Living the Reality of the New Message

Hear Marshall speak during a Monday Morning ‘Huddle’ Meeting, skyped in from Santos, Brazil, July 15, 2019.

Marshall: The effort that we share and that we participate in each day is a demonstration of everything the New Message teaches and advocates and supports. So we’re living the reality. We’re living the truth of this and its purpose in the world.

And I hope that each of you, even in your times of being alone, can remember that and think of that, that you’ve been called into a greater service here that will be ongoing, even beyond our time and part of a Great Coordination and the miracle of your life that has enabled you to find this and respond to this and to be free enough to participate.

All these things are a demonstration of the greater truths that the New Message has revealed to us and emphasizes for the world.

That’s why whenever anyone can come and visit in a Vigil or at an Encampment, they’re seeing the evidence of this relationship, this profoundly humble and dedicated service that we provide, our authenticity, quality of our relationships together and what we’ve been able to give to make this possible to now reach ever-growing numbers of people in the world.

And also, along with that, is the truth that all great improvements and services to humanity have been initiated and fostered and generated by small groups of dedicated people working in concert with each other. This is what has set in motion all great contributions to humanity in all fields of endeavor. So we’re just exercising that fundamental truth and reality in our journey together, in our love for each other and in the grace that abides with us.

So when you speak the truth, you can feel the truth. And the room goes silent.

And also to learn individually to be the same person in all situations so that, where it might be easier to feel this together in our work together, to be able to, then, bring that into all the places that we go. And this takes time. This is not easy; I’m sure you can see that. And I see that.

But to be the same person in all situations, connected to the same Greater Power, connected to the same sense of mission and value and respect, but also the humility to know that we are learning as well as serving and that this learning is keeping our minds fresh and alive, purposeful, engaged. And it overcomes even the chronic doubt or problems we have had in the past that have limited us or held us back.

So the river of intention gets stronger as we dip into it more often.

And I’m always encouraged by those who have responded and those who have come and those who serve. I mean this is, like, to me is the…I mean, Heaven can only do so much to inspire me. I mean, it’s who comes, who gives, who lives this reality with me that I think is the greatest testament that I could have, the greatest support and assurance I could have.

And if you can’t reach individuals and if you can’t build alliances, then it’s hopeless to think you’re going to make a difference in the world.

And for all those who have been here for a long time, this is where your service now begins to really yield. And, you know, the greater the service, often the longer it takes for it to really yield.

The New Message is a huge challenge for new people. I mean, it’s not just a big thing. It’s also something that has the potential to alter the course of their life. And so I have to be very respectful that people, even if they’re really moved by it, have to go back and face their own circumstances to see what this might mean. And so this is a big challenge we’re laying down, even for those who would naturally respond.

And when you think of your own journey to get here, you can see, you know, you’ve lived that process of transition, recognition, transition. I mean, it’s the three stages of knowing. It’s recognition: just being with what you’ve experienced, walking around it, letting it grow and then taking action when that’s appropriate.

So you’ve lived that. Your journey’s been a demonstration of that in many ways. And everyone who hears me for the first time is now going to now be left with a pebble in their shoe that they can’t remove. They may not like it, but they won’t forget it. And they may resist it, but it will live within them.

So I and we have taken up a small residence the corner of their mind. And I think that’s a very appropriate kind of a way to look at it in this regard, because the truth is so attractive that, in time, it can overcome all adversaries.

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  1. Thank you Marshall and The Society for sharing this with us. I feel a much stronger sense of commitment and purpose building and am very grateful for these words of encouragement.

  2. Thank you Marshall – this speaks so much to a series of Steps I’ve had recently, including: “You need to learn how to learn so that your learning may be effective and expedient, have depth and consistency and produce a sound advancement that you can rely upon in all circumstances in the future.” (Step 150 Today I will learn to learn). And: “…Knowledge will provide for you. This in time will allow you to receive the gift of Knowledge which will dispel all doubt and confusion…
    …for Knowledge is not seeking to take you out of the world but to bring you into the world, for you have come here to give.” (Step 156 I will not be concerned about myself today).

  3. Thank you Marshall! Thank you Robert and the Society for sharing this and being a big part of the reality MVS speaks of. It is a reality that we must all face in our lives here and a reality that has the truth as its foundation. For me it is a reality I want to be with more and more. Nasi Novare Coram