Humanity is at a Great Turning Point

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Opening Night of the 2020 Messenger’s Vigil, January 24, 2020.

Full Broadcast

We’re gathered because God has spoken again to a fractured and divided world, standing at the threshold of the greatest planetary change we have ever seen in the time of human civilization, standing at the threshold of humanity encountering races from the universe who are here to establish themselves in a world not of their origin. 

God has spoken again. A New Revelation is in the world—something very big, something very complete, something very pure and authentic, so authentic that you can hear the Voice of Revelation, which was never possible before, for obvious reasons. Now we can hear the Word, for the Word and the Sound are in the world now. And that is why you’ve come. Perhaps uncertain, questioning, “Why am I here? What is this? Why am I doing this anyway? What does this mean? What’s going to happen?” 

And I say: Keep going. Even if you find yourself in Hell, keep going. 

And when you look back, you’ll see that you actually have begun a new journey in life. You don’t have answers, you have questions, which is appropriate. The real questions will be answered in time, as the journey takes you to the realization of what those answers really are, and not simply what we tell ourselves to feel comfortable or secure in the moment. 

God has spoken again because humanity is at a great turning point. And tonight we’re going to hear a revelation called The Great Turning Point for Humanity. This is a pretty tough message. Are you up for a tough message? Good, great! I think most of us need a little rocket fuel right now. Yeah? If we’re gonna get off the ground, you know, we can’t just be flapping our wings. We need something stronger in us to move us forward and break the inertia that has built up over perhaps years of not doing things we knew we needed to do. 

So this is a gift of tough but real love I’m going to share with you tonight. It’s my honor, my pleasure to release this new revelation to the world, beginning with all of you. May it have its impact. May it give courage, strength and determination to those who can receive it, and a great challenge, even confusion, to those who cannot. For we all must be stirred if we are ever to awaken. May the Presence be with us. And let us hear the Voice of Revelation now.


Go to The Great Turning Point for Humanity Revelation.

Read Patricia Summers’ Afterglow account of Receiving “The Great Turning Point for Humanity”

on the Worldwide Community Site (free registration required).

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