Marriage and Higher Purpose | Revelation Broadcast Event

Watch Reed Summers speak during the Broadcast, Apr 25, 2022.
Marriage and Higher Purpose
Revelation Broadcast Events
Okay. Well, thank you all for joining me. My name is Reed Summers. And it’s my privilege to be here every two weeks to share with you the newest revelation of the New Message from God. Tonight we’re going to be hearing and reading the revelation Marriage and Higher Purpose, which was selected by Marshall Vian Summers, the man responsible for receiving the New Message from God over an almost 40-year period of time. And in case you haven’t noticed or caught on, Marshall’s my father.
And so I’ve been working with him for almost two decades now on bringing forth the New Message: publishing it, preserving it, teaching it, presenting it to people in the world; and my joy to be here with you tonight to do that, right here with you and to receive this revelation with you myself.
The New Message from God is an original communication from the Creator of all life. It is a gift to people all over the world, people of any religion and of no religion. It is essentially a live, dynamic communication from a Higher Power to the human family and to all of us here on Earth, guiding us in the most mundane and practical ways and also in the most profound and mysterious ways, as well. And today we might be somewhere in the middle of that.
We’re going to be receiving a revelation on the topic of Marriage, which at some level is quite mundane and is something that many of us in the world are engaged with. You know, we might be a husband or a wife. But this revelation really takes the whole concept of marriage to a much higher level, a much more all-encompassing level, and invites all of us to consider that we may be preparing to be married in this life and in the world, not just to one man or woman, but possibly to a group of people doing important work in the world, possibly to a cause in service to humanity in some way. And so marriage can take many forms.
The question tonight is: What is marriage essentially? What is its essence? What underlies marriage? What prepares us for marriage? And where does marriage really begin within us before we become married to someone else beyond us? And so to begin, I’d like to share several passages from the Revelation that you’ll be hearing.
Marriage is something that should be a focus for every person. Marriage is an act of uniting your life, of focusing your life, and of pulling yourself into a position of becoming a provider to join something greater than yourself, to give yourself to something greater than your personal interests alone.
But marriage here is more inclusive than you might think, for not everyone in this life will be married to another person in the traditional sense, and that is appropriate. But everyone has the opportunity to marry something, to marry a greater relationship, to unite with others to serve a greater purpose, to become greater by being part of something greater…
A true marriage is a marriage that is built upon a greater purpose, a marriage where Knowledge has brought two or more people together to participate in a greater way together…
To be greater, you must unite with others to serve something greater. The degree to which you can do this will be the degree to which you can become more complete, more aware, more whole within yourself…”
This is from the revelation Marriage and Higher Purpose. And I’m sure you saw the word Knowledge in there. Maybe this is your first encounter with that word. The New Message from God presents and redefines many existing terms and many new ones, and Knowledge would be one of the existing ones. When the New Message speaks of Knowledge, it’s referring to the spiritual Mind within each of us, the part of us that is connected to the Divine that we’ve brought into the world and that we have the opportunity now in this life to connect with and to allow to express itself through us in a specific form of contribution with specific people. So this is what is meant by Knowledge.
One of the really profound parts of this revelation, which I’ll talk a little bit about afterwards, is potentially the fact that you are already married in the world—married to the things that influence you; married to family, religion, culture, job or others without even knowing it; and also the need to become married even before pursuing new marriages, married to Knowledge within you, married within yourself first, the very first marriage. And I’m sure if you’re finding this midway through your life, maybe this is new to you and you’ve already engaged in many marriages, so to speak, and haven’t considered marrying this Presence, the spiritual Presence within you.
But that is what the New Message presents and provides as a preparation. And so you’ll be hearing more about that now.
And so with that, we’re going to listen to the revelation. This is the first time it’s ever been read or heard in the world. And after that, I’ll take a few questions from you. Or if you’d like to share an experience with me, you can do so in the chat or the comments section of the live stream and then we’ll see what happens after that. So thank you for being here. And we’re now going to listen to Marriage and Higher Purpose.
