How the New Reality Connects to You | 2018 Encampment Broadcast

Broadcast recorded live on October 15, 2018 from the Encampment of the New Message from God to the Worldwide Community of students.

We’re blessed with the New Message because it is really telling us where our world is going. And it’s giving it to us to prepare us and to make us strong enough to face this because we’re the ones who have the gift of the Revelation to guide us. There are other people who can see these things, of course. But most people are not aware of what is coming over the horizon or the impacts of the change that we have already set in motion in the world. Because we’re entering a new world reality, the world is going there and we’re going with it. That new world reality includes what the New Message calls the Great Waves of change—the great waves of environmental, political, social change—that will affect really everyone on Earth, rich or poor.

And it’s also telling us about our encounter with life in the universe, which is happening not on our terms, but on the terms of those who have entered our world and are functioning here in secret.

It is alerting us because these are the things that are going to shape our future and our lives, and we’re being given now this gift of awareness, warning, blessing and preparation. This is the greatest threshold the human race has ever faced. It will change the landscape of the world. It will change civilization. It will affect the lives of everyone. This great transition will be occurring over the next few hundred years. But what we will see in the decades to come and certainly in the centuries to come will be profound beyond anything that has happened in the world in the time of human civilization.

It is so important for us to realize this has everything to do with who we are and why we’re here in the world. These things I speak on aren’t just a big inconvenience interfering with your personal lives and your personal goals and your plans for yourself. These are the very conditions that we have been sent into the world to address. And those of us who have been gifted with the Revelation have the opportunity to begin this long time-consuming process of adapting to the kind of change that we’re already seeing in the world today.

This Calling that is going forth in the world to become aware of these great forces is not for the few, but for the many. It will take many people to build the kind of resilience into the human family that it will need to undergo this great transition. 

And we’re the beginning of that Calling. It is going to require great strength within us, and not just personal strength and resolve, but the real power of Knowledge that we have, which is not afraid of the world. It knows precisely why we have come at this time. It has no complaint against the world, for it is the perfect environment for us to contribute what we came to contribute. If the world were a perfect place without great hazard, you would have no business being here. 

I’m speaking of the deeper part of our life now, the deeper current of our life, the greater reality of our lives, which isn’t simply to be creatures trying to survive in a changing world, a world that cares little for us, but those who are sent into the world to make a difference at the most profound turning point in humanity’s existence.

The world is now being stirred by Heaven…many people around the world who can respond. Some of them are being stirred to prepare them for the New Revelation. And others are being stirred to serve their world in whatever capacity is possible for them, for every nation is now being challenged. If you change the atmosphere of the world, you change the world and everything in it. 

But people do not live connected to Knowledge. Particularly in the developed parts of the world, people have lost their connection to the weather and the changes and the seasons and the climate and the movement of the world. We’re insulated from these things in our prosperity, in our distractions, in our avoidance and neglect. But the world is moving and it’s taking us with it, so we must prepare.

Many are being stirred, but they’re not yet connected. They’re not yet connected to the reality that is stirring them and why it is stirring them and what it means for them to be stirred and what it portends for their lives and the lives of their children. Think for a moment what your children are going to have to face in this century. If you can hear what I’m saying and what the Revelation is revealing to us, think of what your children are going to have to contend with in a new world disorder.

What is coming is really big. I don’t want to make it smaller than it is and I don’t want to make it overwhelm you. But it is really big. But what’s within us is really big. What is within us that is really small, which has been shaped by the world, by society and culture, by our own decisions, will be frightened and want to run away or deny these things, seeking only happiness and avoidance and reprieve.

But what is big within us seeks to come forward, for this is its great hour. This is its time to be in the world. What is going to call your greater purpose forth from you is a greater challenge in the world. A life pursued only for happiness, pleasure and reprieve…this will never arise. And that is what makes that pursuit so unfulfilling in the end—so empty and meaningless.

You’re being stirred by Heaven. You have been stirred for a while. And that stirring is starting to alter your life, your experience and orientation. And the New Message is here, then, to give you the context for that stirring, the direction of that stirring and the meaning of that stirring for you and for others. For it is time to become connected both to the Source of that stirring within us and to the meaning and purpose in the world that we’re here to serve. This is the big picture of our lives.

