MVS Full Teaching | Your Relationship with the Mission of the Message and the Messenger

Watch Marshall Vian Summers speak during the Messenger’s Vigil, Jan 24, 2021.

Full Broadcast
Session Transcript
2021 Messenger’s Vigil

Session Transcript

Marshall: I do bring new life to all who can walk with me. And the new life already lives within them. And I just, by my nature of my being, will call that out of you or resonate with that. You know, we’ve already been saved, we just don’t know it yet. This is an odd thing to say. 

I think this is so precious when you can be this connected because you forget, but then you remember. And the more you remember, the more you remember and the less you forget. So it has its own momentum now. You don’t have to be constantly reminded to be self-aware or to forgive another or to be still when listening to someone speak. You just keep remembering. I think that’s a beautiful thing. It’s not spectacular; it’s not grand. But nothing that matters is spectacular. The things that you’re sharing, that’s what matters. 

 I just want to say that the joyfulness that you all express is very moving. And yet I also know that there’s a real struggle to come to terms with yourself in certain junctures of life. And sometimes the road gets hard, and certainly life for many people is getting very hard for many reasons. And you know, you keep coming to these gates where you have to choose again: Am I going to keep going? Stop at this gate. I can stop. Can I really stop? I don’t know, maybe I can’t stop. But you think you can stop, but then you really have to like choose again. You have to say: No, I’m going to proceed. Because there’s the desire for freedom but there’s also resistance to freedom. Because in the process of freedom, you have to give up some real things. They’re not all terrible things, either. They may not be working for you, but you’re going to have to give up some things. 

Every time you tell the truth, you, in normal circles, you give up some things and you gain some things, just that the gain has to be more important than whatever it is you may have to give up. And the things you give up probably should be given up anyway, but in the moment it can feel like a loss. 

So this joyfulness here, which is beautiful to see, but I also see in some of your faces that things are difficult. And I honor that. This is all part of the journey that we’re on, a journey of reconciliation within ourselves, forgiveness; a journey of choosing again. “Yes, I want to go with the Mystery. My heart says go with the Mystery, even if I don’t understand what it means.” And so many people who may be struck by the New Message will not make that decision. I just wonder, Reed, how many people visit the New Message site every day, would you say? 

Reed: Will, Will? Raise his hand.

Marshall: Will, raise your hand.

Reed: Will might be muted, he may need to…

Marshall: Yeah, he’s there. 

Reed: …be granted permission to unmute. 

Will: I was just saying, I visit the website every day. I’ll look it up. And I’ll have it back to you a minute. 

Marshall: Just broadly, I mean, what’s the rating? 

Reed: If I recall, it was somewhere in the order of 600 to 800 new people a day visit the New Message website. And as of a year ago, it was like 25,000 a month. I think I’m in the right ballpark there, Will. Yeah, okay.

Marshall: So, people are coming and looking now. They may be struck. Maybe they can only be struck for a moment. Maybe they resonate and they say, “This is what I really want. But then, of course, what is that going to mean for my life? And what might I have to confront or step away from, or…?” 

So God’s a great attraction. But we also resist that because we’re still holding on to aspects of our Separation, both at the level of ideas and also circumstances, and to trust that if you take that step into the unknown, that just because you have to take that step into the unknown, which I have had to do repeatedly to be on the journey that I’m on. 

Remember, it was 16 years between the first revelation given and the moment when I was told this was the New Message from God—16 years of receiving all this, building, building, building, more books than I could possibly produce at that time. It was just piling up. And what does this mean? What is this for? How do I express this? How do I communicate this? How do I tell people what this is? And then, years of being held back. “You’re not ready to speak about this.” 

So, usually big change has a pretty big build up to it. And maybe it’s been building in you for a long time at a slow level. But when it begins to accelerate or become amplified, then it starts to rumble, and you almost have a rumble within yourself, like something needs to break out within you. It’s not even intellectual. It’s not even at the level of ideas. It’s just, it’s emotion. It’s energy. 

So every step you take with Steps to Knowledge, you’re stoking the fire of Knowledge within yourself. Even if day to day it seems very flat, you seem flat, you’re stoking that fire. And some days are diamonds and some days are stones. 

And so, but big change, real change, we usually build up to over time: gradually, gradually, then suddenly—bang!—something happens; and we do the thing on that day that we were afraid to do before. Or we take the step that we’ve been thinking about but not doing and finally, we do it. It’s just how we work. You know, it’s just how we work. 

Every day is not a miracle. Every day is not fantastic. Of course not. That’s not real. But when you’re building to something that’s going to make a huge difference in your life, just how you feel about your life and what you value, wow—that rings. That registers to those who watch you. So, “If you find yourself in hell,” as Churchill once said, “keep walking.” Keep walking.

Okay, everyone. Half of success is showing up. Keep showing up. 

May the blessing be with us and may we honor it within ourselves, that we may carry the gift of Revelation as a living experience within ourselves, not just an idea or a treatise or a belief, but as a living experience. We’re the living experiment. We’re part of the experiment. It’s happening within us. The chemistry is changing in our minds and bodies. We’re living the experiment. As we live it, we share it—naturally.

Thank you all for walking with me and walking with those who have sent me.

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  1. I am new here Marshall, new to this message. It touches me deeply and the approach feels right. It brings together spiritual truths with practical community work and individual responsibility and freedom. But it also challenges some of my beliefs in a few areas, but I am willing to remain open and honest with myself and my motives. I see enough here to give it at least that much effort . And I am hopeful. I am very hopeful.
    I hope to meet you someday. I’m sure I will “online”, but I do hope to meet you in person.
    In all sincerity and brotherly love,

  2. I loved this excerpt-found it to be so reassuring.” Have(? missed this word) some success. Keep showing up. Keep walking. Every step you’re taking toward Knowledge is staking the fire. The fire builds slowly for a long time then bang! very suddenly.”

  3. “We’ve already been saved. We just don’t know it yet.” When I heard those words during the Messenger’s Vigil, I was overcome with emotion, the tears beginning to wash away the years of self-inflicted guilt and rejection. Thank you Marshall for conveying this truth in a way that I could feel, enabling me to forgive and to heal the relationship with myself. Much self-work remains but I feel one step closer to the mysterious destination.