Activity Feed (2021-12-28) Forums General Discussion Someone is altering the revelations of in the wiki section by taking out some words/sentences from a paragraph

  • Someone is altering the revelations of in the wiki section by taking out some words/sentences from a paragraph

    Posted by Unknown Member on December 15, 2018 at 2:59 pm

    VERY IMPORTANT: Someone is altering the revelations of in the wiki section of by taking out some words from a sentences and taking out some sentences from a paragraph in other instances. For instance, someone with editing privileges have take out the words “projecting an” and “understanding” from the sentence “That is projecting an incorrect understanding.” And that is one example out of many examples I have seen in wiki.

    “People do not need to add on to it or alter it in any way, for this weakens it and destroys its power, confuses its meaning and corrupts its message. “

    “Do not think that you can do a better plan for presenting this to the world. Do not play the Judas role. Do not betray the Messenger.”


    “Some people believe that many of God’s angels have fallen, have been seduced by the pleasure and the seductions of physical life and have fallen and become the demons; that God is opposed by whole leagues of angels or other beings who are opposed to God’s reality…. Really the opposition is part of the reality of living a life of Separation—the desire to be separate, the fear of giving up this Separation, the emphasis on one’s uniqueness and all of the particulars of one’s identity and psychology…. This is the power that opposes the reality of life. Certainly, there are beings that are committed to this; there are even beings beyond your visible range who are committed to this; there are angels who are committed to this. But do not think that there is one fallen angel that is the source of all evil in this world or the whole universe. That is … incorrect.”


    Some people believe that many of God’s angels have fallen, have been seduced by the pleasures and the seductions of physical life and have fallen and become demons and that God is opposed by whole leagues of angels, or other beings who are opposed to God’s reality.

    This is certainly convenient because it identifies the opposition, but really the opposition is part of the reality of living life in Separation—the desire to be separate, the fear of giving up this Separation, the emphasis on one’s uniqueness and all of the particulars of one’s identity and psychology. People place great emphasis on what makes them unique, what gives them status, what gives them recognition and what makes them powerful or desirable.

    This is the power that opposes the reality of life. Certainly, there are beings that are committed to this. There are even beings beyond your visible range who are committed to this. There are angels who are committed to this. But do not think that there is one fallen angel that is the source of all evil in this world or the whole universe. That is projecting an incorrect understanding.


    The one who will betray the Messenger will come from the ranks of his supporters. The disaffected or failed student, rather than taking responsibility for their own difficulties and limitations, will seek to deny or diminish the Message and the Messenger.
    This always happens at times of Revelation. You will see this happening.

    consider this: those who might share  the wiki section of newmessage with the words and sentences (like the above ones) missing/taken out, then it will lose its impact because quote from newmessage: “for this weakens it and destroys its power, confuses its meaning and corrupts its message. “

    Mary replied 6 years, 2 months ago 15 Members · 27 Replies
  • 27 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 15, 2018 at 3:26 pm

    Here are the rest of the altered pages in wiki which is different from the full revelations on

    “There are many … who have been taken by the visitors already but who have not yielded to them or to their persuasion.”

    There are many others who have been taken by the visitors already but who have not yielded to them or to their persuasion.



    “[Your] world … has gone through a very long and protracted period of tribal social development and … has accelerated in recent centuries into large tribal and then international societies.”


    However, in a world such as yours, which has gone through a very long and protracted period of tribal social development and which has accelerated in recent centuries into large tribal and then international societies, you have now reached the great threshold where the world must become one community.


    “Most people … are so given to survival and gratification that they cannot see anything else. They are intoxicated with themselves and with those things that they use for their own self-avoidance. They can only be led by powers that are beyond themselves. They are helpless to resist.”