[The revelation plays.]
So this is the revelation, Marriage and Higher Purpose. The Voice you were hearing is the Voice of an Angelic Presence speaking through my father, Marshall Vian Summers, who was in a state of Revelation and reception, which is quite something. He’s spoken of it many times and it’s very mysterious, very powerful. It is both a blessing and a great burden for him and his health to receive messages like this. And this is but one of over 800 Angelic encounters, each of which is now one of the revelations of the New Message.
This revelation will be available free online starting this very moment. So it’s there to be a resource for us. And there’s a lot here. And I’d like to invite you in the chat or the comment section share with us and share with me what came up for you in hearing this? What part of it struck you the most? Was there a passage that impacted you the most? Maybe somebody can share the link to the newly released revelation so you can copy a text quote and share it.
I know for me—and it’s probably the most obvious part of this revelation—it’s a bigger view on what marriage is and who it’s for. Marriage is not just husband and wife. Marriage is possible for all people in many different forms, and there is a way to prepare for marriage, as well as to find the right marriage.
And much of this hinges upon what I would call the first marriage, which is with Knowledge, the spiritual Mind within us, which is who we really are. And so in a sense, we marry ourselves. We become united internally enough that we can actually perceive life from the lens of our deeper nature, our reasons for being in the world, and see and discern the person or the group or the cause that has our name on it, that is right for us. And so this word Knowledge, the spiritual Mind within us, is so huge here, so important.
As I was first reading this revelation, I thought to myself, so why? Why is this message on marriage being given? And of course I don’t know because I’m not the Creator of all life and I’m not a member of the Assembly of Angels who gave this message and I’m not the Messenger. But for myself, I could sense into this that there was a need to redefine this social institution that many cultures have in the world that we call marriage.
In my study of other languages, you know, the word marriage is very much a part of that language and all of the trappings of that relationship are very word-laden and verbose, right? We talk a lot about marrying and uniting and wedding and all of this, so it’s a huge social institution, although it is different in many different cultures in the world. And I think and I wonder, maybe the Source feels that this institution is not bad—certainly not—but it’s being misappropriated, or our energy is being misappropriated within it. And so as billions of marriages exist right now in the world, or maybe hundreds of millions, how is our human energy, our awareness, our attention, our skill, our time being used or misused in these relationships?
And are these relationships really the grounds for service to be made in the world? Or are they more of a sinkhole where our potential service does not find its way into the world? And so I feel like the institution of marriage might need some redefinition and expansion, might be one reason why this revelation was given.
And I feel also that the Source really, really, really wants people to find something they can commit themselves to in life. And this is…you’ll see this all around the New Message from God on this emphasis on committed relationship; on finding your people, place and purpose; giving what you came to give to a world in need.
It’s as if there’s so much wealth—spiritually—that we all carry as human beings and yet it is being thrown in the trash, taken to a landfill and dumped under the Earth never to see the light of day. It’s not getting from us into the world where it’s needed. And so I really feel that the New Message has a huge emphasis on committed relationship and perhaps the Source wants to see a lot more of that than there is in the world. And so relationship is both the avenue—the vehicle—for great giving and it can also be, unfortunately, an avenue for great waste and great wasted life and opportunity. So, some of my thoughts there.
And again, please share yours. And if you have any questions that I might take a stab at answering, feel free to share those in the chat. And I’ll do, and I will look at those in a little bit.
Stepping back, especially if you’re new to the New Message, I think this revelation might be a bit of a deep dive. It’s quite high level. And yet I want you to know that it’s part of something within the New Message that is quite unique, and you could call it the relationship paradigm or the relationship ethic that the New Message has. And this is that the New Message teaches us to see all aspects of our life as a relationship.
