Keeping Knowledge Alive in the World

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during Night 2 of the 2020 Messenger’s Vigil, January 25, 2020.

Go to the Full Broadcast page.

Marshall: You’re not asked to change the world. You’re just asked to do the thing you’re asked to do. Your job is to take the next step or steps that you sense are in front of you. And that moves you further towards where you really need to go. 

And the truth is we don’t even know if we can save the human family in the time we have. We may end up having to save the remnants of the human family, those who survive the process. That’s how big this is. This isn’t just like we got to get this done by 2050 or it’s curtains. We’re in the infinite game here about keeping Knowledge alive in this world, ongoing, as long as humanity dwells here. 

And so when you think like that, then you don’t become consumed with immediate goals and you see your trajectory on a bigger platform, bigger playing field. 

So yes, there are grave situations and grave challenges for humanity. And yes, we are not responding. And yes, all of that, of course. And so it looks kind of impossible. But we don’t know how this thing is going to play. And we don’t even know what we’re ultimately trying to do. 

I mean, if I was to think of an ultimate statement, it would be more like keeping Knowledge alive in the world as a more infinite platform of participation, which means it goes beyond me, it goes beyond you. It’s like we’re playing our part in doing something that must happen in this world in the larger scheme of things. And that actually gives us strength and greater equanimity. 

So how this will work? Gee, that’s not the issue. That’s not even…we couldn’t figure it out ever. But we have a sense of things that must be done and we have a sense of how our life may be a part of things that must be done. That’s real; that’s urgent; that’s necessary. 

So you can burn up a lot of psychic energy at 40,000 feet, as Reedy mentioned. But it’s not going to get you anywhere. It’s not going to get your life moving the way it needs to move. Fear and worry and trepidation—you’re burning up rubber. You’re a rocket burning up on the launch pad. I mean, that rocket has got to get into space and with its payload.

I’m just saying that because there’s a way to hold what this is that’s very beneficial, as long as you don’t hold it within immediate goals only. 

What must I do? Tell me what I must do. That could be fruitful. Real understanding comes later. You don’t understand and then do; that rarely happens. The New Message sets amazing goals, high priorities, but our job is to find out what we’re to do.

And that is really…those are the tracks we need to really be on, and so this is what I’m encouraging. It’s almost like you might as well say to yourself, “Everything I think is wrong, or incomplete, or maybe not very useful,” as a kind of personal liberation. It’s not really true. You actually do think things that are important—everybody here does—and things that are true to some degree. 

But the urgent thing is not forecasting the Revelation. The important thing is to do exactly what I keep saying. What is my next step? What must I do?

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  1. Thank you Marshall. I do feel it is a burden and a blessing because we are against all odds, yet I see our purpose is to continue to reclaim Knowledge and anchor that in the world. Even after each of us has gone, Knowledge must survive in the world for humanity to remain free. I kinda see it that it is like the old mystery schools, if we lose to the intervention those with Knowledge will go underground, secret groups etc. Any way they can to keep Knowledge alive and the NM says that over this century, maybe the next, when our time has come and gone the new generations need Knowledge for their survival and journey to return from separation. Their New World Reality is part of our purpose now. These words are inspirational Marshall and help me focus ever more deeply on my Steps. Nasi Novare Coram

  2. Thank you Marshall for this communication and for your great great support in how to approach this for us new responders. Am I too late? Have I figured it out too late? Or is it more important to see the journey ahead for at least as long as it takes to make it, to do something about it? The next step. What must I do? And trust that this is for real and not some silly made up story out of boredom? What did you say in a previous teaching? “Go. Just go.”? It still rings within me. Nasi Novare Coram

  3. “Beginning students always think that they are on the verge of accomplishment. Intermediate students think they are on the verge of mastery. Advanced students realize they are on the verge of simply learning the next step.

    This represents a mature attitude, an attitude that recognizes the challenge, the difficulty, the need and the reward. You must advance far enough to gain this mature approach. Advanced age in life does not guarantee this mature approach. Advancement in The Way of Knowledge and advancement in true preparation are the only things that can assure this. This will show you the true lessons in life and how difficult they are to learn, how necessary they are to learn and what the results of learning them are. Your experience will confirm this.

    This will put you in a position to wisely counsel others. This is why only an advanced student in The Way of Knowledge can teach The Way of Knowledge. Many people want to pass on everything they are learning as soon as possible, and this is understandable.

    However, do not claim real comprehension, for the Mystery will exceed your understanding, always.
    When you can be immersed in the Mystery, you can represent the Mystery. ”

    ….. … .. . .. … ….

    “Those who know carry the presence with them. And this presence has been able to grow because they have not been indiscreet. They have not tried to use their experience for personal gain. Instead, they have let it grow stronger and more intense within themselves. This gives them a sense of presence. You will not find this in idle dabblers or in people who are like tourists in a spiritual universe. However, you will find this in those who have had to face their own thresholds, who have had to cross their own rivers and who have had to experience and face their own doubts and fears and the wasteful consequences of their mistakes.

    These are people who are following something inexplicable that they do not attempt to define or use. Their silence is profound and inviting. They are with the Mystery. And the Mystery is with them.

    Through them a greater Knowledge, a greater comfort and a Greater Power can emerge and abide. This is the abiding revelation. Someone who is with the Mystery can share the Mystery without words, without conversation, without debate and without self-glorification.

    They are with the Mystery and the Mystery is with them.”

    Nasi Novare Coram

  4. Yes, I agree, it does seem grim, and yes, we may only be able to save a portion of humanity. However, we must have faith. As you say frequently, GOD HAS A PLAN.
    From my vantage point, I can say, that there are many responders out there. Yet, it gets pretty dicey. The dark/negative energies are holding many of us at bay, and the “visitors” are already using manipulating tactics to prevent us from achieving our goals. Actually, it is quite unfortunate, because many of the responders may have already been conditioned or led to believe that many, or some, are here to help us. Even further yet, there are psychic responders out there who are in communication with them already.
    But, GOD HAS A PLAN, and I honestly feel in my heart, that those who are considered “important” to the cause, will be successful in achieving their goals. At most, I pray that’s so.
    So, I feel its imperative to keep the faith, because for now, that’s basically all we got, besides prayer, that many will be able to respond soon. ds