    “I have a mission in my life to fulfill. This is most certainly true, but it exists so far outside the boundaries of people’s concerns and preoccupations that most people simply cannot gain access to it in any way at all. They are so given to survival and gratification that they cannot see anything else. They are intoxicated with themselves and with those things that they use for their own self-avoidance. They can only be led by powers that are beyond themselves. They are helpless to resist.” Steps to knowledge: Continuation Training Step 79


    “Look at people living at the dawn of times of [[Great Waves of Change|great change], at the outset of times of great change, and see the consequences for those who were aware and made preparations and the consequences for those who did not…. If you do not respond to this and cannot fulfill what Knowledge has given you to do, then these times will be terrifying and unsettling, and you will not be in a position to escape the difficulties, to benefit from the opportunities or to be of service to others. This is why you must become serious about your life. You must look to your life. Stop playing games. Stop fantasizing and become engaged in life. Pay attention to what the world is telling you, but do not come to immediate conclusions. Do not look for simple answers. Do not demand solutions. For the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world and humanity’s emergence into the Greater Community are problems you will have to live with.”

    “Look at people living at the dawn of times of great change, at the outset of times of great change, and see the consequences for those who were aware and made preparations and the consequences for those who did not. Here history can be a great teacher, a great teacher of wisdom.  You are now living at the threshold of great change in the world. If you do not respond to this and cannot fulfill what Knowledge has given you to do, then these times will be terrifying and unsettling, and you will not be in a position to escape the difficulties or to benefit from the opportunities or to be of service to others.

    This is why you must become serious about your life. You must look to your life. Stop playing games. Stop fantasizing and become engaged in life. Pay attention to what the world is telling you, but do not come to immediate conclusions. Do not look for simple answers. Do not demand solutions. For the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world and humanity’s emergence into the Greater Community are problems you will have to live with.




    “Look at the behavior of the person engaged in addiction. They are going hot and cold with their addiction. They are giving themselves to it with all kinds of explanations and justifications, and then they are denying it and claiming that they are going to free themselves. Then they say, ‘Oh, I can’t do it. Why bother?’ And they give in once again … Indeed, it takes the recognition of real need and suffering in the world to bring people out of their intoxication with what they want and what they don’t want—their self-absorption.”

    “Look at the behavior of the person engaged in addiction. They are going hot and cold with their addiction. They are giving themselves to it with all kinds of explanations and justifcations, and then they are denying it and claiming that they are going to free themselves. Then they say, “Oh, I can’t do it. Why bother?” And they give in once again.
    Money is a tool. Beyond meeting basic survival needs, it is a tool. What purpose does it serve? What are you trying to accomplish with it? Here you must not only look at your own
    goals, priorities and values, you must look at what the world is requiring. If you are sincerely seeking to realize a greater purpose in life, do not look to yourself alone. Look to yourself and to the world. The world says, “I need this, and I need this, and I need this.” Which need can you fulfill? Indeed, it takes the recognition of real need and suffering in the world to bring people out
    of their intoxication with what they want and what they don’t want — their self-absorption.”  Wisdom from The Greater Community Volume 2, Ch. 22


    “In your longer practice periods, engage your mind actively in attempting to understand … what Spiritual Family really means. Try to understand that it is intrinsic to you. You did not choose it. You are simply born of it. It represents your accomplishment in Knowledge thus far.”

    In your longer practice periods, engage your mind actively in attempting to understand the message that you are given today. Try to understand what Spiritual Family really means. Try to understand that it is intrinsic to you. You did not choose it. You are simply born of it. It represents your accomplishment in Knowledge thus far.



    “Think for a moment in terms of everything being a relationship…. The next thing to consider is that each of these relationships represents an influence. Each influences you, and you influence them.”

    “So think for a moment in terms of everything being a relationship. You have a relationship with people, places, things, events, the past, the future, world events and your nation. You have no neutral relationships, for every one of them is either helping you or hindering you and holding you back. You even have a relationship with the Greater Community of intelligent life in the Universe, though it is unlikely that you have discovered what this means to you yet and how important it will be for your future. The next thing to consider is that each of these relationships represents an influence. Each influences you, and you influence them.”  The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 5



    “Begin then with simple things. Review everything that you own. Everything that you own, even insignificant things, have a value to you of some kind and in a subtle way represent an influence…. Begin, then, to clear out your life, to simplify.”