So I have a relationship with my home, with my technology, my devices; certainly with the people in my life, but even things I would never even think of. They’re almost like phantom relationships that are actually drawing a phantom charge, like drawing electricity out of my battery even on a daily basis. And so to see them as a relationship, that there is a give-and-take, that there is influence in both directions and that there is a dynamic that once going can be quite hard to break, that is very useful in looking at your life—all aspects of your life. And so here this revelation on marriage is an expression of this relationship paradigm in the New Message.
And so perhaps that’s a helpful lens to consider your life and your marriages. Maybe you’ve got more than one; I know I do. I have my wife wife. But then I have my mission to support the New Message. I would consider that a marriage. And there are some lesser ones, maybe sub-marriage level relationships, but they still definitely influence me and I definitely influence them.
And looking at that dynamic is very important if we’re ever going to free up enough energy and awareness to feel what we know most deeply and to act on it and to be present in the world, which is what the New Message is teaching us how to do.
And yet I want to also offer a little bit of an antidote to the truths in this teaching because I think we can be idealistic in saying or suddenly applying the idea of marriage to whatever we are most passionate about or to something, a cause or a philosophy or some sort of thing in the world that we’re very identified with. It would be very easy to say, I’m married to that, you know, and I expect all the benefits of marriage and I want it to be rich and personable and emotionally satisfying, like a marriage. And I would say hold on that.
First, if you’re going to look out into the world to consider marriage, I think it’s important to be married to the right thing or the right person. So marriage should be specific, right, and it’s not just marriage with everything or with a giant group or an organization. I think marriage, if we’re going to follow what this revelation is saying, would arise from Knowledge within us and it would be specific—specific people, specific cause. And so it’s not just your, you know, your buffet of causes and personal strongly held beliefs that you would just marry all of a sudden. So I think that’s important.
It’s important that marriage is healthy. It goes both ways. And so be careful what you marry and make sure it’s a healthy one emotionally for you because, again, it is a relationship. And I would say marriage is at the very, very top tier of worldly relationships and as such, it’s going to influence you a lot.
And obviously—maybe it’s obvious, I don’t know; to me it is—not all marriages are the same and exist at the same level. So you can’t say, you know, well, what you have with a husband or a wife you’re going to have with a group of people or an organization. I think it’s important not to write on top of that all the benefits and, you know, things you would want in an intimate, one-to-one relationship on top of something else in the world. It’s a marriage, but at a different level. And I think it’s important to acknowledge that.
And in all of this and in marriage with another man or woman, I think it’s so important to stop and be with, first, where are we coming from in wanting to be married? Right? Because many things can motivate that: fear, loneliness, neediness, childhood trauma; not just wanting to be married, but who we choose to be married to. And so I think there is a preparation to be married.
And I love that this revelation calls out this concept of the first marriage, the marriage to Knowledge within. And I’d like to share this passage with you, that speaks to this very directly.
[Y]ou must develop a relationship with Knowledge, first and foremost. For when you do this, and if Knowledge can grow in your awareness and if you can choose to follow Knowledge, which is God’s great endowment to you, then you will find the right work, the right people, the right vocation, the right place to be, the right emphasis in life because Knowledge has these already.
Here you do not have to invent your life. You have to merely let it unfold and make important decisions along the way. But you must be patient to have this simplicity, to have this wholeness, to have this sense of integrity, for everything does not come upon demand.”
So, there’s a starting point. The starting point is Knowledge within you. There is a preparation. The preparation is taking Steps to this Knowledge within you. And then there is allowing Knowledge to guide you to that to which you must be married in this life, to be committed, to have committed relationship in this life. And so, I think that’s a very, very valuable starting point for all of us, and [I] look forward to your thoughts and comments and questions.
I’m going to go ahead and turn to those now. I have a question here from Celeste:
How can you access and experience Knowledge so that you can, then, have a clear understanding of your Higher Purpose?
Well Celeste, I think you’re making one important connection here first, which is it is important to access and experience Knowledge so that you can have a clear understanding of your Higher Purpose. So thank you for that. I think that’s an important starting point. And in some ways, be with that recognition that you have a need for Knowledge, for the spiritual Presence within you to connect in this way on the inside. And that very need, which is connected to past regrets and mistakes which can be illuminated even by our emotions—the emotion of, you know, the feeling of loneliness or fear in life. They all point back to the fundamental truth that we are not connected to this Knowledge and we need to be.