But one thing we have to do at the outset when we talk about greater events or greater forces is to take inventory of your own beliefs and attitudes about these things. You want to make sure that your starting point is to be clear minded and not preconditioned by assumptions or beliefs or admonitions against others that will cloud your vision or prevent you from seeing these things yourself. The New Message is teaching us how to see clearly without fear and preference that which is true seeing. The notion that we’ve been given the eyes to see and the ears to hear means that we see and hear without fear and preference, just to see what is there, to be grounded to reality, not to the way we think the world should be or the way we think we should be or other people should be, but things as they are now. 

You cannot love a world we want to exist. We can only love the world as it is with all of its errors and dangers and tragedies. You cannot love people for what you want them to be. You have to start with the way they are, even if their situation is dire or tragic or unfortunate. This is the love that follows seeing, which is the love of acceptance even with the understanding that great change must occur.

So we’re in a process of unburdening now because to deal with a greater reality in life, to deal with the greatness that wants to emerge within us slowly, step by step, we have to begin to unburden ourselves from the weight of our past, the psychological weight; the burden of relationships that cannot go with us, that are no longer full of life and energy and determination; the weight of our obligations, which may no longer be appropriate for where we are in life and what we must do. You cannot simply add more and more on to your life when it’s already full of so many things.

So there’s an unburdening process here. It’s a natural thing, for the New Message says that God’s first purpose is to unburden us, to free us from the shackles of the past, to free us from weakness and lack of self-confidence, self-determination. It’s a freedom journey to bring you into your life anew, into a new life and a new world reality, to be free to see with clear eyes without prejudice, hatred or severe orientation. 

The world gives up its signs and its messages for those who can see. But for those who do not see, they do not respond. And if they do respond, they may perhaps respond for a moment and then they forget. They do not stay with it. It escapes them and they go back to their lives unaware that what they just saw is actually important, has meaning and should be considered in an ongoing way. 

Here we have to look at the influences that speak to what is great within us and those influences that speak to what is small, those things that pull us back in the shadows of doubt, regret and mistrust of ourselves and others, the influences, and there are many from all directions.

The New Message talks about a deep evaluation as being necessary in the face of the Great Waves of change, in the face of the Greater Community. Part of that deep evaluation is to determine what is influencing you and also to become very clear about the relationships you’re involved in where you’re losing energy and vitality. 

Your ship is taking on water. You need to find the holes and plug them up so you’re not losing vitality to other people—family, friends. Even your attitudes about other people, you can be losing energy over that, disparaging other races, other nations, other cultures, other religions. That’s a tremendous energy loss. 

You’re going to need a lot of energy to be present to this new world reality and to what it’s telling you, to the signs it’s giving you and to the strength it’s calling out of you. This involves movement—internal movement, external movement—because Knowledge is trying to take you somewhere. It’s not simply to try to make you happy and comfortable where you are. It wants to take you to a new life that is your life and your destiny here. It does this as a relentless force within you, and once in a while it emerges in your awareness telling you to do something or not to do something. But every day, every moment, night and day, it’s moving you, trying to move you in the direction you need to go, against the obligations you have made or the self-doubt that you have, the loss of energy that you have. 

All the forces that hold you in place or set you back, keep you fixated upon yourself alone, Knowledge is trying to move you out of that realm…out of that realm. You don’t know where it’s taking you. But on any journey, you never really know what’s going to happen on that journey, or what it’s going to look like the next day around the other side of the mountain, or what you’re going to have to do to meet the requirements of that journey and how you’re going to have to adapt to that journey.

A journey is not an answer. Well, it is an answer, but it’s an answer that’s the beginning of something and not the end of something.

So Knowledge is trying to take you somewhere. You don’t know where that is. And you really can’t know where that is, so it’s useless to try to figure that out. But one of the first things that Knowledge will do is begin to free up your life so that you can focus on the things that really matter, the Pillars of your life, building strong Pillars so you have a real foundation underneath you—your relationships, your work, your health, your spiritual development—the Four Pillars that the New Message talks about. 

