61421 Hello and thank you all for being here and for contributing your experience and insights/ foresights.
    shirley_73424 Hi all
    meribeth_wi_us A good starting share for today, , thank you for that!
    carolacoffey “**Now for today’s first question:**

    — **What impacted you in reading this important teaching [Building Strength and Resilience](**”
    somphetvilayseng Thank you Patricia and good morning
    jeanne_boulder_41231 , wonderful, thanks for all you do for us.
    sujung_ha Hello everyone
    josefpichler “Nasi Novare Coram
    Hello everyone! Happy to be again with you all, this very, very special community I am blessed to be a part of.”
    meribeth_wi_us Excellent, !
    damianferrario_76314 The Angelic Presence needs to know that you have the courage and stamina to do what is asked of you. Before they reveal anything really important to you, they want to see if you can sustain the effort, if you can be responsible enough, if you can correct your harmful tendencies, if you can be consistent, and if you can be strong.
    chigozie102 You are welcome Joseph Pichler.
    franckl_0 Hello & I am happy to see you here
    josefpichler Thank you! Welcome!
    peterbegic Stood out to me too..
    diane_scobee . Great to hear. Thank you for your service to the New Message from God.
    jwc0571 What struck me most was the reminder that this is a long game and there’s no glory in the preparation. Strength comes from living the mundane and meaningful life and everything that I do is either preparing me for my greater purpose or preventing me from realizing it.
    louiseshana I find that my efforts at talking to people about the new message are not very successful. Why, I wonder, is that. Even with people who broach the subject and seem interested.
    heathermackenzie_31289 This is one of many impacts that resonate especially when it comes to consistency , being strong and correcting self-damaging tendencies: “The Angelic Presence needs to know that you have the courage and the stamina to do what will be required. Before they reveal to you anything really important, they want to see if you can sustain the effort, if you can be responsible enough, if you can correct your damaging self-tendencies, if you can be consistent, and if you can be strong.”
    yannickm974 Hello !
    behinjamon Thank you Meribeth and Somphet! I am thinking this ties into the New Message concept of faith. When we leave our Calling open we allow space for Mystery. This willingess to leave it open requires the humility of admitting that God’s Plan is so much bigger than I am. Which isn’t easy because as humans it seems we often think we star in our own show to some degree.
    chigozie102 Exactly!
    peterbegic This is so very important because it is a great tragedy when something significant is given to a person or a group of people and they cannot sustain it, and it fails. It is a failure for them individually. It is a failure in their relationships. And it is a failure to those who have given them this greater opportunity in life.
    seleusnezerwe_05028 “The Angelic Presence needs to know that you have the courage and the stamina to do what will be required. Before they reveal to you anything really important, they want to see if you can sustain the effort, if you can be responsible enough, if you can correct your damaging self-tendencies, if you can be consistent, and if you can be strong.”
    josefpichler Thank you, for your bravery and your deligence, Justin!
    carolacoffey “”The Angelic Presence needs to know that you have the courage and stamina to do what is asked of you…”
    This passage also stood out for me. I have felt that I’ve experienced courage and stamina in the past, but where do I stand now, at this time and this place in my life, in terms of courage, stamina, consistency, courage, objectivity, damaging self-tendencies? No time to sit back on my laurels. True strength isn’t just about having experienced courage or endurance in the past—it’s about continually realigning with them in the present. And we’re given the means: 4-Pillar Practice, the Way of Knowledge, Steps, Deep Evaluation Practice.”
    123181_ Hello everyone.
    jeffreyadler_58302 Thank you .
    sbevol2 “This, of course, is moving in an opposite direction than many people are moving today. They want to escape responsibilities. They want to avoid responsibilities. But what is having a greater purpose in life but assuming a far greater set of responsibilities? Now you have to live a greater life [with] greater actions, greater courage, greater strength and greater self-honesty.” This reminds me of the lonely road ahead as far as my immediate environment, and the importance of staying connected with students.
    jwc0571 I was also humbled by the reference to the Messenger. As Marshall has told us before, he had to prepare a great deal before being told his purpose… And as far as purpose goes, it doesn’t get any bigger than his!
    josefpichler This is a great tragedy, a great loss with great side effects.
    sbevol2 ““People assume they are ready for things they are not ready for. They assume, if given the opportunity, if given the encouragement, that they could undertake a more important set of tasks in their life. But the truth is they do not have the strength, and they do not yet have the capacity, and so great opportunities may come to them, but they will not be able to see it or to receive it. It will seem too demanding, too inconvenient, too disruptive to their current activities, too complex, too confusing, or just too difficult.”
    This reminds me of a time when great opportunities were missed because I was not ready”
    damianferrario_76314 Thank you !
    marta_bartres “Strength and responsibility. “You could say, with some accuracy, that everything you have been doing in life so far is preparation for your higher purpose: developing character, acquiring skills, recognising the importance of being honest with yourself, learning to communicate effectively with other people and to work with them, counteracting your own dangerous or unwarranted tendencies. All of these things can be established throughout life itself.”

    Over the last 10 years, through major health processes and major turning points, there has been relentless work, observation, a sense of purpose and strength to keep going. Now the strength is naturally increasing. It is strength without effort”
    sbevol2 ““But what is a great opportunity but an opportunity to do something of a greater magnitude in your life? And this will certainly require more of you than your current activities require. It will require greater strength, greater courage, greater self-confidence, greater self-honesty. It will require many things from you.”

    This speaks of my state now…and what I am preparing for…these greater opportunities. There is an openness about me because I let go of so much…I feel I am in a state where I am rediscovering myself while keeping many lessons within me so i do not repeat the same mistakes of the past. Knowledge or my Teacher or both, I’m not sure is directing me to pay attention to things, deeper things…but at the same time, the intervention is near therefore I’m working on developing my ability to tell the difference.”
    jensdenmark_08466 “Hello everyone.
    Notice: Summer time starts tomorrow Sunday 9th March in USA, but summer time in Europe starts first Sunday 30th March, and in this period the chat and other meetings will start one hour earlier in Europe.”
    somphetvilayseng Thank you Carol
    peterbegic i feel a sense of responsibility and i take it siriusly
    josefpichler Constant re-evalution, no resting on dry laurels.
    jwc0571 I am trying to learn how to meet people where they are as a starting point. I say trying because 99.9% of the time I simply don’t have the patience for it.
    damianferrario_76314 Thank you for sharing !
    tonia0059 “Hello Carol, Hello Patricia.
    This stood out to me as the first one out of two:
    “Your greater purpose is like climbing a mountain, and in the same way, you must prepare for the climb itself. You must prepare by building strength and resilience and consistency. Not only must you be able to mount the effort, you must be able to sustain that effort, over time. And in the case of considering your greater purpose in life, it is a great deal of time. It is the rest of your life.”
    “You go because you know you must go because Knowledge, the deeper Intelligence within you, is confirming that you must proceed. And it is this Knowledge, instead of your will power, or the strength and conviction of your beliefs, that will really be the foundation that will sustain you through difficult and uncertain times ahead.””
    haekyungkim “”The strength that We speak of is not the kind of strength to simply mount a great effort for a short period of time, to go run ten miles or to finish a project on time, or to mount a great effort in the moment, even in service to another. The strength that We speak of is the strength to take a long journey, to go through long periods where you are not sure what you are doing, to be able to face your own self-doubt and the doubt you have in the wisdom of your actions. It is the strength to carry.”

