Knowledge and the New World Reality

Watch Marshall Vian Summers during Night 17 of the Steps Vigil, June 11, 2019.
Marshall: Through the course of the Vigil, I’ve been giving teachings about Knowledge from different vantage points, different emphases. And tonight I would like to speak about Knowledge and the new world, the new world reality that we’re entering. We’ve come into the world at a time of perhaps the greatest change in human history, a returning point in the evolution of the human family, greater than we can even imagine at this moment it is.
For God would not speak again unless there was a great need, a great need for which humanity could not prepare itself, could not fully understand, a great need in the world that would bring forces in the universe here for their own purposes, a great convergence of tremendous forces, both physical and planetary and spiritual. So it’s so important now that we need to learn about what these great waves of change are, this a new world reality. And Steps to Knowledge has given to us a vast understanding of this and things to do to prepare for it practically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually. In fact, you could say that Steps to Knowledge is the preparation for the Great Waves of Change, even though the Great Waves are not mentioned very often at all in the Steps themselves. And the reason for this is is that the most fundamental preparation for the Great Waves has to do with us reuniting with the deeper Intelligence that lives within us. For without this, whatever we may do practically, socially, politically, even scientifically, will not be enough, for the wisdom and the will will not be sufficient, as we have seen already. Something far more powerful has to ignite in the human spirit, the human conscience, to take on a challenge this big. It’s not just a practical problem or a technological challenge or a political issue. It’s the future of human civilization and the freedom of humanity going forward. Only something of this magnitude would call for God to speak again to the whole world, an event so rare in the universe where God would speak to a whole world. We know so little about these times and this threshold that we’re now living in, living now in the foothills of the Great Waves of Change, so to speak. And yet somehow, we feel a responsibility. We have an ability to respond. And we’re going to enter this New World Reality. We’re going to enter it together. And here it is so necessary for us to build the Worldwide Community of the New Message and to extend it into the world, a vehicle of people connected to Knowledge and the New Revelation, connected through their relationships, their work, their purpose and the grace that has brought us all together. The New Message is very formidable and I encourage you to learn more about it, not just hear people’s opinions about it, but to see what is actually happening in the world today. Some people who are very spiritually inclined, as I’m sure you all are, have kind of turned our back on the world, of the realities of the world, the movement in the world, thinking that there’s greater avenues to pursue, greater truths to pursue, a greater journey to take. But the New Message is not here to take us out of the world or beyond the world, but to empower us to reenter the world with a greater strength and a greater purpose and a greater destiny. We may seek power for ourselves, but are we willing to accept the responsibility that always accompanies power? Steps to Knowledge is preparing us to recognize this power and the responsibility that must go along with it, and the wisdom of how it should be expressed and carried forth into a world growing ever darker, ever more turbulent, ever more uncertain. These Great Waves of Change can produce shock and even times of terror, but they’re really meant as a calling. If you can get through the early phases of shock and dismay and anxiety and hopelessness, even, perhaps you will begin to see the calling that is here. We’re here to fulfill a purpose in service to the world. It’s not what we want to give to the world, necessarily. It’s what the world will call out of us in its travail, suffering. Its predicament, its beauty, its importance call these things out of us. And they’re called out of us because we’re born with the response. We may feel the urge to seek this higher purpose, to express this purpose and know this purpose. In part, the world has to tell us what it is, where it must be given, contributed, expressed. This brings us back into relationship with the world, perhaps a relationship we have never really felt comfortable having before, given the world’s general condition and the difficulties of human family, trending of the times, the darkening of the skies. But you see, there’s no retreat from this. If you retreat from this, then you retreat from the very purpose that has brought you here, retreating into isolation or avoidance or delusion and fantasy. Here, even religion itself becomes delusional—full of fantasy—all a compensation for failure to respond to something very elemental and essential that is happening, both within you and within the world itself, for they are joined. So while Knowledge is overseeing our developments and our spiritual development, it is also preparing us for this new world reality. That is why Knowledge is so hard to understand; it’s connected to something much bigger. It’s like the part of us that’s inherently connected to bigger things, in this case, the biggest thing in the world. Challenging as the Great Waves could be, they and the contact with intelligent life in the