And it’s so enticing to want to really focus on the Greater Community or the Great Waves of change or the mysterious journey of Knowledge and never build those Pillars, which is very mundane work. But it’s necessary. 

If a ship does not have a strong foundation, it’s not seaworthy; it can’t go anywhere. If it does not have a crew, if it doesn’t have a captain, it cannot sail. You are the captain. Your thoughts and your feelings are the crew. Your ship needs to be the condition of your life within these Four Pillars, which really encompass just about everything. Not perfect, not magnificent—only functional, capable of making a journey. There’s no grandeur here. There’s only what works. We’re not talking about enlightenment or ascension or all those things that people focus upon because their life isn’t going anywhere or moving. Yes.

So it’s so important now instead of even losing yourself in the bigness of the things that we’ve talked about, that the New Message is revealing to us, to take stock of where you are and discern your next step, which may have nothing to do with the Great Waves of change, may have nothing to do with your spiritual development, regarding your health or your work or your financial reality—all the things that either make you stable or unstable in life. That may be the next step is to deal with one of these, very strongly.

And the gift is to take this next step and also stay close to Knowledge because Knowledge will alert you if you’re about to make a real mistake: a discomfort, feeling ill at ease about doing something with someone or taking some action or giving yourself to some activity. Listening. Feeling. You may not have it in the moment. But if you stay with your experience, you will feel things.

Again Knowledge…its first purpose is to unburden you. And that includes holding you back from giving your life to people, places and things that do not matter, that cannot take you to your destiny. Most people’s first experience of Knowledge is being held back for that very reason. 

Restraint. It could be the most important thing, particularly at the beginning. But all the way through your journey, you will have to restrain yourself from many things. And should you really advance in your journey, you will find that you are living within a narrow band of influences, a narrow band of activities in a very focused life. You’re not losing energy to people, places and things, or minimizing the degree to which you have to. That’s the inspired and determined life that we’re moving towards—a new life, the life you’re meant to live.

In the end, it all matters what you do, what you serve and why you serve. What you believe, what you thought, your dreams, your hopes, your fantasies, your myriad of experiences, in the end, do not matter. 

What you do. What you serve. Why you serve. 

This is what Heaven looks for in you. Look for this in yourself and in others.

This is freedom from so many things: freedom from poor mental health, poor physical health, isolation, loneliness, self-retribution. These are the things that really matter and the world is calling this from you. And Heaven is calling this from you. 

May the blessing be with us. And may we be with this blessing.

Nasi Novare Coram

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    -“The goal of God’s Revelation is to assist humanity in getting through this very difficult transition period…”

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    -“The goal of the Revelation is to give humanity this one great chance in its hour of greatest difficulty, challenge and uncertainty.”

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    -“This is a calling for the many, not for the few, for the many must build the new world and rebuild human civilization from what existed before.”

    The Goal and Purpose of the Revelation

    May we each, in the course of our lifetimes, and as guided by Knowledge, prepare for and fulfill our service to a world undergoing great and ongoing change.

    Gratitude to Marshall, the New Message and to all of us as we take our next step in this New World Reality.

  2. Thank you, Marshall. I learned, not long ago, that it is possible to become so strong with Knowledge that I had to go back to the city and live with lies and fear for a while. I understand now how it is possible to forget why we are here and for what we have come, and the dangers of persuasion of buying into other ideas having no foundation in a really important deep down reality of what supports life more, than just supports keeping the business busy. Thank you for being in the world for us, Marshall.

  3. Dear Marshall, I have yet to meet you and hope that one day I can. For now I wish to say that I walk with you and serve heaven with clear focus and my 4 Pillars in balance. Unburdened and able to fulfil what I came to do. It was a joy to see you strong and a deep clear light in your eyes. Your words spoken with great love and authority. The Steps guide me daily and I am happy and in reality, as I serve those I am meant to serve and walk with those I am meant to walk with. New avenues and people of destiny appear as I need them and Knowledge is my guide. My deepest gratitude as always to you for the wisdom of The Messenger .

    Nasi Novare Coram