    “Begin then with simple things. Review everything that you own. Everything that you own, even insignificant things, have a value to you of some kind and in a subtle way represent an influence. If your life is full of things that have no usefulness or purpose, then they are taking time and energy from you to a certain degree. You still own them, and so you are still in relationship with them. They are occupying space in your home and in your mind. Everything you own really either needs to be fundamentally practical and necessary or personally very meaningful, and that meaning must come in a way that supports who you are now and where you feel you are heading in life. Things that represent old memories have an influence, drawing you backwards, when in fact you must be facing the future and learning how to live fully in the moment. It is easier to let go of things than to let go of people or to let go of security. So it is a place to begin. The process is one of sorting out, bringing a greater objectivity into your life—looking at every possession that you have and asking, “Is this really useful to me? Is it personally meaningful to me? And does it enhance and strengthen my awareness and understanding of myself?

    You will find that your life is cluttered, that things are weighing you down and that there are a lot of old things in your life that perhaps you never think about. But, in reality, they are having an influence over you. As you let them go, you feel lighter and better, and somehow over time your mind becomes clearer. This is a good place to start. It is not very challenging, but it is a beginning step in developing discernment—discernment in relationships—for everything you do, everything you own, and everything you are associated with represents relationships. All of these relationships have an influence upon you—upon your awareness, your decisions and the direction that you know you must follow. Begin, then, to clear out your life, to simplify.”  The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 5


    “Here the poor are often more rich in spirit than the rich themselves, who have a great competing agenda differing from their primary purpose and function of being in the world…. The power of force, the power of wealth, the attractions of beauty and charm ultimately cannot compete or compare with [God’s Power and Presence].”

    Here the poor are often more rich in spirit than the rich themselves, who have a great competing agenda differing from their primary purpose and function of being in the world.

    God’s Power and Presence in the world are so strong that they can arouse a dedication, a commitment and an integrity far greater than anything else could possibly evoke. This can transform a person’s life, elevating them to a greater level of service and clarity, making them a true light shining in a darkening world. The power of force, the power of wealth, the attractions of beauty and charm ultimately cannot compete or compare with this.


    “Other races of beings … are coming to your world seeking to protect their interests and to discover what opportunities may lie ahead. They are not angels or angelic beings. They are not spiritual entities. They are beings who are coming to your world for resources, for alliances and to gain an advantage in an emerging world.”

    You will be encountering other races of beings who are coming to your world seeking to protect their interests and to discover what opportunities may lie ahead. They are not angels or angelic beings. They are not spiritual entities. They are beings who are coming to your world for resources, for alliances and to gain an advantage in an emerging world.


    “Your future friends are not here…. They are not coming to help you. For you would not become strong if they did. You would want to associate with them, you would want to have alliances with them, but you would be so weak that you could not protect yourselves. In essence, you would become part of their culture, which they do not will. Perhaps many people will not be able to understand what we are saying here, but in time this will make perfect sense to you, and you will see its wisdom and its necessity. At this moment, you are far too frail, too distracted and too conflicted to form strong alliances, even with those who could be your future friends.”

    That is why your future friends are not here. That is why they are not coming to help you. For you would not become strong if they did. You would want to associate with them, you would want to have alliances with them, but you would be so weak that you could not protect yourselves. In essence, you would become part of their culture, which they do not will.  Perhaps many people will not be able to understand what we are saying here, but in time this will make perfect sense to you, and you will see its wisdom and its necessity. At this moment, you are far too frail, too distracted and too conflicted to form strong alliances, even with those who could be your future friends.


    “A memory … comes to you when your mind is opened—a sense of relationship and a sense of purpose.The amnesia of being in the world has worn off temporarily and you have a sense of continuity in life.This produces enduring happiness.”

    It is simply a memory that comes to you when your mind is opened—a sense of relationship and a sense of purpose. The amnesia of being in the world has worn off temporarily and you have a sense of continuity in life. This produces enduring happiness.