    This is a really relatable message. True gems are not easy to obtain….!!!”
    marc.nmfg “I found it confirming that Knowledge and the search for Knowledge in your life and practice has great importance in building this strength and resilience. Because, as mentioned in the Teaching, when all else fails, Knowledge will carry you through and will support your perseverance and your honesty to keep going forward.

    _It is Knowledge that will carry you forward, for it has unlimited strength and capacity, far exceeding what you can achieve through will power alone or through the strength and conviction of your ideas. They are fragile in the face of great change in the world, and they will not carry you through the long preparation that is before you, and they will not give you the real courage that you need to proceed when others around you are falling away or falling into despair._”
    nomisao_64070 @Jens Thank you for mentioning that
    kurijn ” The strength building begins now.” – Such an antidote to my mind’s tactics to postpone this to some time in the future.
    louiseshana Thank you John Wilkinson Chapman
    tonia0059 Thank you !
    peterbegic The strength that We speak of is not the kind of strength to simply mount a great effort for a short period of time, to go run ten miles or to finish a project on time, or to mount a great effort in the moment, even in service to another. The strength that We speak of is the strength to take a long journey, to go through long periods where you are not sure what you are doing, to be able to face your own self-doubt and the doubt you have in the wisdom of your actions. It is the strength to carry a greater responsibility in life over a long period of time.
    khadija0610 This recognition will give you a very different understanding of your past and a greater appreciation for everyone who has participated in your life, for everyone has either shown you what you must do or has shown you what you must not do. Through their recommendations and demonstration, they are showing you all things you need to know to finally become honest with yourself and to realize you are here for a greater purpose.
    josefpichler It is not our will and our strength but it is Knowledge that allows us to hold course in times of great challenge. I can witnesd to this! It was never me in these times, never!
    jackyuk. “This quote just seems so amazing

    Though this may be a time of uncertainty for you, it is a time of great promise. It is a time of great excitement for those who watch over you and your life. For your success is not only for you, but it is for them

    To think that our teachers are excited by our preparation…even as we falter and struggle and feel uncertain….and that our success matters so much to them….engenders a great feeling of responsibility…but so mysterious”
    debbie.rabotnick_95326 “Therefore, you prepare for your greater purpose before you know what it is. You prepare in part by building the qualities that you will need to have, the skills and abilities you will need to undertake a greater activity in life. Otherwise, you will not be able to rise to the occasion when that wonderful moment of recognition occurs, where you realize that a greater opportunity has come to you.” This passage really stood out to me because I increasingly realize that it is not just the actions I must take and the skills I must develop but it is also the qualities, character and lessons that are developed and learned along the way. I am finding this to be true in all areas of my life and even in the mundane things that need to be taken care of on a daily or weekly basis.
    chigozie102 “As I delved into the profound teaching on Building Strength and Resilience in the New Message from God, I felt an awakening within me. The words on the page seemed to resonate deeply, echoing the whispers of my soul. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring me to this moment, to remind me of the importance of cultivating inner strength and resilience in the face of the Great Waves of Change.

    At first, I felt a sense of trepidation wash over me. The world around me seemed to be unraveling, with chaos and uncertainty lurking around every corner. I felt like a small boat adrift in a stormy sea, vulnerable to the whims of fate. But as I read on, I began to realize that I had a choice. I could allow the turbulence of the world to consume me, or I could draw upon a deeper well of strength and resilience within myself.”
    happyseed1 Nasi Novare Coram
    carolacoffey “Thank you, . I found it helpful to list these characteristics and see where I need to focus, all so important:

    Mental & Physical Health
    Real work abilities and skills
    Honesty in relationships”
    timbeatty_33171 The word *introspect* comes to mind. While reading the teaching, I immediately recognized responses within my mind when I have been given greater responsibilities. There is a part of me that wants to escape responsibilities, that wants to avoid people. Just recognizing that a greater strength is needed is liberating.
    franckl_0 Thank you . On a similar theme, I like this passage: _”You must prepare by building strength and resilience and consistency. Not only must you be able to mount the effort, you must be able to sustain that effort, over time.”_
    josefpichler That is Learning from others in a great and fast style. My mother always told me, ” Look how others do something and then do it in this way!”
    thomasjfn Thank you Carol. I feel inspired by your Practice.
    haekyungkim “”You go because you know you must go because Knowledge, the deeper Intelligence within you, is confirming that you must proceed. And it is this Knowledge, instead of your will power, or the strength and conviction of your beliefs, that will really be the foundation that will sustain you through difficult and uncertain times ahead.”

    I know nothing…..
    There is only the irresistible pull of knowledge.”
    theofilos95 I really have been living the mundane life, while preparing. Meanwhile, I cannot really decide with my mind that what I am doing actually constitutes preparation or lazyness to actually engage more directly. This constant dillema means I can never rationally tell the difference. Thankfully, I feel I can be with knowledge whenever I put other things away. I remember the days just before finding the New Message, I had told God: “Since you are not telling me what to do, I will engage stupidly and without discretion. Like everybody else does”. I was saved from this at the last second. The next day I found the message…
    somphetvilayseng Thank you Tonia
    josefpichler My whole life was a avoidance of people, but for a goid reason!
    chigozie102 The teaching reminded me that true strength lies not in external circumstances, but in my ability to remain grounded, adaptable, and compassionate in the face of uncertainty. It encouraged me to look beyond my surface-level concerns and to focus on building a deeper connection with my inner self. I began to see that the Great Waves of Change were not just external events, but also opportunities for growth, transformation, and renewal.
    khadija0610 So when someone is called by God to do something greater than simply manage one’s affairs with a reasonable degree of success, there is a period of trial and error. There is a long period of preparation before the real purpose of your efforts is revealed to you.
    jwc0571 Thank you for sharing. How long ago was this?
    marta_bartres Thank you very much for this There is another interesting characteristic that I could define as the ability to maintain openness.
    meribeth_wi_us Beautiful, It is good to know that someone of your strong character still feels the trepidation, but understands the choice.
    seleusnezerwe_05028 “The strength that We speak of is the strength to take a long journey, to go through long periods where you are not sure what you are doing, to be able to face your own self-doubt and the doubt you have in the wisdom of your actions. It is the strength to carry a greater responsibility in life over a long period of time.”
    franckl_0 Thank you ! What you’re saying here reminds me: _”Knowledge carries me because i am a student of Knowledge”_ Step 364
    theofilos95 I found the message 2 years and a month ago.
    josefpichler Very deep down we know already things. The time of their emergence into the surface mind will come.
    jwc0571 That’s great, thank you for your studenthood!
    louiseshana Yes Chigozie, that is my experience too. And so we will be able to deal with whatever comes our way, without losing our balance and capacity to live effectively
    levycarneiro Thanks!
    carolacoffey Ahh… I can relate: that the part of me that wants to escape responsibility, which is the very t hing that enlivens me, that giv es. me a sense of purpose, meaning and direction, that actually feeds my soul.
    jeanne_boulder_41231 I keep doing my STEPS, & remind myself I am not ALONE
    josefpichler You were found ,like we all, like a speck on the ocean. Congratulations!
    tonia0059 I didn’t engage with the Tuesday Meditation yet, but I do plan to do so.
    diane_scobee I recognize the importance of my preparation in The way of Knowledge. so I am building this strong connection to Knowledge, my inner Strength. This is an ongoing strengthening.And as I proceed, I am building my resilience so I can be adaptable to the changing circumstances of my life.
    levycarneiro Thanks Tim!
    khadija0610 It’s all about learning from their mistakes. I know one person I don’t want to do like her, shouting at people all the time.
    bigsky5 ”Most people, if they were told the real outcome of their purpose, they would feel tremndously inadequate because they are not prepared.” This overall instruction in preparation and process is extremely important. I have had several interactions recently with those who want to “know the truth” about extraterrestrial intelligence on planet earth. Once they are presented with the truth however, the back peddling begins and you realize that they don’t really want to know the truth because they are not prepared to hear it. We walk this path of preparation to be ready when the truths we must acknowledge pesent themselves and we are able to see them for what they are. Strength comes with action and preparation.
    haekyung_11300 I agree with you, Josef.
    louiseshana “As
    I was getting more and more upset by events in the outer world I asked for advice from my heavenly guides. It said you have to learn wisdom.”
    chigozie102 “Thank you, Meribeth, for your kind and thoughtful words. Yes, it’s comforting to acknowledge that even with inner strength and resilience, it’s natural to feel trepidation in the face of uncertainty. But recognizing that we have a choice in how we respond is indeed a powerful realization.

