MVS Full Teaching | The Great Turning Point for Humanity

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Revelation Broadcast Event, January 2, 2021.
The Great Turning Point for Humanity
Full Broadcast
Marshall: It’s a great pleasure for me to share this revelation with you, particularly at this time. This teaching was given on New Year’s Eve 2019 to prepare us for this decade, a decade that we’re now one year into, a decade of momentous change and upheaval, a decade of great opportunity for unity, but also a great risk of human separation and diffraction.
Not long after this revelation was received, of course, it became known that a pandemic was growing in the world and now has grown into the world at a phenomenal level and is surging out of control even at this moment, which will lead to great financial breakdown and difficulty for years to come.
So we’ve entered this period of great and tumultuous change—a great risk and challenge for humanity, but also a great opportunity. And it will be a great calling for those who can respond to a deeper calling within themselves that lives within them naturally, was given to them before they even came into the world, a calling perhaps within you. I know it’s within you. But to find this within yourself requires a real honesty, a feeling of being at a turning point in your own life, where instead of seeking escape and pleasure and distraction, you feel you need to be really engaged in life in the most meaningful and profound way possible.
So we’re about to hear this revelation given for the whole decade. And each New Years we will be presenting this teaching once again and be able to reflect back on what has happened in the years as they pass to see the important relevance of this great teaching. I’d also like to say this teaching provides many significant points. It’s not something you can hear only once and understand completely. It is really deep, speaking to…coming from the highest place possible and speaking to the part of us that is our true self—who we were before we came into the world, who we are now and who we will be after we leave this world.
So I welcome you to have this unique experience. I challenge you to hear it. And to respond to it with an open mind, suspending your judgments for a time so you can experience this and receive it and consider all the things that it’s here to reveal. So the blessing is with us. So let’s listen.
MVS: This is the power of God’s New Revelation, the Voice of Revelation. It represents a real challenge. It represents love, a tough love, an enduring love, the love of the Creator for Creation, the love of the Creator for humanity, who unknowingly is now facing the greatest challenge it has ever faced in the history of human civilization— challenge from without and a challenge from within.
In your heart you can know these things that have been presented today. But it may conflict with your ideas, your plans, your hopes, your goals, your wishes, your preferences or your judgments against others. But this is a pure Message speaking into an impure world. And all of us in the world have been made impure to a certain degree by the world itself by the corruption of human societies, by conflict, war degradation, oppression, poverty—everything that degrades us and makes us weak and sets us against one another.
So I encourage you to listen to this again. It will be made available. Much of the New Message, all of that’s been produced is now being made available free of charge which you can listen to. You can hear the Voice of Revelation. I want the world to hear this. I want it to travel far. There are no heroes to worship here. You cannot worship me.
I am the Messenger. But I’m not a God. But none of the Messengers have been gods; they’re Messengers. You will know who I am through the Revelation. And you will know who you are through this Revelation. For it speaks to a part of you that is eternal and constant. For who you are is not a product of culture or political indoctrination or political persuasion. You’re an eternal being in the world sent here for a purpose to be in the world at this time under these circumstances. This is the truth that endures. It is not just a truth for the moment. It is not a consolation. It is not here to tell you that you’re okay and that God loves you and all you have to do is believe. No. That is not how God speaks to the world.
What you have just heard is how God speaks to the world at a time of great crisis and need. Do not underestimate this challenge. But also do not think that it is too great for you, for you are meant for this; you are designed for this. This is where your strengths will arise. This is where your life will come into balance and order. This is where your relationships will become clear—who to be with, who not to be with, what not to do. This will show you how to use your time and your energy.
It will teach you that you have to love humanity to serve humanity. It is not merely another religion to compete with other religions. This is a new Revelation to give all the religions of the world a greater promise and a greater unity. And it’s for all people who do not have a religion, for it’s for all people in the world, be they of any nation, any group, any affiliation.
So I give this to you into the world with the promise and the love with which it was revealed through me for the world over one year ago. And if this strikes you and means something to you, I invite you to explore the New Message. It is there online free for you to read and hear the Voice of Revelation, a Voice that has never been made available before, for obvious reasons.
This Voice represents the entire Angelic Assembly speaking as one. It is not an individual with a name. It speaks with all the authority of the Angelic Presence that oversees our world.
I encourage you to hear this Voice. And in this you will understand me; you will understand yourself. And you will understand the world in a way that was never possible before. For the blessing is with you. And the power is with you, deep beneath the surface of your mind.
Let us be grateful for the blessing that we now have. And let us be careful with the blessing, that it may strengthen us and not simply make us passive or receptive. For there is much to do on the inside and there is much to do on the outside.
Knowledge is here to redirect our life and to take us where we really need to go, where we were always meant to go. And we need to follow its steps, for we do not know the way; we don’t even know the outcome. But we take the journey because our heart says to take the journey.
This is freedom for things and freedom from things. And the blessing is with us as we take this step. For Knowledge wants us to move. And as we move, we will feel more and know more as we proceed.
Let us bless this year. It will be a difficult year for the world. Let us accept that and not pretend or hope or expect that the world will resolve its current difficulties in a short period of time, for we’re only at the beginning of the Great Waves of change now, and greater waves are building on the horizon. We’re so blessed to know this, to be given this alarm, this wisdom and this journey.
Nasi Novare Coram. The presence of the Teachers is with us. And we are not alone; and you are not alone.
سلام من هستم اکنون ادامه میدهم
“we are not alone“