universe are the only two things that can unite a fractured humanity, something so overshadowing, something so challenging, something so significant, that would override all other tendencies within us. This is the potential of facing a great challenge together. Rich or poor, wherever you live, whatever the station of your life, we are all going to go into this new world reality together. Any nation in the world can fail in the face of it, even the most prosperous. So the question arises, going into this new world reality, which is already beginning to feel different: How do we serve it? What can we do? The most essential thing that we can do, and must do, is to build our connection to Knowledge because it is the only part of us that is unafraid, representing the eternal part of us. It is the only part of us that holds the blueprint of our life—where we’re meant to go, who we’re meant to meet, what we’re meant to face, what we’re meant to give. We can’t make these things up for ourselves. We can think we can. We can be delusional. We can have grand schemes for ourselves, or think that we’re gods and goddesses and saints and sages and so forth. But, no. No. Building strength with Knowledge…for this kind of strength is truly resilient. It can face anything. It can adapt. It can survive. It can serve. If you really examined yourself as mentally, emotionally, physically, you can’t say this about yourself, really, if you understand what’s coming over the horizon. So at some point, we’ll stop hiding and running and avoiding, seeking escape or thinking we can be at peace all the time, when in fact, there’s the unfinished business of our life, which is the journey we must take, the strength we must find, the preparation we must undergo. This brings us back to Steps to Knowledge. And the key thing here, the most important thing beyond any other thing we do for the world, is to know what you must do and do it, starting with little things and then taking on bigger things. It’s the only way that you and Knowledge can reunite. You already know things to do that you’re not doing. That’s where you start. It may have nothing to do with the Great Waves of change. It may have nothing to do with the Greater Community of life, or the Intervention that’s occurring in the world today. It may seem personal. It may seem small. But if that’s the next thing you know you must do, if that’s what you’re telling yourself you know you must do, that is the most essential preparation. Having grand ideas, great schemes, a fantasy of going off and living in the country, or growing your own food, or, you know, inventing some gadget that’s going to save the day, this will never build the strength you will have to have to face what you really, honestly can’t face right now. And that’s okay; I understand. So in the face of the Great Waves of change and humanity’s emergence into a universe of intelligent life, God has sent us Steps to Knowledge as the preparation, the core preparation. We think we need technology, we need political will, we need social change, we need…God sends Steps to Knowledge. Maybe God knows more about this than we do. So this is the gift we have in our hands. This is why we’ve been called here. We come for peace, happiness, resolution, stability, and these things are given to us to a certain degree, but really this is a greater calling here. And Knowledge within us knows this is our calling. Any avoidance or delay is simply time lost, time wasted when we have so little time. So I’m going to make this very simple at the very foundation. Do what you know to do and do not take too much time to do it, whatever it is. Don’t think about taking on grand things if you can’t take on small things. Don’t assure yourself that you can weather any storm when you can’t even weather the storm of today within yourself. God’s first purpose is to unburden you. And that means freeing you up and making you stronger—stronger body, stronger mind, stronger will, stronger determination, greater courage, greater resilience. These things take time to build; you don’t just have them. So we’re building. And you know, we can’t wait to mimic other people. Other people are asleep. We can’t wait till everyone agrees so we can be sure we’re doing the right thing. It’ll be too late. You know it wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark. Don’t wait too long to prepare. So the things to do along these lines: you need to distinguish the communication urging of Knowledge within you as an experience within you, recalling the times that you did know things, or felt you got an important message that you followed, or didn’t follow, whatever the outcome. Knowledge is familiar to you. You’re just too preoccupied with other things to recall how important, perhaps, it has been. You wouldn’t have found the New Message without it. You’d be wandering in the universe, seeking pleasure and trying to avoid pain. Accept the pressure. Accept the feeling that you’re done with certain things, that your life is about something bigger than it is today. Accept the realization that you may not be in the right place, you might not be in the right relationships, that your destiny isn’t right where you are. It’s really somewhere else and you’re restless, like a caged animal, pacing back and forth in its cage, restless. No amount of pleasure or distraction or temporary enjoyment can resolve that. You’ve been stirred by God. You’re not just disturbed, you’ve been stirred, like a sign within you, a sign without an explanation, a sign that you cannot determine in the outset. Something has been unleashed within you. So you need to identify