    It’s a reminder that our strength and resilience are not about being impervious to challenges, but about being able to navigate them with courage, wisdom, and compassion. And I believe that’s something we can all cultivate, regardless of our circumstances.””
    antoni_janowski Thank you. I resonate. “…in life you must take the journey to find the outcome”. What a mystery! Where is it coming from…?
    chuck6832 Yes, this reference (Even for the Messenger himself, he had to demonstrate his ability to carry forward for many years without really knowing the outcome, without understanding clearly what his efforts were leading to and the great responsibility that he would have to accept and maintain.) stuck me, too. I often think of what it took and takes from him and the small group that supports this mission.
    sbevol2 I also found the New Message after yelling out to God while crying what do you want from me?? I don’t want to live anymore…this was over 13 years ago…keep going…stay strong, engaged with the Steps and the New Message
    somphetvilayseng Thank you Carol good listings
    jackyuk. When advocating, I sometimes find it hard to discover the path…weighing discretion and courage…whether to say something bold…or to be restrained.
    jwc0571 Good point, thanks. I recall that when I found the New Message in 2016, I blocked out anything that related to the Intervention and the Allies briefings. I refused to believe it and convinced myself that Marshall was mistaken here… I started looking at it only after completing 1 round of the Steps.
    selinakhter Question 1. Yes, I see it having a lot of impact on my country. In every aspect of political, social, economic life. The profound impact of this education is spreading not only in the family but also everywhere.
    jeanne_boulder_41231 Blessings
    diane_scobee This stood out: “ You are building strength not only for your greater purpose, but to be able to weather and sustain yourself through the difficult times ahead.” The Great Waves of change are upon us now and all this preparation is coming to fruit.
    josefpichler People want to know the truth but they not prepared for the shock of the truth, they do not have the capacity and the strength yet. And so they have to protect their little stability that they have gathered along the way.
    sdevam_96668 Good Morning! Nasi Novare Coram.
    jackyuk. …so glad you found New Message and stayed here…we need your passion
    marta_bartres Thank you very much for this. There are many techniques and tools that people use to access information that in theory is to discover the truth. I was thinking about that the other day. Because in the end it’s a way of intellectualising the truth. And there’s a lot of risk of hidden forces here.
    timbeatty_33171 Indeed, somehow desiring to avoid “the very thing that enlivens me” seems so confounding that my rational mind cannot wrap its understanding around its own behavior. Compassion emanates.
    haekyungkim “you will appreciate the long periods of time where you had to maintain and to sustain your activities, even if they did not represent your greatest aspirations. You will appreciate the simple contributions of people along the way, even people who demanded great things of you and set a high standard for you. Even people who were difficult to deal with—even they helped you build a foundation.

    This recognition will give you a very different understanding of your past and a greater appreciation for everyone who has participated in your life, for everyone has either shown you what you must do or has shown you what you must not do. Through their recommendations and demonstration, they are showing you all things you need to know to finally become honest with yourself and to realize you are here for a greater purpose.”

    Indeed…. it is true.
    Now that I have grown older and gained some experience over the years, Just, I find myself simply grateful for everything.”
    seleusnezerwe_05028 “Spirituality is a gift. It comes to those who trust.” (from: The Man With Inexplicable Life). Marshall recommended this book in his previous teaching on this platform. It’s about Trust in Knowledge Mind. It’s worth reading.
    somphetvilayseng Thank you for sharing Theofilos
    jackyuk. That’s so interesting John…I’m completely the opposite…read Eric vonDaniken as a teenager and been fascinated by UFOs ever since
    bruceincapecod Me too!
    peterbegic Thank you for sharing.
    tonia0059 Relating
    jwc0571 I was fascinated by the Greater Community—I just refused to believe there was an Intervention occurring…
    chigozie102 “Antoni, I’m so glad you resonated with those words! ‘In life, you must take the journey to find the outcome’ has been a guiding principle for me, reminding me that the path itself is often the destination.

    I love your question, ‘Where is it coming from…?’ It’s as if the mystery of life is unfolding before us, and we’re invited to participate in the grand adventure. The unknown can be both exhilarating and intimidating, but it’s in embracing the mystery that we discover our greatest potential.

    What are your thoughts on this, Antoni? How do you approach the mystery of life’s journey?””
    josefpichler What we yet not have we can cultivate, yes, that was for long time my approach. I must work for it.
    theofilos95 Thank you Stella. I will. I hope we all will. The synchronicity of finding the Message just at the moment when I was deciding to depart from it strengthened my faith even at the superficial level of thought! I never had something come in so timely in my life. We are lucky, I remember what life was like before…
    sbevol2 Thank you for sharing…such a special book
    sbevol2 The Mystery works in mysterious ways
    haekyung_11300 Thank you for your empathy, Peter.
    jackyuk. …yeah, it was a shock, but I related to it instantly and wanted to find out everything I could
    josefpichler For me it was always clear that there must be life out there in space. But I didn’t know what this all was about because of the abductions and all the other not so easy stuff.
    carolacoffey ” This passage also struck me, very deeply. “the simple contributions of people along the way, even people who demanded great things of you and set a high standard for you”…

    The Steps practice asks us to honor those along the way who have given to us, but here I felt this practice going to another level.
    Who were those who demanded great things of me?
    Who set a high standard for me?
    Who pulled out of me more than I thought I could give, or more than what was easy and comfortable to give?