    “The greater purpose that you share with everyone is to keep Knowledge alive in the world and to bring something from your Ancient Home into the world…. The world is a difficult place to come to. It is not a vacation spot. It is not a place where you are sent for punishment. It is not a place where you are sent for pleasure. It is a place that needs your gifts from your Ancient Home, and for this reason you have come.”

    The greater purpose that you share with everyone is to keep Knowledge alive in the world and to bring something from your Ancient home into the world. This is a definition that you can abide with because it will not limit you and it will not deceive you, but go no further in your definitions. Allow the manifestation of your purpose to take place naturally, as it will if you follow in The Way of Knowledge. Your purpose now is to prepare to gain a greater understanding of the world, the world’s evolution and the world’s destiny. Within this larger context you will gain a new vantage point for understanding your role in the world and your reason for coming here.

    Your life must be fulfilled. It must be justified. The world is a difficult place to come to. It is not a vacation spot. It is not a place where you are sent for punishment. It is not a place where you are sent for pleasure. It is a place that needs your gifts from your Ancient home, and for this reason you have come.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 15, 2018 at 3:37 pm

    Didn’t check all pages.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 15, 2018 at 5:09 pm

    Consider this if you think alterting it in anyway means nothing:  What if someone took out some words/sentences from critical passages to shortern it somehow for conveniency and to change its meaning/effect/impact/etc (that is what altering can do), do you think it would be the same thing? I hope you get the idea.



    Quote from

    “People do not need to add on to it or alter it in any way, for this weakens it and destroys its power, confuses its meaning and corrupts its message. “

    “Do not think that you can do a better plan for presenting this to the world. Do not play the Judas role. Do not betray the Messenger.”

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 15, 2018 at 5:18 pm

    like for example take this paragraph and you will see if u take a single sentences out (or even some words), it will lose its effect gradually. It will not be sustainable.  “You must understand.There is no casual sex; there is no recreational sex. If you attempt this, you will be attempting complete union with no intention whatsoever and will risk your physical wellbeing. Nature prohibits this. That is why there are so many indigenous illnesses associated with this. It is not wise and it is not natural. It is not good for you, so do not seek this stimulation. Seek true relationship.”

  • Marilyn_USA

    December 15, 2018 at 6:31 pm

    Hi Raheel.  I think it is OK for the Wiki to be that way.  It only contains portions of the New Message.  I assume it indicates what pieces are missing from a sentence or paragraph by using a series of dots, like this “…”

    It also gives references, so you can then look up the entire Revelation, if you want to. You can find a list of the references at the bottom of each Wiki page.

    But I think the Wiki is supposed to only give portions of information, and then if you want, you can look up the entire revelation, based on their references.

    Also, you can see more about this, on the main Wiki page,

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 15, 2018 at 7:10 pm

    No human being contain all understanding  of all other human beings. Better yet no single race contain all the understanding of all the other countless races.

    I mention this because I thought the “…” in wiki pages was part of the complete revelations itself.  When the … does not exist AT ALL in the complete revelations. That should point you to something. Consider this.

    So if a simple human being like me made that mistake, then, think how many will do the same mistake and for other reasons also.  And not all the references have clickable url links that can point to the exact revelations. So, how are they going to check the exact complete full paragraphs and complete sentences without any missing worlds.

    We have to think big.  In this day and age (especially who are obsessed with instant gratification, technology) people will not look at the complete revelations just to see the missing words, sentences, even paragraphs because of their busy lives, etc. It is time consuming.

    Also, what part of  “alter it in any way”,  AND “destroys its power” and “confuses its meaning and corrupts its message.”  I say this because after reading the missing words from the complete sentences IT HAD A TREMENDOUS POSITIVE IMPACT on me. And the wiki section with missing words did not. What are you going to say this?


    “People do not need to add on to it or alter it in any way, for this weakens it and destroys its power, confuses its meaning and corrupts its message. “

    “Do not think that you can do a better plan for presenting this to the world. Do not play the Judas role. Do not betray the Messenger.”



  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 15, 2018 at 7:20 pm

    Well i cannot edit the above post for some reasons as it has some missing words in it so ppl won’t be able to understand it correctly.  Get what I am saying?

