Guided to Freedom: Responding to the Mystery Within

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak on Night 1 of the Messenger’s Vigil, Feb 18, 2022.

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Welcome everyone, and thank you for being with me tonight. I was so inspired to hear Reed and Patricia talk about aspects of the New Message. And it’s so big, and yet there’s a hub of this great wheel that lives within us. And I had to experience that hub very profoundly before I could even begin to receive the Revelation.

And I was thinking this moment that to build up to that, I had to say no to so many different things in my life. I had to say no to choosing a career. I went through college but didn’t really choose a career. I had an opportunity to make a career in special education, but I had to walk away from that. I had one or two possible relationships. I had to leave those without explanation, always being pulled away, and of course at times thinking, What’s wrong with me? I’m just not a successful person. I just cannot commit to this person. I cannot commit to this career. I cannot say yes to this opportunity. And what’s wrong with me? But there was always like a gravitational pull pulling me to keep going. 

Perhaps some of you have felt something like this yourself—very confusing, frustrating, a lot of doubt can arise, but perhaps promising, too, as it was in my case. Those things that I would need and commit to would come later. I had to begin to make a journey not of my own making. I had to make a way for it. I had to choose it. I had to pull myself together to take that journey. I had to organize my life and reorganize my life several times to continue. So I had to do all the work on the ground—no excuse from that, no being excused from having to do all that work. But I was in some kind of trajectory. 

When I began to teach Inner Guidance, then I realized that I am tapping into something that’s very elemental and essential. I did not have a metaphysical training. I felt held back from studying religion. I knew something about religions; but instead of making that a real study, always pulled away, always held in abeyance so something else could emerge and grow for me. And it did.

And yet when I began teaching, I was teaching the very things that I would have to become very good at, and I was already pretty good at it. I was always living it, but there are no masters in this journey. Forget mastery. Mastery is beyond the physical realm. But you become proficient at certain things.

And I had to take some great leaps. And after my process of initiation—which I’ve often been asked to describe but I’m reluctant to do so because my words always seem so inadequate—that everything would change and I would have to leave all my teaching, all my students, people I was with, everything, and to wander for nine months until the Voice returned and said, “Go to the city and begin to record.” And I did that. And that was the very, very beginning. And it was very early. And I didn’t really know what I was receiving or what it would mean or even what it was called. 

Some years later it was given a name called The Greater Community Way of Knowledge—Greater Community meaning universal Way of Knowledge as in this is how Knowledge is taught in the universe, not how it’s taught here on Earth. I said, Okay, that makes sense, given what I understand thus far. And, but it would be 17 years before it was revealed to me this was a New Message from God. Seventeen years. I was not ready to take that on. And I had to prove myself to the Higher Powers that I had the commitment, the stability, the courage to walk on a serious journey, all the while receiving very material things from that point on, including Steps to Knowledge in 1989, received in a state of Revelation. And then everything began to flow after that. But it would still be another ten years before it be revealed to me what this all was really.

So I share these things with you; I’m not sure that…I know some of you will understand. But I don’t share these with people out in the world because they shake their heads or they think I’m a madman or they think…I don’t know what they think, but they they can’t get it. And I can’t expect them to get it because this is an engagement with the Divine of an immense scope, power and productivity.

So, at times receiving Revelation made me sick physically; it just was so intense. It’s like the ancient prophets talked about their encounters as being utterly terrifying. Muhammad, his first encounter of Revelation, utterly terrifying, thought he was going mad, not because they’re negative or dark in any way, but because of the power of this is so immense. And to be eclipsed by something this big and still be breathing and still be present and still be aware took years to be able to do that. And I did that. And the Revelation became bigger and more expansive, beginning to include the origin of the universe—the Separation from God that began the whole thing—Life in the Universe, our local universe, and many other things, some of which have not even been published yet. 

So this long journey has taught me the importance of being responsive to the Mystery within you, but also discerning, because whatever comes from that Mystery has…you have to get the confirmation within yourself to receive it and to follow it because there are dark forces in the universe and all around us, both in the human realm and beyond. 

So you have to use your own discernment to say, “This, I will receive this. I will allow this to happen. I will seek to know what this has to give me.” You have to give your permission. If it’s forced upon you, then you had better beware. But when it’s true it’s not forced, it’s offered; and you’re not sure whether to receive that little piece of guidance—I’m not talking about a big thing—a little piece of guidance to do something or not do something. Very functional. Not mysterious. Very functional. Don’t go with that person. Stay out of that situation. Listen to this other person. Or, respond to this teaching, a teaching. If you’re willing to do that, then the directive can become a little more frequent, but still very practical. There’s no cosmology. There’s no metaphysics. It’s about you on the ground receiving something to help you navigate an uncertain or difficult situation.

Attraction in relationships, it’s a big thing. Can you listen for Knowledge, yes or no? Knowledge is very yes or no, by the way; there’s no explanations. This is very elemental within us.

For my role and destiny had to be overwhelmingly huge and powerful, but for you it won’t be like that except maybe at a certain turning point in your life it might feel very big.

