Steps to Knowledge Study Group
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Step 319 – Why should I be afraid when a Greater Power is in the world?
Step 319 – Why should I be afraid when a Greater Power is in the world?
WHENEVER YOU FALL INTO THE DARKNESS OF FEAR, you are withdrawing from Knowledge and entering the darkness of imagination. Whenever you fall into the darkness of your own fear, you are denying the reality of a Greater Power in the world and are thus losing its beneficence for yourself. Whenever you fall into the darkness of your own fear, you are following the teaching of fear, which runs rampant in the world. You are allowing yourself to be a student of fear. You are allowing yourself to be governed by fear. Recognize this and you will realize that this need not be, that you have the power to redirect your studenthood and that you have the ability to re-enter true preparation.
THINK OF THIS SERIOUSLY TODAY. Why should you be afraid when a Greater Power is in the world? This Greater Power which you are now learning to receive is the source of your redemption. What can you possibly lose as this source becomes recognized, as you learn to come into relationship with this source and as you serve this source and allow it to serve you? What can the world take from you when the source of Knowledge is within you? What can the world do to itself when the source of Knowledge is within the world?
THIS AWARENESS CALLS FOR YOUR COMPLETE PARTICIPATION in the world and your complete service to Knowledge. It calls for your complete engagement in contributing to others because you are a vehicle for the Greater Power in the world. Yet, in this active participation you understand as well that it is only a matter of time before all minds awaken to the light of Knowledge within themselves. This can take a very long time, but time is with you and in patience and in confidence you may proceed, for what can undermine your preparation and your contribution but self-doubt and fear? What can dissuade you from proceeding with certainty and complete engagement but the doubt that Knowledge exists in the world?
THEREFORE, WHENEVER YOU ENTER INTO FEAR, practice this day recognizing that a Greater Power is in the world. Utilize this recognition to bring yourself out of fear by remembering that a Greater Power is in the world and by remembering that a Greater Power is in your life. Think about this on the hour and in your two deeper meditation practices, re-enter your sanctuary where in stillness and in confidence you receive the Greater Power that is in the world. Here you must realize that your preparation requires that you step away from fear and darkness and that you step forward into the light of truth. These two activities will confirm your nature and will betray nothing that is real within you or within the world.
AS YOU LOOK UPON THE WORLD WITHOUT JUDGMENT and as you look upon yourself without judgment, you will see that a Greater Power is at work. This will restore happiness to you, for you will realize that you have brought your Ancient Home with you and your Ancient Home is here as well. This will lift the burden of fear, the oppression of anxiety and the confusion of ambivalence from your mind. Then, you will remember why you have come, and you will devote your life to contributing that which you have come to give. Then, your life will be a statement of happiness and inclusion, and all who see you will remember that they too have come from your Ancient Home.
Practice 319: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.
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