what you need to do now. Remember, you cannot figure out how you’re going to deal with the Great Waves of change. This is too big. There’s nowhere to hide. There’s no escape. There’s only reality. And you know, these big things that are so overwhelming, it’s a gift, for nothing else will bring forth from you what you really have to give. Nothing forth will motivate you to clear up your life, to snap out of your delusion, your ambivalence, to call out of you something greater that must be called forth. Something this great is the only thing that will rescue the human family from war and division in the face of a declining world. And you are amongst the first to receive God’s answer. If you can do these things I’m saying—which are actually very, very simple—you will grow in strength. Ask yourself or write it down, What do I know I need to do now that I’m not doing? Write it down. Look at it every day. Be kind to yourself, but firm. I know, you didn’t respond before, but now you have an opportunity to take this on. These things are not insurmountable. Some require many steps. Some require only one step. If you do that, Knowledge will give you something else to do that needs to be done. It could be very practical. It could be something bigger—a change in a relationship, perhaps, that’s just long overdue. Don’t take too much time. It’s time wasted. As you do these things, you become stronger with Knowledge and your life changes in ways that you could not change it. It changes from the inside out, rather than from the outside in. If you don’t do these things, you’ll remain in a fog of delusion and idealism about Knowledge, about relationships and higher purpose, Spiritual Family, community, personal accomplishment. You’ll think that you’re involved in these things, but really you’re in a fog. They’re just ideas; they’re just hopes and wishes that have no power to withstand the great change that is coming to the world. So God gives the answer, and the answer is in Steps to Knowledge. If people aren’t strong with Knowledge, they may realize what they need to do, but they won’t have the will or courage to do it. They won’t have the strength or conviction to do it, except for a few people; a few people will do it. People will not be able to hold to it. Their courage will run out. They will not be strong enough to stay with it, their lives just too inconsistent, too out of control, too overshadowed by other things. If you do not do these things, your will shrink away, fall back into your weakness, pull back into your old self. I don’t think you want to go there. You’ve been there. You don’t need to go there again, ever. Or of course, you’ll just become delusional as the world grows darker and more difficult, greater blame cast upon others with no sense of real personal responsibility. We have choice in this matter, but it’s a very fundamental choice. It’s not a halfway choice or a maybe choice or a “I’ll do a little if I can get a little.” And “I’ll make a deal.” And “I’ll bargain.” And all this sort of things. So these Great Waves of change are things that Knowledge is connected to. It knows the time that you would enter this world and what this world would be facing in the years of your life. So here the Great Waves themselves create a huge impetus to invest in your studenthood, to take it far more seriously, to recognize that this is the most important thing in your life, of course. It’s become based in reality, the reality of Knowledge within you, the reality of what is happening in the world, beyond political intrigue, beyond conspiracy theories—all these kinds of things that just create more shadows over the landscape. This is what you agreed to before coming. You don’t have to believe me when I say that, but eventually in your heart you will know. Of great importance, too, as you begin to bring your life in order to strengthen your connection to Knowledge, to simplify your affairs, to free yourself, you begin to realize, then, your life is just not about you. It’s a direction to go to prepare for something bigger that calls for you, that is about who you are in the world because who you are in the world is what you’re here to do. There’s no other “Who am I?” that makes any sense. Remember you’re an eternal being living a temporary life in a temporary world. And you’re here on a mission. And Knowledge holds the mission, which will only reveal to you as you make progress, following through what it gives you to do, step by step. May the blessing be with you.
I had a dream knowledge of been dressed by some one else that I did not recognized the face, wearing me a complete amour that my native land produced spiritually with the eye google every where changes to my best and others are busy preparing before I woke up.
Please, someone should help direct me where to post my sturdyJurnal outcomes through the Step to knowledge
Hi Chigozie, you could post them in one of the Groups or in an existing Discussion, or start a new Group or Discussion for that purpose.
I Love You Marshall. Thank you so much for all that you’ve given us. Your Wisdom continues to build a greater strength within me. NNC
Oh, this was soo striking. The arrow hits the mark and everything falls apart ! Oh no, I want go back into the shadows, I was there since my childhood. Thank you, dear Marshall! I Know, I have a lot of work to do, no more time to waste, I have already wasted to much time and the hour is very late and the darkness is ever growing..
I felt like to read this again today. The more I read the more I find new wisdom. Oh, my dear Messenger, you just renewed my strength, courage, and clarity. Thank you.