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 15, 2018 at 7:46 pm

    Also consider this:  What exactly does “…” even mean because I didn’t even know what it means becaused I used “…” differently than how it is used in wiki like this:

    I love humanity….Yes I do….I don’t need to explain it to you?….Yes or No….Have a great day…bye bye. (just a simple)

    So as from the above example. I thought the “…” was part of the complete full revelations UNTIL i checked the complete revelations myself and I was very shocked (even furious) that the parts “…” in wiki section were not in the complete revelations! And I didn’t know about this for months! That made me CRY A LOT and I was crying the whole time because of it and I am still crying to this day thinking about it. And, since this happened to me (it can happen to you also), imagine how many more people can it happen to also.


    And another thing, since I didn’t even know or how to interpret  the “…” in wiki for months since english is not my 1st language, do you think 10’s of millions, even 100’s of millions know how to interpret the “…” in wiki section for those who’s english is their 2nd language (even for those english is their 1st language because of how they use the …. in chat/messengers/facebook/twitter/etc)O? Obviously not for specific reasons (one example i gave above) because not everyone is taught how to interpret the …. in schools, by their parents etc etc.


    I hope you get the idea.

    “Jesus made mistakes. Muhammad made mistakes. The Buddha made mistakes. All the great leaders that followed them, and all the great teachers in other traditions, they all made mistakes. To live in Separation is to make mistakes. To enter a world of Separation means you will make mistakes. ”

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 15, 2018 at 8:06 pm

    Also consider this from the revelations itself beause saying “its OK in wiki to remove some words from the revelation itself is a passive attitude” :  “The return can be very difficult under these circumstances, but difficulty means that the decisions you make will have greater impact and greater significance, and will provide strength and wisdom to you to a far greater degree than if your decisions were far smaller and less challenging.

    But it is you who must make the decisions and the adjustments and deal with the consequences, so do not think you are a blind follower. Do not take a passive attitude. Do not think that you will just be guided in all things, as if you were a little child. You must make the decisions. You must face the consequences. You must speak for yourself.”

  • Marilyn_USA

    December 15, 2018 at 9:31 pm

    Hi Raheel. Why don’t you write to the Society, and explain your concerns? Or just point them to this forum section, so they can read what is written here so far.

    Here is their main “Contact Us” page,

    Please let me know how it goes, if you write them.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      December 15, 2018 at 10:04 pm

      Why dont you email them as I already messaged them. Now you do your part now because of this:

      If you think altering it any way is no big deal then you have either got influenced by forces of dissonance or complicit in it or its the effects of the pacification program because of this:


      Already you can see the effects of the Pacification Program that is being generated by the Intervention. There are already many people who have fallen prey to this, either by their own inclinations or by outside influence. Here people are led to believe that they can not really judge anything. “Well, I don’t
      want to be negative. I’ll be open to it.” Who told them to be open to it? “I’ll be open to whatever happens.” Who told them to be open to whatever happens? People’s critical discernment is being destroyed. So something happens and they say, “Well, You are not here simply to fill your mind with more answers that cannot be recognized or understood.  you know, I don’t want to judge the situation.” What are you talking about! You need to evaluate what is happening. These people think they cannot be critical. “Well, I can’t really be critical. I don’t want to be negative.” Well, it may be necessary to speak out and say that something is really not appropriate. But these people can’t even do that. People who have been affected by this Pacification Program cannot even make a decision. They cannot look at anything and say, “Well, this is a good thing,” or “This is really not a good thing for me.” So they welcome everything, thinking that is how you must be with life.

  • Marilyn_USA

    December 15, 2018 at 10:25 pm

    Hi Raheel. I am glad to hear that you messaged them. If after a few days, you do not hear back from them, then maybe I will also write to them about your concerns.

    Maybe they can add a brief explanation to each Wiki page, for example a few sentences at the top of every page, or on the side bar. This would be to just explain how a Wiki works.

    When did you message them?

  • Mary

    December 15, 2018 at 10:53 pm

    Hi, Raheel! You can send your complaints to me and post them here for me to follow up on.