    The times I stretched and the times I did not, unaware at the time that this was actually strength-building, resilience-building for the journey that lay ahead. These were the great relationships. Still on the journey. Still building. Honoring those who give to me now. Past and present, these are the great relationships.”
    sbevol2 Thank you deeply
    haekyung_11300 Thank you for sharing Carol. I will take to heart once again,
    chuck6832 “The strength that We speak of is the strength to take a long journey, to go through long periods where you are not sure what you are doing, to be able to face your own self-doubt and the doubt you have in the wisdom of your actions.” The thing that strike me the most about this practice/path is it address all of life, and acknowledges the depth of character/honesty/courage that need to be addressed over and over and over again.
    jeanne_boulder_41231 When I was 50yrs old I remember asking is this all life is all about felt that there was something MORE, then I found Steps book & now Ilook at life differently. It has prepared me for Great Waves, I am blessed.
    diane_scobee As I go forward on this journey I feel a greater responsibility to for my life and the need to stay more focused on what is important for me to be doing. I need to not get lost in what is happening to in the world, to be aware, yes. But what has my name on it?
    josefpichler I also had prayed to God to show me my further way and short after that, 10 years ago, I was shown the New Message.
    selinakhter The effects of the 4-pillar practice, the path of knowledge, the steps, the deep assessment practice are very deep and beyond imagination. Although it was very difficult to understand at first. This wave of change is making an impression everywhere and I feel it in the review training. However, as a beginning student of knowledge, I did not understand many things. But today’s discussion is expanding my path of knowledge.
    heathermackenzie_31289 Thank you @Carol. Your questions give me much to contemplate.
    seleusnezerwe_05028 Life in itself is a mystery. Philosophers ask “Why life?” and they always give confusing answers. Religions accept life as a mystery without questioning “why” because you have to trust the Creator.
    anderson_56810 Hello everyone, reading the text I realize how much I still need to strive to acquire more strength and resilience to support the four pillars.
    carolacoffey Yes, indeed, . At the same age, I seemed to have all I had dreamed of, and yet had the sense of “Is this all there is?” No, there is something I’m supposed to do.
    josefpichler Yes, it is amazing as it encompasses all of life,especially the not so pleasant and easy parts of life, where we struggle and are confused.
    peterbegic This, of course, requires objectivity and considerable courage. Even developing the ability to be objective is a great challenge for many people. So there are prerequisites here. The prerequisites include the things We have mentioned: self-honesty, responsibility, consistency, duty, discernment, mental and physical health, real work abilities and skills and honesty in your relationships—all very important things just to live a good life in the world, but essential to carry on a greater purpose, and to be able to sustain that purpose, and to fulfill it correctly as it was meant to be fulfilled.
    sbevol2 I have been with these questions for a while now and for me it has been my mother….im thankful for this now, but before I could not understand completely, deeply.
    franckl_0 “It’s true , it’s amazing and mysterious, these passages where the NM describes the manner in which our invisible teachers experience our accompaniment from the Ancient Home. For example, there’s also this passage where we see that our failure is also felt by our teachers as being experienced by themselves:

    _”This is so very important because it is a great tragedy when something significant is given to a person or a group of people and they cannot sustain it, and it fails. It is a failure for them individually. It is a failure in their relationships. And it is a failure to those who have given them this greater opportunity in life.”_

    Elsewhere we can read this too: _”Your Teachers stand by while you go through everything. Most of it is quite boring to them, but they are waiting for the opportunity, and they are providing you with the quality of love and the orientation that you will never find in the world.”_ – Disappointment

    Teachers seem to experience both enthusiasm and boredom. Knowledge workers and invisible teachers seem to share projects together, sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing. May God allow us to integrate this reality in the most appropriate way.”
    debbie.rabotnick_95326 Thank you for the quote from that book The Man with the Inexplicable Life.
    marshallviansummers_69459 Knowledge want you to
    sbevol2 yes, thank you
    timbeatty_33171 “*The strength that We speak of is the strength to take a long journey … It is the strength to carry a greater responsibility in life over a long period of time.*

    As more is asked, I feel a greater sense or urgency to manage my time more effectively.”
    marshallviansummers_69459 I’m here with you all and being with what is being said.
    somphetvilayseng Thank you Stela I Rosenate
    sbevol2 Such a blessing to be here
    chigozie102 “I can only imagine the depth of pain and desperation you must have felt over 13 years ago, crying out to God in anguish. But what a testament to your resilience and determination that you continued on, seeking answers and guidance.

    The New Message from God has been a beacon of hope and light for all of us, hasn’t it? Its teachings have helped us navigate life’s challenges, and the Steps have provided a clear pathway for spiritual growth and self-awareness.
    Nasi Novare Coram”
    jeanne_boulder_41231 Thanks Marshall
    debbie.rabotnick_95326 Thank you Marshall!
    marta_bartres Thank you
    insuk_52623 Thank you Marshall
    sdevam_96668 Thank Marshall
    damianferrario_76314 Thank you
    jackyuk. Yes ….the idea of them being ‘bored’ is astonishing…and banal….so unexpected…but somehow makes them so real…and, it’s rather embarrassing!
    haekyungkim As time goes by, all these things become materials to make me feel better. But at that moment, it’s hard. It seems like time is a cure…!!!
    peterbegic Thank you Marshall
    somphetvilayseng That’s great Marshall thank you for being with us
    nomisao_64070 Thank you for your Presence with us Marshall
    haekyung_11300 Thank you, Marshall.
    louiseshana Thank you for your presence, Marshall.
    jackyuk. ….your presence is always such a welcome blessing to us all
    thomasjfn Being Present to Chats and Hourlies sometimes is what is required for me take it in. To really hear and to really see what knowledge wants me to do. Staying out of the personal mind. Be Still Be Silent. Be consistent.
    jwc0571 I can fully appreciate how difficult is must be a for new students that have only just discovered the Steps. The circumstances today are so different from those of 5 years ago! And that was when COVID just hit! So much going on! So difficult to stay balanced and focused internally…
    jeanne_boulder_41231 It has taken me over 20 years to get where I am today, I still have much to do but feel like I am on the right path. I have improved very much, it takes time I am grateful
    sbevol2 It has saved my life many times
    timbeatty_33171 Thank you Marshall and Patricia for being present here. It is comforting and reassuring to know you are near with us.
    tonia0059 Nasi Novare Coram Thank you, Marshall, we are so blessed to have you here.
    peterbegic You must build the Four Pillars of your life, beginning right now. And then you learn The Way of Knowledge and take the Steps to Knowledge, which you can do right now. And then you begin a deep evaluation of your life and circumstances, particularly your relationships with people, with places and with the activities of your life to see what is really true and should be sustained and what does not have this strength and this certainty and this purpose.
    starsunny83 “In this time of uncertainty, I kept wanting to know the answers and felt anxious as I tried to understand the greater purpose with my thinking mind.

