How Knowledge Communicates to You

Marshall Vian Summers speaks during Night 5 of the 2017 Steps Vigil, May 30, 2017
Many people expect that Knowledge will be communicating to them frequently. But it’s more important at the outset to think of Knowledge as, like a honing device to bring you into a certain trajectory in life and to help you maintain that trajectory for, like planes in the air and ships at sea, we’re always slightly going off course, and sometimes more than slightly. So, there’s, Knowledge acts as a continual power and presence within us to keep aiming in the right direction and moving sufficiently.
Messages are only given probably at times when you need to really consider something or change something or something’s holding you back. And when that happens it’s often felt as a kind of tension within yourself. If you feel there’s a constant tension within you that’s unrelated to your daily activities then it’s important to stop and say, “Am I doing everything I need to be doing right now?” And, “Is there anything I need to change in my approach, or in my involvements with others?” Knowledge flags you here, rather than speaks to you, most often.
But sometimes thoughts come into your mind that are things you need to become aware of; and even warnings. Knowledge also is an early warning system. So if you’re (-?-) doing something that is hazardous or dangerous, or about to make a really improper decision, then you’ll begin to get flags. And you will feel this in many different ways depending how you feel things, certainly a tension in your body or a sense of restraint, something holding you back. In this sense Knowledge is always exerting an influence upon you. And the more you are able to experience this, the more you will feel this influence.
But if your life is moving in the right direction, basically, and you’re making progress, you’re not going to hear from Knowledge very much. Now I say that, but I have to qualify it by saying there’s another condition by which you won’t hear Knowledge very much, and that’s when you’re really resisting it or holding yourself back. You want something in life and you don’t want to hear anything that’s going to get in the way of your having it. We all know what that experience is like. And sometimes these attractions can be very strong.
But, generally if you’re moving in the right direction, which means you’re in the right place, the right people, right purpose, you won’t be getting a of of messages or flags, signs, because you’re moving in the right direction.
But Knowledge always, also exists, exerts a kind of pressure on us, which we need, ah, to keep moving—forward motion—so we don’t slow down, become stagnant or distracted, or lose our sense of momentum in life. So in that sense as well Knowledge is a constant force within us.
The emphasis here is to bring your life to the true trajectory that it needs to move in, and to maintain that trajectory and to make adjustments in your relationships and your ideas, your attitude, your understanding of yourself and others to maintain that trajectory. Knowledge is trying to take you somewhere. If you’re not moving, then there’s a problem. If you’re not making these adjustments, then there’s a problem.
Movement usually has more to do with your outer life than your inner life because the movements on the inside are probably beyond our awareness, for the most part. It’s like the forces underneath the ocean that move the currents all around the globe—not to be discerned from the surface. Can’t see them looking over the side of a ship; but they’re truly powerful. And there are truly powerful movement s within us that may be beyond our conscious awareness.
But things that need to be done on the outside, that’s different. And that is why the other evening when I spoke, I recommended that you consider my 80/20 principle. In this case 80/20 means 80% of your energy is maintaining momentum on the outside, making adjustments on the outside–corrections and so forth. Twenty per cent of it is the inner work. The only exception to this is if your go on a Spiritual Retreat and you’re going to do some dedicated inner work, but that’s usually temporary and arises with need.
So what you really want to feel is the wind in your sails, the pressure moving you forward, and the feeling that you’re moving adequately. This is a gauge within us. Going too fast? That’s a problem. Going too slow, that’s a problem. To get where you need to be going in life, there has to be sufficient momentum, clarity and direction. That doesn’t mean you know your future or final outcome of anything. It’s direction. If Knowledge is trying to take you somewhere, both geographically and in your relationship with people, then that’s really important.
When I speak of the Great Coordination the things that moves [move] people into position to have the optimum experience, to meet the important people they need to meet, to be in a position of readiness for what may be asked of them or needed at that time, then where you stand in the world is actually very important. Where you live is very important, because the Great Coordination is moving you in the world. It’s not just shift of consciousness. It’s not just having elevated thoughts or spiritual ideas or grand notions. It’s being at the right place at the right time, moving with Knowledge.
So getting messages is really not the thing, unless you really need those messages. But even here, Knowledge will move you always at a deeper level, and you will feel this if you pay attention to your experience. When you practice stillness–inner listening, for example–you begin to discern deeper movements within you, rather than the turbulence at the surface of your mind.
These are the things to feel and to know and to listen for. This is what will move your life where it needs to go.
I feel this tension a lot on a daily basis. I feel it mostly as a sort of strain in my chest and heart area. It seems to be mostly related to approach and how I’m using my energy. To complicate it I constantly have my mind and insecurities demanding answers. It can be really frustrating because I just want knowledge to give me a directive but it never says anything. What resolves this on a daily basis is working around it and figuring out what it is that I need at this moment, be it rest, work, seeing something, disengaging from my personal motivations, correcting something, picking myself up, looking at an error, studying something from the new message and on and on, I could keep going.
For the most part I experience knowledge as a relentlessness that won’t let me rest unless I’m working the problem.
So much inner conflict but also a recognition albeit kind of vague of something that is happening that I don’t understand
I’d like to know, Mr. Marshall, how that “pressure” is distinguished from induced or self-induced anxiety or depression under difficult circumstances. Well, millions and millions of people suffer constant pressure, especially mental pressure. How do you distinguish “pressure” from Knowledge, from a physical or mental illness or maladjustment? Thank you. NNC.
Me gustaría saber Sr. Marshall, como se distingue esa “presión” de la ansiedad o depresión inducida o propia ante circunstancias dificiles. Pues millones y millones de personas sufren presión constante, sobre todo mental. ¿Como diferenciar la “presión” del Conocimiento, de una enfermedad o desajuste corporal o mental? Gracias. NNC.