And I think that conviction, if that’s real for you, is the starting point. And in that state, many things can be done. I mean, you could begin Steps to Knowledge, which is the book of practice in the New Message, certainly. You could just engage in prayer, you know, just praying to receive something through this connection within you.
So the starting points are…well, the next steps are many, but the starting point begins with a state of recognition and need within us that propels us forward. Again, it’s coming from within you. It’s not someone said you should, or there’s a teaching; it’s attractive and interesting. It says you should. What do you feel you need or should do? And that’s coming from within you. And I always, always advocate finding, picking up the scent within, picking up the trail of your own inner need instead of just picking up on someone else’s trail.
But in terms of how to experience Knowledge? Well, I mean there’s so much. There’s so many practices you could engage in to begin to foster a sense of Knowledge in your daily life. I definitely think it does take pulling away from the influences of the world for a little while, especially if they’re very strong in your life, and creating a sense of sanctuary within your day, within your home, and giving some time and focus to the reality of Knowledge within you. And that does take some rearranging of commitments and schedules and so forth.
But again, it all starts with a clear recognition of what you feel you need. And so once you have that, then you can begin to move in pretty, you know, simple and obvious ways. And within that state of sanctuary that you might be able to build, some experiences will come to you, I hope, and those then you can start to learn to walk with in life to carry out into the world with you into real situations, real interactions with those you’re in relationship with. So, that would be my input on that question.
I have a question here from Brigitte. Hello Brigitte.
Is it possible that the right person or thing for you is not ready so you have nothing to marry for in this moment?
Absolutely. I think that’s definitely possible. And the New Message introduces this concept called the Great Coordination, that the Higher Powers are coordinating the movement of life and souls and their connection and shared purpose together here in physical life, and that those souls are in very different places, and some are not ready and some have already fallen by the wayside. And so the coordination changes. It has to constantly adapt to keep moving life forward. And this coordination is not just about, you know, you, certainly, or us or the world; it’s about the larger universe in which we live. The coordination even operates at the level of how races are evolving and interacting. So it’s big and incomprehensible, but it touches each of us.
And absolutely, things can happen here in Separation: decisions can be made, failures can occur that change the course of lives. And if our lives are connected to other lives, then, yes, the trajectory can change for us. I don’t think it’s eliminated or destroyed, you know? If nine-tenths of your team don’t make it but you do, well, you need a new team. And it may take some time for those people to be selected or to be born into the world.
And this is, you know, this is part of the…well, it’s the dynamic nature of life, you know. It’s kind of like the New Message. It sometimes…it gives us this wake-up call, which is like, Hello. Life is real. It’s not about you. Winter is coming. If you don’t prepare, you will perish. And hopefully the other members of your colony or your, you know, your spiritual group are also, you know, squirreling away the nuts and berries for when winter comes so that the colony doesn’t perish.
Like, life is real—it’s dynamic. Failure is possible, versus this kind of psychological world we may live in which is that, you know, everything’s possible all the time. When I’m ready it will come for me. It’s on my terms. I can create the movement of life based on my will and desire. Life will respond to me. So I’m creating the movement—when I’m ready. You know, it’s like as if everybody else isn’t doing that and affecting the outcome for you, too.
So, no. Life is real and dynamic. Things can change. And this is part of why we may go into periods of confusion and doubt and emptiness. And it’s because what we’re connected to in the world—people—their lives are changing. Their trajectories are changing. So…
But Knowledge holds the key to your next step. Knowledge holds the new trajectory, even if it’s got to be reborn in this moment. And so, yes, I do encourage having faith in that and not losing heart or feeling like it’s over or too late or there’s no possibility for you because of either your mistakes or others. Life, the plan, re-plots itself. You know, there is a destination— multiple waypoints in this larger journey of our universe, and Knowledge knows the way. So thank you Brigitte for that question.
