Into the Greater Reality of Your Life | A Prayer from The Messenger

Hear Marshall Vian Summers share a prayer with the Worldwide Community, Jul 14, 2013.

I’d like to share with you my prayer, which is a prayer to bring you into the greater part of your life, the greater reality of your life. My prayer is to restore to you and to so many others the power of Grace that lives within you and how that Grace can be experienced in life in relationships and the greater destiny that has brought you into this world at this time, under these conditions.

And part of the reason I have been sent into the world is to bring a reality of life beyond this world, for humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of life in the universe, a Greater Community that humanity knows nothing about. 

I have been sent to receive a Revelation for humanity about this Greater Community of life and about the restoration of your life, your purpose and your destiny in the world. This is a gift not just for one tribe or one nation or one group, but for the whole world, to be presented to the whole world as a New Revelation from God. 

My prayer is that this Revelation can be received by enough people that it will have a great impact upon the future and destiny of humanity, for the human family is facing grave danger and peril in the future—the danger of collapse within the world and the danger of Intervention from beyond the world. 

God knows what is coming over the horizon, but people do not see. God must show us things that we have not yet seen and introduce to us aspects of our own lives that we are unaware of or have not fully experienced. God must reveal to us our destiny within this Greater Community of life, our destiny as a free and sovereign race in a universe where freedom is rare.

May this Revelation find you. And may you have the clarity of mind to see what a great gift this is, how timely this is, how important this is and how it fulfills all of God’s previous Revelations, coming now to a great turning point for humanity, a time when our isolation in the universe will end—forever it will end—and the great promise this has to bring unity and cooperation to a world torn by strife, conflict and degradation.

My prayer is that this Greater Community awareness will have the power to unite a fractured humanity and to restore to us our native wisdom and power, the wisdom and power that lives within each person, waiting to be discovered, experienced and expressed.

I therefore bring you the gateway into a Greater Community of life, for God’s Revelation has presented this gateway into the reality and the spirituality of life in the universe, a gift that has never been given to humanity before, for it was not needed before, but it is needed now. In fact, it is one of the greatest needs of humanity at this time. And it will be amongst the greatest needs of humanity into the future from this time forward.  

My prayer is that you can hear this and receive this gift of Grace and empowerment from the Source of your life, from the Source of your religion, from the Source of all the religions of the world. 

Let us have the eyes to see and the ears to hear at a time of Revelation, a time of Grace, a time of trial, a time of great promise, for your life and for the human family, as it stands at the threshold of space, the threshold of a Greater Community of life, within which our future and destiny will be revealed.

May the Presence and the Grace that God has put within you be your guide and comfort in these times. And may you be comforted realizing that God has spoken again—spoken again for this time and for the times to come; spoken into the human heart, into the human heart of all nations and all faith traditions; spoken at a time of escalating and profound need. 

May this blessing be yours to receive and to share with others, as it is my blessing to share it with you.

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  1. This is a sobering prayer from the Messenger that was given back in July of 2013, It’s as relevant today as it was presented ten years ago to our early community of first responders, as we see ourselves today. When I listened to his words spoken back then, I felt this resonance envelope me completely, as now we are living within these Great Waves of change and humanity is undergoing a subtle intervention by forces from the Greater Community that seek this beautiful and biodiverse world for their own interests. The calling is strong for us to respond now, each one of us in whatever way is appropriate for our design. I definitely recommend listening to this recording. Feel how it resonates with you now…