Basic Profile



Last Name





Raleigh, NC, USA

When did you begin studying the New Message?

July 2017

What have you found most inspiring about the New Message?

All of it; The sheer volume of it; The truth; The Answers; The Voice of Revelation; The way the pure, simple, unadulterated truth of the New Message resonates with me on a deeper level. The Steps to Knowledge inspire me daily and help me think about and discern things on a whole new level, the way I can now assess and re-assess my experiences and learn lessons from past error….these errors now have value. The NM has given me a new foundation. It has given me self-confidence on another level; I am learning to be authentically me. I am encouraged and inspired to continue seeking Knowledge and follow its pushes and pulls…its movement, its restraint…in all my affairs. The books Living the Way of Knowledge (the 4 pillars), the Wisdom books, Greater Community Spirituality, Relationships and Higher Purpose, and the Allies For Humanity Briefings have been particularly inspiring and beneficial; The teachings What Is God The Awakening, The Blessing and The Crisis — All deeply resonate with me. Most importantly, I am inspired by the fact that I now know with absolute certainty that I am not alone in the world. Alone I can do nothing. I am inspired to discover my purpose and meet the people I am here to meet along the way.

Primary Language?


More about you

Date of Birth

August 20, 1976

Favorite Books of the New Message

God Has Spoken Again, The One God, The New Messenger, The Greater Community, Steps to Knowledge, Greater Community Spirituality, Wisdom from the Greater Community Vol. 1, Wisdom from the Greater Community Vol. 2, Life in the Universe, Secrets of Heaven, Relationships and Higher Purpose, Living the Way of Knowledge