Hear The Voice Speaking Directly to You

Marshall Vian Summers speaks on the Opening Night of the 2015 Steps Vigil, May 26, 2015.
It is my sincere desire that you will hear the Voice of Revelation, when you read the words in Steps to Knowledge. We’ve all had a chance now to hear the Voice, which has been revealed for the first time in our world.
And Steps to Knowledge in its current form is being revealed for the first time in our world, at a time of the greatest consequence to the human family—the time of greatest consequence for you who have heard this call. It’s a wondrous thing, you know. And while it evokes great appreciation, it also is the most serious thing, the most important thing.
So (glitch)…you is that you will hear this Voice as it is speaking to you, directly to you, as if the Assembly had called you in front of them and wanted to impart everything you need to know to find your way, to contribute your gifts and to fulfill your work through the course of your remaining years.
It’s my wish that you will feel this and take it very personally and feel the gratitude that this has come into your life and the seriousness of what this means for your life. This is not a personal enhancement. This is God talking to you. (glitch)…the pathway for you, instructing you, honoring you, and requiring greater things of you, which you were designed to give.
It gives me great joy that so many people and increasing numbers of people are beginning to experience this. And it is my great desire that they, like you, will hear this speaking to them very directly and that they will take this personally, as if it is speaking to them directly.
If you can feel this and know this, then you will know that you are not alone and that those who sent you into the world are watching over you even now.
May the Presence be with us and may we be with them.
Nasi Novare Coram
Such an incredible teaching, one that speaks to the core of our being – thank you Marshall, and @darlene-mitchell for the recommendation.
Sometimes we just need to be told, reminded, and told again. “This is God speaking to you.” Marshall is speaking to us. Heart to heart. Please listen.