    Even recently, I have felt this way.

    But every day, the Steps given to me have spoken firmly: “I only need to follow these Steps.”

    Before I can fully engage, I must prepare, build my capacity, and experience the mystery of life rather than trying to comprehend it with my intellect. This message has been continuously given to me through the Steps.

    Perhaps this means that I still lack the strength, certainty, and courage to trust and prioritize my inner Knowledge above all else.

    But once again, I realize—this strength is given only through the process of taking each step, one by one, every day.

    Regardless, I know that this is what I must do, and I will accept all that comes and move forward!”
    selinakhter “If We were to tell you, you had to be able to climb this mountain over here, and it was a very high mountain and required skill, We would not just send you over there to begin hiking up the sides. It would begin a whole process of preparation. You do not know what it is like to scale a mountain like this. You do not know what it requires. You do not have the wisdom to understand its dangers and the opportunities you will have along the way. These things must all be learned ahead of time before you take on something really big.” Yes it’s my view as well.i need to learn lots of things yet .
    debbie.rabotnick_95326 I totally agree! It sure is a completely different world than it was 5 years ago.
    heathermackenzie_31289 Yes ” … managing my time more effectively” is so important for me. This includes small rests ‘vacations’ for my mind, pausing to breathe in and out five times and time for stillness practice.
    jwc0571 Thank you, We are blessed to have you.
    sbevol2 Time while paying attention is a cure…if we don’t pay attention, forget it…our life has gone by like a troubled dream
    marta_bartres ““So when God calls someone to something greater than simply managing their affairs with a reasonable degree of success, there is a period of trial and error. There is a long period of preparation before the true purpose of your efforts is revealed to you.”
    seleusnezerwe_05028 “…you are going to have to prepare even to discern that you have a greater purpose. You do this first by building the Four Pillars of your life.” This is the most difficult. How do you prepare without knowing that something is waiting for you?
    jwc0571 And thank you, !
    ilhunchung Thank you, Marshall !
    nms_p When you reach that point of realizing that you do have a greater purpose and that you have to prepare for it, you will be able to look back on your life and see how certain essential skills were necessary for you to reach this vantage point. This reference has been with me in times of evaluations of my life. There are indeed unforseen skills that has been nurtured in my life without knowing why.
    antoni_janowski “What creates this certainty…? How come this experience is so trustworthy…?
    No more answers needed. Thank you Chigozie for your beautiful pointers.
    It’s the journey. Waiting to be taken and experienced.”
    nomisao_64070 Thank you for your Presence with us Patricia
    theofilos95 It interests me how this world requires this “incubation” period of preparation. We keep getting “attacked” by situations, feelings, people and the state of humanity. I believe it is this fact, that causes our thinking mind to keep strategizing ways to “live well”. But if we pursue them, we will die with our strategies as companions. But we need to die with knowledge instead. We do not just need a solution, we need the Way of all solutions. I guess that is what it means to be human. We have to walk this line of temptation.
    diane_scobee .I agree with you. Looking back now I recognize how everyone helped me along my journey.
    sdevam_96668 Thank You Marshall. Thank you Patricia.
    unity33 ” “It lights your way and it reassures you that your endeavor is not an individual one and that the world you see around you is not all that can be seen, felt and known.”
    – What is Grace?”
    josefpichler The New Message has saved our lives. It has given us real direction, real hope, real and meaningful work to do, it has called me back into the world, who has used spirituality to isolate myself ever more!
    diane_scobee Thank you Marshall. We are blessed to have you here with us.
    mike_lf_cal It is a great blessing to walk with the Messenger … a greater blessing then we realize at this moment. Thank you for sharing this space with us Marshall.
    carolacoffey “I am always struck and humbled by this caution from the Teachers found in several teachings: “You do not know the gravity of what is to come to the world…you still do not see the power of these times.” Wow.

    Given what I’ve learned from the New Message and from the current world condition and events, I thought I pretty well understood the severity of the two monumental threats confronting humanity now, especially after we’ve already witnessed the unthinkable. What is coming is more serious than the unthinkable.”
    sdevam_96668 Thank You Carol
    josefpichler Walking the line of temptation secured with the rope from Knowledge.
    seleusnezerwe_05028 “it is this Knowledge, instead of your will power, or the strength and conviction of your beliefs, that will really be the foundation that will sustain you through difficult and uncertain times ahead.” This made me go back to that “Knowledge is with me, where am I” (STK 2).
    serenasunflowerfairy7594 Hi Everyone, I was late getting on here and I havent read buildinv strength and resiliance yet but I am planning to listen today. I am grateful to still be a student and connected. I will keep on this path. I am sending you all STRENGTH! Nasi Novare Coram, Serena
    selinakhter Thank you to all and messenger The foundation of education that has been laid since the beginning of my student life in nm is having an impact on a larger segment of society that is undergoing change.
    sbevol2 The right relationships come along to help us…to teach us through experience. God always brings to you what you can handle and slowly gives you more until your ready to take on even more but now it’s of a greater caliber
    thomasjfn Thank you Josef for your reply to Chigozie. This happens a lot.
    josefpichler We have yet seen nothing, I assume! It will be a shock also for us!
    peterbegic Yes that keeps me atentive to the world,i can not imagine what is to come..
    diane_scobee .Yes. It is difficult to live with uncertainty. But Knowledge is with us and is all the strength we need.
    chigozie102 I began to prioritize my own inner development, taking time each day to cultivate stillness, clarity, and compassion. I practiced mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection, seeking to understand myself and the world around me more deeply. And as I did, I started to feel a sense of grounding and stability that I had never known before.
    serenasunflowerfairy7594 Sending blessings to you all. Hello Chigozie, Josef, Marshal, Stella, and all my new friends!
    haekyung_11300 I really sympathize with you, Stela.
    anderson_56810 Yes, no one will be able to emerge unscathed from the great waves of change.
    nancyalohaor_58526 Advocating continues to surface as an open ended question . . . I suspect that pointers, . . . practice sessions and Inspired examples of successful completion of getting through, impressing on the other, the real need to know. . .and simply encouraging the person to check it out. . . staying present for moments or conversations to help en-COURAGE their process. . .as for me, LISTENING TO THE VOICE of Revelation Galvanized my KNOWING and my DEVOTION was nurtured by other students who introduced me to others who were taking the STEPS too. .. ??? What will it take to get comfortable with speaking to people. . .. in a way that IS effective. . not off-putting??? . . .occasionally , I experience success in casual conversations. . . but rarely hear the Upshot of that encounter . .at other times, where I do have opportunity to keep in touch with a person’s progress. . . I falter. Key for me is to continue accepting that I may experience gaps in courage, and assuming the role of ‘Informant’, After establishing the person IS genuinely asking. . .Having props with me. to share ie business card. small books requires strength consistency and Intention. AM I Here for Purpose? Am I willing to BE ON PURPOSE? Getting to a place of humble HONESTY within myself. . . . THANKS for listening.
    chuck6832 This future is one of the areas I am working through a powerful sense of denial around. I understand it, sort of, intellectually, but grasping it more viscerally and setting aside all the ways I avoid it remains a real task – to which this revelation speaks.
    theofilos95 Yes! Even in practice, and in little things, Knowledge is there. It is always enough to justify what is happening. If we are available. How little could we achieve without the displays of Knowledge from others.
    serenasunflowerfairy7594 Thank you for your words of encouragement
    josefpichler Knowledge can handle uncertainty and great confusion, great hardship, everything! It is the greatest Power of the entire universe!
    chigozie102 “Great”
    Nasi Novare Coram!”
    serenasunflowerfairy7594 Yes
    louiseshana Beautifully put, Chicozie I . Stability and peace.
    marta_bartres Thank you for this It had a big impact on me too. The practice of returning to the state of presence and attention is indispensable. “Knowledge has no fear”.
    debbie.rabotnick_95326 Thank you for sharing. Indeed it is so very sobering that it is hard to take in. When I find myself being with these kinds of realities that the Teachers are presenting, it really moves me at a deep level. I can feel the reality of it at a deeper level and at the same time I realize that I really can’t fathom it.
    seleusnezerwe_05028 Humanity shall survive. This is the reason the Creator sent the NM. Damages, certainly. Survival, I trust as well.
    serenasunflowerfairy7594 Nasi Novare Coram, I am logging off now. Thank you Marshall and Patricia and everyone!
    selinakhter I always speak with them in the sky in my way . After grafting my bone on left hand I always said Angels “please make okay my hand as it was . “Now I realize that it’s work after attaching my education in nm otherwise I wouldn’t understand what is going on here. I was lost. Thank God .
    mike_lf_cal Remember in the rev The Prophet, rcv’d 2009, the world will be unrecognizable in 20 years.
    ilhunchung These days, I often find myself hesitating to face certain truths. In such moments, I ask myself whether I have the courage and capacity to confront a greater truth.
    sbevol2 I will try my best
    josefpichler To be challenged all the time…and to grow with this challenges!
    timbeatty_33171 “Thanks In my workplace, my co-workers and I are asking ourselves “*what comes next?*”

