MVS Closing Words & Blessing

Watch the Messenger close Night 6 of the Steps Vigil, Jun 9, 2021.
I have one thought that comes to mind that has been very important for me. Knowledge lets me fall into doubt, lets me struggle. Actually, really it almost wants me to struggle where struggle is needed because you can’t live with two realities within yourself for very long. So sometimes that leads to struggle. And in fact, that struggle is actually appropriate where you have to take yourself to task and you have to decide which route you’re going to take. It’s like a threshold or a gate.
But the thing I wanted to say is that it’s not just our own personal motivation that moves us. There are greater forces that move us. And these are not social forces, political forces; these are not worldly forces; these are not forces from the universe. They are entirely inherent to who we are and where we’ve come from. And there’s an intention for our lives. But we have to come to it on our own through our own effort and through our own decisions and by working things out and having times of struggle with ourselves. We can’t have it both ways. So, how am I going to choose? Am I going to let myself go adrift? Or do I bring myself back? Because we have to have that intention for Heaven to know that we’re serious and that we can be relied upon. Otherwise, we’re ambivalent. We’re here today, we’re gone tomorrow. We’re on, we’re off. We’re on, we’re off. And we haven’t yet reached enough of an internal consensus within ourselves to keep ourselves closer to that center line, instead of way going way out and way out, or falling down continuously. So in that light, I would just like to give thanks for those presences that call to us, allowing us to struggle so that we may come to know ourselves, our strengths, our weaknesses; and be empowered to make the decision to return. That is our decision. But our heart knows the way while our mind struggles. And there are those forces that speak to our heart, not our romantic heart, but the heart and soul of us that speak to us. And I so encourage you to listen to the Voice of Revelation. I know that always just brings me right back into alignment—that Voice, those words, that Wisdom—almost like they know everything about me and they know just how to talk to me, not just me, but people from all over the world. So the blessing is available to us. But we must reach for it and go through indecision, failure and return to find it and learn how to hold it. Nasi Novare Coram … The New Message tells us that our intention alone is not enough. We will never mount the effort necessary to take ourselves where we need to go if it’s just for us. There is a real sense that my contribution will make a tremendous difference for other people. How and when and where, well, we don’t know. But the sense that I’m doing this for them, not just for them above, but also for those who I may reach or who may be encouraged or inspired or reminded by something I say or do, even by my practice, which mysteriously seems to affect the practice of others in ways I cannot see…So when we study for others and not just ourselves, it opens up a whole new level of intention. And the idea of failure then becomes more unappealing, more remote. I cannot fail them. I cannot fail those who sent me. And with that growing sense of responsibility, there’s tremendous power and determination, not to be magnificent, but just simply to keep you moving in a world that does not honor what you see and what you know. It’s been my experience. And if you’re able ever to find your mission, really, and know you cannot fail it, then you have reached a center line that is like a river of intention within you. And you will waiver and you will stall, but not for long. Like Reed said, you have to know what the confused and ambivalent life is really like. You have to really feel it, know it. You have to really face it. You have to really get how there is nothing there of what you really need. And you have to see it around you. You have to feel it within you. You have to know it from your past. And part of the intention to move forward is the realization you can’t go back. I’m sure many of you already feel that to some degree.
Always the truth speaks to the heart from you Marshall…thank you as ever. Nasi Novare Coram
Nasi Novare Coram
Thank you dear Marshall for this prayer and your life! NNC