Letting the Mystery Guide Us Further

Hear Marshall Vian Summers speaking after the Broadcast of Night 3 of the 2019 Steps Vigil, May 28, 2019.

A step in Steps to Knowledge says that: My life is more important than I’d realized [Step 188: My life in this world is more important than I had realized before], not self-important, but important for something that it was meant to be a part of. We seek that inclusion in mundane things, trivial pursuits, shallow relationships—all manner of things. But when it has an opportunity to find its true purpose, that’s a rare thing in the world. It gives rise to gratitude, humility, appreciation, awe. To be a part of something this big, this essential, it’s bigger than we can understand.

So we understand what we can understand and we leave the rest to the Mystery to guide us further because real understanding, to the extent that it can be possible for any of us, will happen at the end when we look back and say, “Ah…ah…now I understand.”

In the meantime, we follow the invisible light, which seems so easy when we’re together. But alone, with our thoughts to haunt us and the demands of the world around us, it could be hard to recall. But as we take these Steps to Knowledge, the dim light becomes stronger, more evident, more easily remembered and felt. The feeling of being connected begins to grow, not as a hope or a wish, or as a fantastic notion, but as a simple, abiding feeling. And we don’t even have to understand.

As we continue to shed those things that we’ve accumulated in our minds and lives that don’t really represent us, aren’t really necessary for what we’re here to do—beyond things that provide simple pleasures—that feeling of being whole and connected grows and we’re far less distracted now was there all along, but there was so much covering it up, layers upon layers of memories and pain and beliefs, difficulties, failures, anxiousness about the future.

And then Knowledge and our personal self begin to align more powerfully, more simply, no great realizations really, just the work to be done to find our place, our purpose, our people, become less complex, less complicated, nourished by things unseen, nourished by the Presence. It’s all there for us to become simple like a flute that can provide music in its simplicity.

These are all things that are hard to comprehend, but what’s forever is hard to comprehend. What’s forever in us is beyond our ability to imagine, for the imagination can only create things of this world, however creatively. It cannot conceive of peace, purpose or an endless life.

What’s eternal within us must guide what is temporary within us. What is strong within us must guide what is weak within us. What has purpose must give purpose to the part of us that is lost or haphazard. What is simple must give rise to what was once complex.

This is not only the essence for the individual, it is also the assurance of freedom for humanity. For in the universe, only Knowledge is free. Only those with Knowledge can experience that freedom, immune from the persuasions that are so powerful beyond our world. We have yet to prepare for these things.

But we have this moment together, timeless in time, the miracle that has brought us here, the miracle that has kept us here. I feel it.

It’s not what Knowledge says; it’s what Knowledge does. It is the master.

Let us remember this moment, this time we have…so much freedom right now, comfort right now. We’re not alone. We’re being connected with people all over the world through the Revelation, more relationships than you can even imagine having, people who would know more about you than your brother or your sister. Though they’re meeting you for the first time, they know more about what is important in you because they’re seeking that themselves. They are on that road with you, in other worlds, in other places.

The power of redemption lives within us and between us and through us. And we’re working every day to prepare ourselves for it.

Nasi Novare Coram

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  1. “In the meantime, we follow the invisible light, which seems so easy when we’re together. But alone, with our thoughts to haunt us and the demands of the world around us, it could be hard to recall ….” Yes, I recognize that, when I am all alone at home I ask myself: is this really true? Step 9a or 10- : Why am I doing this anyway? And then I continue translating and know I just have to do that… so somehow I follow this invisible light….

  2. The phrase “keep oil in your lamps” comes to me when I hear Marshall’s words. Truly “the power of redemption lives within us.” Thank you dear Marshall for such uplifting thoughts!

    1. Thank you Janice, the 5 brides girls that took some spare oil for their oil lamps with them, while waiting for the bride groom to arrive, Matthew 25 from the New Testament, that story and advise also resonates with me. Be careful and watchful. Because you don’t know when the Son of Men will arrive.

  3. “But we have this moment together, timeless in time, the miracle that has brought us here, the miracle that has kept us here. I feel it.
    It’s not what Knowledge says; it’s what Knowledge does. It is the master.”

    In this part of what Marshall said, I felt in my heart that I was in the Presence.
    Thank you so much, the Messenger Marshall !

    Nasi Novare Coram

  4. The presence of Mystery is always more strongly felt when the Messenger is with us and speaks to the deepest part of us. I’m glad the effort was made to share this sacred moment with those who could not be there to experience the timeless moment with the Messenger. Gratitude to all who walk with the Messenger.

  5. Do I really recognize the importance of my life ? Can I follow the invincible light without too much questions ? Do I remember what I know already when I am alone ? Can I go back on course again and again ? Can I really face my fears and fantacies ? Can I see my need for knowledge and the importance of this ? Can I see that Knowledge is waiting for me, but where I am ?

  6. Marshall,

    The mention of the growing WWC , the understanding, ability to know and feel the mysterious life that is unfolding, the common inner revelation that I know others are having too, reminded me of the line in the closing phone booth scene of “The Matrix”.

    “I know you’re out there. I can feel you.”

    I experience this a lot with you and everyone whose thoughts and lives are joined. It’s very nice.

  7. It is hardly to describe in words how the mystery of Knowledge is guiding us and pushing us forward. Thankyou Marshall for your confirming words.