    Just when you think you grasp the severity of the issue, a new twist is introduced, confounding the situation further. It seems to be a microcosm of a greater situation.

    Even with a good foundation, I’m slowly realizing that outer certainty is ever-elusive and that I must depend on inner certainty and more frequent watchtower practice.”
    franckl_0 “_”In life you must take the journey to find the outcome. If it is a true journey—and not simply a romance, not simply a fantasy of some kind—this is the truth of the situation. You must have that strength, that courage, that faith, for here faith really means something.”_

    Faith that really means something is something other than the faith enunciated with lip service by those who proclaim themselves. The faith of the humble makes it possible to build the 4 pillars. Thank you Marshall for teaching us what true humility is:
    somphetvilayseng Hello Anderson I agree it’s a long term to prepare
    starsunny83 It is truly the case. It takes courage to let go of the desire to perfectly understand every situation, to solve every problem, and to seek answers. The courage to trust Knowledge, the courage to follow…
    vincentpelot “YOU MAY FEEL SMALL, but you express the great. You do not need to be great to express the great because greatness is within you, and your physical vehicle is small in comparison to it. Your reality is born of the greatness that is with you that wishes to express itself in the simplicity of your small vehicle. Here you understand that you are of the great and you are working through the small. Here you will not contradict the relationship between the great and the small, where the small must express the great, which it does naturally. Does a little creature have to attempt to express the great? No. The great merely expresses itself through the little creature.”
    louiseshana I cannot solve all the problems of the world, but I can contribute what I have to give. That is all that is required, together we can create the new world.
    jwc0571 We may survive, but our freedom is not guaranteed. We must earn it collectively as a race and time is running out…
    diane_scobee . Yes. The one question that had been with me all the time and got stronger as I was getting closer to the New Message….
    haekyung_11300 Thank you, JinWha for sharing.
    happyseed1 always thank you dear .
    sbevol2 thank you for being here
    peterbegic Nasi Novare Coram
    justinkohn_34228 NNC—- Quick notice (again): I finally heard back from The UFO con in S.F (April 4-5-6). They have graciosly agreed to donate a table space! We will be there for the weekend giving out NM/Allies info! Anyone who can make it, see you there!
    bruceincapecod Nasi Novare Coram
    diane_scobee Nasi Novare Coram
    thomasjfn Nasi Novare Coram
    tuukka_57496 Nasi Novare Coram
    happyseed1 Nasi Novare Coram
    tonia0059 Nasi Novare Coram
    francois.pellicaan Nasi Novare Coram
    bigsky5 NNC
    chuck6832 Among the many things that drew me to Steps to Knowledge was the sense that this is not an easy path, there’s no ‘new age’ easy band-aids to the reality we face and what it takes to respond to our lives in this time is all the depth we can muster.
    ilhunchung Nasi Novare Coram
    carolacoffey **Once again it is the Hour. Let us again join in Stillness together. Nasi Novare Coram**
    insuk_52623 Nasi Novare Coram
    jeffreyadler_58302 Nasi Novare Coram
    haekyung_11300 Nasi Novare Coram
    mayra0243 Nasi Novare Coram
    shirley_73424 Nasi Novare Coram
    mike_lf_cal Nasi Novare Coram
    unity33 Nasi Novare Coram
    khadija0610 Nasi Novare Coram
    debbie.rabotnick_95326 Nasi Novare Coram
    franckl_0 Nasi Novare Coram
    123181_ Nasi Novare Coram
    jwc0571 Nasi Novare Coram
    patriciasummers_61421 Thank you all for this important time of engagement! as we all move forward! NNC
    josefpichler The faith that ultimately transforms into conviction, into Knowing.
    somphetvilayseng I’m am with you Selina Akhter we will not stop until we reach the top we can help each other thank you
    louiseshana Nasi Novare Coram
    starsunny83 Marshall… I send blessings to you and to the presence flowing within us all…
    damianferrario_76314 Nasi Novare Coram
    josefpichler Nasi Novare Coram
    somphetvilayseng Nasi Novare Coram
    anderson_56810 Hello, how are you, it’s been quite long, lol, I hope I’m at least aware so I don’t get hit when the next big waves of change come.
    somphetvilayseng Nasi Novare Coram
    sbevol2 Four pillar review is very important
    diane_scobee . Yes. It’s something that’s hard to describe but knowing deeply….
    seleusnezerwe_05028 Students of Knowledge with the Messenger form a greater force in this world. We shall shield this world against negative forces. Let’s build self-confidence together. NNC
    unity33 Anyone who goes to God goes alone. They go based only on the power of Knowledge within them.” – Disappointment
    louiseshana Thank you Marshall and Patricia and all students.
    chigozie102 Great’ to here from you.
    jeanne_boulder_41231 Blessings to all students, Nasi Novare Coram
    josefpichler Steps is sober, loving, reality based, encouraging ans 10 000 other indescribable things together.
    haekyung_11300 I agree with you, Carol. Thank you for sharing.
    somphetvilayseng I am with you Anderson we shall do are best
    jeanne_boulder_41231 my Step today 336, Alone I can do nothing
    carolacoffey Thank you for sharing your workplace experience. In these times of great uncertainty, when so much is not following a traditional, predictable pattern, I find myself floating this question almost every day: “What comes next?” Stay tuned…
    josefpichler We have all to make our own journey back to God. That is not a group thing!
    selinakhter Whenever you are with us we feel great. Thank you @
    auonyan I received a message 2.5 years ago direct from Draco Reptilians seer. He told me that Dracos mission to take over our planet’s will fail, and it is because of this New Message and the Divine beings that are here. My Guardians told me,” They will succeed.” It’s in our future to be an autonomous race.
    thomasjfn So True
    sbevol2 many times in the past I would come in the chat unprepared, not having read the Revelation, just reading or experiencing the electrifying energy the engagement of the chat brings..may we all be stronger together
    josefpichler Await surprise after surprise after surprise! Which kind?….???
    carolynrc Good to see you so glad you can be here with all of us.
    josefpichler Me too. But I realized I have to be here, this is my place of participation, these are my group, my tribe!
    seleusnezerwe_05028 “Though this may be a time of uncertainty for you, it is a time of great promise. It is a time of great excitement for those who watch over you and your life. For your success is not only for you, but it is for them”. Unseen Ones are with us, you see. No fear, only trust.
    chigozie102 “The Great Waves of Change still rage on, but I am no longer the same person I was before. I have discovered a deeper well of strength and resilience within myself, a sense of purpose and meaning that guides me through the turmoil. I am no longer a small boat adrift in a stormy sea, but a beacon of light shining brightly in the darkness.