I have a question here.
How can you move and act when you do not experience Knowledge?
Well, very easily. I think we’ve all been doing it for most of our lives. It’s extremely easy to move and act when you’re not experiencing Knowledge. It’s just, it leads to a whole different outcome than if you were experiencing Knowledge. It feels very different to be moving and acting without Knowledge than to do so with Knowledge. And I think the invitation is to start discerning, you know, apples from oranges, A from B, you know? What is movement in action with Knowledge? What is not? By outcome? By the feel of it? There’s so many signs and symptoms of how we’re moving in life, you know, where we’re coming from.
But possibly your question is, What to do in your life when you’re not experiencing Knowledge? Like how to get going when you just…especially at a time when you just don’t really experience Knowledge very much?
And I think there’s a lot of good, wise steps you can take if you’re in that state—certainly pulling away from the substitutes that you inevitably have gotten involved in without Knowledge. Because when you’re not experiencing Knowledge, you just make a new Knowledge. You make a new God; if you’re not experiencing God, you make a God. If you don’t have a religion, you make a religion. It can be cars. It can be media. It can be work, you know? Hey, I mean, the religion of career is a major one in our world. And so, I would say inevitably you’re probably involved with a replica, kind of a cheap copy of Knowledge, hoping to get the benefits of that sense of presence and vitality and relationship that Knowledge brings in another domain of life.
And so I think a good starting point is to recognize that, that you may be compensating, and to pull out of that activity and to make some space and to feel how you feel, you know, to have kind of a reckoning with oneself. And that includes how you physically feel and how you mentally and emotionally feel. You’ve got to kind of locate yourself before you can plot a new course in life and, you know, pull out a map and say, Okay we’re here. We’re going to go there and then there. If you don’t even know where you are, how can you plot any next action? I mean, you could be thinking you’re on the wrong mountain. You don’t even know the mountain you’re on.
And so I do think when you’re lost in the world and yet, you know you need to get moving, it’s important to stop hiking, put your pack down, rest your shoulders and locate yourself and take stock. I mean, maybe you’re dehydrated. Maybe, you know, you broke your ankle back there. And so take stock and make an opening in which you can experience some fresh and original guidance. And the New Message provides so many resources for this; so many revelations offer practices on this.
Steps to Knowledge is certainly a way to get moving. And the first Step is a beautiful invitation for all of us who are not experiencing Knowledge but who need to move:
Knowledge is with me. Where am I?
You know, which is, I am not with Knowledge. And Steps to Knowledge acknowledges that starting point and takes us forward from there. So good question if I understood it correctly. So thank you.
And I also encourage, you know, please share any experiences you’ve had of this revelation, anything you’d like to share, any passages that struck you. The team will copy those over to me. So I’ll give you a moment to think about that.
As you are thinking about that, I’ll just share one other thing that really struck me from this revelation, especially when it was talking about how in a marriage, a traditional marriage, but also living within a religion or a culture or a family, we can build up so much resistance to what we know because essentially we’re the one stirring and the other is not. And so we’re stirring at the level of Knowledge. Some movement is happening on the inside for us but not for the other. And that other wants to keep us the way we were. It wants to keep us what it knows us to be.
And so, and I’m not talking about a husband or wife. It could be your social circle. It could be your echelon in your career, your colleagues—the influence that relationships can cast that can keep you in kind of a force field and the resistance that can build to Knowledge itself. And I found this really interesting considering this—how, you know, when you look at some people, they look very shut down to their experience. And of course, we could not be seeing straight. That’s…perceiving reality is no easy task, but sometimes you really can feel it from someone. They’re really shut down to life. And they could be someone very successful.