    1. The “…” that show words are missing is editor’s choice, where they aim to keep the excerpt as strictly on topic as possible. No action intended regarding this issue.
    2. Word changes are evidence of the process and potential problems in transmission. I would like to have every one of these brought to my attention for correction.
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    December 16, 2018 at 4:41 am

    Raheel, you seem very upset about this. We indeed must take heed not altering the revelation and follow the Angels recommendations, yet we also must be mindful of our emotional/mental state, as it has a powerful effect on the mental environment. Take care.


  • Martin

    December 16, 2018 at 7:03 am

    If the wiki is open for anybody to edit the content these problems will sooner or later happen, it is unavoidable. You could/should (?) limit those who can access the wiki to a smaller group that know the rules and that the Society can trust.

  • Jorge Molina

    December 16, 2018 at 10:24 am

    In my opinion what Marilyn and Mary Sagar said as an explanation is reasonable and should not shock anyone. This type of editing on the wiki may be debatable in a calm and objective way, but I think it is undue to sow a suspicion that the Revelation is being altered, as it is being done here. A similar edition is often done in advocacy, and even Patricia often selects fragments, joined with “…”, when she reports a new Revelation received by Marshall. So there’s nothing shocking about this by itself.

    On the other hand, if you think about it, even an exact quote is always just a piece out of context and in many cases cannot be taken literally by itself without falling into misinterpretation. The point is that the actual and complete Revelation is contained in the individual Revelations and in the books of the NM as Marshall or those with his authorization determine, and this will always be and must be the reference as to what the NM says, not the quotes.


  • Tom

    December 16, 2018 at 5:29 pm

    I am not a fan of the Wiki method. A straight index would be preferable to me. Snippets out of context do not feed understanding. The search function is good to discover how The Teachers have used a term, but one should go deeper from there. The fact that the Wiki uses excerpts from unreleased messages is also confusing, as the full message context is not available. I use the search function on the Message page often, as well as using Copernic on my PC collection. This is useful for linking Message elements to a Twitter #hashtag. With modern search tools, any word can be a keyword, so even indexing is not that necessary. The mobile app does not display the search function on “The Message” tab. Would be nice if it did. Putting each message in blockchain would make it theoretically unalterable. That might make it safer, but less accessible. I know a lot of work has gone into the Wiki, but it does interpret by the way text is put together. I think the message elements should be read chronologically as well as in the book compilations that The Teachers have done or how they’ve inspired Marshall to do so. A snippet can get somone’s attention to existence of the New Message, but a long deep dive is needed. I don’t think that can be made easy. Read and listen to everything many times, think and journal.

  • Ivan

    December 18, 2018 at 2:38 pm

    Hmm. The other day Raheel messaged me about this wiki scandal and I kind of dismissed the issue telling her/him that it’s no biggie. Wiki is as wiki is. But now after reading this whole discussion I must say that I feel Raheel has a point. If Raheel had such a shocking experience with the wiki, who knows who else can have such an experience. I myself understood perfectly well that no one’s intention was to alter or corrupt the message on the wiki. But having said that, the cutting up of the message was a thorn in the eye while doing advocacy, and I never wanted to use a quote which had “…” in it. It just felt wrong to use an altered message for advocacy work. And I agree with Tom Christoffel that it is a little confusing, having access to just parts of the unreleased Revelations. Wiki really is funky. I am so sorry Raheel that you were hurt in such a way, it never occurred to me that it had hit you so badly. I am glad that you spoke for yourself in such a clear manner in this discussion here, I am with you on this one.

  • Arthur

    December 18, 2018 at 11:44 pm

    The New Message’s power does not lie in the words spoken, it is the underlying intention which gives it its significance.

    The editing done misaligns this intention and should therefor be reverted.




  • Will

    December 19, 2018 at 5:22 pm

    Dear Raheel and everyone,

    Thank you all for sharing your concerns and your perspectives here. The wiki was started in 2011 and has been contributed to by 26 people so far. Clearly it is time for some updates to prevent confusion. So we are looking at making some changes to the wiki, and your input is welcome.