So the New Message is very much about connecting your thinking mind with the deeper Mind within you, or said in other words, connecting your temporary self with your permanent Self because Knowledge is who you really are permanently. And who you are is connected to your Source and connected to very great things in the universe around you. This is so different from what society has made of you or what you have made of yourself. So to make that transition to shift that center of authority from your personality or your personal will into a deeper part of you is something that most people won’t do. But it is a transition of authority within yourself. And when I say that, be very clear that that authority is not going to tell you what to do in everything. It’s only going to set a direction for you and a course correction when needed. There’s no conversation. You don’t get to have tea with the Source of all life. I mean, it’s direction/course correction: Do this; don’t do that. 

People want more from Knowledge. “I want to get the explanations.Tell me about this and tell me about that. And why am I here? And who am I going to meet? And am I ever going to have a relationship in my life?” And lalalalalala. No. Direction/course correction. You have to be in the driver’s seat. You cannot give it over to God. You can’t give it over to Knowledge. You have to be in the driver’s seat of your life. Knowledge is not going to take care of your personal affairs or tell you which movie to go see or what, how to pay your bills. That’s all you. So there’s no giving up of power and authority.

In fact, you’re actually given more power and authority just to be able to do all those things responsibly now that you have the beginnings of a true direction in life which comes without any explanation, no assurances, no certainty about where it’s going to take you. It’s a mysterious part of your life. You don’t even know what Knowledge is, really. But somehow when it speaks or you experience it, it resonates through your whole being, as opposed to having a strong thought or an impulse or a compulsion. This is very different.

So the New Message seeks to bring you into engagement with Knowledge because it holds the blueprint for your life, a blueprint that you intellectually cannot gain access to no matter how hard you try or what versions you create for yourself. 

And so we give up a little bit of control to gain access to a Greater Power that gives you more control. And you have to let go of your fervent views, your political position, your adamant beliefs because if you can’t let that go, you can’t be guided. If you insist upon your life being made by you, you can’t be guided. If you insist upon holding to your views and only trying to add to them as you go on, can’t be guided. You’re not a candidate yet, maybe never.

So if you feel you’re having extraordinary experiences or a larger interest in the world that other people don’t have or a sense of purpose and destiny ill defined that no one around you seems to be interested in, that’s wonderful. That means you’re already being stirred. That’s Knowledge stirring you so you don’t become fixated and give your life away prematurely to a person or a place or a thing or whatever it is in life that seems to attract you or whatever you think is going to make you happy. To be stirred something else is happening at a deeper level and that’s good. Trust that. But do not determine what it means or where it’s going to take you because you don’t know.

The personal mind that we all live in does not know these things, cannot know them. It’s not about being intelligent. It’s not about being smart. It’s not about having higher level ideas or beliefs or greater cosmology or a higher religion. It is something much more element. It is what has moved the prophets, the artists, the inventors and the great humanitarians of all time—something inexplicable and wonderful. But you will only find out if it’s wonderful by seeing how much it liberates you from your fear, from your addictions, from obsessions, from the influence of other people. The freedom it gives you, the energy it frees for you will be very amazing.

So welcome to the big time. This is the big time. Everyone else is going down that super highway that Patricia mentioned, but there’s nothing down there except expectation and disappointment. It will never be as great and wonderful as you think it should be, or is. With this, ah, I have the relationships I have in my life because of this.

Much has been asked of me but much has been given to me. And much more will be asked of me. And my task is not your task but what I’m speaking of has total bearing on who you are and why you’re in the world today. And you’re not going to give your power away to me. I’m going to give your power to you. But it’s not a power that you invent. It’s not a power that someone else is going to wield over you. It’s going to come from the Source of your life, which lives within you today. The blessing be with you.

Reed: All right, thank you Marshall. And thank you all for joining us.

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  1. I have BEEN living this life since I was a kid. Being Spiritual goes WAY beyond what is seen. I now have the VOICE as you have called it. The voice is very irritating at times and I often feel that my privacy is no longer there, my freedom is being alianated, or being held captive. I know what the Bible says, and being Spiritual goes along with it. To know the Bible you also know that Paranormal (The Unseen) is very real and its not what they are perceiving it to be today. This I’m your home, and all this extra stuff that’s been going on it’s simply world domination. I realize this now, and while Yes it can bring you closer to God. It can also either make you or break you. I refuse to be broke. I refuse to also be made into something or somebody the this world domination wants. I Am Me and I won’t change that for anybody else. This has BEEN my very walk of life. The resources I choose to use to allow me to focus more is on my own free will and I use my freedom wisely. I have chose to continue to deeply research not just myself, life experiences, and the pattern that my life thus far has created, but I continue to live it. I’ve said it before, “It’s not what you use it’s how you use it.” as well as “It’s not what you do it’s how you do it.” When you do something what’s your agenda behind it? What’s known, and seek for the unknown. Those are what I call grey areas. Don’t allow these principalities, powers of the world control you because they will if you let them. Do you, do what you do. I’m nobody to judge. Walk your walk because it’s the path that was chosen for you. There’s ALOT more then what meets the eye and what your ears are hearing. Look for detail, and listen loudly. Don’t worry I GOT YOUR BACK.