    The teaching on Building Strength and Resilience has been a game-changer for me, a reminder that I have the power to choose how I respond to the challenges of the world. It has shown me that true strength lies not in external circumstances, but in the depth of my own inner connection. And it has given me the courage to stand tall in the face of uncertainty, to shine my light brightly in the darkness, and to trust that I have the strength and resilience to navigate whatever challenges come my way.

    Nasi Novare Coram”
    sbevol2 That’s is something we don’t know…the future can have many outcomes
    theofilos95 When I came to the Message I was immediately touched by the life of the Messenger, as described in the revelations. That he had to abandon opportunities, not being able to explain why to others. I felt my life to be a version of this happening. That the very Messenger had to live this, to such an extent, gave me so much more power. Power to defend my own mind, from the demands that others seem to have had on my life. Thank you!
    selinakhter Thank you I am grateful to you and all and .
    bruceincapecod Beautifully said..
    haekyungkim It was hard at the time, but looking back, I am grateful for everything. Thank you, DianeS.
    peterbegic I am happy for you Chigozie.
    selinakhter I think everything is very microscopic and we can’t see things with the naked eye. We need the light that God gives us. You are right.@carol.
    josefpichler When Marshall is with us we are very blessed. Then is Heaven right there with us! Such a great honor, such a Blessing. Thank you, dear Marshall. All former Great Messengers stand with you and salute you!
    sbevol2 That is wonderful Chigozie…may we grow as strong as you have to have this experience in time
    josefpichler Thank you, Selina for being here! We are all needed.
    chigozie102 Nasi Novare Coram.
    seleusnezerwe_05028 Thank you ” By the omnipotent power of the Universal Creator, our life radiates the light of creative love.” (Oona)
    selinakhter Thank you constantly reminding me that knowledge is something that we don’t know about that. Such a blessings for all. Thank you
    anderson_56810 Letting go of opportunities while we build our ark for an increasingly unstable world is not easy, it requires a lot of faith in the process.
    auonyan The future is set, there plan is in motion. Dracos have tried every weapon out there and everything is diffused. Before this happened , my Guardians told that their world view is about to be challenged. Most people will not realise just how much help they are receiving behind the scenes. All I know is that Dracos have reported that many, many people have protection and have no idea that they do.
    sbevol2 Just like our Messenger has had to live with this awareness within him and this burden….we have this responsibility too, this greater awareness, this “burden” of the New Message, if you is different for each of us depending on our mission and gifts.
    josefpichler To know of a living Messenger was such a surprise and blessing. And then also hear about his life, to see him and his compagnions on youtube was a real Event for me. Now so much in my life made sense, but only now.
    debbie.rabotnick_95326 Thank you for sharing your experience of being no longer the person you were before. The New Message is amazing and profound in it’s ability to move people in the direction of this beautiful and much needed kind of change, that of helping people to gain the strength and purpose that they need not only to withstand great changes in the world but also to be able to make their true contribution to the world.
    selinakhter It’s a great inspirational message. Thank you
    franckl_0 “_”Most people, if they were told the real outcome of their purpose, they would feel tremendously inadequate because they are not prepared. And perhaps they would run the other way, thinking, “Well, this isn’t what I want to do with my life!” They would think that because they do not know their real wishes. They are not honest enough with themselves to know the yearning of their own heart. They are still chasing dreams they have invested in so greatly: romance, wealth, beauty, charm, excitement. They are chasing all these things, committing themselves to things that have no value, no permanence and no real reward at the end. Do not worry about them. They are not your problem, unless you happen to be aligned with one of them or married to one of them. Then you do have a problem.”_

    This passage makes me a little uneasy. The text gives me the feeling of minimizing the situation of isolation experienced by humans who awaken to the teachings of the NM.

