More about you

Your Story

The New Message found me in late 2012; I was not looking for it. I started reading the website from there. Feb. 27, 2013 at a still, quiet 7:20 pm, a giant oak tree fell on my apartment; I was home. My first thought: Well, things are going to be different now. Second thought: Mm, maybe this is part of this New Message stuff. (Third thought: I thought I’d better scream so I did; felt foolish immediately.)

My unburdening and my studenthood started there. After 9 trips to NM functions and forty years (to the day almost) in Atlanta, I moved to Boulder in July 2017. I am very grateful for all those who helped me make this happen.

God Bless Marshall Vian Summers.

Favorite Books of the New Message

Steps to Knowledge, Secrets of Heaven

Basic Profile


Jeffrey Adler

Last Name





Boulder, CO, USA

What words, topics or interests were you searching for?

I was not searching; the link just appeared.