Honoring the Power Prayer

Watch the Messenger give a Prayer at the end of the Opening Night Broadcast of the Steps Vigil, May 26, 2021.

Full Broadcast

Let us honor the Power that has brought us to this Revelation, to this gathering, a Power that has saved us for many things, some of which we’re not even aware of that has preserved us, though we have made many mistakes. 

Let us honor this Power that remains unseen to our eyes, yet it is felt within our hearts and it can be recognized through our experience. 

Let us realize we are being strengthened as well as guided, for God needs our strength as we need the guidance of God. 

Let us realize that we are being freed from a life that could never fulfill us, from engagements with others that were inappropriate that could never fulfill us, from many things that have harmed us or have held us back. 

For the Blessing is with us and it will grow stronger as we learn to be with it, to embrace it, to trust it and to work with it. 

Nasi Novare Coram. The presence of the Teachers is with us. 

It’s a good thing. 

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