    Indeed, everyone around me is invested in romance, wealth, beauty, charm and excitement. But I’m aligned with the people around me, and I believe that’s the case for many students. So it seems to me that most students have the real problem that this revelation is about. At any rate, I have this real problem.”
    starsunny83 That’s right. In the process of strengthening the weak pillars, there are times when it’s difficult to distinguish whether the signals are coming from Knowledge or from my anxiety. This, too, is a process of developing true discernment, isn’t it?
    jackyuk. ….i hope you’re right
    chigozie102 “Thank you For being here today.
    Nasi Novare Coram.”
    tonia0059 Yes, there is a contribution here that is very valuable.
    auonyan Sorry I was attacked by Dracos. They broke into my home, and then attacked me with a body snatcher weapon. Unfortunately for them I survived and have spent 2.5 years with them. It’s been difficult to function because they can move my muscles on my face and body and I can hear their thoughts and emotions, and they still send weapons through which are sometimes painful. So I have gone public with what I know.
    jackyuk. So awful for you …. I think there are other NM students who have experienced similar events
    auonyan Anyway they are very stressed because there plans are failing and never before have they had every single weapon deactivated. They told me it should not be possible. Yet every day I experience the miracle of being alive. I don’t find it scary. But I do know more than anyone who they are and what they are about.
    sbevol2 I read somewhere in the New Message that anxiety is good, of course if anxiety is disabling you from taking action that’s not good…but I’m starting to pay attention more to my anxiety now…I ask my anxiety questions
    auonyan I don’t have anxiety. It’s impossible to feel in danger.
    ilhunchung Yes, we are witnessing more and more events in the world deviating from traditional and predictable patterns. It truly is a matter of “What comes next?” I am feeling the need to reassess many things.
    somphetvilayseng Thank you Josef Pichler yes the New Messages has save are live
    sbevol2 My trust is in Marshall and the New Message…what you talk of I don’t understand
    anderson_56810 My condolences, always ask for protection from the Unseen and continue on the path of Knowledge so that each day you become stronger and less attractive to draco ops.
    haekyungkim Theofilos~ I had the same experience as you and was moved by the same emotions from Our Messenger Marshall. Thank you for sharing.
    auonyan The Angelic presence that sent Marshall the New Message is protecting me and many others. They are amongst us
    josefpichler There are these 5% of fear that are lifesaving fear. The other 95% may be imaginations.
    auonyan They can protect us because they can disarm weapons.
    patriciasummers_61421 Powerful individual and collective realizations and practices being discussed here.
    thomasjfn Stela, ask anxiety questions , possibly could break down fear and move forward. Thanks
    sbevol2 Caution is good…fear is not
    auonyan Honestly it shouldn’t be that difficult to describe what has happened. I have had people tell me they have seen Dracos too after I put images of them. I am raising awareness of their tactics. But it’s not scary. They aren’t evil.
    josefpichler We are in the process of arriving at the bottom of the precipice!
    happyseed1 Thank you Marshall, Patricia, Carol and all for sharing your experiences. Be well. Nasi Novare Coram
    danimyl Staying on topic is hard. But there is a topic. And these chats are better when we stay on it. Thank you everyone.
    carolacoffey Indeed, “Knowledge has no fear.” The issue of fear… A natural response of the personal mind. So, to align with Knowledge to “give yourself to Knowledge. Give your mind and your heart so that you may be strengthened in that certainty where fear can never enter. Your fearlessness in the future must not be born of pretense, but born of your certainty in Knowledge. In this way, you will be a refuge of peace and a source of wealth for others. This is what you are meant to be. This is why you have come into the world.. Step 162
    jackyuk. Yes …when I read the News I become increasingly aware of the Intervention pulling strings
    somphetvilayseng Thank you Serena Sunflower Fairy I send you strength to
    tonia0059 Blessings Jeanne
    carolacoffey “***Before we close our discussion, you are invited to these important upcoming gatherings:***

    — **The Worldwide Community Summit**: Learn how to connect more deeply with the New Message, how The Society is planning to reach the world, and how you might assist in this great effort.

    **Friday, March 14**: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
    **Saturday, March 15**: 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, and 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. All times are US Mountain Time.

    **[Register here](** to participate live online.

    **— Next Studenthood Chat: Saturday, March 22,** at 9:00 AM Mountain Time

    **— New Message Teaching Release titled Mystery** streaming live: **Saturday, April 5**, at 9:00 AM US MT. Watch on the [New Message Events YouTube channel]( and then gather for a discussion on Discord’s [Live Broadcast Chat.”
    josefpichler Playing every Party against each other, like Puppenspieler on the strings.
    haekyung_11300 I agree with you, Ilhun.
    sbevol2 thank you Mary for sharing the link on Caution
    patriciasummers_61421 Everyone, consider revisiting the most recently released revelation, Grace. it speaks to a powerful conferral of resources( fuel) to us and others provided through contact with the deeper states and in engaging with the world.
    shirley_73424 Thankful that the New Message is in the world !
    heathermackenzie_31289 In regard to “What comes next?” we are living at a time of increasing instability that is defined by uncertainty. Looking from the Watchtower I see our freedom and sovereignty at many levels, from the personal to national and for humanity at large at stake. Freedom is not free as Marshall often reminds us. Of this we can be certain. Indeed the time is now for building strength, courage and all that the New Message gives us to face the darkness of the Great Waves and the Intervention and to bring lights of Knowledge to our human family.
    thomasjfn “Thank you everyone. I can sense Strength and resilience built with each Chat.
    Thanks again Carol for hosting, your insight, inspiring Practice and much more. It’s a pleasure to be here with everyone.

    Nasi Novare Coram”
    josefpichler Thank you all! Thank you, Carol! Thank you, Patricia! Thank you very much, Marshall, our beloved Messeger.
    bruceincapecod Thank you everyone! Nasi Novare Coram
    ilhunchung “Therefore, do not think of courage as a divine bestowal. If you feel you are lacking in courage or perhaps lack sufficient courage, then remember that it is something you must generate within yourself. You have the power to do this because Knowledge is with you. You have the opportunity to do this because of the time in which you live. You have the requirement to do this because you have come here to serve a greater purpose, which you are yearning to discover and to carry out. All of the ingredients are within you; all of the ingredients are in the world. Conditions are right. Knowledge and courage go together, for without courage you will not undertake the reclamation of Knowledge and without Knowledge you will not trust in the courage you have developed thus far.” – Courage
    timbeatty_33171 **To request support or report issues, please go to**
    theofilos95 Thank you all
    meribeth_wi_us Thank you, everyone!
    josefpichler The time is here!
    peterbegic Thank you all…
    jackyuk. Yes ….we must build our own courage…with the help of Knowledge and our teachers
    maureen_89477 There is no doubt in my mind or experience that NHI/ETs are here. They have been studying us for decades and know how to use us. We need to pool our experiences to identify exactly what they are up to, how they are doing it and how to take counter measures against them.
    chuck6832 Yes!!
    mike_lf_cal “Everyone – Please consider participating in the synchronized prayer/group-mind session following your hourly’s and especially the 15 minute extended prayer session every Sunday for Marshall. Let’s keep up the pressure on improving Marshall’s health and vitality with our relentless prayers! If you are not participating… Please join in whenever you can! The Power of prayer is greatly increased when two or more are practicing at the same time and with the same intention and there are mountains of empirical scientific proof on this as well as the power of the group mind as revealed by the AA.
    The synchronized prayer is working!

    US Times (Sunday):
    Los Angels, CA; 1:00 – 1:15PM PT
    Boulder, CO; 2:00 – 2:15PM MT
    New York; 4:00 – 4:15PM ET
    Hawaii; 10:00 -10:15AM HST

    Far East:
    Seoul, Korea 5:00 – 5:15AM (Monday)
    Toyko, Japan

    London; 9:00 – 9:15PM
    Berlin, Budapest,
    Paris, Stockholm; 10:00 – 10:15PM

    Ivory Coast; 4:00 – 4:15PM
    Cape Town 10:00 – 10:15PM

    Down Under (Monday):
    Aukland (NZST); Mon 8:00AM – 8:15AM
    Sydney (AEST); Mon 6:00AM – 6:15AM

    If you are unsure of the time I always post on my FB page and the WWC Stillness page shortly before the Sunday synchronized prayer starts
    Patricia Summers — 10:31 AM:
    Noting the signs coming from the world: people, the environment, even political structures and governments, this is a consequential time especially regarding the presence of the Intervention.

    Jeffrey Adler replied 5 days, 22 hours ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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