I was at a social event a week ago and I was sitting two rows back from someone whose net worth is over $4,000,000,000—you know, a billionaire. Wow! I don’t get to meet those folks very often. And this person looked so profoundly shut down, so unresponsive to the people around him and to what was going on. And I’m like, wow, and just realizing that his many marriages—career, the company he owns, which is worth a lot, his influence—he’s the owner of it. He may be the chief executive, but in a way, you know, he’s the primary subordinate. And so I’m…
It’s just fascinating how these marriages can influence us and keep us in an old position and desensitize us to Knowledge. And so sometimes it’s important to address those influences first before trying to embark on the path of The Way of Knowledge. Because to do so in the force field of those influences could lead to a major confrontation that exceeds your emotional and mental resources to deal with. And then in the end, you capitulate and you cannot move out. You can’t keep moving. In fact, you just descend back to the center of that force field. So, the power of influences.
A comment from Kristina, a passage; this is a passage from the revelation we just heard.
Ultimately, who you are is what you are united with. If you are only united with your desires and your goals and your ambitions, you are really not united with anything yet that is real and substantial. For these are only ideas in the mind.”
And Kristina, you say:
“Sometimes it is hard for me to discern whether my desires for community, contribution and preparation for the future are real and united with Knowledge.”
Great observation, and I think it’s well deserving of pause for all of us before we take the plunge and, you know, become zealous supporters of something or someone or get involved; to really look at, you know, Is this an idea in my mind that I’m attracted to or energized by? Or is it beyond me? Is it something beyond me that I am more deeply responding to than at the level of the mind?
And of course, even if it is that, it’s so easy to kind of create a mirror image of it in the mind and then start following that mirror image in the mind. And then in one, two, three years, you’re not following the real thing anymore anyway. I think that happens to all of us. And so we need this constant reconnection to the original reality that we responded to. So it’s also a discipline to continue following, not just something at the outset. Thank you Kristina.
Heather points out one of many profound passages
You must become part of something greater to be greater yourself.”
Yes, thank you, Heather. I look out and I think: So many, and even me, you know, at times we want to be greater. We want to go for something great, but are we being a part of something great? Or again, per what Kristina brought up, is it an idea in the mind? And we’re striving for that idea but it’s really an idea of self. It’s a cherished identity that we’re reaching for and we’re using life to get it, versus engaging with life at a deeper level. So yes, a lot of profound wisdom here and deep truths that deserve to be thought about and not just, you know, pursued at face value.
So I definitely encourage you to think about things deeply even if it’s from the New Message—especially if it’s from the New Message. Good.
Well, thank you everyone. I’ve got a couple things to share with you here. Pull this up on screen. We’re currently in a series of revelations on relationship. The last broadcast two weeks ago was on Raising Children. That was a very special revelation to release to you all, and tonight on marriage. And going forward, we’re going to head into different territories, different topics.
But before we do, I wanted to just share with you some of the books of the New Message that speak more on relationships in general. So a lot of wisdom for you here in these books. These books are all available free online at This is where Marshall and The Society, the organization supporting him, is publishing the New Message from God every two weeks. More revelations are online.
Up ahead we have three more revelations coming. As you can see, a definite turn in the road, different topics here. So next up is Freedom From Manipulation in two weeks’ time. And then, The Deeper Intelligence Within You. And then, Freedom From Addiction. So, very important revelations.
And it’s wonderful to get these into the world. And please think of ways that you can help get these to others. I am sure these revelations can help people. Single revelations can help single people with specific needs.
And so with that, thank you so much for being here. And I will see you next time when we gather again to receive the newest revelation of a New Message from God. Good to see you all. Thank you.
Learning to receive Knowledge opens us up for meaningful relationships. It’s a necessity, takes patience and takes many steps, it is a long journey to climb this mountain.
But what is long? It might be far longer than a lifetime or may be time that has already passed. How to know where and when to have patience, when to act or to retreat. May there be assistance and protection while we prepare ourselves for this. May there be what we need and we’ve come for while we’re here. I am very grateful for what is shared.
Thank you Reed for hosting another revelation release broadcast. I always find the insights you share and the manner in which you share them impactful and helpful. I so appreciate these Broadcasts, they feed me!