Knowing Your Journey – Wisdom Training

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speaking after the Broadcast of Night 2 of the 2019 Steps Vigil, May 27, 2019.
I want everyone to really know the journey you’ve taken to get here because much of your wisdom training comes from the journey. I mean, the journey is really where you are prepared. And your errors and your successes…actually error is usually more valuable for wisdom training than even your successes because that’s where the real reformation happens within us.
So I’ve been journaling since 1987 because I figured I should have my own record of my life, unless somebody else writes it for me. So I can go back to almost any day in any a year to know what happened. And I wrote it as a record of events more than as a personal memoir, you know.
So I encourage you to know the stages of your own development because other people will come to you in those early stages, and if you have a good memory and have utilized your past effectively, you will be able to serve them as they go through the early stages that you have passed through yourself. I think that’s very important.
And also your life has been the evidence of Knowledge. Even more than how you have felt that Knowledge has spoken to you in the moment, the greater evidence is what you have done with it and without it. I think nothing can demonstrate its power and its abiding presence and the fact that it’s at work 24 hours a day on your behalf…I don’t think anything else can speak more than the evidence of the journey you’ve taken. So know your journey and mine it for all the wisdom that it can give, and forgive it and yourself.
It’s a miracle that any one of us has escaped the gravitational pull of Separation, and we’re all in the process of doing that.
And you’re amongst the first responders. So the first responders are given…their development is important for larger reasons, other than for their own benefit.
So that whereas in the beginning, it seems like those who assist you from beyond are working for you, you achieve a position in life where you are working for them, and you prepare for them. Yeah, that’s a different kind of life.
And you’re rewarded. Very rewarded.
To finally be right with yourself, do not be afraid of what you know, to trust your nature, to know your limits and your tendencies, and to work through your mind and your body as vehicles of communication, accepting their limits and faults.
And you begin to have an experience of the other side, not visually because that’s not a visual experience, but a sense that you are not alone and you’re observed from a respectful distance. But by that time, you’re up the mountain, you’re out of the woods, and the panorama of the landscape is very apparent and you understand why you couldn’t see before or know before.
You begin to see your life as part of a Greater Coordination.
Your words sound to me like a big hug. I was needing it. Thank you so much.
Thank you Marshall for these words of encouragement. It brings a much needed clarity to so many buried past experiences. An understanding that, at one point in time, I never thought was possible. It is indeed a long journey and I am so grateful to have found The Steps to give me a path out of my past filled with so much inner confusion which now are seen as an abundance of lessons. Nasi Novare Coram
Merci infiniment, j’arrive pas à décrire tout ce qui m’arrive. La connaissance, le voyage, ma vie, tout part comme si je naissais pour la première fois. Merci pour ces mots Marshall
As i walk and have walked in this individual journey, isolation has been a mitigation in going in forward motion. To finally gain the opportunity to align with my true path has not been an easy dedication, but the correct one. Thank you Marshall, for allowing placement for escape from isolation. This alone, is a magnificent reward. May others find their way through the Beacon of Light you are sharing with hUmaNITY as well. Nasi Novare Coram
I will never forget casually investigating a link posted by one of the students only to be struck by what I had stumbled upon. It showed me the importance of advocacy and it reminded me that it is always necessary to put aside preconceived ideas and beliefs if one wishes to truly ‘see’ what one is looking at.
Gracias! Es, para mí, experienciar constantemente, un diáfano manantial infinito de coherencia luminosa y cálida fortaleza que me lleva suave y firmemente, y burbujea en mi pecho, todo dulzura y certidumbre, y centra mis pasos y mi estar en el mundo felizmente, confiadamente…..
Thank you.
Thanks to the Society and staff for sharing this beautiful and profound moment with Marshall.
Listening to Marshall for these 7 minutes and 30 seconds really spoke to me as the last 3 days have as well. I feel that he is really expressing to me… to us that we must know our own journey from where we have been, where we are now and where it is we must go. And to do this we must know ourselves, our mind and our journey well enough so we may have authority over it. I am beginning to see and get little glimpses of the Greater Coordination at work not just in my life but others lives as well. These 20 days are like a beautiful flower beginning to blossom for me. The more I participate with what is being given the more I feel inside me that I am receiving the meaning and purpose of my life which blossoms and begins to open more as my mind and heart open more. Thank you Marshall for being a catalyst for this and for me. I love you. Nasi Novare Coram