    Ellipses (…) have been used on the wiki to omit words from a longer passage with the intention of keeping the quotation as brief and topical as possible. This is a typical English usage, but not everyone is familiar with it, so from now on we will only use ellipses outside of quotation marks.

    As Marilyn pointed out, the wiki is intended to be short quotations by subject, leading back to full Revelations when they are available. The purpose of this is to be able to see, at a glance, some of what the New Message says on a given subject.

    Reading the wiki is not meant to substitute for hearing or reading a full Revelation, but is meant to be a helpful reference when asking, “What does the New Message say about a given topic?” The original, full version of a Revelation will always be on the New Message website in The Message section. We have taken great care in preserving the original spoken Revelation as received by Marshall, and its transcript.

    Likewise, square brackets have been used in the wiki for clarification, when a passage refers back to previous verses or paragraphs. In recent years, however, Marshall has used brackets to add his own minor clarifications to the Revelations, making the wiki brackets confusing. So in the future only the Messenger’s brackets will be on the wiki. Any clarifications in the wiki itself will be outside of quotation marks.

    So, to summarize the changes ahead:

    • Ellipses … will only be used outside of quotation marks, to shorten quotations relevant to a wiki page topic. Quotation marks will enclose a passage from the original Revelation in its complete wording.
    • Brackets within quotation marks will only be the Messenger’s brackets, his clarification of the Revelation itself. Any wiki clarification will be outside of quotation marks, and will not use brackets.

    Again, thank you all for your contributions to this conversation, and we apologize for any upset or confusion that the wiki has caused. We appreciate hearing your perspectives and seeing how the wiki is working—or isn’t working—to help navigate this vast New Message from God.

    It will take a little time to implement these changes, so your patience is appreciated. If you would like to contribute to the development and refinement of the wiki, please contact Mary S, who can provide an excellent orientation.

  • Will

    December 20, 2018 at 4:55 pm


    Almost 100 edits have been made on the wiki, in the last day, to upgrade to this new standard. Thank you, Mary!

    The wiki is built and edited by hand, by members of the Worldwide Community. There will always be occasional mistakes and misquotes as a result, and the curation of these pages is subjective.

    You are welcome to help improve the wiki. Hopefully this is a helpful study tool for exploring what the New Message has to say about various subjects.


    • Tyyne

      December 20, 2018 at 6:58 pm

      Remarkable, MaryS. Thank you so much for your devotion and commitment to making these changes. 100 edits – rest those wrists for awhile when you can.

  • Jim Brennan

    December 20, 2018 at 6:04 pm

    Thank you Will and Mary S. and thank you Raheel for bringing this to every ones attention.

  • Alison

    December 21, 2018 at 11:14 am

    Thanks Mary, Will and all wiki editors! I love this as an advocacy resource to search “list of all pages” when I want to respond to a comment based on a certain topic. I like how it always is referenced and leads the seeker out to a complete revelation or option for book download or purchase.
    I feel honored by every person who knows this Revelation must be maintained and that it is up to us. I’m grateful we can work together.

  • Mellany

    December 24, 2018 at 10:23 am

    Thank you for clarifying, Will.  Thank you Mary S, and all who’ve contributed to the NM Wiki.  Over the years, I’ve found it to be a very rich and useful resource.

  • Mary

    December 24, 2018 at 1:07 pm

    What I like best here is the judicious response from The Society that effectively addressed this concern and found a solution so simple it’s brilliant.

    Second best is the timing, now as if to mark a threshold in the development of the wiki, which can move forward more strategically, i.e., not so randomly.

    Third is this experience of a whole-wiki review. If we often think of the Revelation like a lightbox illuminating our lives, our strengths and weaknesses, this experience of reading page after page on selected topics is like the brain scan that takes slides of section after section. The process, too, is a great tool for evaluating the wiki as a whole for trends.

    My hunch is that many people do not feel inclined to contribute to the wiki because it seems complicated and they fear this very thing, being the agent of error. My wish would be that all would feel the support of the whole community and the great leadership of The Society steering this ship so they could overcome this hesitancy.

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